”This is our world” and ”This is a black world”


Akron police say they aren’t ready to call it a hate crime or a gang initiation. But to Marty Marshall, his wife and two kids, it seems pretty clear.

It came after a family night of celebrating America and freedom with a fireworks show at Firestone Stadium. Marshall, his family and two friends were gathered outside a friend’s home in South Akron.

Out of nowhere, the six were attacked by dozens of teenage boys, who shouted ”This is our world” and ”This is a black world” as they confronted Marshall and his family.

The Marshalls, who are white, say the crowd of teens who attacked them and two friends June 27 on Girard Street numbered close to 50. The teens were all black.

”This was almost like being a terrorist act,” Marshall said. ”And we allow this to go on in our neighborhoods?”

They said it started when one teen, without any words or warning, blindsided and assaulted Marshall’s friend as he stood outside with the others. When Marshall, 39, jumped in, he found himself being attacked by the growing group of teens. His daughter, Rachel, 15, who weighs about 90 pounds, tried to come to his rescue. The teens pushed her to the ground. His wife, Yvonne, pushed their son, Donald, 14, into bushes to keep him protected.

I blame Bush. Obama will fix it. You just have to give him time. It’s a big mess that he inherited.

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It can’t be a Hate crime unless the roles were reversed. Face it, it is the New Racism.
It is reparations of a sort. I’ll send this to the White Congressional Caucus…Oops
that would be racist. There isn’t one. It would be a Hate Group.

A Crime is a Crime. This Hate crime business is sheer nonsense. Where is equal protection under the law? In Akron there must not be any. Before anyone wants to get snarky, I ‘m neither a bigot or a racist. I am 1/4 Native American so you can quit right there. My Career was based upon hard work, education not on an Affirmative Action basis. the willingness to take on tough jobs and the desire to succeed with no excuses or apologies to anyone. I never attended a charm school but am generally civil enough with civil folks.

If I had my way Hate Crimes would go away as well as Affirmative Action. Sink or swim on merit.

Not Quotas or reverse discrimination. Now let the rock throwing begin. I refuse to respond to obscenities. I have a BS from UNC Chapel Hill, A MS from the University of Maryland and am an Army War College Graduate. My ancestors destroyed the 7th Cavalry at Little Big Horn and I grew up on a ranch in Montana and never lived on Reservation. On retirement I am ranching now so I can run a business despite Government interference and not assistance.

Old Trooper didn’t mind going to those government supported “socialist” schools did you ?

I’ve spent part of my morning reading through the latest comments appreciating all the superior, deeply thought, fact based responses gifted to this forum by Old Trooper.

Then John Ryan shows up. Life can be a real pisser sometimes.

I pay taxes for Public Schools. The Socialists came along during the 70s. Ever hear of the GI Bill or the Bootstrap program? Conditions of my Employment, Johnny. I paid for it with Service 24/7 for 28 years. Being deployable anywhere in the World in 72 hours. Thanks for playing. Your consolation prize is 3.5 more years of Obama, a lower quality of life and higher taxes.

You failed to address the Crime or the Akron PDs interpretation of the Law. Or was it No Crime in your mindset? Just a little Anarchy? Equal Protection Under the Law as I recall is the rule here.



You owe me a keyboard.

@Old Trooper:

Don’t pay Jr any attention.

He’s less significant than something you would scrape from the bottom of your shoe.

Remember the scene in Kenya, Obama standing on the steps behind Odinga while the black mod danced shouted and cheered with their spears and machetes? Only few years ago …

Aye, I scraped worse off my boots today before breakfast. I just happen to believe that you level the playing field through hard work, diligent study and integrity. I am not my Grandfather or my Father. I was stuck with my abilities and at times my redhaired Irish Grandmothers temperament that never served me well can show up so I don’t use it.

We are up late and get up early here in big sky country. Could that be a work ethic?
I never considered it to be a handicap.

Missy, it is just common sense conclusions drawn from observation. Sugar coating horse droppings does not change the either the origin or physical properties of that item.

Harping on incidents like this is why there is a perception of Republicans being racist. I know you don’t get it and Mike is probably going to drag out some tired photo of a Klan rally and blame Democrats, but the truth is you look like you’re preying on racial anxieties.

@ Fit fit
Harping on incidents like this? Are you serious? Meanwhile, you have Al Sharpton entertaining the idea that Sarah Palin murdered Michael Jackson? Who’s preying on racial anxieties? Dude, get a mirror.

Sharpton agrees to look into allegations that Palin murdered Michael Jackson

Fit, I am not a Republican or a Democrat. I believe in the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and Equal Protection Under the Law. In my view Affirmative Action is as Discriminatory as the old Jim Crow Laws. I have been stationed in the South, the East and West Coasts, been deployed to stop genocide and despise tyranny practiced anywhere by anyone.

I place the KKK and the Black Panthers or Terrorists in the same bag. Punks, Murderers or bullies are the same regardless of the cause they embrace. In what used to be Yugoslavia, I defended Muslims from some very evil folks. In Somalia, I protected UN Assets from folks you would not want for neighbors so folks could get some food and medicine but there were not enough good guys sent.

I am an Independent and caucus with no one. I despise racism or discrimination practiced by anyone. Equal Protection Under the Law. According to my values the Akron PD needs to Enforce the Law not Political Correctness.

By the way, Fit. KKK Byrd is still in the Senate. Alcee Hastings, an Impeached Crooked Judge is still in Congress. Bobby Rush, a convicted Felon and Black Panther is in Congress. If that is not Equal Opportunity I don’t know what is. I hope they do not represent your views.

They damn sure don’t represent any of mine. Criminals making Your Laws and deciding where Your Tax money is spent. I don’t want a penny of my taxes going to ACORN either.

The Army Desegregated in 1949. The Rest of America needed Voting Rights legislation in the 1960s despite:
*13th Amendment 1865
*14th Amendment 1868
*15th Amendment 1870

Equal Protection Under the Law is the essence of the 14th Amendment that as far as I know has not been repealed so I reckon it is Settled Law by now regardless of your skin color or “Special Interest Group” . Legislation to buy votes from “Special Interest Groups” or Social or Economic Justice is discriminatory as hell.


I was careful not to accuse you of racism. I’m just pointing out how perceptions are played out. Once there is a stigma attached to something, you have to be doublely carefull or at least more conscience about it. It’s not fair but that’s life.

This was indeed a horrible crime. And I’m in total agreement with Old Trooper regarding Hate Crimes (all crimes are hateful, especially when the victims are seriously hurt – we don’t punish motives, we punish actions) and partial agreement with him on Affirmative Action (educational opportunities should take social/economic disadvantages into account, but this applies to ALL races)

But I’m not sure I get how Scott connects the dots from this event to the sentiments uttered by some regarding Bush/ Obama about the country as a whole. Gangs and thugs exist regardless of who is President.


Okay, I guess you cleared that up while I was posting my comment. I hope things get better in your city. When I toured through Ohio, I found it to be among the least scenic of our states, but with some of the friendliest nicest people in the country. I hope you can keep it that way. Good luck.

“All/most of your problems are a result of white racism. Do not blame yourself for your own shortcomings and failures, as your failures are the predictable result of white racism”. That’s the message being taught in the black community. Do not blame yourselves for your self inflicted problems, because those problems are the inevitable result of whitey holding you down. That kind of thinking is sick, but it’s PERVASIVE in the black community. Black children are inculcated from a young age to actually believe it. Their hatred of whitey is nutured and encouraged.

Those like Fit fit who excuse and downplay such hatred in name of ‘racial healing’ are despicable individuals themselves who help perpetuate this kind of inexcusable hatred and violence. The kind of hatred and violence which must be confronted in the open, not only the violent actions themselves, but the black racist culture which spawns it.

fit fit,

Having read both of your comments in this post, I fail to see how you connected the dots to arrive at your thoughts regarding “Harping on incidents like this is why there is a perception of Republicans being racist.” and “preying on racial anxieties”. You’re right: I “don’t get it”. Can you clarify your train of thinking here, for me? I’m sure I’m missing something since others who responded to you don’t seem to be confused by your logic.

John Moses Browning spent his life inventing things that stop such incidents. Permanently.

You can always count on Nit Wit Fit Fit to find some way of enabling and excusing this kind of mass thuggery.

I’ll repeat what Old Trooper said:

It can’t be a Hate crime unless the roles were reversed. Face it, it is the New Racism.
It is reparations of a sort. I’ll send this to the White Congressional Caucus…Oops
that would be racist. There isn’t one. It would be a Hate Group.

These thugs have been raised on hate and spoon fed the idea that they cannot be to blame for hating the white man. Obama’s ideology is at the heart and center of this.

And yet Nit Wit wants to try and twist any mention of this into Republican racism.

Shame on you Nit Wit. That’s a new low even for you.

What an ass!

Wake up libs, enlightened ones. You got a small glimpse of racism when you watched the Rev. Wright “preaching” to Obama. There is a deep hatred that is cultivated in the black community, and it is protected by guilt ridden whites. How else would an organization like the new black panthers exist? Why is there a black caucus in congress. How do you define the serpentine boundaries of a congressional district based on skin color? How can you have a judge be even considered as a supreme court nominee when she believes in discrimination of firefighters because they receiver the highest score on promotion tests? I could go on but I don’t want to ruin my morning. Oh and dig deep into your pockets because the repatriating snake is rearing its ugly head.

Nobody excused anything Mike. If you don’t care if people think you’re racist, then keep on posting your Ashley Todd stories and whining about the Democratic Party fourty years ago. I’m just telling it looks like racial fear mongering when you do. If you don’t care about that, fine.

Incidents like this and others show that racism is alive and well in America, from every angle. However, some of you here are making it sound like racism permeates every level of the black community, in overblown proportions. Old Trooper made an honest and good case, but others here are damaging it with hyperbole. I work and live among many minorities, and fail to witness the level of hatred you describe. Sure, stuff happens – there’s hatred towards blacks by whites, whites by blacks, Catholics by Protestants, Gays by Straights, Dominicans by Puerto Ricans, Boston fans by New York fans (okay, well that last one’s pretty prevalent!…) the list goes on. But to distort the level of racism to such dramatic proportions opens yourself up to being labeled as such yourself. Please be careful.

And the MSM’s silence will be defining. Imagine the roles flipped. dozens of white youths stomping on a upstanding black family minding thier own business! That story would be bigger than Michel Jackson’s death.

Cary 23, I rest my case. Reread YOUR next to the last sentence.



“There is a deep hatred that is cultivated in the black community….”

This is the kind of statement I’m referring to, and I don’t feel guilty about anything concerning this subject – because I’m not.

Cary 26
Keep your head in the sand. picture rainbows and butterflies.
Oh and if you are a bit curious buy one of Rev. Wright’s tapes.

ThunderGod, I hope you believe like I do about that being the “court of last resort”.

John Browning and Sam Colt made tools for desperate events. I am an NRA Member and have a concealed carry permit because there are folks out there that are willing to take a chance at low hanging fruit. You cannot count on everyone having the same respect for other folks goods, lives, property, or the Law that you or I do.


Keep your head in the sand.

Actually, I’ll keep my head held high as I walk through my Brooklyn neighborhood feeling just fine.

picture rainbows and butterflies.

Funny how you use imagery of diversity here. Rainbows and butterflies are nice.

Oh and if you are a bit curious by one of Rev. Wright’s tapes.

I don’t have to bUy anything, they’re free on YouTube, and I’ve seen some of them. Again, he speaks for the entire black community as much as Jerry Falwell, Anita Bryant, or Fred Phelps speaks for all white Christians.

Like I said, be careful with blanket statements – they don’t work in your favor.

O my God (sorry for that) I’m debating with a flaming lib. Enjoy your brooklyn. cacoon. Thanks for the elitist correction on my by mistake. I did correct it myself but I’m appreciative that you took the time to stress your superior intellect. I’m off to pick up my mail, stop for a cup of coffee (sorry no latte here) I live in the Mt’s of AZ 8050 elev. Small town 500+ oh and I do have a CCW.


Well Scott, I’ve only pointed to a certain type of rhetoric here, while supporting other points, including what you yourself have made. I’m sorry to read about what happened this family, and am glad you chose to share the story in light of media negligence, but for anyone to use it to further their own overall political agenda is just shameful, and unhelpful to the victims.

Have a good day.

The toy gatherin’ has begun.

The inevitable, and highly predictable, stompin’ off the playground in a huff will
commence in 5, 4, 3…….


I’m a dumb liberal idiot and I believe it is those white people’s own fault. If they were not standing out side then the incident would not have happened! And oh btw it is NOT a hate crime bec the attac…..errr youths verbalized black power NOT any kind of anti-white notions.


I’m actually jealous. Sounds beautiful there. Enjoy your coffee – I like mine black with one sugar, no lattes for me . Sorry to offend you with the “elitist” tone, it was in response to yours, but still not right. Don’t know much about guns, not much hunting here in the city – so I hope not to see them!

Enjoy your morning in the fresh air and sun, I do wish we had more of that here.

@Aye Chihuahua:

Is there anything left to say? I’ve made my point and stand by it. Feel free to attempt to bully me into staying in the conversation, and I suppose I could engage in some name calling and personal attacks. The trouble with that is I’m not hiding behind some anonymous screen name and am therefore responsible for my own words. So, yeah I’m done. Keep the toys.

Old Trooper: Yep. I’ve walked this earth for 43 years without needing to resort to that level of escalation. Would like to do the same for the next 40+. That said, anyone attacking ME, or MINE, WILL be carried away under a sheet. The ‘kids’ in this incident are nothing more than Tribalistic Barbarians; they proved beyond a doubt that the only thing understand is force. Since the thugs initiated it, they deserve anything they get. Living in Texas, I can barely imagine the kind of behavior exhibited by these punks.


Thanks for proving my point for me.


@Aye Chihuahua:

My pleasure. Such a profound point it is, too. I see you ignored mine. Equally typical of you. Take care.

Buffalobob, The nearest town to my place is about an 18 mile drive. I drive, walk or run to my mailbox that 3/4 mile from my front door. My coffee is in the kitchen because 18 miles for caffeine is a little inconvenient. I have lived in large cities but prefer rural life. I know other folks that want it the other way around.

The problem with big cities is traffic, noise, crime and fully indicative of everything evil that was the direct and indirect result of LBJs “Great Society” boondoggle. It “entitled” folks to live forever on Welfare, in Public Housing, attend poor schools, blame others for lack of opportunity and self segregate almost like the Warsaw Ghettos. Money poured down a rat hole, Tax Money. Some brave souls got an education and left because it was their choice. Others chose to cling to the safety net of entitlement, joined gangs for self protection and were taught that their loyalties were to folks of their race, almost tribal in nature. The “Great Society” stole initiative and offered life on your knees, much the same as the BIA did in the 1870s. It was Government Sponsored so it was Good?

There are several reasons why I avoid travel to some cities. Some do not respect my CCW despite high crime rates. Some just offer me nothing of interest. I have not been to Chicago in years. I avoid DC. I had an assignment in Atlanta but resided away from the city. Anywhere where Government entitlement funding was large had high crime rates.

Columbus, GA was good. Fayetteville, NC was very good. Clarksville, KY was good.
Hint, low Government entitlement spending was better quality of life and low crime.

Perpetuation of Entitlement is perpetuation of poverty, crime, rascim and low quality of life. As GM is closing down industrial plants, those cities where those plants are located will decay like Detroit. No one wants to locate a business in dangerous places. High unemployment produces desperation. Desperate people prey on each other. Simple logic folks. There are good and bad folks everywhere but go here for a look:


Now, HHS, HUD, DOL, Treasury and Dept of Education are a more complex can of worms and publish no spreadsheets and the left hand rarely knows what the right hand is doing. Add in a block grant to the renowned RASICT and VOTER FRAUD organization ACORN and no one knows how money is spent for real. No transparency or accountability there, just folks spending Tax Dollars.

Tell me which ones of these Departments are General Clause Abuse and which ones are required in the Constitution…

It’s pretty clear that none of the Marshalls were armed.

Old Trooper
Old Trooper, Fayetteville NC., 82nd. Airborne??

lets reverse this.. a black family coming home from a family outing to watch fireworks at the local stadium. A group of 50 white kids start saying “this is a white world”, beat the crap out of them (or attack them – which ever) and leave. Now is it really racial scare mongering, or obvious racism by apparent racists? Its not rocket science; just the left trying to call things on their own terms with their own definitions.

Cary 35
Thank you for that. You have made a old white man smile.

It is very clear that they would have needed a SWAT TEAM to be there in about 2 seconds or they would have needed to have Apache Gunship Air Support to discourage the dozens of attackers as stated in the article.

I wonder how many of the punks were armed but did not throw down. I don’t discount that ever.

With those odds I may have ran away to fight another day. It is obvious to me that the Akron PD was not up to task or that neighbors did not call 911 when a mob that size gathered. My CCW Permit does not authorize me to carry automatic weapons or grenades.

Buffalobob, yes and an alumni of the JFK School for Wayward Boys.


The story is now on Drudge.

Old Trooper 46
Count to 4 and look up.

You know the drill, Bob!

lets reverse this.. a black family coming home from a family outing to watch fireworks at the local stadium. A group of 50 white kids start saying “this is a white world”, beat the crap out of them (or attack them – which ever) and leave. Now is it really racial scare mongering, or obvious racism by apparent racists? Its not rocket science; just the left trying to call things on their own terms with their own definitions.

Exactly right. Liam said it better than I ever could. I’ll also add that if it was an assault by white racists against a black family, Al Sharpton et al. would have flown in for national press coverage which would have been repeated ad nauseum on every MSM channel for weeks on end. As it is now, this was a story was ignored by the MSM until Drudge forced their hand. Thank god for Drudge, because the MSM leftist filth clearly would have buried it otherwise.