Did anyone notice images and video of Obama meeting Putin? What a strange scene, awkward body language and all.
He was skunked by Putin. Putin evidently made him feel “unimportant,” and it showed. He neither understands Putin, nor knows how to handle him.
O’s diatribe following the meeting, stating that Putin hadn’t “disagreed” with what Medvedev had said, was a very sad commentary for a President to make. He seems to not really understand that Putin runs the country, like the Mob is run, …just with bigger guns. Doesn’t the CIA talk to Mr. I-Have-A-Gift ? Shouldn’t he walk in with more confidence? Putin looked like he owned Him, and treated him as he might have a child.
Putin obviously cares little what Obama walks away with. He will continue to do what he wants and knows Obama does not have the capacity or nature to do anything but “teleprompt.”
15 years ago
As a shark would say….
“Sniff, sniff….do I smell blood in the water?”
Old Trooper
15 years ago
James Raider, He was Punked by Putin. Chicago community organizing, and an Alinsky/ACORN indoctrination did not prepare him to deal with an old school KGB survivor thug like Putin.
Obama is predictably over his head when attempting to play Pretender in Chief rock star wonder boy with folks of the like of Putin or his surrogates.
Putin does not debate with anyone. He wins by intimidation and elimination or sits back and waits for opportunity. Obama brought his flute. Putin plays the bass drum. Medvedev is a puppet front man. Putin pulls the strings in Russia. Period. Anyone who believes otherwise does not have a clue. Putin was a hard core active KGB agent while Obama was an affirmative action dope smoking school boy. Putin survived the power struggles when the USSR crashed and evolved from thuggery to politics as it became Russia and he ruthlessly fought his way to the top.
As you stated James, the body language told part of the story. Putin’s history tells another more important part. Obama can’t vote present with Putin. Putin is more clever, experienced, manipulative and will eat Obama alive as opportunity presents itself.
McCain was correct on one thing during the campaign, when he looked in Putin’s eyes he saw KGB.
A man’s past is more important than any illusion of authority he attempts to project.
Obama is an Affirmative Action Con Man. Putin is what he is, a predator. If your take on it differs, you did not do your homework. Obama sells snake oil. Putin is not buying or selling anything, he will take what he wants and cut your throat before you know what happened. Just ask the head of the Georgia Republic.
Obama doesn’t know how to react to Putin because Putin did not fall at his fall screaming “I am not worthy! Please touch my head, my hand, anything! YOU ARE THE ONE!”
Mr. Empty Suit meeting someone like Putin. I liken that to Pa Kettle meeting Donald Trump for a business deal.
I am sure inwardly, Putin is grinning and thinking about the weakness that is Obama. I am sure he isn’t impressed by the American President idol.
Curt – Thanks for posting this! I will get it spread to people I know.
Watching Obama’s unravelling in Moscow, it is fortunate that America does not depend on its President for safety, but relies on a powerful military, that even Putin won’t screw with. His evident insult of Obama, skunked or punked, doesn’t bode well for how Mr. I-Have-A-Gift’s trip to China will work out. Where’s Reagan when you need him?
……And what was he doing in Moscow? He should have gone to Beijing first. Just a little more economically critical discussions to be had there, no? … Hmmm, on second thought nevermind, he knows little about the most critical challenge facing his country. It would have mattered little.
@James Raider: That’s a good idea for a post. When can you write it?
This Ad is GREAT! We’re living in Obama’s Reich. The only thing that might save us is that these Dems are so STOOOOPID, they can’t even spell Barack’s name correctly.
Old Trooper
15 years ago
James, I agree with you on the itinerary. China is our prime lender here, not Russia. China has bought trillions of US debt. They need reassurance that their investment is sound. That may be a tough sell. Since very little of what Obama does is pragmatic and his lack of a grasp on economics is less than encouraging, his song and dance may not impress China either. He is failing on his OJT and America is realizing it. So is the rest of the world.
On fear of the US Military, Obama is cutting Defense spending so military strength may not be a deterrent for much longer. Obama’s performance and agenda is a threat to our safety, security, the economy,and American Industry. Obama is ideologically driven, not logically driven. Our Allies and Trade Partners are coming to that conclusion.
Sadly, I see no Reagans on the horizon. I do see private enterprise on the decline as Obama & Our Congress is intent on punishing success with restriction and taxation. When I visit College campuses I see a lot of young socialists in training and a growing entitlement class. I see Government swelling and becoming more intrusive and too costly in programs that are social experiments.
I see businesses laying off employees at a rate I have never seen in my life. I see Veterans returning to an economy that has changed since they were away. This springs College grads are doing volunteer work instead of pursuing careers. The stimulus spending is money borrowed from China and it was all smoke and no fire. The only jobs created were Government jobs.
That’s my view on things. We elected an Idiot in November.
Tom in CA
15 years ago
How about skipping China and Russia, and stop the borrowing. Since when does the US need to grovel before two 3rd World powers. Since Obama, that’s when.
The absolutely most embarrassing trip by Mr. I-Have-A-Gift, was the Saudi visit. What was he doing there? These guys are the antithesis of North American society. It’s almost as if there is absolutely no Common Sense anywhere in the administration. Even Hillary would have known better.
…… A trip on Air Force One is just too good to pass up, it seems.
15 years ago
If the bad guys keep seeing the ineptitude and weakness by “the won”, then it is likely that on one single day or wihtin one single week in the not too distant future, China will take Taiwan, Russia will invade Georgia and others (again), and Iran, Venezuela, Syria, Hamas, North Korea and whoever will do some bold things knowing that we will be able to do nothing – and then it will take a week or more for our kenyan leader to come up with some kind of statement in the news.
“That’s a good idea for a post. When can you write it?” Very Cute Mike. … Trying to get me depressed before the weekend?
It amazes me that the MSM has not yet recognized the gravity of what this ideologically shipwrecked administration is doing. … Or in the case of Geithner/Bernanke, what Mr. I-Have-A-Gift is being conned into. The destruction is baffling.
Did anyone notice images and video of Obama meeting Putin? What a strange scene, awkward body language and all.
He was skunked by Putin. Putin evidently made him feel “unimportant,” and it showed. He neither understands Putin, nor knows how to handle him.
O’s diatribe following the meeting, stating that Putin hadn’t “disagreed” with what Medvedev had said, was a very sad commentary for a President to make. He seems to not really understand that Putin runs the country, like the Mob is run, …just with bigger guns. Doesn’t the CIA talk to Mr. I-Have-A-Gift ? Shouldn’t he walk in with more confidence? Putin looked like he owned Him, and treated him as he might have a child.
Putin obviously cares little what Obama walks away with. He will continue to do what he wants and knows Obama does not have the capacity or nature to do anything but “teleprompt.”
As a shark would say….
“Sniff, sniff….do I smell blood in the water?”
James Raider, He was Punked by Putin. Chicago community organizing, and an Alinsky/ACORN indoctrination did not prepare him to deal with an old school KGB survivor thug like Putin.
Obama is predictably over his head when attempting to play Pretender in Chief rock star wonder boy with folks of the like of Putin or his surrogates.
Putin does not debate with anyone. He wins by intimidation and elimination or sits back and waits for opportunity. Obama brought his flute. Putin plays the bass drum. Medvedev is a puppet front man. Putin pulls the strings in Russia. Period. Anyone who believes otherwise does not have a clue. Putin was a hard core active KGB agent while Obama was an affirmative action dope smoking school boy. Putin survived the power struggles when the USSR crashed and evolved from thuggery to politics as it became Russia and he ruthlessly fought his way to the top.
As you stated James, the body language told part of the story. Putin’s history tells another more important part. Obama can’t vote present with Putin. Putin is more clever, experienced, manipulative and will eat Obama alive as opportunity presents itself.
McCain was correct on one thing during the campaign, when he looked in Putin’s eyes he saw KGB.
A man’s past is more important than any illusion of authority he attempts to project.
Obama is an Affirmative Action Con Man. Putin is what he is, a predator. If your take on it differs, you did not do your homework. Obama sells snake oil. Putin is not buying or selling anything, he will take what he wants and cut your throat before you know what happened. Just ask the head of the Georgia Republic.
Obama doesn’t know how to react to Putin because Putin did not fall at his fall screaming “I am not worthy! Please touch my head, my hand, anything! YOU ARE THE ONE!”
Mr. Empty Suit meeting someone like Putin. I liken that to Pa Kettle meeting Donald Trump for a business deal.
I am sure inwardly, Putin is grinning and thinking about the weakness that is Obama. I am sure he isn’t impressed by the American President idol.
Curt – Thanks for posting this! I will get it spread to people I know.
Old Trooper,
Watching Obama’s unravelling in Moscow, it is fortunate that America does not depend on its President for safety, but relies on a powerful military, that even Putin won’t screw with. His evident insult of Obama, skunked or punked, doesn’t bode well for how Mr. I-Have-A-Gift’s trip to China will work out. Where’s Reagan when you need him?
……And what was he doing in Moscow? He should have gone to Beijing first. Just a little more economically critical discussions to be had there, no? … Hmmm, on second thought nevermind, he knows little about the most critical challenge facing his country. It would have mattered little.
@James Raider: That’s a good idea for a post. When can you write it?
This Ad is GREAT! We’re living in Obama’s Reich. The only thing that might save us is that these Dems are so STOOOOPID, they can’t even spell Barack’s name correctly.
James, I agree with you on the itinerary. China is our prime lender here, not Russia. China has bought trillions of US debt. They need reassurance that their investment is sound. That may be a tough sell. Since very little of what Obama does is pragmatic and his lack of a grasp on economics is less than encouraging, his song and dance may not impress China either. He is failing on his OJT and America is realizing it. So is the rest of the world.
On fear of the US Military, Obama is cutting Defense spending so military strength may not be a deterrent for much longer. Obama’s performance and agenda is a threat to our safety, security, the economy,and American Industry. Obama is ideologically driven, not logically driven. Our Allies and Trade Partners are coming to that conclusion.
Sadly, I see no Reagans on the horizon. I do see private enterprise on the decline as Obama & Our Congress is intent on punishing success with restriction and taxation. When I visit College campuses I see a lot of young socialists in training and a growing entitlement class. I see Government swelling and becoming more intrusive and too costly in programs that are social experiments.
I see businesses laying off employees at a rate I have never seen in my life. I see Veterans returning to an economy that has changed since they were away. This springs College grads are doing volunteer work instead of pursuing careers. The stimulus spending is money borrowed from China and it was all smoke and no fire. The only jobs created were Government jobs.
That’s my view on things. We elected an Idiot in November.
How about skipping China and Russia, and stop the borrowing. Since when does the US need to grovel before two 3rd World powers. Since Obama, that’s when.
Tom in CA,
The absolutely most embarrassing trip by Mr. I-Have-A-Gift, was the Saudi visit. What was he doing there? These guys are the antithesis of North American society. It’s almost as if there is absolutely no Common Sense anywhere in the administration. Even Hillary would have known better.
…… A trip on Air Force One is just too good to pass up, it seems.
If the bad guys keep seeing the ineptitude and weakness by “the won”, then it is likely that on one single day or wihtin one single week in the not too distant future, China will take Taiwan, Russia will invade Georgia and others (again), and Iran, Venezuela, Syria, Hamas, North Korea and whoever will do some bold things knowing that we will be able to do nothing – and then it will take a week or more for our kenyan leader to come up with some kind of statement in the news.
Mike’s America,
“That’s a good idea for a post. When can you write it?” Very Cute Mike. … Trying to get me depressed before the weekend?
It amazes me that the MSM has not yet recognized the gravity of what this ideologically shipwrecked administration is doing. … Or in the case of Geithner/Bernanke, what Mr. I-Have-A-Gift is being conned into. The destruction is baffling.