Iranian support video… some aren’t afraid to speak out for American values

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A thanks and H/T to Larry Johnson at No Quarter

See also Obama’s New Cajones post
for background on this removal of a President per Honduras law

… and how Obama calls Honduras rule of law “illegal”.

PLUS Fausta Wertz’s take on how Honduras is defending it’s democracy
H/T to Missy

“Stand by Me”

On June 24, Iranian Superstar Andy Madadian went into an LA recording studio with Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora and American record producers Don Was and John Shanks to record a musical message of worldwide solidarity with the people of Iran. This version of the old Ben E. King classic is not for sale – it was not meant to be on the Billboard charts or even manufactured as a CD…’s intended to be downloaded and shared by the Iranian people…to give voice to the sentiment that all people of the world stand together….the handwritten Farsi sign in the video translates to “we are one”. If you know someone in Iran – or someone who knows someone in Iran – please share this link.


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I expected nothing less than this from you. I will send it to a few folks that matter. It was both inspiring and I hope it reaches Iran and Iraq.

As my Daughter was appointed to the US Air Force academy and per Her request I sent her College fund to some of my retired pals that will arm, train up dissidents and do the work that Our Congress and Pretender in Chief will not support. Expletives held back but with respect for FA Folks and heard daily here.

Freedom survives only because some folks are willing to fight for it. Some will die but their goal is larger than self. I have a mare in foal tonight and will be up late to see to that. If it is a filly, she will be named Mata. The Mare is a Morgan. The Stud is a Morgan.

I wired funds today. WWRRD, What Would Ronald Reagan Do? I am not an orator of any skill but I am a guy that knows when rhetoric is not of any value. Force of arms is required to secure the goal. I support Patriots anywhere because I can. My ancestors beat the 7th Us Cavalry. I am not Tribal but know unconventional warfare om like terms. I made a career of that.

I Love my Country but my Government had a head on collision with my values. I fought to save Communities but never Organized them. I could smell a phony a mile away. American voters did not. No more oppression is good. Resistance is futile without equalizers. God created All Men Equal, John Browning evened the odds.

Off to the barn now. I have a lady in need of attention. Montana terms.

I knew that I liked Jon Bongiovi for a reason. He is a class act and so is Richie Sambora, the record producers, session musicians, and everyone associated with this project. My heart goes out to the Iranian people. I only wish that our President would stand up for them. Alas, unless the poll numbers say so…he won’t.

God Bless America and God Bless Freedom where ever it arises.

Yeah, ole John (and Joan Baez, etc.) sure is a class act. I surely do remember him singing songs like this about the Iraqi people, when they were struggling for independence.

Oh that’s right! They weren’t!

Because that was “Bush’s War”…


theBronze, hypocrites is right.

New Jersey had it’s largest contingency of National Guard Troops return home safely earlier this month. Bon Jovi had been asked to perform that day in Trenton months ago. Guess what? He backed OUT a month prior – didn’t jive with his political beliefs.

My 2 cents worth, what truly matters is that Someone, Family, Friends or Supporters were there to welcome them home. The Troops were the Celebrities to be recognized for their Service and if You don’t realize that I don’t know what to say from here.

It was their Welcome Home. Not some opportunity for some musician, politician, mayor, dog catcher or others to catch a moment in the spotlights. It is Their moment to shine!

They just wanted to see Family and Friends and get their feet on American soil. If You have not been deployed it would be difficult to understand. Every time I came home from deployments I did not care about anything but that big hug from my Daughter and the rest quite frankly did not matter after that. Ask them. They are just happy to be home and want a meal at the table with faces that they Served to Defend and to be with Family. That’s all that they really want.

You All have a lot to learn and if You spend a minute with a guy or gal returning from deployment you can learn more. Do that!

It is Their Day and not more and not less than that so get off of your other concerns. Ask them, pick up the tab for folks in uniform at a restaurant, buy them a beer or two and just say Thanks. That makes an impact. The rest is just BS.

Mata, I was aware that he had scheduled “studio time” and also understand that these things are scheduled months in advance.

The date of the ceremonies changed once at official’s requests (they were supposed to be on the 9th originally). There was an incredible amount of hard work that went into all of the planning – starting with the planes coming into McGuire and the festivities at Ft. Dix for each arrival. Heaven knows, the days started at some bizarre hours and ended with being grateful the NJ Turnpike was empty at 2am 😉 The manager at my local Costco knew me on a first name basis by the end of the first week!

There are many reasons why my perspective might well be clouded – my years of troop support, sending my own family members off to war, the experience of knowing personally troops we’ve lost – and I’m sure all of that has formed a more critical eye toward who really does support the troops and who does not. Lip service abounds in many walks of life, not just entertainers. And I know bands who have re-arranged their tour schedules to perform for the troops in CONUS as well. And yes, a few points go his way for the song. I just wish he would have looked to his own, the sons and daughters of the people he grew up with, first.

My o/t two cents — “Cajones” is Spanish for drawers, as in chest of drawers; “Cojones” is Spanish slang for balls, as in that guy’s got balls.

Don’t even get me started on then/than, farther/further, and he/she/they.

As for Bon Jovi, he’s an entertainer sans diplomatic or political portfolio. What he chooses to do with his talents and celbrity is his own biz.