Life Magazine fabricated a mythical monarchy in the early sixties by applying polish and airbrushing to John and Jacky Kennedy, elevating them into a Camelot. America couldn’t get enough of the magazine, and rewarded its uncommon “access,” to the JFK White House with financial success. The corporate strategy very successfully built an unprecedented, but mutually beneficial, relationship.
This was not the first popularization of an American President, but it was the most successful anointing of an almost-monarch. We all admire true heroes, however, there are many who seem to require more than honored heroes. To satisfy that craving, we create stars and surround them with irrational adoration bordering on veneration. The mainstream media (MSM) plays a role in the process, and has much to gain from it just as Life Magazine solidified itself, and its profits with the creation of the American version Camelot.
Life Magazine presented a glossy veneer of a young President and his family, because it could, and because it would not have been as profitable to have done otherwise. The public reaction was extremely receptive, and the oversized periodical continued to publish its principal stars’ immaculate images.
America has long succumbed to Hollywood’s very adept star manufacturing machine. Studios and production companies very effectively and profitably practiced the art of star production, as well as veneer creation, for a century. Whether the individuals in question believe their own press, matters little to the studios and the machinery that creates them. They are ephemeral creations that have no truth other than that of existence in the percepts of adoring devotees. They scatter nonsense, and often lies, and all utterances are gratefully accepted. Stars step into the light, feigning timidity, as they engage in absorbing gushing adulation. The star making process has been perfected and whether young, old, intelligent, rich, poor, educated or not, it seems that everyone is susceptible to its affects.
In 2009, the MSM has been provided a new President, whose natural tendency is already a well-prepared gleaming image, requiring little visible airbrushing. Obama’s promotional machine has had the added and unabashed advantage of having its subject well versed and practiced in the art of sermon delivery. Obama placed himself on a pedestal, and the MSM has delivered applause and sometimes infatuation. The zeal of this infatuation has translated into an abandonment of any application of journalistic ethics or common sense. The obsession has been transferred onto the population eager to satisfy a yearning for a monarch. Not that America wants a king, because it doesn’t, but there is evidently a vast portion of society that yearns for a personality that it believes will transcend it to a place that Camelots are made of. America doesn’t want to literally revisit the anachronism of royalty, yet the British monarchy is as popular in the U.S. as it is in Great Britain.
In Obama, America found a willing aspirant on whom it consigned the cloak and stature of monarch, the ultimate iteration of star. Modern versions of monarchs however, have no effective power, but they enjoy fulfillment of ceremonial roles. Obama accommodates that role rather effectively and continues his cultivation of the “I,” unabated. As President, he has avoided the thorny details of assiduous analysis on the most critical problems facing America, and has used sweeping, but banal statements of obvious principals, while his appointees actually implement policies and programs inconsistent with the claims of the message.
Obama has filled the ceremonial role of monarch with enchanting voyages across the country and around the world, although the country might wish for more representation of America’s interests, rather than promotion of its leader as internationalist. While the public and the MSM might treat a monarch with reverence, a President should be treated as a politician, and challenged as such.
As President, Obama has yet to demonstrate any proclivity for practical leadership of the free nation envisioned by the unpretentious framers of the Constitution. As he insinuates government into all social and economic fibers of the country, the American taxpayer’s expectations of Obama’s heralded change will rapidly evaporate, the “self-evident truths” will become redefined, and the reality of the costs will become the new, overwhelming burden.
Now that the Congressional Budget Office has notified them that federal spending in 2019 will represent at least 25% of the GDP, all taxpayers should decide that a monarch just will not be injected into their futures in any form, and that their President should be challenged. There are enough stars floating out of Hollywood to satisfy desires of royalty.
A constituent of the vast baby boomer generation with a career which has been fortunate to know the ponderous corporate worlds, as well as the intimately pressurized, and invigorating entrepreneurial domains of high tech and venture capital, I have harvested my share of mistakes meandering through corridors of enterprise from Silicon Valley, to London and endless, colourful, sometimes praetorian points in between. The voyage has provided an abundance of fodder for a pen yielding to an inquisitive keyboard, a foraging mind, and a passionate spirit.
Whether political or business or social or economic or personal, is it not all political? It is a privilege to write, and an even greater privilege to be read by anyone, and sometimes with the wind at my back the writing may occasionally be legible. I do not write to invite scorn, nor to invite respect, but if I get really lucky the writing can stimulate thinking. I also write for the very selfish purpose of animating my own processes, and engaging the best of what life offers. Above all, whether biting fire or swatting shadows, I am grateful to be gifted the freedom to write and publish whatever flows down to the keyboard. To all those who enabled this freedom, and to all those standing guard to preserve it, I am indebted.
As the eminent English jurist Sir Edward Coke informed King James 1st in the early 1600’s by way of quoting Lord Bracton’s famous 13th century legal maxim: “The King is not subject to men,but go God and the law.”….so far Baroque Obozo has demonstrated that he has no intention of being subject to either,but that he himself is essentially both.
if we wanted a manrch wouldn’t we have stayed behind in england? i think alot of the celebrity surrounding kennedy was his youth and good looks and seemingly happy family life. if it was known what was really going onat the time i doubt he would have been as favored. as for obama he was packaged as the next kennedy and it was really disgusting. the kennedy’s did actually have class, they didn’t bully and purchase their class. the obama’s are really a joke, and the american media has spoon fed the drooling welfare lovin trash this image and they love it.
Interesting article James. I wonder how many Americans are aware of the fact that it was Jackie Kennedy, with the help of journalist friend White, who actually “marketed” the Kennedy/Camelot legacy, after the death of JFK.
I don’t discount that we all love “magic and fairytales”, self included. People of faith understand that such “yeaning” is simply the yearning for God, for authority, and most of all, for a savior, (knowingly or unknowingly). It makes sense that more Hollywood types and “intellectuals” from the left have made Obama into a deity.
Common sense and a realistic look back in history can easily remind us all that in no time in the history of man, has anyone been saved by a “political savior”, despite a plethora of false hopes and certitude; Obama being no exception!
As for Camelot, hey, we already know, “It will never be that way again”, even Jackie O said so!
We don’t need no stinking monarch .. when we got a “sort of a God”
Thanks for the note and quotation. “Taking control of history” is a very “nice” way to put it, particularly since she is no longer here to answer questions. I believe she was very, very focussed on never being broke. This also speaks to the peculiar deal she made with her second husband, although that goes more to the inheritance she wished to leave to her children.
You will find that the Life Magazine side of the deal, (a very corporate deal), was unusual given that Jack was President, and ALL media should have been provided the insight. The company at the time was too powerful for anyone to question their ethics or anything else they did for that matter.
BTW, the Life Magazine “access” started while JFK was IN the White House, not at his death.
Robbins Mitchell,
Listening to people like Chris Matthews, you wonder if the MSM is actually listening to WHAT Obama actually says.
They hear his speech in Egypt, and miss important and telling signs like the fact that he actually does not speak as PRESIDENT of AMERICA, if you listen, you notice that he is speaking FOR HIMSELF throughout with “I,””I,””I,””I,”. That is not only a sign of ingrained narcissism, it is disrespectful to ALL Americans, including those who idolize him.
It is also disgusting that while in Egypt, he Blames the previous administration …. for Anything. He can whine all he wants while on American soil, however, it is absolutely not right under any circumstances, for him blame his predecessor while he is in Europe, and definitely not while he is just a short flight from Teheran.
Why is none of the MSM on his case for this? Is America happy with an Obama mandated and administered catharsis?
Doing a quick check – in Reagan’s 1980 Inaugural Address he said ‘I’ nineteen times compared only to Obama’s three ‘I’s in his Inaugural Address.
Despite the US interest in monarchy – particularly the British monarchy – it clearly doesn’t want to go back to having a King or Queen (for good reason). However in the UK – we see the prefect media-friendly photoshoped family style that was displayed by Kennedy and other presidents since him as being…well…Presidental. Although the royal family has attempted to update itself several times during history with varying degrees of success (particularly since the start of the 80s with Princess Di) to become more media-savvy but it still has more distance from it’s ‘subjects’ than US Presidents have with it’s citizens. I think ‘some’ Americans might get confused with monarchy as somehow being like a Disney’s ‘The Princess Diaries’. Remember Camelot is also a myth. Remember with a Monarch you are stuck with them for life…would you want Nixon, Clinton, Bush or Obama as head of state for 60+ years??!
About the only benefit with having a Queen is that I got a public holiday for one of her birthdays. Bizarrely Australia has this as a public holiday whilst the UK doesn’t.
James, INRE your comment of Jackie O:
Ms. O was never in need of cash. Her attraction and benefits from Onassis were privacy for herself and her children. It was her prime obsession, and something she could not have found during Caroline and John’s childhood here in the States.
And I, personally, can place no fault or criticism towards a widow who fiercely guards her young ones for as long as possible, and who dedicates herself to insuring a glowing legacy for her slain husband at such a young age.
JFK, unlike his Zero’ship, had a legacy already in the making… a genuine and humble war hero, 7 years in the House and 7 more in the Senate. Tho the nation was excited about a youthful leader and elegant First Lady, Kennedy’s “legacy” came after his death… not, like Obama with no notable accomplishments, upon commencement of his candidacy.
I guess one might label this the media’s version of “an affirmative action Camelot…” a threshold lowered to meet one who’s deeds are still merely words and the repercussions of his domestic and foreign policy have yet to be seen… all “legacies” lowering the bar because of race.
We’ll leave the disagreement on history for later debate, however, on the current and present danger, there is no disagreement.
Anyone I’ve ever known who bordered on the narcissistic, would never admit to, “not knowing,” or “being uninformed,” or to ever learning from someone else. The impact of having a president who will not inform himself of what he does not know, is that the most powerful individuals manipulating finance are allowed to run amuck as they see fit.
Obama doesn’t even understand what questions to ask that would provide him insight into what they are up to. Some of his comments, for example, suggest that he actually believes the stock markets are NOT “managed.”
How can he possibly ask any of the right questions on the most important aspects of his responsibilities? He just can’t. … And people like Chris Matthews, or Brian Williams, don’t understand either, so the tingling legs feel great, and all is well with the world, until the invoice comes.
I also believe that his machinery has very effectively instilled Fear into many key players of the media. He’s done a great job of using fear against the taxpayers and heads of corporations. It’s working for him.
James, can I clear a few things up for you? The Indonesian/Kenyan Affirmative Action Pseudo Constitutional Scholar that is now the Pretender in Chief is a Racist. a Socialist and an New Era Elitist that has no significant Legislative experience and is a one hell of a used car salesman. Grifter Extraordinaire, a product of a Kenyan Communist, a dumb Slut from Kansas and has no traditional American values because He is not American. An opportunist, Yes. An American, NO.
Having a Socialist Agenda driven America Hating President in Office that will destroy Banks and Industries here is not a real Asset. He is a Fraud and a product that well marketed but has no money back guarantee. We Wuz Had!
If I was recalled to Active Duty tomorrow, I would refuse to serve and take no orders from the Pretender. Folks that make a career of wiping their filthy backsides on America will not get my Loyalty or Respect nor Command me or send me anywhere.
Obama was a mistake that the next three generations of Americans will pay for dearly.
While I was very young, I remember JFK.
Obama is no JFK.