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1,500 light years from earth….. can I leave tomorrow? sigh…

I thought it was a nighttime picture of batman …course I do have a vivid imagination 🙂

I thought there was another newsworthy shooting by a religious fanatic this week… NO mention of it on FA though, must not have been that important…

@ Fit fit

Sure there was Fit fit. The Muslim Religious Fanatic That Gunned Down One of Our Soldiers.

But you don’t care about that, do ya?

I thought there was another newsworthy

@ Fit fit

The idiot that killed Dr. Tiller was just that, an idiot. No one has the right to take the life of another person unless it is self defense or in defense of another. Whether or not the idiot that killed Dr. Tiller was acting in defense of the unborn is an argument in moral relativism. I’m Catholic, I think he was a murderer. But so is the guy that killed him. Laws are laws.

Now, back to your religious fanatic.

The unanimous three-judge panel ruled today that a U.S. Supreme Court decision last year, which recognized an individual right to bear arms under the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment, didn’t apply to states and municipalities.
If they can do this to the 2nd amendment, what stops this from applying equally to the 1st amendment, which specifically mentions “Congress may not.”

Both are fanatics and murderers and both defame their beliefs with their actions. Unless I’ve heard wrong, we have two live suspects. Should be interesting to see how the two trials go.

@ Fit fit

Really? How about we start some predictions. I predict the fanatic that shot the Army Pfc gets little to no attention in the media, his trial gets little to no attention and he gets off with the minimum sentence.
I predict Dr. Tiller’s killer has a media circus at his trial and gets the max. Several weeks after sentencing, he’ll be killed in the population.

Fit, I personally wouldn’t post on Tiller’s murder since I don’t give a rat’s butt about him. There are lunatics on both extremes of the aisle, and while I don’t condone Tiller’s murder, I personally do not equivocate Tiller’s “victim” status with that of Pvt Long or Pvt Ezeagwula.

Not do I see any correlation between an organized movement by jihad movements worldwide to destroy the western civilization via terrorist incidents, and a lone crazy bent on killing a man with blood on his hands by legalized murder in the most hidious and inhumane of fashions (late term abortions).

And finally, you fail to see what I’ve tried to impress in two posts on the Little Rock terror assault… that “law enforcement” as a preventative terror policy is bogus, as exampled by Bledsoe. And willingly bringing Gitmo detainees to the US hamstrings intel on their movements as they will enjoy the same benefits as Bledsoe did… and fall thru the cracks.

Your analogy between the two indicates the lack of depth you possess about jihad, their quest and intents… not to mention the inability to discern the difference between a wacko killing a medical whack job and a terrorist assault.

I have had many philosophical discussions with moderate Muslim friends during my years in the middle east. Most agree that it will be difficult to duplicate or exceed 9/11. All agree that the radicalization of individuals and individual terror attacks on US citizens will be quite effective. They reference the Washington DC sniper.

These individual or small group terror events over time will drastically change our life style and lives. If we fail to treat these individual incidences as terrorism and report them on page 12 of the major news papers, the US population will continue to view these as isolated incidences and individually isolate themselves from others. This will prevent consolidated efforts by a “poll” watching government.

It is true that those of us returning from the middle east have the training and the where with all to execute a major terrorist event as an individual. We only have to believe in the ideology taught by leaders we respect. The reason we will not perform individual terrorist acts is our ideology revolves around individual freedoms as defined by the Constitution.

The people of the US to include the media must take these individual terrorist acts very seriously. It is through these terrorists and complacency that Muslim extremists will defeat our country

Neo, I hear you from the Northern Coast of France.
“Congress may not.” The Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution says so very plainly.

America is a Muslim Nation? Nope not even close.
I am closer to an Old Testament guy than the Pretender in Chief,
can show my Birth Certificate on request and pander to No One.
Mohammad, thief, child molester and more murders have been
committed in his filthy name than I can count.

KFOR Missions, I went there to stop Genocide. Muslims were subject to mass murder.
We stopped that. Not without a fight but We did that.

While Obama’s Mother could not keep her feet and knees together and a Kenyan Communist hit pay dirt while I was at Intel School as a young Lieutenant but ran three miles a day, learned to speak three languages other than English and never missed Sunday Services.

Obama is a Fraudulent Pretender in Chief. Congress is a Parliament of Whores and I will stand on that. Firmly.

Take Care
God Bless America
Allah and Obama can kiss my @ss

Old Trooper at large

I thought this was a picture of the inside of Biden’s head?

couldn’t be Sid…
there’s stuff in that picture.

Meanwhile – let’s rejoice – Gordon Brown isn’t going to last long….:)

An overpromoted unelected idiot.

@ GaffaUK

Any chance that Daniel Hannan will be the next Prime Minister? I like his style.

fit fit: “Both are fanatics and murderers and both defame their beliefs with their actions.”

The difference is that you won’t hear mainstream Christianity singing the praises of Tiller’s killer. The only ones who MAY are the fringe cult-like sect of so-called Christians (like Phelps).

RARELY do you see announcements from Islamic Clerics condemning the actions of those who act out in violence as the Muslim soldier killer.

Matter of fact, can you point to some? Links? I think I have personally seen one.

The ones that begin with “We condemn these actions in the STRONGEST of terms …” are usually B.S. and are just words.

From the left, you will see them ignore and try to suppress the news about the Muslim killer.

Meanwhile, these same people will form a three ring media circus around Tiller’s killer.

Care to answer why that will be fit fit?

I am just making this statement based off of past behavior by left leaning media places.

Hey, this might be a faux pas to ask on a blog, but I was curious what other blogs/on-line media you guys read pertaining to politics, or anything at all for that matter. I guess I’ll start, my morning routine, from right to left, usually goes (FA of course): Malkin, The Corner, Larison, Sullivan (not a huge fan, but he updates like a machine), TPM. Sometimes I’ll head over to World Net Daily or Renew America if I need cheering up.

Also, I think the place needs a bit more music.

@ trizzlor

Besides FA, I like Ace of Spades, Hot Air and Gateway Pundit. I have friends in country, so I also like some of the Military Blogs. If you really want to know what’s going on over there BlackFive is a great blog.

I only post here, because most of the other blogs have crazy lefties. With the exception of John “the troll” Ryan, the lefties here are pretty intelligent, albeit misguided 🙂

Daniel Hannan isn’t a member of Parliament so unlikely he will become Prime Minister anytime soon. He isn’t a particuarly well known figure outside political circles and certain blogs.

Besides the Tories have had a disasterous time in the wilderness for over a decade where they kept swapping leaders. Now finally they have someone in David Cameron who will win the next election for them. Naturally it helps that Brown is significantly more incompetent than Blair but the Tories missed some big open goals over the last decade when Blair was in power and they were busy in-figthing. So why change leader now?

@ GaffaUK
Ah, I just did a Google search, (which I should have done before I put my foot in my mouth). Daniel Hannan is a member of the EU Parliment.
Well, let’s see what he can do. Lord Obama says Europe leads the way, maybe if you guys move to the right, he will too. And maybe the sun will start rising in the west.

I like you read both lefty and righty blogs. I read FA, Hot Air, Town Hall, Neal Boortz, Malkin for the right. For the left I read Crooks & liars, Huffington Post & Think Progress and Glenn Greenwald.

I like to read both sides even though I disagree with most of the Lefty sight’s postings.


As far as I can see the pendulum in the US and Europe will continue swing back and forth from right and left. As bland and obvious that might seem. Obama will continue his path – he may get leashed in somewhat if the Republicans win power in Congress next time etc. Then if the Republicans get their act together and find a suitable challenger then they will win power. Problem is political parties always seem to get tired or over arrogance. That happened with Thatcher, with Clinton, with Bush, with Brown. And in someways it’s healthier to have the change around. I just wish it wasn’t so back and forth only between two parties.