REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh
“if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world”.
So says President Barack Obama. Or I should say: Barack Hussein Obama.
That’s right: Barack Hussein Obama. Say it proud. Say it out loud. The middle moniker that dared not speak its name during the election campaign is now front and centre of the US president’s attempt to woo the Muslim world, the theme of his visits to Riyadh on Wednesday and Cairo on Thursday.
Mike posted yesterday on how it wasn’t ok to point out Senator Obama’s Muslim roots when he was campaigning for president; but now that he is president, and when it suits him politically, it’s now ok to embrace his connection to Muslims?
Melanie Phillips substantiates President Obama’s claim that “if you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world,” :
Indonesia: 207,105,000 (88.2%);
Pakistan: 167,430,801 (95%);
India: 156,254,615 (13.4%);
Turkey: 70,800,000 (99%);
Egypt: 70,530,237 (90%);
Nigeria: 64,385,994 (45%);
Iran: 64,089,571 (98%);
Algeria: 32,999,883 (99%);
Morocco: 32,300,410 (99%);
Afghanistan: 31,571,023 (99%)
Saudi Arabia: 26,417,599 (100%)
USA: 4,558,068 (1.5%)
Just what planet is this US President on? Or is this not a statement but an aspiration?
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
The number of Muslims in the US is more like 2 million. Not over 4 million.
Don’t want to nit pick about arbitrary figures here, Terry… but I’d suggest your figures are off.
From Islam 101’s post in 1992 about American Muslim population numbers, and this was based on the 1990 Census and INS figures, the American Muslim population was 5 mil back then, with 3.3 mil of them concentrated over 10 states: CA, NY, IL, NJ, IN, MI, VA, TX, OH, MD.
It’s now 17 years later, and we can safely assume the Muslim population has not decreased in that time.
But as the article points out, there are three categories of Muslims in the US … 1) immigrants; 2) American converts/reverts to Islam; and 3) those born to the first two groups as Muslims. Their figures include them all.
At that time the highest percentage of US Muslims were African Americans, followed by South Asians. Arab Americans were third.
UPDATED AFTERTHOUGHT: INRE the OT, technically Obama is right if you use strict population numbers. He is incorrect if you assume percentage of total population. Appropriate stance by a man of “just words” who makes a living off of straddling fences.
And Word, da man, along with Mike’s A, is right when they suggested what was off limits and taboo during the POTUS campaign is now a perk to be embraced.
Just another day in the life of politically expedient and professional politician, Barack Obama.
Watching the man grovel before the Muslim world is embarrassing. Embarrassing I can live with because – like his predecessors – he’s a temporary steward of the WH and this country. What I can’t live with is his destructive policies.
In admitting that the US is a Muslim country has Obama repudiated the accomplishments of Battle of Tours in 732 and, in effect, given the appearance to the Muslim world of accepting the extension the caliphate to include North America ?
Worth repeating: “Just what planet is this US President on? Or is this not a statement but an aspiration?”
Based on the world fact book at the CIA’s site:
US Population:
Religion: (2007 est.)
Protestant 51.3%,
Roman Catholic 23.9%,
Mormon 1.7%,
other Christian 1.6%,
Jewish 1.7%,
Buddhist 0.7%,
other or unspecified 2.5%,
unaffiliated 12.1%,
none 4%
I realize that the 1,843,272.738 is based on a 2007 percentage and a 2009 population estimate but it should be close.
Of course Muslims would want to say there is more than there are. This would give them a perception to being bigger. As we all know, the bigger and louder you are, the more you can influence politicians and government.
So … who is right on this?
“…is right when they suggested what was off limits and taboo during the POTUS campaign is now a perk to be embraced.”
It is a perk only as long as what he is doing involves the Islamic side of the middle east. He is steadily pissing on Israel.
If he keeps cuddling up with the Muslims and be all cozy, lets see just how long it takes Israel to tell the US to ‘get bent.’
Also, see how much of a perk it will be when we are attacked by Muslim extremists again.
Gibbs head will be doing a Linda Blair impersonation as he tries to spin that hourly.
MataHarley is absolutely incorrect when she cites the United States Census as the source of any quantification of the number of muslims present in the US. The census bureau does not collect data about the religious affiliation of any portion of the population of the United States, including muslims.
The most current and accurate figure is that presented by the CIA World Factbook, currently 0.6% of the population or around 1.8 million individuals.
I don’t care who’s right here – Obama is wrong in so many areas that there isn’t enough time and space to detail them all. He is a traitor – pandering to the Muslims and trashing the people he has sworn to serve. Yeah, right! Hope we can last until 2012 – this moron has to be stopped before he runs us all into the ocean!
Granny, wait a damn minute here. Pelosi told you that the CIA Lies.
Who are You going to trust?
Mata never lied to me. The Government got Me deployed on the Lack of a Competent CIA and they were always glad to see me but lied to me from hiding and were sent to safety but I stayed and met the neighbors. Killed some of them and brought in Food, Water, Medical Folks and killed the ones that wanted to kill me and when it was Safe, CIA folks minus the ones like Johnny Spann returned not alive… I was in Baghram when He was Murdered and the CIA Fact Book is horse dung.
CIA Fact Book? Written by Fools and believed by Fools.
No Offense Old Girl. I know better.
Agreed about Israel, Hawk… which is why I did my post about Obama flying to Cairo to alienate Israel. I’ve been taking a lot of heat from my friends about my opinion that Obama was going to throw Israel under the bus. Never, they say…
BTW, our fresh military grads *were* attacked by Muslim extremists. Guess the media and Obama just don’t want to face that one since it’s low death toll. And according to latest reports today, he was targeting multiple sites in multiple states, which leads the investigators to believe he may not be forthcoming with truth on “working alone”.
Granny, if you go to the Islam 101 link, they said they used census and INS figures as their source data. Since you’re too dang lazy to click on the damn link and read their methods of calculation yourself, I’ll reproduce it here.
Perhaps if you click on the links providing instead of pontificating, you’d realize I was not saying they derived the information from census responses. But you would have not put your foot in your mouth so quickly had you read how they derived their numbers.
Thus, if you want to bitch, do it to them.
I use the CIA Factbook regularly, however you will notice they do not disclose their source for their figures, nor the derivative calculations. And, as we all know, the census does not include questions on religious practice. Yet you accept this non-sourced, undisclosed method of calculation by the CIA as gospel. Please explain why.
Sniff… Sniff….
Yeah, that’s singed eyebrows I smell.
Item: Osama bin Laden delivers scathing criticism of Obama.
The supply side approach to the problem of terrorists, the world’s most renewable resource, who cannot be killed or captured as fast as they are hatched; so a complementary approach is to reduce the hatch rate.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Good grief! We must also take note that our neighbor from the south(Hugo Chavez) thinks Obama is not as conservative as he is. Our enemies are toying with the Obamabots, we can only hope Obama or whoever he has guiding him has better sense.
We have a weak horse and bin Laden, if he’s still room temperature, knows it. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.
MataHarley: Good points on how each arrived at their numbers. It would be interesting to see how the CIA arrived at theirs 🙂 (or maybe they’d say it was a matter of national security and not tell us *evilgrin*)
I think Obama was pretty clear on where he stood with our allies. And it sure wasn’t as close as previous presidents. Whether this is because his father was a muslim or some other reason, one can only venture a guess.
BUT since he has royally pissed off Britain on several issues, it really doesn’t matter WHY. It just matters that he IS and that is going to alienate us further from the sane world 😉
You know, I somehow would not doubt that he doesn’t want that “out there” because he knew what his plans are in the middle east. And by bringing that out, he is only going to cause more people to be more cautious of Muslims and he wouldn’t get away as easily as using his middle name now as he is.
If we should have another big to major attack my Muslim extremist that can not be ignored so easily, watch how quickly he sweeps “Hussein” under the bus. Heck, don’t be surprised if he suddenly becomes “President BARRY Obama” if that comes to pass.
Well gosh, Larry… since you’re pushing the “Bush created more terrorists” argument with your comment above, I guess we should be able to see noticably less jihad recruitment with the Zero at the helm, eh?
Ooops…. didn’t stop that Columbus, OH scum from running to Somalia to study under a cleric, return and lock’n’load to hunt unarmed American soldiers on the streets. Not to mention the Jewish synagogues and other targets they found on his computer. Oh but that someone had told this black American Muslim that the nation elected a black man with Muslim roots seven months ago, I’m sure he *never* would have gone, right? Feh…. I guess he, and that Somalian jihad cleric he studied with, were unaware of that event?
Horse manure. The jihad recruitment will be just as prolific under Obama as it was under Bush, as it was under Clinton. Wahhabi mentalities will not be swayed by any POTUS because it is not a nation ruled by Shariah law. And I guess you and your hero haven’t figured out that the Caliphate is their quest, and the western culture and democracy is in the way. They will always find a talking point to recruit new amoebae to wrap themselves up like a human cherry bomb.
No way! This is just a scare tactic drummed up by the Obama Administration. bin Laden is a puppet creation of the CIA, don’t’cha know; and isn’t it kinda suspicious how the tape is released juuuuuust as Air Force One is landing in the Middle East? Convenient coincidence? Or a manipulation by the O-Administration to keep America cowering in fear and rally around President Obama as protector? C’mon…we all know the Overseas Contingency Operations is an overexaggerated farce! There is no Islamic terror threat!
Oh wait…that was only when Bush was in office. Dumb me: It’s all different now…..
TerrorismOverseas Contingency is real, folks!@Wordsmith: Stop teasing Larry. He might choke on his Kool Aid!
Sorry but I feel sick. I imagine things in the futute. Picture this in few years when we are going to have a mosque in the White House to celebrate Muslim heritage or that we are going to have one in every city in America. Not only that, Israel may stop existing and all the Liberal Leftists of Israel could be in America and only the Orthodox Jews will remain in the Holy Land. The countries to go and disappear are Taiwan, Israel and Greece.
I should enjoy this world the way still is today.
‘Obama, New Tutankhamun of the World’ is that truly what the ‘Muslim World’ thinks ?
Tutankhamun a puny weak ruler whos legacy was his ornate coffin.
‘America, one of the largest Muslim countries” perhaps this is Obama’s vision for America.
Perhaps, “The One” is talking present tense: About the kingdom’s surface area. Geographically, U.S. had been one of the largest countries. By the same logic, Obamanation is now the largest communist country.
@ philly_nj
A lot of historians believe Tut was a huge emissary for peace in the Middle East. They reference all the stuff he was buried with from other leaders in the region. I believe that is what they are trying to compare as it relates to President Obama.
I on the other hand would rather compare him to Neville Chamberlain in that regard.
Some suspect that he was murdered by his guardians.