Is population control on the horizon with Obama’s global warming agenda?


On March 19th, American Thinker’s Gregory Young hand an article that I archived for future developments titled Global Warming Alarmists Propose Limiting Population … to the Point of Extinction.

In a statistical study entitled “Reproduction and the Carbon Legacies of Individuals,” published in Global Environmental Change by [Paul A, Professor in Dept of Statistics, OSU] Murtaugh and [Michael G., Senior Fac. Res. Asst, OSU’s College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences] Shlax of Oregon State University, and again published here, the authors propose that the potential savings from reduced reproduction rates among humans are some 20 times more effective than the savings wrought by life style changes.

It is clear that the authors follow the Liberal mantra of the ends justify the means. If we can reduce carbon emissions by reducing the number of children, then we should do it, they gloat. It appears that carbon reductions trump even “life” itself. They summarize:

Much attention has been paid to the ways that people’s home energy use, travel, food choices and other routine activities affect their emissions of carbon dioxide and, ultimately, their contributions to global warming. However, the reproductive choices of an individual are rarely incorporated into calculations of his personal impact on the environment.

Here we estimate the extra emissions of fossil carbon dioxide that an average individual causes when he or she chooses to have children. The summed emissions of a person’s descendants, weighted by their relatedness to him, may far exceed the lifetime emissions produced by the original parent. Under current conditions in the United States, for example, each child adds about 9441 metric tons of carbon dioxide to the carbon legacy of an average female, which is 5.7 times her lifetime emissions.

A person’s reproductive choices must be considered along with his day-to-day activities when assessing his ultimate impact on the global environment.

By the authors’ desires, if we would limit every couple to having only one child, we would solve the Global Warming problem for every one. Again, humanity itself is the cause of all the woe, and the best thing for us to do is just stop procreating — or just drop dead. Living human beings are bad for the planet.

Indeed, the authors purposely fail to mention that their proposal puts humanity on a fast-tack extinction curve, as reproduction rates fall below population replacement rates. Surely, as statisticians they know this well. Within a few generations, there wouldn’t be any one around to measure, least wise care, about carbon emissions. We would all be dead.

Naturally, at it’s publishing, I didn’t leap to post it, knowing full well that so many would tut tut the possibility that the Obama admin, along with Pelosi and Reid’s Congress, would actually leap to such a tryrannical cure to an issue that Pelosi’s House Democrats see as a national security threat.

Add to that, the Speaker also considers reproduction an economic problem…. which is why she added birth control to the stimulus. Pelosi is quoted saying that “children’s health, education and some of those elements” are a financial drag to the individual states’ economy, and birth control and contraception would lessen some of those costs.

In another economic approach, Obama desperately needs his expensive cap and trade plan. His budget deficits depend upon this plan being implemented to defray budget costs.

Thus far, this ties both a “national security” and an economic/monetary expediency for climate change legislation. Now what remains to be seen is whether they will factor in draconian population control.

For this we may consider a few “six degrees of separation” relationships. Most specifically the Senate’s confirmation of Obama’s two leading “climate change” experts… including marine biologist specialist, Jane Lubchenco, to head the Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Coincidently, Ms. Lubchenco spent 30 years at Oregon State Univeristy… including heading up the Zoology Dept at the Corvallis campus.

Is it also coincidental that her OSU years are spent at the same Corvallis OSU facility where the above mentioned reproduction Nazis, Murtaugh and Schlax, happened to have originated their report on reproduction and climate change? Also note, Schlax is part of the OSU College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences.

Shall we assume that Ms. Lubchenco doesn’t know of these two? Hard pressed….


So far we’ve established a financial and “national security” motive for sundry climate change legislation, and a bread crumb trail from Obama’s NOAA appointee to the reproductive Nazis from Oregon State University.

What about Obama himself? He’s never spoken out about this particular reproductive study. And while it’s hard to second guess this not-so-transparent POTUS, we do know he is dedicated to the cause of climate change.

Reduce our Greenhouse Gas Emissions 80 Percent by 2050

  • Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.
  • Make the U.S. a Leader on Climate Change.
  • Just how far will this new administration go in their quest for making the US “a leader on climate change”? Would he would support reproductive control in the interest of climate change?

    We have no “let me be clear” answers of yet. So we can only speculate. And to do that, we can look at Obama’s views on abortion and reproduction.

    We do know he has a history of opposing “born alive” legislation as an IL State Senator, and a firm proponent of Roe v Wade.

    We also know that in Obama’s first days and weeks as POTUS, he used the Executive Orders procedure to reverse two policies relating to population: One within 24 hours to reverse the Mexico City policy, or lifting the ban on funds for international health groups that perform abortions, promote legalizing the procedure or provide counseling about terminating pregnancies”… and the other on March 9th to reverse the ban using federal funds (as opposed to private) for embryonic stem cells for the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA).

    It might be prudent to point out that – on March 11th of this year, just two days after issuing the embryonic stem cell EO – 24 agencies of this same UN compiled a 348 page document concluding that the world’s population growth and climate change were creating a crisis in the world’s drinking water.

    As Obama stated to CNN INRE embryonic stem cells research:

    “In recent years, when it comes to stem cell research, rather than furthering discovery, our government has forced what I believe is a false choice between sound science and moral values,” Obama said at the White House.

    “In this case, I believe the two are not inconsistent. As a person of faith, I believe we are called to care for each other and work to ease human suffering. I believe we have been given the capacity and will to pursue this research — and the humanity and conscience to do so responsibly.”

    A “false choice between sound science and moral values”…. I have no doubt that Obama believes global warming is based on “sound science”. The question is, will he consider it “responsible” to mandate limitation of family size when pursuing his climate change agenda?

    In Obama’s 23 minute presentation address to Planned Parenthood early in his campaign (about five months after announcing his candidacy), Obama laments Supreme Court decisions that upheld a federal ban on abortion with criminal penalties for doctors that performed them. (about 3’10” into below video) He states the presumption, without taking into consideration the woman’s health (a rare factor in the majority of abortions) is “wrong”. He states that Roe v Wade is “at stake” in the 2008 election.

    Obama has proven he is never on the side of the unborn child, but on the side of the mother and her whims. Some consider this simply a “pro choice” stand. But is it?

    There is increased activity of the family planning lobbyists, hot on Obama’s trail, to seek out new constituent support for population growth’s negative environmental and security impact by using the traditional humanitarian and women’s rights arguments.

    Such anti-reproduction environmental advocates – like Amy Coen at Huffpo – live among the liberals, preying on the “right to choose” emotions in order to advance their agenda.

    Even if we assume Obama’s support of abortion is genuinely founded merely on a woman’s right to choose, can their pressure – combined with Obama’s dedication to acting on climate change – result in Congressional legislation to limit family sizes in the US to “save the planet”?

    One thing is certain. No one will get to this control in a straight line, as it’s bound to meet with resistance. Just as the population climate control wackos hide themselves among the women’s rights groups, this is apt to be stealth legislation that appears piece by piece… perhaps culminating in a final appeal for the nation’s “sacrifice” to the global warming cause.

    China has had a one child per family limit since the 1970s, which they are considering scrapping in the past year because of their ageing population.. It’s not a “new idea” in the world…

    Will an America under Obama consider such measures their duty based on climate change and economic stress? A year ago, I would have confidently said now. Now… with this leadership and a cult like national following, I am no longer sure.

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    “Georgia Guidestones”

    I too, believe that population control could be next in the radical enviromentist agenda. These far-left loons will stop at nothing. They are fast becoming the new terrorist—a real danger to the country. They have already shown that they will not stop at non-violent protest, but have already taken the next step. The government needs to step up to the plate on this on one, but with Obama and his fellow-travelers I doubt that will happen. The post on Totus, really got be to thinking about this “great speaker”, and I have come to the conclusion that they man is a true phoney, incapable of expressing himself without his constant companion, Totus. This man, this great orator, this so-called snake-oil salesman could not sell puss….y on a troop train with Totus leading the way. He really is an empty suit.

    Yeah- and how will the welfare-state Ponzi scheme, which depends on ever-increasing numbers of workers to support beneficiaries, survive this?

    Great insight!

    Obama and Pelosi are playing into the population control agenda.
    However, there are other contributing factors to global population declines in the near future, which some may not be wholly aware of.

    I highly recommend the reading of these two books by Social Science Expert and Author,
    Jared Diamond. He predicts a 49% chance in civilization decline.
    Jared Diamond is no doom-and-gloomer; he’s a Pulitzer Prize winning author of thoughtful, carefully researched books about the rise and fall of societies.

    Diamond is best known for his books,
    Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (…), and Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies (…).

    Here’s the full article describing the multi-factorial causes of his prediction.

    I hate to mention this, but extreme population control is also behind the agenda of John Tanton of FAIR, Numbers USA, Calif. for Population Stabilization, The Social Contract Press, and is the basis of all his anti-immigration promotion.

    Tanton’s agenda is to see that the population of the US is about 90 million. This will be achieved through the prohibition of immigration, forced abortion, and eugenics.

    I’ve been writing about this for several years at The Pink Flamingo. It is the primary reason I’ve been against “immigration reform” in its current form – not the message, but the extremely liberal, pro-abortion puppet-master who is pulling conservative strings and making a fool of us.

    The Pink Flamingo

    You never see these libs commit suicide as a form of population control that they espouse.
    When we start seeing mass suicides of all these scholars to save the planet, then I might start to believe that there really is a problem in the world that needs solving, until then I will just continue to believe that this is a hoax put forward by antiamerican socialists/communists to destroy capitalism and the USA.

    The EPA appears to be on the verge of regulating Carbon Dioxide as
    a greenhouse gas. Kiss ever having a good economy again goodbye.
    Every way the left can think of to destroy this
    country is being put on the table all at once.

    these people are idiots. their population should be limited!

    They are part of the genetic dead enders club. Of course they only recommend limiting or eliminating children of first world western nations . I personally know at least 50 beautiful, intelligent women who subscribe to this philosophy and they will all become aged spinsters with no one to care for them in their golden years , except maybe illegal immigrants who do not speak English when these women become wards of the state. sad, eh? this is part of the Leftist, America hating master plan for the destruction of our society.

    CO2 as a “greenhouse gas”. Hmmmmm.

    I guess that means if we don’t breath, we’ll die and PRESTO, instant population control!!!!


    I am pretty sure Leonidas would not mind us extending molon labe to include children as well.

    Logic would tend to support a conclusion that liberal programs of abortion and termination of the gravely infirm would eventually lead to fewer liberal voters.

    Republicans made the argument that population growth was a matter of interest to US security, and that providing contraceptives to those who want them but can not access them is a good idea. Why ? Because it reduces demand for foreign resources that the US depends on, is a humanitarian act and encourages economic development of the foreign nation. Why did the republican stance switch? Because the Vatican stance on contraceptives was thought to be a deciding factor for Catholics and Republicans want to win their votes (the Catholic vote has been a consistent indicator of the next president since the 70s). In the recent election Obama received 54 percent of the Catholic vote (McCain 45 percent), indicating that the Catholic stance on contraceptives and reproductive health takes a backseat when it comes to election day.

    July 1969
    President Nixon (Republican): Delivers Special Message to the Congress on Problems on Population Growth calling for (4 actions) and the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future for the purpose of collecting and analyzing data in order to make possible the formulation of a comprehensive realistic U.S. population policy. Setting a far-reaching American commitment to helping limit the further unchecked increase of human numbers. In his 2nd term he called for NSSM 200 which begins our research on the consequences of continuing rapid population growth in foreign countries and the security implications for the US.

    @ MataHarely clearly you do enjoy research as you have presented much information. Good luck finding statistical facts, and reading original documents, (opposed to getting bogged down with the frantic rants of those who don’t know have accurate information).

    It’s never been much of a secret that pro abortion Bill Gates and plutocrat like- minded friends are actively trying to “depopulate.” As always, just follow the money, (and approach all vaccines with extreme caution, especially if child bearing age!)

    From May 2009

    The “billionaires club” meeting, according to the Times, included such notables as Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg.

    They all have a history of promoting abortion and using their vast fortunes to benefit groups like Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business.

    That Gates pushed the wealthy group into settling on population control as their “umbrella cause” isn’t surprising given that he outlined an ambitious project in February to reduce the world’s population by one billion, would eliminate one of out every projected nine people on the planet, or 11 percent.

    The Gates Foundation has given the Planned Parenthood Federation of America abortion business almost $12.5 million since 1998, including funds to persuade teenagers to support abortion and to lobby the United Nations to advance pro-abortion proposals.

    Of course this has nothing to do with “global warming”, as “global warming” is merely the new shill for the Ehrlich’s failed ‘Population Bomb’.

    N.B. (connection to Holdren, Obama’s Science Czar)

    It is, I suppose, possible to find a “key insight” about population growth in Ehrlich’s book that’s anodyne enough to qualify as “elementary” and irrefutable. But there’s a pretty good reason that the book is remembered primarily for its mix of hysteria and moral idiocy: When you kick off your argument by predicting that “the battle to feed all of humanity is over,” and that “in the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now,” and then proceed to argue for mass sterilization programs, the quarantine and abandonment of countries too overpopulated to save from total collapse, and various other “triage” methods (honestly, The Population Bomb has to be read to be believed), you pretty much forfeit the right to be praised for your prescience forty years down the line.

    Unless, that is, one of your friends goes on to become the science advisor to the President of the United States. As John Tierney notes, Holdren and Ehrlich go way back:

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