Another Obama Admin Nominee Didn’t Pay His Taxes


What a shocker! Another Obama appointee didn’t pay his taxes, as they demand more taxes from us:

Ron Kirk, nominated as U.S. Trade Representative in the Obama administration, owes an estimated $10,000 in back taxes from earlier in the decade and has agreed to make his payments, the Senate Finance Committee said Monday.

The committee said the taxes arise from Kirk’s handling of speaking fees that he donated to his alma mater, and for his deduction of the full cost of season tickets to the Dallas Mavericks professional basketball team.

The disclosure made the former Dallas mayor the latest in a string of top-level Obama administration appointees found to have underpaid their taxes, following Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Tom Daschle, who withdrew as candidate for Health and Human Services secretary. Nancy Killefer, Obama’s pick for chief performance officer, also bowed out amid tax problems.

White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said Kirk was working to clear up “a few minor issues” uncovered by the committee and expressed confidence he would be confirmed.

Turning out to be quite an ethical administration eh?

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I’m waiting for President Obama to declare this not paying taxes a “feature”, not a “bug.” Think of the first hand experience these non-payers get dealing with the IRS and how that will help them with their individual responsibilities. Alternatively, the Obama administration can make it a requirement to demonstrate the candidate’s ability to deal with complex bureaucracies and processes.

Judgment to lead.

*sputter* Yeah, right.

This should have been Obama’s theme song.

It’s certainly turned out to be his approach to Cabinet building and appointee choosing.

How exactly do you ‘agree to make payments’? Ever been late making payments and been ‘asked’ whether you would agree to make payments?

His approval rating might be as high as President Bush’s was at this time, but his DISapproval is skyrocketing and closing on 40% on day 42. That’s a remarkable accomplishment given he has absolute unchecked power (3 gutless RINOs in the Senate make that true, but so do the independents and a handful of just gutless Republicans as well).

Out of interest – do you get DINOs?

so i wonder why i shold pay taxes, i mean if not paying is good enough for the obama cabinet it should be good enough for me. we have a friend whoes father-in-law hasn’t paid taxes in years, he leases everything so they have nothing to attach. not sure how they get out of the payroll taxes, but he refuses to obey, he says its taxation with out representation, because they don’t see things his way he isn’t paying. gotta love the balls on that one.

Hell, these people should know better than the regular taxpayer what the rules are. Why is it that politician get softball treatment by the IRS? Is it two sets of rules? Courtesy from one shark to another?

Republicans pay Taxes. Socialists Collect them.
Just for your clarification on that point.

Aw, c’mon people! The article makes it clear that these were just “a few minor issues.” Besides, the main consideration is that Obama is ushering in a new “Era of responsibility,” and who ever said politicians should be responsible for paying taxes.

Wait a minute! I just had great idea. Since we pay politicians’ salaries, why don’t we just pay their taxes directly to the IRS? It would simplify things, and they wouldn’t have to learn how to use tax preparation software.

I hope none of them read this.

Jeff V

It is really a shame that these government officials try to evade on paying taxes… it’s something that happens on both ends, and is really atrocious, especially to the average tax payer.

Is anyone surprised at this????

Is anyone surprised that he picked a great friend of Late Term Abortion at the HHS???

He just slapped the face of all Catholics that voted for him.

Stix I fail to understand how Obama is slapping the face of all the Catholics who voted for him. What part about killing “babies born alive” and a 100% NARAL rating was unclear to them, in addition to at least 100 US Bishops warning of his perils as well as against church teachings? Just asking since he could not have possibly been elected without the “catholic” vote.

The only surprise is that anyone IS surprised. We knew by his “friends” that the apple couldn’t fall far from the tree.

Obama and Michelle both promised to TRANSFORM the country. As much as I believe I saw through his lies, I took him at his word on that one!

As for Kathleen Sibelius, that was a no brainer. She is actually one of the few catholic politicians who IS banned by a Bishop to receive the Eucharist. All that experience with Tiller the baby killer is going to come in handy for the death administration. Mark my words as soon as “healthcare” gets into place, we are going to see forced abortions and forced “mercy” killings. Why else would the “conscience law” be such a big deal when, pardon the pun, it’s “overkill” except in extreme situations as I predict?

Today tax cheat Geithner said he was going after tax cheats ..

I suppose nothing should surprise us, what I can’t believe though, is that after hearing all of these tax problems, and people resigning from the Obama camp, that his popularity has not been drastically reduced, since he was suppose to be an honest man.