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I think Jindal did fine. He talked like an American, unlike the Indonesian Acting President Obama.

There are a lot of people who need to get on the bus if we are going to get the current crew out of Washington and most of them will not be reassured or engaged by Rhodes scholarship. Straight talk, common sense and commitment to American ideals. Jindal needs to show them that there is a party that makes sense and I think that’s what he did. Low key, optimistic and positive. He also made it clear that recent activities have been big steps in the wrong direction.

I stopped listening after a few minutes as well. He seemed wooden. What he said was fine, but the delivery was awful. I know we should look past the delivery and concentrate on substance, and I think most of the true conservatives do. It’s the fence sitters that needed to be impressed and I fear they were not. This is one time having a short memory may go in our favor.

You are really so partisan that you did not watch Obama’s speech but tuned in for the rebuttal? I watched every major speech President Bush gave, sound on and everything. You are a sad, sad man.

As I said in my earlier post, Jindal’s one of the good ones, it was painful to see him last night.

But, but,but,but….

Jindal is so much more experienced than Palin.

We are truly doomed.

So what if Jindal doesn’t read well off a script or teleprompter? The fact is he has done very well when speaking off the cuff in other instances. A bigger issue is that HE HAS ACTUALLY RUN SOMETHING and been very successful at it. He is turning around Louisiana from the corrupt state it has been known for. That is more than can be said for Obama, who has never run anything and is only proving he can make a good speech and spend other people’s money.

I was thoroughly underwhelmed with Jindal’s response. I had expected something that would refute Obama’s prophetic claim that he could guarantee that the country would be worse off without the stimulus bill, despite the warnings to the contrary from his own congressional budget office, as well as someone who would show with conviction the folly in trying to spend one’s way out of debt. Jindal was just too meek to be persuasive.

A successful critical response would have exposed Obama’s empty rhetoric and misleading/twisted “facts.” Jindal should have required to President to provide details on how he was going to ensure that taxpayer dollars were not going to be given to irresponsible homeowners, undeserving agribusiness, Medicare “leeches”, and reckless corporate executives. Jindal should have insisted that President Obama explain how he was going to hold corporate executives responsible for the bad decisions they make with taxpayer money, particularly in light of the fact that government doesn’t even hold itself accountable. History has shown that government is quick to spend but slow to provide adequate oversight, and this is what Jindal should have driven home. He needed to be a forceful voice of reason, but instead came accross as a wimpy, tired school professor trying in vain to motivate a classroom full of uninterested students.

Any GOP or third-party candidate that hopes to be able to counter Obama’s rhetoric needs to be a passionate, convincing spokesperson capable of capturing an audience’s hearts and minds without sounding like a patronizing, monotonous voice-over artist from a bad junior high school filmstrip. Unless and until another party can produce someone who is strong, but gentle, and with a command for the English language, Obama is going to be undisputed king of the bully pulpit.

And for a male, being young and nice-looking, and possessing a deep voice won’t hurt; for a woman, it would help to be young (but not too young), confident (but not too confident), and attractive (but not too attractive – handsome will do just fine, thank you.)

I appreciate your comments.

Jeff V

saw him on tv this morning and he was great. his brother is an e.r. doc in my town. very nice guy. great family

Mike, I agree with you about his performance, In fact, I’m sure SNL will have fun with him. But I’m surprised you didn’t watch any of it.

@Fit fit: Nit Wit, if you can’t add anything to our discussion other than your worn out personal insults I don’t see why we should be bothered to read your comments.

Grow up or move on to some site that suits you better.

Cary: If you’re talking about Jindal’s speech I did tune it in. But he lost me at the outset.

As for Obama’s speech, it was nothing more than empty words that mean nothing. He’s broken far more promises than the’s ever kept. I don’t believe a word he says.

He was great on TV this morning.

Roll the tape:

He was much better today, and he wasn’t THAT bad last night. Obama has had many gaffes, the MSM of course doesn’t report it. Jindal is a comer and is very articulate, we should be encouraging him.

@Mike’s America:

How could you possibly know with the sound turned off when you did see it? We can’t even discuss it if you didn’t watch it. Doesn’t even make sense.

“He was great this morning”

Thinking back to what happened to Palin when she was geing “guided” (as compared to when she is on her own) and now this…..

What if it turns out that the RNC “expert handlers” are what is wrong with us. Or is larded with moles.

What if….

Jindal was a little stiff at first (maybe nervous, don’t know), but I think he got better as he spoke further…I appreciated, personally, that there was a voice to rebut the some of the major points in Obama’s speech. Especially about that you can’t spend your way out of debt.

What did drive me nuts, though, was the problem with Bobby’s microphone and the sound breaking up every few moments.

@Cary: I’m discussing JINDAL’S speech for which I did turn the sound on.

@SoCal Chris: I noticed a hum in the background too. That was also distracting.

YEs, that was extremely distracting, his mic kept cutting out.

Mike, I agree it did not hurt him at all. For people who have not seen him before he would be a breath of fresh air. For people who are news junkies and have seen or heard him a lot, it did seem there was something “different” about him. Not a bad different but there was something different about his speech.

I believe he wasn’t talking to us who are paying attention. We don’t need motivated, others do, though. He was talking to others who have not heard him before and Conservatives who are upset at the Republicans. We will have to see if it worked.


I’M A LITTLE TEA POT SHORT AND STOUT. THIS IS MY HANDLE THIS IS MY SPOUT [comment edited by post moderator who finds the personal insults of this nit wit tedious].

MSNBC employee engages in editorial commentary prior to Jindal’s speech.

Roll the tape:

Feel fit. You no more need to be man enough to listen to the President’s speech than you need to be man enough to take an enema. What is the point? He is a self serving liar who is bent on destroying our country either just because he can or because it serves his plan to create a communistic state. What does it matter what he says today, it won’t be true tomorrow. Remember lobbyists in government, remember a chance for the people to read legislation before signing, remember fine toothed comb, line by line removal of earmarks and pork. The man is a joke relevant only for the amount of damage he can do.

Evidently he forgot to call the Obama campaign and re’rent the Greek columns. I’m sure there would have been some media swooning then…. LOL

Seriously, so far I like Jindal. But not in on the GOP “swoon” yet. I’m content to let him pile on more experience and deeds before I cast judgment. And by doing that, he will be miles ahead of the delegator-in-chief.

But then, there are always those who will be fooled by the china and silver setting, and never notice the MickieD’s meal served up.

I did not watch Obama nor Jindal last night (I had better things to do with my time). People, please keep in mind that Jindal’s only 39/40 years old with only 1 year’s experience as Governor of Louisiana.

Question: Does ANYONE (without Goggling) even remember who gave the Democratic rebuttal to President Bush’s SoU speech this time last year??? Or ANY of the rebuttals in his eight years in office???


2010 (let alone 2012, 2014, 2016) is a loooooong way away.

Bobby is going to be just fine, Clinton and even Regan were not perfection when they started out. Obama is a unable to speak without a teleprompter, put Bobby out in front without notes and the man delivers. That’s because Bobby is the real deal not a Chicago made man.

@Prairie: I agree that Jindal is pretty solid. That’s why I was so disappointed with the opening of his speech. @Larry Sheldon points out that perhaps Jindal was overprepared by some GOP guy who wanted him to be all touchy feely and it came off as false.

We need to let Bobby be Bobby just as we need to let Sarah be Sarah.

We get into trouble when we try and force these guys into doing or saying something that doesn’t come naturally to them.

And I also get @Trubador‘s point. It’s WAY too early for any of this to matter.

But it’s still fun to talk about it.

Update: Sean Hannity is going to interview Bobby right after the top of the hour…in about 3 minutes or so.

Thanks for posting the link to Gov Jindal’s speech. First, he did a fine job. I have not really listened to him previously, but was impressed with the speech and did not spin around on “performance” as others have commented on.

mikeA: I did not watch Obama’s speech. I channel flipped past it a few times staying long enough to ponder what kind of bathrobe House Speaker Nancy Pelsoi was wearing and always with the mute button on.

mikeA: That forced cheeriness [Jindal] at the beginning left me flat and I tuned out the remainder of his message. By the time he got serious in the second half (video here) I was gone.

I find it incredible that some here who chastise Pres. Obama never listened to his speech and only partly listened to Gov Jindal’s, which is typical of someone with a closed mind and exposed his own ignorance.

@blast: You’re too much of an ass to know that I personally met and spoke with many of our top GOP candidates in the 2008 election. I’m becoming well acquainted with Jindal, and look forward to meeting him should he make an exploratory campaign swing to my part of the Palmetto State. So much for your ‘ignorance’ remark.

Like Nit Wit, you would do better to stick to the topic and not venture into that realm of pissiness which seems to be your favorite fallback position.

Oh no, Tim Keane did the rebuttal in 2008 and Webb did it in 2007, we thought they were terrible. Didn’t watch any of the other rebuttals, Webb was being hyped in the news at the time and we wanted to get our own impression of him, same thing with Keane the following year. They were both much ado about nothing.

Bobby Jindal’s rebuttal could have been stronger, he can do better and I know he will, time is on his side. Character, intelligence, courage, decency and morals, sums him up, not so with the above mentioned dems that I remembered.

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Mike complains about personal insults then calls Fit Fit a NIT WIT..

your fingers are pointing at YOU Mike.

I am just wondering if the Republicans will do better than Piyush Jindal next time.

RAP/Sky55110: I am just wondering if the Republicans will do better than Piyush Jindal next time

Whadda you care?

@Real American Patriot: I’m known for not tolerating fools gladly. Why do you think I don’t take you seriously?

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