Is there no end to the revision of history by journalists? AP bimbos, PAMELA HESS and ANNE GEARAN tout troop withdrawal as fulfillment of the Delegator in Chief’s campaign promise. Pretty damn safe bet since that was already agreed upon prior to his assumption of office, and was always in the cards as part of “victory”.
President Barack Obama plans to order that all U.S. combat troops be withdrawn from Iraq by August 2010, administration officials said Tuesday, ending the war that defined his upstart presidential campaign three months later than he had promised.
Obama’s plan would pull out all combat troops 19 months after his inauguration, although he had promised repeatedly during the 2008 campaign that he would withdraw them 16 months after taking office. That schedule, based on removing roughly one brigade a month, was predicated on commanders determining that it would not endanger U.S. troops left behind or Iraq’s fragile security.
Pledging to end the war in 16 months helped to build enormous grass-roots support for Obama’s White House bid.
The withdrawal plan — an announcement could come as early as this week — calls for leaving a large contingent of troops behind, between 30,000 and 50,000 troops, to advise and train Iraqi security forces and to protect U.S. interests.
~~~Obama’s campaign promise to withdraw troops in 16 months was based on a military estimate on what would be an orderly pace of removing troops, given the logistical difficulties of removing so many people and tons of equipment, a U.S. military official said.
The 19-month strategy is a compromise between commanders and advisers who are worried that security gains could backslide in Iraq and those who think the bulk of U.S. combat work is long since done.
The White House considered at least two other options to withdraw combat forces — one that followed Obama’s 16-month timeline and one that stretched withdrawal over 23 months, The Associated Press reported earlier this month.
A little late to the frat/sorority party, aren’t we girls? Duh wuh….
Withdrawal was already in the cards from Bush’s original Iraq liberation plans as a result of marked success, and was confirmed as achieving that benchmark when they agreed to the SOFA passed before the end of the year. But let’s not stand on semantics, shall we?
*No where* in the article is the SOFA agreement for troop withdrawal, as agreed to by Bush and the Iraq government, mentioned. *No where* in the article is the historical fact that Bush had said over and over to media deaf ears that the US would leave when the Iraqis were capable of governing and providing their own security.
They may pull the wool over the less educated in the world, but this crap really sticks in my craw.
Big demerits to these two. Perhaps there’s a fashion gossip column open that is more befitting of their research abilities and truth meter. Because that, IMHO, is all they are worthy of.
Vietnam era Navy wife, indy/conservative, and an official California escapee now residing as a red speck in the sea of Oregon blue.
Which happens to be the majority of people in this nation and 53% of voters in November.
Of course, that was the motivation for zombie of ZombieTime to start that movement a few months ago to recognize a day for Victory in Iraq Day to give credit where it was due. Since we all knew the mass media, the Left, the Democrats and B.O. were going to take all the credit for this and not give one iota to President Bush.
Absolutely disgusts me. But what disgusts me the most is that these lying POS mass media members get away with their BS, because the majority in this nation are willingly ignorant sheep, ready and willing to believe this crap.
all he has accomplished is the loss of 4000 points in the stock market.