Dems Flat Out Admit They Think We Don’t Care About Pork Spending


Um, yeah…we do. It’s why Republicans got voted out of office, and anyone who thinks differently will be voted out as well.

Moreover, President Obama said he cares, and doesn’t want any pork in the stim bill. He said last night there IS NO PORK in it. Is Chuck Schumer telling us President Obama lied?

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ah yes… it’s a new era of “it all depends on what the meaning of ‘pork’ is….”

Obama in Elkhart, IN

OBAMA: “Not a single pet project,” he told the news conference. “Not a single earmark.”

THE FACTS: There are no “earmarks,” as they are usually defined, inserted by lawmakers in the bill. Still, some of the projects bear the prime characteristics of pork — tailored to benefit specific interests or to have thinly disguised links to local projects.

For example, the latest version contains $2 billion for a clean-coal power plant with specifications matching one in Mattoon, Ill., $10 million for urban canals, $2 billion for manufacturing advanced batteries for hybrid cars, and $255 million for a polar icebreaker and other “priority procurements” by the Coast Guard.

Obama told his Elkhart audience that Indiana will benefit from work on “roads like U.S. 31 here in Indiana that Hoosiers count on.” He added, “And I know that a new overpass downtown would make a big difference for businesses and families right here in Elkhart.”

U.S. 31 is a north-south highway serving South Bend, 15 miles from Elkhart in the northern part of the state

I warned all those so-called conservatives concerned about big spending during the Bush years that things would get MUCH worse if Obama was elected. But even I never thought that Dems would dare put together a $trillion dollar hogzilla pork fest.

Even the AP is catching on:

OBAMA: “I know that there are a lot of folks out there who’ve been saying, ‘Oh, this is pork, and this is money that’s going to be wasted,’ and et cetera, et cetera. Understand, this bill does not have a single earmark in it, which is unprecedented for a bill of this size. … There aren’t individual pork projects that members of Congress are putting into this bill.”

THE FACTS: There are no “earmarks,” as they are usually defined, inserted by lawmakers in the bill. Still, some of the projects bear the prime characteristics of pork – tailored to benefit specific interests or to have thinly disguised links to local projects.

For example, the latest version contains $2 billion for a clean-coal power plant with specifications matching one in Mattoon, Ill., $10 million for urban canals, $2 billion for manufacturing advanced batteries for hybrid cars, and $255 million for a polar icebreaker and other “priority procurements” by the Coast Guard.

Obama told his Elkhart audience that Indiana will benefit from work on “roads like U.S. 31 here in Indiana that Hoosiers count on.” He added: “And I know that a new overpass downtown would make a big difference for businesses and families right here in Elkhart.”

Talk about simultaneous posting! Get outta my head, Mike! LOL

I was scratching my head. Thought I was dizzy for a moment. Great minds guys.

“Is Chuck Schumer telling us President Obama lied?”

What? We need a clown like Schumer to tell us what we already knew?

I honestly cannot remember a time that I have been so disgusted with Washington DC.

Has anyone else read about the beginnings of nationalized/socialized health care in the Spendulous?

Republican Senators are questioning whether President Barack Obama’s stimulus bill contains the right mix of tax breaks and cash infusions to jump-start the economy.

Tragically, no one from either party is objecting to the health provisions slipped in without discussion. These provisions reflect the handiwork of Tom Daschle, until recently the nominee to head the Health and Human Services Department.

Senators should read these provisions and vote against them because they are dangerous to your health. (Page numbers refer to H.R. 1 EH, pdf version).

The bill’s health rules will affect “every individual in the United States” (445, 454, 479). Your medical treatments will be tracked electronically by a federal system. Having electronic medical records at your fingertips, easily transferred to a hospital, is beneficial. It will help avoid duplicate tests and errors.

But the bill goes further. One new bureaucracy, the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology, will monitor treatments to make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate and cost effective. The goal is to reduce costs and “guide” your doctor’s decisions (442, 446). These provisions in the stimulus bill are virtually identical to what Daschle prescribed in his 2008 book, “Critical: What We Can Do About the Health-Care Crisis.” According to Daschle, doctors have to give up autonomy and “learn to operate less like solo practitioners.”

Keeping doctors informed of the newest medical findings is important, but enforcing uniformity goes too far.

Senator Specter protests the “rush to judgment,” laments the possible “harmful effects” of the provision, calls the legislation a “bitter pill to swallow,” but insists upon its passage. He “made a commitment.”

Roll the tape:

How about the commitment that you made to the American People Senator?

How about the oath you took to protect, preserve, and defend the US Constitution, Senator?

You work for us, the People, Senator.

The calls coming in to your office have been hundreds to one opposed to this legislation, yet you vote yes?

This is OUR country.

My ancestors fought, bled, and some died for this country. You, and the rest who think like you, will NOT be allowed to quietly get away with this.

Every single one of you in Washington took an oath Senator.

Have you no shame sir? Have you no shame whatsoever?

If you cannot keep your oath, then get the hell out.

In the words of John Paul Jones, “I have just begun to fight!”

Drat that program that remembers every misspelled entry I’ve made, and my nearsightedness!

“U.S. 31 is a north-south highway serving South Bend, 15 miles from Elkhart in the northern part of the state”

What are you complaining about, ZeroB’s shtick is “JUST WORDS” after all, remember, he even told us himself, though he left us to incorrectly infer the opposite. And that brings us back to Zero-Schumer’s apparent contradiction of the O’Cipher. Dis one say dis, and dat one say dat, MSM say somthin else, and no one know what be goin on. And that’s JUST the way they like it.

Mata: If I wasn’t using a dinky lap top I would have beat you to the punch…. Still, it’s worth saying twice.

@Aye Chihuahua:

I posted about it over in the “stimulating thoughts” thread. Here’s another worth everyone’s time.

Just How Low Have Democrats Sunk – Is Killing Seniors Now Not Beyond Limits?

I hope everyone takes the time to read about this and call and e-mail their reps. I composed an e-mail this morning and sent it out to everyone in my address book. Maybe we can get this sickening information to go viral.

I was going to say this is hard to believe, but it isn’t, it follows Obama’s cold and ghoulish pattern. First babies, now the elderly, none are worthy, all dispensible when they get in the way. Being as though I haven’t read Daschle’s book, I didn’t know how evil he was. He’s gone, but his ugly policies are still buried in that Stimulus Plan and it all needs to be removed.

Thanks Missy.

I figured that someone had posted on it.

I have been so snowed under at work for the last two days that I haven’t had a chance to be thorough on my reading.

I am so angry and disgusted right now that there just aren’t any words to describe it.

Last night, when Obie was on, I was screaming at the TV.

My wife and 15 year old daughter looked at one another and said “It’s gonna be a looooong four years.”

My wife then told me that if I was going to continue that behavior then I should go to my library so that no one else would be forced to see it.

Today, when I get home, I am disconnecting for a little while. I have a garden to prepare for spring planting. Potatoes go in the ground on Saturday.

I try to convince myself that I shouldn’t take these things so seriously, then I realize that all of us had BETTER take these things seriously. If we don’t, things will be so out of hand that we will never get them back under control.

Any so-called Republican, let me repeat that, ANY SO-CALLED REPUBLICAN that votes FOR this bill needs to be removed from office and forced to change their political affiliation. They are NOT Republicans, they are nothing more than RINOs, Republicans In Name Only!

@Aye Chihuahua:

I’m just sickened by all of this. We can hardly stand to watch this dog and pony show. Hubby and I have been trying to retire and everyday is proving to us that we better not. I have osteoporosis in my spine and will soon be in a wheelchair. This all scares me, might as well just die and get it over with.

Here’s another write up from AT:

Hey ya’ll…. after reading Missy’s link at the other thread, I just finished a post on this. Giving our on-top-of-it-girl a HT, of course.

this is irritating, i hate how they play the word games, do they really think we are stupid? i guess they do, whatever, they will end up out of office soon.

@luva the scissors: “do they really think we are stupid?”

No… they just think we are as dumb as the Obama voters.

I’m neither disgusted or sickened, I’m plain teeth knashing, red in the face, throwing coffee cups at TV screen pissed off. Redialed the 3 RINO’s office 20 times (at least) each today. By the 15th time they would no longer answer..guess they have caller ID.

Folkes we can’t be small, still voices crying in the wilderness. We have to start bellering like a bull with his testicles caught in a barbed wire fence over a yellow jacket nest. Get everyone you know to call the 3 RINO’s offices several times a day an maybe we can change their minds before it comes out of conference and back on the floor.

Who does Schumer think he’s kidding? There’s so much pork in this bill that not even Rabbi could make it kosher.

Of course Obama lied. He is a politician.

Very misleading description. US 31 is a major road connecting Northern and Southern Indiana across the state. It is not just used to service the liberals in Elkhart. I drove on it many times, from various small towns in Southern Indiana to Indianapolis, and I never got anywhere near Elkhart.

Just shows how out of touch congress is. They think now one cares about the pork because they don’t take the calls that would call them out! I called – finally got through to some simp in Specter’s office who left me in no doubt that my concerns would not be forwarded to the ‘great’ man. I hope he’s not planning on running again, because I shall make it a point to get as many people to vote against him as possible.

I don’t want the Republicans anywhere near this fiasco!