No scandal? Not if you don’t count an illegitimate election; ignoring the warnings of 9/11; letting bin Laden escape at Tora Bora; outing the identity of a CIA agent; diverting funds, troops and materiel to Iraq despite that country having nothing to do with 9/11; sending troops to fight and die without adequate armor, equipment, a strategy for victory or an exit plan; the death of thousands of troops and hundreds of thousands of civilians in a war based on lies; squandering the international goodwill that the U.S. gained after 9/11; the botched response to Katrina; driving the economy into the ditch; embarrassing the United States on the world stage; torture and illegal rendition; war crimes; illegal warrantless surveillance; etc. etc.
B*sh’s whole life and career has been nothing more than one, long, protracted scandal. The way he deserted from the National Guard; the fraudulent way he must have obtained degrees from Harvard and Yale; the phony Texas drawl and the Potemkin ranch in Texas; the way he crashed two companies into bankruptcy. B*sh is nothing but a waste of flesh, and he has caused more death and suffering than all of his predecessors combined. If that’s not a scandal, what is?
Getting tired holding down the fort, Mike? LOL A few more days and I should have a bit more time.
In the meantime, don’t be too hard on a johnny-come-lately-Jasper who thinks he can wander in and expect this community to swallow the last eight years of talking points – all condensed neatly into one post – as “news”. He’s probably used to the headline/sound byte edu’ma’cated types….
Or maybe it’s really Casper and not Jasper… as in a ghost of a brain cell.
Mata: If only we could force Jasper to read that run on sentence/paragraph without stopping to take a breath. It might be worth it to see him turn blue from oxygen deprivation.
Come to think of it… oxygen deprivation is most likely a chronic problem for him. Brain damage has clearly set in.
Aw, the letter was so sweet and sincere! The girls definitely had their moments, just like any children do, but they came away from it as admirable young ladies with a refined, tasteful manner for which any parent should be proud. They survived and learned from their mistakes, and they did it with the balance of graciousness from their mother and tenacity from their father!
16 years ago
Amazing that douche nozzles like jasper can even get anything typed with all the spittle that must have been flying-talk about a waste of oxygen-
No scandal? Not if you don’t count an illegitimate election; ignoring the warnings of 9/11; letting bin Laden escape at Tora Bora; outing the identity of a CIA agent; diverting funds, troops and materiel to Iraq despite that country having nothing to do with 9/11; sending troops to fight and die without adequate armor, equipment, a strategy for victory or an exit plan; the death of thousands of troops and hundreds of thousands of civilians in a war based on lies; squandering the international goodwill that the U.S. gained after 9/11; the botched response to Katrina; driving the economy into the ditch; embarrassing the United States on the world stage; torture and illegal rendition; war crimes; illegal warrantless surveillance; etc. etc.
B*sh’s whole life and career has been nothing more than one, long, protracted scandal. The way he deserted from the National Guard; the fraudulent way he must have obtained degrees from Harvard and Yale; the phony Texas drawl and the Potemkin ranch in Texas; the way he crashed two companies into bankruptcy. B*sh is nothing but a waste of flesh, and he has caused more death and suffering than all of his predecessors combined. If that’s not a scandal, what is?
@jasperjava: I’m overquota for responding to kooks and Bush deranged fools Jasper so I won’t waste my time replying to that idiotic screed.
It suffices to say that you’re an idiot and only another idiot would have the slightest respect for your deranged point of view.
Why Bush worked so hard to save the lives of worthless goofballs like you is a puzzle to me.
Getting tired holding down the fort, Mike? LOL A few more days and I should have a bit more time.
In the meantime, don’t be too hard on a johnny-come-lately-Jasper who thinks he can wander in and expect this community to swallow the last eight years of talking points – all condensed neatly into one post – as “news”. He’s probably used to the headline/sound byte edu’ma’cated types….
Or maybe it’s really Casper and not Jasper… as in a ghost of a brain cell.
Mata: If only we could force Jasper to read that run on sentence/paragraph without stopping to take a breath. It might be worth it to see him turn blue from oxygen deprivation.
Come to think of it… oxygen deprivation is most likely a chronic problem for him. Brain damage has clearly set in.
And today’s Glittering Jewel of Colossal Ignorance Award goes to…..
{Golf Clap}
Aw, the letter was so sweet and sincere! The girls definitely had their moments, just like any children do, but they came away from it as admirable young ladies with a refined, tasteful manner for which any parent should be proud. They survived and learned from their mistakes, and they did it with the balance of graciousness from their mother and tenacity from their father!
Amazing that douche nozzles like jasper can even get anything typed with all the spittle that must have been flying-talk about a waste of oxygen-