Yes we read that article and wanted to puke. And today the article in the New York Times about the former Gitmo terrorists who is now the second head cheese in Yemen’s AlQaeda, and helped to bomb the emabassy this past September in Yemen. Dah! This has happened so many times that I have lost count. Especially in Yemen! Yet the Liberal press still makes out that President Saleh of Yemen is our best butt buddy there ever was. All they can do is talk about his Jihad Rehab program thats a friking joke. I know that some of yall know my history, but I keep up with Saleh and Yemen because everytime this happens I call my elected officials, and then send them the article and a letter of protest. So please bear with me if I repeat some inf. But this is very personal too me, and my wife. After years of fighting this terrorist supporter. I would think that all Americans would be angry as hell about this. If Obama follows his plan to have the terrorists released back to their homelands we will see more innocent deaths. Its sickening and sad. All the work our troops, the security agencies went to, to catch these scumbags. And then they are released to kill again. Its an expensive job in money and human lives. And here we are starting over nearly at square one in regards to the vermin at Gitmo.
Gary: repeat away! It’s personal for me too. I made a point to go down to pay my respects to the USS Cole when it visited my area a few years back. We can never forget what happened then as it is likely to be repeated if we once again let down our guard.
mikeA “Obviously the plan President Bush had in place to process detainees had flaws.”
like what were the flaws?
16 years ago
A scenario, what happens if a cell in the US kidnaps some Americans say in Colorado, and wants the guys held in a prison here to be released in exchange, then they chop off heads just for fun and the TV cameras. HELLO, IS ANYBODY THINKING MR. PRESIDENT? At least we know one trait of our new President, he dives in head first and then gets his guys to think up a plan. He has been in office for 3 days. The CIA could catch a big fish and ask his name and put him where? We will close Gitmo and do what? We will send 30,000 more soldiers to Afghanistan and they will do what? Wait, the plan is coming.
kathie : “A scenario, what happens if a cell in the US kidnaps some Americans say in Colorado, and wants the guys held in a prison here to be released in exchange, then they chop off heads just for fun and the TV cameras.
What has stopped them from doing it already?
We have always been vulnerable in the homeland to a myriad of possible scenarios using low technology. Keep in mind we have several of their brother nut jobs in the Supermax in Colorado already. They could nab Americans anywhere world wide and chop chop for some of their looser buds in Guantanamo already.
Tom N
16 years ago
Terrorists are like the school yard bully the more you try and please him or her the stronger they get until you fight them and win.
Obama is going to be in for a big surprise and I’m afraid innocent civilians will pay the price when we are attacked again which will probably be soon.
I think I woke up in the twilight zone on January 21. Suddenly, it was 09-10 and my biggest worry was the new pet sitter and what to bring to the conference in Atlanta.
Hello…did I dream 09-11? Did I dream that smell? The anguish? Must have been one of my conservative daydreams I guess.
The target on ALL of us just got much bigger folks. And since ZerO became President, I wake up every day wondering if this is the day that history repeats itself.
16 years ago
USA wont survive with Obama. Hope people realize that simple fact.
Dixie Dawg
16 years ago
Obama is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and millions of people have been completely deceived by him. They’re called the “enthralled masses”, the unsuspecting zombies who have “worshipped” at the feet of a man who will lead them down the broad road to destruction.
Now, and forgive me for getting a little off-subject, but have you seen this?
This article claims that Michelle Obama was ordered by the Illinois Supreme Court to stop practicing law in 1993:
Obama is incredibly naive and clearly not qualified for leadership of the US in any huge stretch of imagination.
His choices for Secretary of State, Deputy Sec Def, Sec Treasury, the CIA and his Chief of Staff speak volumes to his lack of experience & judgment.
He has no idea where the GITMO detainees will go after it is closed. His choice for Atty Gen has no clue as to the security risk that the terrorists pose and no clue as how to adjudicate their situation in legal terms.
The American Voters sent Spanky & Our Gang to lead the Nation at time of War.
America is in for some hard lessons in terms of Terrorism, the Economy and Socialism.
Long on Ego, Showmanship, Arrogance and Short on Everything else that matters.
His on the job training will cost more in blood & treasure than the voters can imagine.
And while the liberal response to this reality is to naively claim a higher moral ground against perceived American hypocrisy and violations of the rule of law itself, affording these outlaws protections and rights to which they are not entitled only gives terrorism a renewed loophole by which to continue rejecting the very sense of legitimacy upon which legal rights are conceived.
Speaking of loopholes, the to allow some types of what he has described as torture in egregous situations essentially emasculates the purpose of the elimination of the prison. In essense, then, this is not a policy shift to eliminate torture, but rather it just changes what situations warrant the need for “harsher techniques.”
16 years ago
Oh, rest secure with your dreams.
Watch this young lady:
(unfortunately, she also wants Congress to reduce college costs.)
16 years ago
The most heinous regimes and zealots throughout history share one common trait, they actually lay out what they’re going to do before they do it; whether that’s Hitler’s Mein Kampf, or the Communist Manifesto; and do you know why?
Because they know full well that the “enlightened liberals” out there will naturally assume that these works are mere matters of hyperbole, and not genuine statements of plan or principal. Now, with these examples in history, you would think someone would say “hey, we should be listening to these tapes that Bin Laden sends out; maybe we could learn something…” Granted, Bin Laden doesn’t speak for each and every terrorist ner-do-well out there, but he’s a pretty good window into their way of thinking.
Several times we’ve heard the jihadis comment on how they actually have to do very little, that the West will do a fine job of tearing itself apart. Unfortunately, from Election Day till today, this self-destructive behavior has become increasing apparent here in the U.S., as well as in Europe, Australia, etc. In great spasms of hand-wringing we’re worried about how our handling of the terrorists we have in custody is reflecting upon our global image. I gotta tell you something, the terrorists aren’t worried about their PR, short of not wanting to look like cowards. And when you’re convinced (I’m not going to delve into questions of their sanity here) that paradise awaits you in the afterlife if you die in the fight, cowardice isn’t a real problem.
So, we’re actually going to put these guys on criminal trial in the U.S., are you kidding me!? I mean I thought that Johnnie Cochran represented the lowest form of lawyerly life, but the types who will crawl out from under their various rocks to defend these terrorists for a moment of fame will make Johnnie look spotless; and Bin Laden will be in his cave laughing as we broadcast it on CNN. More importantly, he’ll simultaneously be planning his next strike, and we’ll be less likely to have a head’s up on it because these same lawyers with the consent of the Obama administration will be busily throwing legal wrenches into our intelligence works…
Don’t blame me, I voted for McCain.
The most heinous regimes and zealots throughout history share one common trait, they actually lay out what they’re going to do before they do it; whether that’s Hitler’s Mein Kampf, or the Communist Manifesto; and do you know why?
Because they know full well that the “enlightened liberals” out there will naturally assume that these works are mere matters of hyperbole, and not genuine statements of plan or principal.
Whether or not Obama’s Administration joins that list of heinous regimes, it’s clear he also telegraphed his ideas on the war on terror throughout the campaign. But so many voters refused to recognize how dangerous this might be.
I doubt that his signing of the Executive Orders this week will have an immediate impact on people still suffering from their Inauguration hangovers or the libs like who are getting regular doses of the Obama Kook-Aid but at some point the average American voter will have an opportunity to reflect on Obama’s actions in the context of what I fear may be some horrific event.
It’s then that the real hangover starts and people start to ask themselves “what have we done?”
Theresa, MSgt (ret), USAF
16 years ago
This is another example of just how arrogant and smug this fucking America hater is. If the GOP, or what’s left of it, and the blue dog dems don’t school him on his role, we are more than screwed. Along with yesterdays attempt at intimidating the media whores into playing along with his message, he really believes he is king. God help us all.
WASHINGTON — President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.
“You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done,” he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.
One White House official confirmed the comment but said he was simply trying to make a larger point about bipartisan efforts.
“There are big things that unify Republicans and Democrats,” the official said. “We shouldn’t let partisan politics derail what are very important things that need to get done.”
That wasn’t Obama’s only jab at Republicans today.
While discussing the stimulus package with top lawmakers in the White House’s Roosevelt Room, President Obama shot down a critic with a simple message.
“I won,” he said, according to aides who were briefed on the meeting. “I will trump you on that.”
The response was to the objection by Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Arizona) to the president’s proposal to increase benefits for low-income workers who don’t owe federal income taxes.
Not that Obama was gloating. He was just explaining that he aims to get his way on the stimulus package and all other legislation, sources said, noting his unrivaled one-party control of both congressional chambers.
Republicans, along with Democratic leaders in the House and the Senate, met with Obama to hammer out details on a stimulus package that has reached $825 billion.
“We are experiencing an unprecedented economic crisis that has to be dealt with and dealt with rapidly,” Obama said during the meeting. Republicans say that is too big a burden for a nation already crippled by debt and that it doesn’t do enough to stimulate the economy by cutting taxes.
“You know, I’m concerned about the size of the package. And I’m concerned about some of the spending that’s in there, [about] … how you can spend hundreds of millions on contraceptives,” House GOP Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) later said. “How does that stimulate the economy?”
But White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs countered: “There was a lot of agreement in that room this morning about the notion that we’re facing an economic crisis unlike we’ve seen in quite some time … There was agreement that we must act quickly to stimulate the economy, create jobs, put money back in people’s pockets.”
Gibbs disagreed with those who called the meeting window dressing.
“The president is certainly going to listen to any ideas,” he said. “He will also go to Capitol Hill the beginning of next week to talk to Republican caucuses and solicit their input and their ideas.”
Obama acknowledged that $825 billion was a tough price tag for some conservatives and deficit hawks to swallow.
“I know that it is a heavy lift to do something as substantial as we’re doing right now,” he said. “I recognize there are still some differences around the table and between the administration and members of Congress about particular details on the plan,” he said. “But I think what unifies this group is a recognition that we are experiencing an unprecedented, perhaps, economic crisis that has to be dealt with,” he said.
The president added that legislation governing the use of an additional $350 billion in bailout money for the financial industry must include new measures to ensure accountability.
And he continued his initial round of calls to foreign leaders, dialing up Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Saudi King Abdallah and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
It’s then that the real hangover starts and people start to ask themselves “what have we done?”
Mike – Do you honestly believe this will happen? I personally believe that the average American voter will simply blame everything on Bush and relieve Obama of any responsibility. BDS is a mental disease apparently spread far and wide throughout this nation. But as there is a cure for ignorance, but not a cure for stupidity, I don’t think there is a cure for BDS either. As I see it, it seems BDS just morphed into Obama worship and HopenChanginess.
As was evident from the utter classlessness showed at the Inauguration by these people, heckling President Bush on his last day in office, I just do not see these people waking up from their mental sickness. 9/11 woke up most of the country, but only until about 2006 or so. However, there were signs that people had forgotten by 2004 already, since President Bush barely eeked out a victory over a dunce of a Democrat candidate. It took 3 years for people in this nation to forget. Sad.
I wish I had your optimism for the American people, Mike, I really do. But I just do not see any evidence that a majority of people in this nation — or even a large plurality — understand the dangers of Communism, Marxism and Socialism.
@Michael in MI: Michael: My comment is directed more at the average voter, not the BDS Obamatons – they are lost.
Even through the deliberate “news” media fog designed to shield Obama by accentuating the positive and ignoring the negative (the opposite of how they portrayed Bush) the American people cannot over time be prevented from absorbing enough of the truth to continue to be hoodwinked if something goes wrong.
And while none of us would wish for a horrific attack on this country, if one does occur there will be no one to blame but Obama.
Even the “news” media could not fail to observe that Bush kept us safe since 9/11. If that changes under Obama the American people will know who to blame.
If we are attacked again, and it will have to a big one with many deaths unfortunately. The media and the liberals will blame it on Bush somehow. Look at the Clinton era. All the attacks that happened, all the americans killed. Bin Laden even declared war on us, not once but twice!
And then after the Cole attack he thought that would finally provoke America. A US ship of War is symbolic of the nation it represents. There can be no more greater insult then to attack a countrys ship of war, besides than attacking the country itself. But after the attack Clinton did nothing and the terrorists that have been caught stated that they he could not understand why we did not attack then. Yet the democrats will still tellyou how we were at peace for all those years.
We just got president Obamas letter telling us that the trials had been suspended. Its heartbreaking. Here we go again. Will we have to sit and watch our sons killers go free again as they did in Yemen all over again? Our letter to Obama and Senator Cornyn will be mailed out this Monday. Will it do any good? I don’t know really. I suspect not. But i am begging him not to do as the Yemenis did. i don’t think my wife can handle it again. My only hope is that now the 9/11 families are part of this, and we may get more action and support this time around.
If some one visits my site. It was deleted last nit in a power failure as I was porting it over to wordpress. The address is the same. I want to post Obamas order to us. But I am way behind schedule. I hope you guys/gals at here at FP don’t think I am advertising on you site. I have alreay had some emails. Just a heads up.
Gary: Please drop us a link when you get your site running at WordPress with the letter.
Your current page is a reminder of the very personal and tragic toll terrorism has taken on so many families. Your story is an important one and like the families of the 9/11 victims it needs to be heard.
Fireman Gary G. Swenchonis, Jr
Killed in the Attack of the USS Cole 10/12/00
Mike, yall can have a copy if you want one. I am going to stay at my old site at blogger. I have messed enough stuff up for a 24 hour period. Over a years worth of stuff lost. Just beginnig to rebuild today. If you want a copy would you mind mentioning my site. I am going to lose some of my already small readers, and have confused others. The government reads my site on a weekly basis, and the Yemen goverment too(nasty phione calls from Yemen), and our government new all about my site and everything on it when i was called to testify. Plus other government people have told me off the record to ‘keep it up” that its not in vain. That people are watching and its made some waves. No I am not bragging. I had quit posting for a while when I got a phone call from an individual in a important position and asked me why. I told whats the use! After 7 years! But low and behold things started to take off. But none of it would have been possible with-out bloggers, and the net. Iknow that for certain. So thank-you either which! I don’t think some people realize the power of the internet.
I have to share this though. I was asked alot of questions as to whom and and where I got so much info for my old site. It makes me wonder if our security people ever surf the web! I told them that some names I would not give out. Thye got real frustrated. I bet they are happy that my site got deleted by my mistake. My wife was there in the same room and later asked me” They don’t even know that stuff is out there! And they got all this fancy equipment! and all we got is a computer and contacts.” I would have thought that they had improved since they came to our house back in 2001 and demanded as to where I was getting my info! They even told us at that time that my actions were unAmerican. Huh!
I tried to email you but it came back. So anyway whatever you decide is cool with me. And thanks for putting Garys picture on your site. That was nice of you.
“Even the “news” media could not fail to observe that Bush kept us safe since 9/11. If that changes under Obama the American people will know who to blame.”
You are so right. People have such short memories. 9/11 seems like just an expression to some now. I remember all of the terror I felt that morning and since. I didn’t always agree with President Bush but I did agree that he and his administration should be as tough as they needed to be to keep the homeland safe. And they did.
I remember people saying that they were voting for Bush/Cheney the second term because we needed a couple of mean SOB’s to deal with Al Qaeda. Reminds me of how no one likes lawyers until someone trys to take them to the cleaners, then they want a pit-bull in court with them.
However, I believe if we are attacked again (and the stakes have just gone up on that), the same people who hate Bush now will turn on Obama and the Dems in a second. The Democrats will never get back into office if that happens. I fervently hope this NEVER happens. I think this New Age Woo Woo/Terminal Niceness Case we now have in the WH, will be too tempting for Al Qaeda to pass up. I hope I’m wrong and he is outta there in four years due to his own mistakes.
Gary, my deepest sympathies go out to you, your wife and family. I miss my friend Linda every day and I can only imagine what it must feel like to lose a child.
If there is something that we can do to help you in this fight, by all means…let us know. Mike knows how to get in touch with me and I have some friends who can write wicked letters.
Although so far, they have gone unanswered by the White House 😉
@AnnMonterey: Ann, I don’t expect the dyed in the wool Obamatons to abandon their savior even if we are attacked. But as a percentage of the people who voted for Obama they are fairly small in number.
But you are right about the average joe voter who was just tired of Bush (mostly because of the unending hate campaign launched against him in November 200) or angry at Repbublicans for whatever reason to the point they were willing to vote for the most inexperienced nobody to ever be elected president.
It’s the millions of folks like that who blindly voted for “change” who may quickly realize that change can be a bad thing. They aren’t going to be sipping the kook aid just because some rabid lefty tells them to.
Thank-you for your offer to help! Or seacrh for Senator Cornyn’s web page, and click on addreses to write which takes longer than sending an email I know, but has more effect in the long run. Even an email that you support the Judicial hearing this comming year for quesyions surrounding the attaack on the USS Cole, and Gary G. Swenchonis, Jr would be of the utmost help. My wife and I requested the hearings and have been for years. i will not go into details here because its too long winded. But thank -you again. I will have his home page back on my own site soon too. His office has already recieved other peoples support for us and the other 16 sailors. Thanks again!
I think the stakes have definately gone up. Found this a few minutes ago. When I first read it I thought they could almost be taunting Obama, he had to be briefed on it before he put on the dog and pony show. Here we have the Saudi terrorists linking up with the Yemenis in Yemen with a free reign to carry on with their training and plotting.
My sympathies to you, your wife and family, God give you strength to do what you have to do. Thank you for taking the time to post here. I will be reading your blog daily now, it’s in my favorites. Just attempted to post there, but I did something wrong and it didn’t go through.
The above link is probably something you may already know about, if not, I’m sure you aren’t surprised.
Thank you for your support! Please let me know if you cdo not succeed at post on my site. I think I have it on feedburner. But will switch back to blogger if I have too.
Also, I had heard that about Yemen and the Saudis. But not read it. Thank-you so much!
Why was the Gitmo poll only directed at Obama voters? As I noted above, McCain also promised to close Gitmo. Did all you guys are are certain that this is a national security catastrophe vote for some third party candidate?
Unfortunately i think Mike is right. I left another post on this site. But in short the M/C told me that it would probably not go anywhere. But we are still fighting it!
USMC: Someone correct me if I am wrong but it’s my guess that the judges trying these cases belong to the Executive branch under the Dept. of Defense and not the Judicial Branch. Therefore, Obie is their Commander in Chief as much as that pains me to type it.
16 years ago
Mike, Mata patiently steered us through this yesterday in the Obama’s Rash Decision thread.
There’s much more over there but these two excerpts from a WaPo article she used show that, no the judge doesn’t have to shut down just because Obama says so. The Admin told the “prosecutors” to “seek” the suspensions, the judge doesn’t have to agree to them:
GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba, Jan. 20 — In one of its first actions, the Obama administration instructed military prosecutors late Tuesday ***to seek**** a 120-day suspension of legal proceedings involving detainees at the naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba — a clear break with the approach of the outgoing Bush administration.
Such a request*** may not be automatically granted by military judges,*** and not all defense attorneys may agree to such a suspension. But the move is a first step toward closing a detention facility and system of military trials that became a worldwide symbol of the Bush administration’s war on terrorism and its unyielding attitude toward foreign and domestic critics.
Yes we read that article and wanted to puke. And today the article in the New York Times about the former Gitmo terrorists who is now the second head cheese in Yemen’s AlQaeda, and helped to bomb the emabassy this past September in Yemen. Dah! This has happened so many times that I have lost count. Especially in Yemen! Yet the Liberal press still makes out that President Saleh of Yemen is our best butt buddy there ever was. All they can do is talk about his Jihad Rehab program thats a friking joke. I know that some of yall know my history, but I keep up with Saleh and Yemen because everytime this happens I call my elected officials, and then send them the article and a letter of protest. So please bear with me if I repeat some inf. But this is very personal too me, and my wife. After years of fighting this terrorist supporter. I would think that all Americans would be angry as hell about this. If Obama follows his plan to have the terrorists released back to their homelands we will see more innocent deaths. Its sickening and sad. All the work our troops, the security agencies went to, to catch these scumbags. And then they are released to kill again. Its an expensive job in money and human lives. And here we are starting over nearly at square one in regards to the vermin at Gitmo.
Gary: repeat away! It’s personal for me too. I made a point to go down to pay my respects to the USS Cole when it visited my area a few years back. We can never forget what happened then as it is likely to be repeated if we once again let down our guard.
like what were the flaws?
A scenario, what happens if a cell in the US kidnaps some Americans say in Colorado, and wants the guys held in a prison here to be released in exchange, then they chop off heads just for fun and the TV cameras. HELLO, IS ANYBODY THINKING MR. PRESIDENT? At least we know one trait of our new President, he dives in head first and then gets his guys to think up a plan. He has been in office for 3 days. The CIA could catch a big fish and ask his name and put him where? We will close Gitmo and do what? We will send 30,000 more soldiers to Afghanistan and they will do what? Wait, the plan is coming.
What has stopped them from doing it already?
We have always been vulnerable in the homeland to a myriad of possible scenarios using low technology. Keep in mind we have several of their brother nut jobs in the Supermax in Colorado already. They could nab Americans anywhere world wide and chop chop for some of their looser buds in Guantanamo already.
Terrorists are like the school yard bully the more you try and please him or her the stronger they get until you fight them and win.
Obama is going to be in for a big surprise and I’m afraid innocent civilians will pay the price when we are attacked again which will probably be soon.
I think I woke up in the twilight zone on January 21. Suddenly, it was 09-10 and my biggest worry was the new pet sitter and what to bring to the conference in Atlanta.
Hello…did I dream 09-11? Did I dream that smell? The anguish? Must have been one of my conservative daydreams I guess.
The target on ALL of us just got much bigger folks. And since ZerO became President, I wake up every day wondering if this is the day that history repeats itself.
USA wont survive with Obama. Hope people realize that simple fact.
Obama is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and millions of people have been completely deceived by him. They’re called the “enthralled masses”, the unsuspecting zombies who have “worshipped” at the feet of a man who will lead them down the broad road to destruction.
Now, and forgive me for getting a little off-subject, but have you seen this?
This article claims that Michelle Obama was ordered by the Illinois Supreme Court to stop practicing law in 1993:
Obama is incredibly naive and clearly not qualified for leadership of the US in any huge stretch of imagination.
His choices for Secretary of State, Deputy Sec Def, Sec Treasury, the CIA and his Chief of Staff speak volumes to his lack of experience & judgment.
He has no idea where the GITMO detainees will go after it is closed. His choice for Atty Gen has no clue as to the security risk that the terrorists pose and no clue as how to adjudicate their situation in legal terms.
The American Voters sent Spanky & Our Gang to lead the Nation at time of War.
America is in for some hard lessons in terms of Terrorism, the Economy and Socialism.
Long on Ego, Showmanship, Arrogance and Short on Everything else that matters.
His on the job training will cost more in blood & treasure than the voters can imagine.
And while the liberal response to this reality is to naively claim a higher moral ground against perceived American hypocrisy and violations of the rule of law itself, affording these outlaws protections and rights to which they are not entitled only gives terrorism a renewed loophole by which to continue rejecting the very sense of legitimacy upon which legal rights are conceived.
Speaking of loopholes, the to allow some types of what he has described as torture in egregous situations essentially emasculates the purpose of the elimination of the prison. In essense, then, this is not a policy shift to eliminate torture, but rather it just changes what situations warrant the need for “harsher techniques.”
Oh, rest secure with your dreams.
Watch this young lady:
Download at:
[video src="" /]
(unfortunately, she also wants Congress to reduce college costs.)
The most heinous regimes and zealots throughout history share one common trait, they actually lay out what they’re going to do before they do it; whether that’s Hitler’s Mein Kampf, or the Communist Manifesto; and do you know why?
Because they know full well that the “enlightened liberals” out there will naturally assume that these works are mere matters of hyperbole, and not genuine statements of plan or principal. Now, with these examples in history, you would think someone would say “hey, we should be listening to these tapes that Bin Laden sends out; maybe we could learn something…” Granted, Bin Laden doesn’t speak for each and every terrorist ner-do-well out there, but he’s a pretty good window into their way of thinking.
Several times we’ve heard the jihadis comment on how they actually have to do very little, that the West will do a fine job of tearing itself apart. Unfortunately, from Election Day till today, this self-destructive behavior has become increasing apparent here in the U.S., as well as in Europe, Australia, etc. In great spasms of hand-wringing we’re worried about how our handling of the terrorists we have in custody is reflecting upon our global image. I gotta tell you something, the terrorists aren’t worried about their PR, short of not wanting to look like cowards. And when you’re convinced (I’m not going to delve into questions of their sanity here) that paradise awaits you in the afterlife if you die in the fight, cowardice isn’t a real problem.
So, we’re actually going to put these guys on criminal trial in the U.S., are you kidding me!? I mean I thought that Johnnie Cochran represented the lowest form of lawyerly life, but the types who will crawl out from under their various rocks to defend these terrorists for a moment of fame will make Johnnie look spotless; and Bin Laden will be in his cave laughing as we broadcast it on CNN. More importantly, he’ll simultaneously be planning his next strike, and we’ll be less likely to have a head’s up on it because these same lawyers with the consent of the Obama administration will be busily throwing legal wrenches into our intelligence works…
Don’t blame me, I voted for McCain.
Excellent points Machi…
Allow me to add to this:
Whether or not Obama’s Administration joins that list of heinous regimes, it’s clear he also telegraphed his ideas on the war on terror throughout the campaign. But so many voters refused to recognize how dangerous this might be.
I doubt that his signing of the Executive Orders this week will have an immediate impact on people still suffering from their Inauguration hangovers or the libs like who are getting regular doses of the Obama Kook-Aid but at some point the average American voter will have an opportunity to reflect on Obama’s actions in the context of what I fear may be some horrific event.
It’s then that the real hangover starts and people start to ask themselves “what have we done?”
This is another example of just how arrogant and smug this fucking America hater is. If the GOP, or what’s left of it, and the blue dog dems don’t school him on his role, we are more than screwed. Along with yesterdays attempt at intimidating the media whores into playing along with his message, he really believes he is king. God help us all.
WASHINGTON — President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.
“You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done,” he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.
One White House official confirmed the comment but said he was simply trying to make a larger point about bipartisan efforts.
“There are big things that unify Republicans and Democrats,” the official said. “We shouldn’t let partisan politics derail what are very important things that need to get done.”
That wasn’t Obama’s only jab at Republicans today.
While discussing the stimulus package with top lawmakers in the White House’s Roosevelt Room, President Obama shot down a critic with a simple message.
“I won,” he said, according to aides who were briefed on the meeting. “I will trump you on that.”
The response was to the objection by Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Arizona) to the president’s proposal to increase benefits for low-income workers who don’t owe federal income taxes.
Not that Obama was gloating. He was just explaining that he aims to get his way on the stimulus package and all other legislation, sources said, noting his unrivaled one-party control of both congressional chambers.
Republicans, along with Democratic leaders in the House and the Senate, met with Obama to hammer out details on a stimulus package that has reached $825 billion.
“We are experiencing an unprecedented economic crisis that has to be dealt with and dealt with rapidly,” Obama said during the meeting. Republicans say that is too big a burden for a nation already crippled by debt and that it doesn’t do enough to stimulate the economy by cutting taxes.
“You know, I’m concerned about the size of the package. And I’m concerned about some of the spending that’s in there, [about] … how you can spend hundreds of millions on contraceptives,” House GOP Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) later said. “How does that stimulate the economy?”
But White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs countered: “There was a lot of agreement in that room this morning about the notion that we’re facing an economic crisis unlike we’ve seen in quite some time … There was agreement that we must act quickly to stimulate the economy, create jobs, put money back in people’s pockets.”
Gibbs disagreed with those who called the meeting window dressing.
“The president is certainly going to listen to any ideas,” he said. “He will also go to Capitol Hill the beginning of next week to talk to Republican caucuses and solicit their input and their ideas.”
Obama acknowledged that $825 billion was a tough price tag for some conservatives and deficit hawks to swallow.
“I know that it is a heavy lift to do something as substantial as we’re doing right now,” he said. “I recognize there are still some differences around the table and between the administration and members of Congress about particular details on the plan,” he said. “But I think what unifies this group is a recognition that we are experiencing an unprecedented, perhaps, economic crisis that has to be dealt with,” he said.
The president added that legislation governing the use of an additional $350 billion in bailout money for the financial industry must include new measures to ensure accountability.
And he continued his initial round of calls to foreign leaders, dialing up Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Saudi King Abdallah and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
@Mike’s America:
Mike – Do you honestly believe this will happen? I personally believe that the average American voter will simply blame everything on Bush and relieve Obama of any responsibility. BDS is a mental disease apparently spread far and wide throughout this nation. But as there is a cure for ignorance, but not a cure for stupidity, I don’t think there is a cure for BDS either. As I see it, it seems BDS just morphed into Obama worship and HopenChanginess.
As was evident from the utter classlessness showed at the Inauguration by these people, heckling President Bush on his last day in office, I just do not see these people waking up from their mental sickness. 9/11 woke up most of the country, but only until about 2006 or so. However, there were signs that people had forgotten by 2004 already, since President Bush barely eeked out a victory over a dunce of a Democrat candidate. It took 3 years for people in this nation to forget. Sad.
I wish I had your optimism for the American people, Mike, I really do. But I just do not see any evidence that a majority of people in this nation — or even a large plurality — understand the dangers of Communism, Marxism and Socialism.
@Michael in MI: Michael: My comment is directed more at the average voter, not the BDS Obamatons – they are lost.
Even through the deliberate “news” media fog designed to shield Obama by accentuating the positive and ignoring the negative (the opposite of how they portrayed Bush) the American people cannot over time be prevented from absorbing enough of the truth to continue to be hoodwinked if something goes wrong.
And while none of us would wish for a horrific attack on this country, if one does occur there will be no one to blame but Obama.
Even the “news” media could not fail to observe that Bush kept us safe since 9/11. If that changes under Obama the American people will know who to blame.
If we are attacked again, and it will have to a big one with many deaths unfortunately. The media and the liberals will blame it on Bush somehow. Look at the Clinton era. All the attacks that happened, all the americans killed. Bin Laden even declared war on us, not once but twice!
And then after the Cole attack he thought that would finally provoke America. A US ship of War is symbolic of the nation it represents. There can be no more greater insult then to attack a countrys ship of war, besides than attacking the country itself. But after the attack Clinton did nothing and the terrorists that have been caught stated that they he could not understand why we did not attack then. Yet the democrats will still tellyou how we were at peace for all those years.
We just got president Obamas letter telling us that the trials had been suspended. Its heartbreaking. Here we go again. Will we have to sit and watch our sons killers go free again as they did in Yemen all over again? Our letter to Obama and Senator Cornyn will be mailed out this Monday. Will it do any good? I don’t know really. I suspect not. But i am begging him not to do as the Yemenis did. i don’t think my wife can handle it again. My only hope is that now the 9/11 families are part of this, and we may get more action and support this time around.
If some one visits my site. It was deleted last nit in a power failure as I was porting it over to wordpress. The address is the same. I want to post Obamas order to us. But I am way behind schedule. I hope you guys/gals at here at FP don’t think I am advertising on you site. I have alreay had some emails. Just a heads up.
Gary: Please drop us a link when you get your site running at WordPress with the letter.
Your current page is a reminder of the very personal and tragic toll terrorism has taken on so many families. Your story is an important one and like the families of the 9/11 victims it needs to be heard.
Fireman Gary G. Swenchonis, Jr
Killed in the Attack of the USS Cole 10/12/00
Mike, yall can have a copy if you want one. I am going to stay at my old site at blogger. I have messed enough stuff up for a 24 hour period. Over a years worth of stuff lost. Just beginnig to rebuild today. If you want a copy would you mind mentioning my site. I am going to lose some of my already small readers, and have confused others. The government reads my site on a weekly basis, and the Yemen goverment too(nasty phione calls from Yemen), and our government new all about my site and everything on it when i was called to testify. Plus other government people have told me off the record to ‘keep it up” that its not in vain. That people are watching and its made some waves. No I am not bragging. I had quit posting for a while when I got a phone call from an individual in a important position and asked me why. I told whats the use! After 7 years! But low and behold things started to take off. But none of it would have been possible with-out bloggers, and the net. Iknow that for certain. So thank-you either which! I don’t think some people realize the power of the internet.
I have to share this though. I was asked alot of questions as to whom and and where I got so much info for my old site. It makes me wonder if our security people ever surf the web! I told them that some names I would not give out. Thye got real frustrated. I bet they are happy that my site got deleted by my mistake. My wife was there in the same room and later asked me” They don’t even know that stuff is out there! And they got all this fancy equipment! and all we got is a computer and contacts.” I would have thought that they had improved since they came to our house back in 2001 and demanded as to where I was getting my info! They even told us at that time that my actions were unAmerican. Huh!
I tried to email you but it came back. So anyway whatever you decide is cool with me. And thanks for putting Garys picture on your site. That was nice of you.
Gary: You might want to post your thoughts on the letter as a reader post here. I sent you an email to the address you left on your comment.
“Even the “news” media could not fail to observe that Bush kept us safe since 9/11. If that changes under Obama the American people will know who to blame.”
You are so right. People have such short memories. 9/11 seems like just an expression to some now. I remember all of the terror I felt that morning and since. I didn’t always agree with President Bush but I did agree that he and his administration should be as tough as they needed to be to keep the homeland safe. And they did.
I remember people saying that they were voting for Bush/Cheney the second term because we needed a couple of mean SOB’s to deal with Al Qaeda. Reminds me of how no one likes lawyers until someone trys to take them to the cleaners, then they want a pit-bull in court with them.
However, I believe if we are attacked again (and the stakes have just gone up on that), the same people who hate Bush now will turn on Obama and the Dems in a second. The Democrats will never get back into office if that happens. I fervently hope this NEVER happens. I think this New Age Woo Woo/Terminal Niceness Case we now have in the WH, will be too tempting for Al Qaeda to pass up. I hope I’m wrong and he is outta there in four years due to his own mistakes.
Gary, my deepest sympathies go out to you, your wife and family. I miss my friend Linda every day and I can only imagine what it must feel like to lose a child.
If there is something that we can do to help you in this fight, by all means…let us know. Mike knows how to get in touch with me and I have some friends who can write wicked letters.
Although so far, they have gone unanswered by the White House 😉
@AnnMonterey: Ann, I don’t expect the dyed in the wool Obamatons to abandon their savior even if we are attacked. But as a percentage of the people who voted for Obama they are fairly small in number.
But you are right about the average joe voter who was just tired of Bush (mostly because of the unending hate campaign launched against him in November 200) or angry at Repbublicans for whatever reason to the point they were willing to vote for the most inexperienced nobody to ever be elected president.
It’s the millions of folks like that who blindly voted for “change” who may quickly realize that change can be a bad thing. They aren’t going to be sipping the kook aid just because some rabid lefty tells them to.
Thank-you for your offer to help! Or seacrh for Senator Cornyn’s web page, and click on addreses to write which takes longer than sending an email I know, but has more effect in the long run. Even an email that you support the Judicial hearing this comming year for quesyions surrounding the attaack on the USS Cole, and Gary G. Swenchonis, Jr would be of the utmost help. My wife and I requested the hearings and have been for years. i will not go into details here because its too long winded. But thank -you again. I will have his home page back on my own site soon too. His office has already recieved other peoples support for us and the other 16 sailors. Thanks again!
I think the stakes have definately gone up. Found this a few minutes ago. When I first read it I thought they could almost be taunting Obama, he had to be briefed on it before he put on the dog and pony show. Here we have the Saudi terrorists linking up with the Yemenis in Yemen with a free reign to carry on with their training and plotting.
My sympathies to you, your wife and family, God give you strength to do what you have to do. Thank you for taking the time to post here. I will be reading your blog daily now, it’s in my favorites. Just attempted to post there, but I did something wrong and it didn’t go through.
The above link is probably something you may already know about, if not, I’m sure you aren’t surprised.
Does anyone remember that McCain stated that he also would close Gitmo and prohibit torture?
Obama’s chief national security advisor is Jim Jones, former US Marine commandant. His Defense Secretary is Robert Gates.
You really think these guys are going to sit by idly and go along with Obama giving Bin Laden the keys to the city?
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
@Ann Monterey
Thank you for your support! Please let me know if you cdo not succeed at post on my site. I think I have it on feedburner. But will switch back to blogger if I have too.
Also, I had heard that about Yemen and the Saudis. But not read it. Thank-you so much!
Larry, are you suggesting Gates and Jones would stage a coup?
And in case you haven’t had a chance to see this yet Larry:
If they want to keep their jobs, yes, they will sit by and do as ordered by the President.
Also, one of the many gripes about McCain — from people who were voting for him as a vote against Obama — was his pandering about GTMO and “torture”.
Why was the Gitmo poll only directed at Obama voters? As I noted above, McCain also promised to close Gitmo. Did all you guys are are certain that this is a national security catastrophe vote for some third party candidate?
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Larry: I personally confronted McCain over the issue of “torture.”
I don’t get your point. Are you suggesting we wouldn’t be complaining about this idiotic decision if McCain made it? I did that already.
Now go watch that video…
Gary, interesting word today:
**Watch FOX News Channel or go to for more
sadly it looks like the judge will be ordered to comply:
Well that blew my day to &*$#.
What trumps here Mike, the Constitution or the Presidency?
Unfortunately i think Mike is right. I left another post on this site. But in short the M/C told me that it would probably not go anywhere. But we are still fighting it!
USMC: Someone correct me if I am wrong but it’s my guess that the judges trying these cases belong to the Executive branch under the Dept. of Defense and not the Judicial Branch. Therefore, Obie is their Commander in Chief as much as that pains me to type it.
Mike, Mata patiently steered us through this yesterday in the Obama’s Rash Decision thread.
There’s much more over there but these two excerpts from a WaPo article she used show that, no the judge doesn’t have to shut down just because Obama says so. The Admin told the “prosecutors” to “seek” the suspensions, the judge doesn’t have to agree to them:
GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba, Jan. 20 — In one of its first actions, the Obama administration instructed military prosecutors late Tuesday ***to seek**** a 120-day suspension of legal proceedings involving detainees at the naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba — a clear break with the approach of the outgoing Bush administration.
Such a request*** may not be automatically granted by military judges,*** and not all defense attorneys may agree to such a suspension. But the move is a first step toward closing a detention facility and system of military trials that became a worldwide symbol of the Bush administration’s war on terrorism and its unyielding attitude toward foreign and domestic critics.
My post is caught in the filter, P&T.
Free at last.
Free at last.