George Bush monument defaced


“On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics. “-President Barack Obama 1/20/09

HOUSTON (KTRK) — Houston police are looking for a vandal who defaced a monument in honor of former President George Bush. Shortly before 2pm, Houston police got a call of criminal mischief in progress at the George Bush monument on Bagby at Preston in downtown Houston. Witnesses say a man who appeared to be homeless was using paint to vandalize the monument. The man was described as having long blond hair, possibly in a ponytail, and wearing a plaid shirt. He may still have some yellow paint on him.

FOUR YEARS after declaring that there should be no red states or blue states because we are all red white and blue states… it appears that Obama’s message still hasn’t been answered.

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For eight long years the Dems let that hate genie out of the bottle. Did they really think that a speech by Obama could put it back in the bottle?

Words mean much less than deeds and as we have seen, Obama and his incoming team have shown little if any good grace at all to the man he replaces.

They will reap the bitter harvest they have sown.

Any one of You Surprised?

“Any one of You Surprised?”

Nope. They must act quickly to show their Bush Derangement Syndrome just a little bit longer.

Soon, they will be lining up to do the necessary paperwork to get their piece of the pie…:rolleyes:

just like the chanting bit yesterday, and all of the other things that the left have done to show they are really 8 years old, this isn’t a shock.