The Heart Attack Grill


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Ya know, once again capitalism shows its strength over socialism. Ya just don’t get that kinda nursing in Cuba, Canada, or the UK w their socialized medicine.

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Good find Scott! Sort of like a naughty nurses version of Hooters but with better food.

Scott: Hillary is the last image that comes to mind when watching this video. Bill Clinton maybe, but not Hillary.

Did you know I went to Bill’s favorite BBQ spot in Hot Springs in 2007? They could have used some waitresses like this. The one I had was about 103. But the food was just as bad for you which means it was good.

Having been away from the blog for a couple of weeks to prepare for a medical meeting, I was intrigued to find this as the top post.

One of the funniest little segments on nutrition and health I’ve ever seen. The restaurant owner is one very savvy and imaginative capitalist.

P.S. I know that most of you guys read a lot of Newsmax. Newsmax has a health session, who’s mission seems to be dedicated to the mission of disproving that fatty foods cause heart disease and cholesterol is related to heart disease, e.g.

Cholesterol Levels Don’t Indicate Cardiac Risk

Now, this is typical Newsmax. Reminds me of the sort of sensationalistic certitude that they also bring to the campaign to attempt to debunk the potential dangers of soaring levels of atmospheric CO2.

But look at the difference between what the Newsmax-written headline says and what the study really shows:

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 8:51 AM

A new national study has shown that nearly 75 percent of patients hospitalized for a heart attack had cholesterol levels that would indicate they were not at high risk for a cardiovascular event, according to current national cholesterol guidelines.

Specifically, these patients had low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels that met current guidelines, and close to half had LDL levels classified in guidelines as optimal (less than 100 mg/dL).

“Almost 75 percent of heart attack patients fell within recommended targets for LDL cholesterol, demonstrating that the current guidelines may not be low enough to cut heart attack risk in most who could benefit,” said Dr. Gregg C. Fonarow, Eliot Corday Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and Science at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and the study’s principal investigator.

The headline implies that cholesterol levels are not related to heart attack risk. This headline is completey wrong. Cholesterol levels are strongly and without question related to heart attack risk. What the study shows is that levels of serum cholesterol previously viewed as being “safe,” are, in fact not safe at all, and that cholesterol guidelines need to be lowered, if people are to really have cholesterols in the “safe” range.

But what a great video and what a great idea. I do think that people have every right to kill themselves, if they want to do this, as long as they pay for their own health insurance and don’t endanger others in the process.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA (who, for health reasons, hasn’t knowingly eaten red meat since 1970).

Larry, welcome back oh alternative view guy. Was wondering where you were.

What of the “good” cholesterol vs “bad” cholesterol. In other words, is *all* cholsterol bad? And is there a realistic balance of moderation on the fats vs constant eating of “card board”. Just a generic question.

Mata, gotta leave right now to drive down to The OC from San Francisco (will be nice getting back to all my GOP friends and leaving all my looney lib friends in the rear view mirror).

Will get back to this thread, watch Mike’s climate change 75 minute video, and address the “medical conscience” Bush executive order within a couple of days.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

Larry: I was just going to remind you about that video:

Link: The Great Global Warming Swindle

Seems you are still stuck on CO2. Must be from spending too much time in the Bay Area. We all know there is something funny in the air and water around there.

And yes, Mata has missed you. She’s started buddying around with some questionable types since you left. And that made ME miss you too.

Their first shop was so crowded there was no place to sit. Buy the triple and you are treated to a wheelchair to your car.

Lots of fun!

(I only had a beer the time I went).

I know this is supposed to be fun and funny……

I am a registered nurse.

For some reason I don’t find this eatery/whore house or your blog fun and funny anymore.

The next time a REAL Lady,such as myself, takes care of you or actually helps to save your life, please do your best to keep your minds out of the gutter.

I won’t be back and I will be telling all of my nurse friends about your total lack of appreciation for the nursing profession.

The next time you need medical care go to a CAT HOUSE.

infidelgranny… when did you stop being “Shane (Hangmann747)” of Federalist Fred blogspot???

Considering my sister in law has been a nurse since the 60s, I am sorry to hear this so offends you. She’d shake her head with a smile…

This doesn’t differ much from super big macs etal… except they give you warning about the calorie and cholesterol intake. And oh yes… offer Hooter-style servers. But did it occur to you that some go there on occasion, and don’t eat like that every meal? Everything in moderation… I know many people that eat like that… *occasionally*.

You can put govt warnings on bottles of liquor, state prescribed drugs for our children, and packs of cigarettes… but humans ultimately have to take responsibility for their own actions. It’s a personal decision to indulge… and how often to indulge…. in that volume of food intake and/or drugs. It’s rather silly to get upset at what others choose to do with their bodies, don’t you think? Or to judge Scott for posting this inane “news” in the middle of all the other national and international hubbub.

I will agree… I don’t much see the humor in the video either. Must be a guy thing. But then, the reporter intended for it to make a fool of itself, as you can tell from the opening.

In the end, I am not offended by the business owner’s choice of advertising, nor his choice of restaurant fare. Still, if this is enuf to chase you away from Flopping Aces, then perhaps you were never that devoted. But we’ll be sorry to see you go.

Looks like someone has had a humour bypass;)

Ouch! I’d make some smart ass joke about Nurse Ratched but Ifidel Granny R.N. might take it the wrong way.

First job I ever had was working in a hospital and most of the nurses there had a pretty active sense of humor. They needed it to deal with death and disease on a daily basis.

It’s not like Scott posted photos of naughty nurses or anything!

Now Scott… don’t you post anything like that!

Reading infidelgranny’s comment made me sad. 🙁


The next time a REAL Lady,such as myself, takes care of you or actually helps to save your life, please do your best to keep your minds out of the gutter.

I guarantee that if a real lady, such as yourself, were caring for me, my mind would not be in the gutter!

You FA whoremongers should be ashamed! Ashamed, I say!

Pffft! Admit it, Scott: It was the buns.

I have a really good come back to Scott but am now feeling the effects of Infidel Granny and will hold my tongue…

Something about stacks of meat….

That food would make me ill. Our daughter is also a nurse and has counseled(nagged) us for years about our diet, and as a rule we eat healthy. We have stopped at fast food joints while traveling, but greasy food nauseates me, I fare better eating gas station food.

Other than not having diet sodas, hubby would love that restaurant, he would just have to go solo. What stunned me about the video was the gal that pushed the wheelchair looks exactly like my granddaughter, they say everyone has a twin somewhere. I’m going to show her this when she comes by today.

What of the “good” cholesterol vs “bad” cholesterol. In other words, is *all* cholsterol bad? And is there a realistic balance of moderation on the fats vs constant eating of “card board”. Just a generic question.

“Bad” cholesterol is low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. It is present in fatty animal meats and synthesized in the liver from saturated (e.g. butter/cheese) and trans fats.

Good cholesterol is high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. You can think of LDL as garbage and HDL as the garbage truck, which carries out the garbage for disposal. The less LDL the better. The more HDL the better. Only, in people on very, very low fat diets, there is very little LDL and, accordingly, no need for garbage trucks; so HDL goes down. This is not a problem in such people. You can lower LDL with very low fat diets and you can also lower it with very low carb diets. The major problem with very low carb diets (which tend to be high fat) is that we don’t know the long term effect of these diets on other diseases, such as cancer.

You can raise HDL (get more garbage trucks to haul out your garbage) by moderate drinking (1 to 3 drinks per day) or by vigorous exercise and/or by eating what are called “healthy” fats, e.g. olive oil, almonds, walnuts.

In terms of fats, what are bad are: (1) land animal fats (cholesterol and saturated fat), (2) hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated (trans) fats (READ LABELS), (3) tropical oils (palm and coconut oil — beware theater popcorn). What are “good” are fish oils (omega 3), monounsaturated fats (olive oil, canola oil), most nuts (omega 3). What are more or less neutral (but which may promote cancer) are the omega 6 unsaturated fats, e.g. soybean oil, corn oil.

I think that ultra-low fat, low glycemic (high glycemic being non-lactose sugars and “white” starches) diets, combined with exercise, have a lot to commend them, but very few people can successfully follow these diets (and get regular exercise); so a good alternative are low salt versions of so-called “Mediterranean” diets.

There, as good as a 300 page, 30 dollar diet book. Such a deal.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach CA