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I’ve been hearing and reading prominent conservatives and Republicans say nearly as much on television, in print and in private conversation ever since the election. They say Sarah Palin can never make a comeback.

Why some on our side seem to go along to get along with the left’s lies!

I would not attribute their comments about Palin to some sort of conversion to the left or even agreement with the left. More likely it is a political calculus from her opponents within the party (ie Romney) to discredit her further as to keep their own aspirations on the front burner.

I don’t think the fight has been lost and I certainly don;t advocate surrender.

I am not sure how to fight the Tina Fey/SNL and John Stewart mob tho. Conservatives need to have the same visibility. I am afraid that it may get worse if the internet and talk radio “Fairness” doctrines are pushed thru.

And, you’re correct about Romney and the rest. They are already positioning themselves for the future and what better way than to kick those who lost.
I have caught some of Huckabee on Fox (?), too. Crap, if he is going to be the most visible face of conservative politicians, we’re screwed…

I’ll hazard a guess that most of those who do are living inside the Washington Beltway, in New York or some other urban center where liberal social elites rule who gets invited to the cocktail parties and who does not. I’ve lived in both New York and Washington and realize the pressure that is exerted for conservatives to either shut up or tone it down to get along.


I know you’ve more or less thought this of me, mentioning how I live in Los Angeles and all; but don’t confuse my desire to conduct myself with civility (for which you’ve praised President Bush on his graciousness and class toward those who have dragged him through the mud) for a desire “to be liked” or lack of will and cajones to engage in a good fight because I don’t prance around LA sporting Bushwear and an overabundance of “in your face” bumperstickers to uglify the wordsmithmobile.

We deplore “hateful vitriolic behavior” coming from our political foes on the left, claim their tactics “have worked” in wake of the November Election, then think we have to fight back by being what we’ve deplored: hateful vitriol, smears, and lies.

No thanks.

I am not sure how to fight the Tina Fey/SNL and John Stewart mob tho

You need someone like Coulter, but who’s actually funny.

It is time for conservatives to think about starting a new party.

In 1994 Newt Gingrich developed the Contract for America. It took the country by storm and gave the Republicans control of the House for the first time in 40 years. And did the corruption get rooted out! But as time went by the Republicans elected in 1994 aquiesced to the beltway culture, renounced their pledges to limit their tems and became part of the Washington problem. There are any number of leaders to provide the impetus to retake the soul of the Republican party or lead us in a new direction. Whether it be Bobby Jindal, Sarah Palin or even Newt, someone needs to reflect the voice of conservatives.

Just look back. Did Gerald Ford inspire us, or did Ronald Reagan? Did McCain’s numbers go up or down when Sarah Palin came on the scene? Did they go up or down when McCain put the brakes on her? Did McCain’s style win the day in November? Of course not.

Let’s roll!

Wordsmith: Actually I was just relating my own experience. Had you ever had a drink thrown on you because the person you are talking to finds out you are a Republican?

Corky: I was angling for a Contract With America long before 1994 and continue to do so today. The reason we don’t have one is because there is no leader like Gingrich who is able to get the moderate and liberal Republicans to join in. I guess they don’t care if they ever get to be in the Majority again.

I don’t think a new party is the way to go. People tried that with Perot in 1992 and 1996 and we ended up with Clinton.

@Mike’s America:

Wordsmith: Actually I was just relating my own experience. Had you ever had a drink thrown on you because the person you are talking to finds out you are a Republican?

No; but if it ever does happen, I’ll be sure the person experiences firsthand the true meaning of “disproportionate response” and “spiking the punch”.

I agree with Mike, Corky, that third parties is not the route to go. It might not seem like it, but I think you’ll be far more effective at trying to change the party from within, rather than from without. Building a new party from the ground up is wasted energy in American politics.

I don’t believe for a moment that politicians like McConnell, Graham, Hatch, McCain and others have so routinely betrayed their nation and the American public as a result of an overwhelming desire to be liked. Rather they are simply being who they are and what they have always been–moderate to liberal members of the republican party. We conservative republicans believe that all republicans should be like us…conservative. Patriotic. More interested in the well-being of the nation and the rights of its citizens than in our own political power and fortunes. Well unfortunately it doesn’t work that way.

Republicans will never win another election. Why? Because it is to easy to hack your the voting machines. With organizations like Acorn and all the corrupted left, you will only have fraudulent elections like the last one.

You have to ban Acorn and alike and return to the paper ballots with supervision on both sides. You also have to stop that massive early voting. Early voting should be aloud only for people who can’t vote on Election Day and should prove that they can’t. Get official polling centers that are supervised, it is too easy to vote from anyplace in the USA. This is why you will never be able to win another election. If you don’t allow these changes, these corrections, Obama and his crooks will win forever. I’ve read that THE ONE wants to do like Chavez and change the 22nd amendment to abolish the restriction of two terms for a President. He wants to be there forever and he will if you do not take action now. BTW, Jindal doesn’t meet Article 2 of the Constitution to be POTUS.

Hope and Change: Move to Repeal Presidential Term Limits Started

Craig: the problem in Minnesota wasn’t voting machines, but duplicate ballots that election officials “forgot” to mark as such and so counted twice.

Of course most of these officials, like the Secretary of State are Democrats.

P.S. I heard about the move to make Obama President for life. They might as well tack on laws to impose the fairness doctrine on talk radio and give illegal immigrants the right to vote as that’s what their ultimate plan is for one party socialist government.

Are there any funny right-wing comedians?
No point whining about Stewart etc – if you can’t join em’ beat ’em…;)

To name just one, and my favorite, Dennis Miller. But then, he’s probably too sophisticated in his humor and gift of phrasing to appeal to the base voter we see depicted in the Zeigler videos.

mike a: “Had you ever had a drink thrown on you because the person you are talking to finds out you are a Republican?”

Actually I can understand how that would happen to you… with or without you being a Republican. You are just plain caustic when you disagree with someone. Maybe listening to what Wordsmith said might help you.

Wordsmith: …”don’t confuse my desire to conduct myself with civility (for which you’ve praised President Bush on his graciousness and class toward those who have dragged him through the mud) for a desire “to be liked” or lack of will and cajones to engage”…

“We deplore “hateful vitriolic behavior” coming from our political foes on the left, claim their tactics “have worked” in wake of the November Election, then think we have to fight back by being what we’ve deplored: hateful vitriol, smears, and lies. No thanks”

I agree with you 100% on that Wordsmith.

Blast: You have a lot you could learn from Wordsmith regarding civility before you start lecturing me.



I haven’t seen much of Dennis Miller but what I have seen has been gone.
I like Bill Hicks stuff but he’s a leftie.

Grow up ASS.

I wish that Ann would answer Greg Jackson’s question.


McCain’s too liberal, Romney’s too liberal, Romney’s too liberal, Fred Thompson too liberal, Ron Paul too liberal, Giuliani too liberal, Genghis Khan too liberal…

Seems whatever nomination the GOP choose during 2008 was going to be too liberal.

Seeing Republican rip into each other is almost as much fun as seeing the Democrats doing the same thing this year.

At least in 2012 the Republican may have a candidate who is anything but liberal. Instead they may argue if she is competent enough rather than if she is too liberal.


There are plenty of right-wing funny folks out there. Check out http://www.restrainednomore.com

She has been called the Conservative Bombshell. Funny and to the point

I’ll check her out – never heard of her though.

Out of interest – what do you Cons consider shows like Family Guy and South Park to be? I find them funny – as it’s non-PC and pokes the fun out of everyone…

Love both shows since they do make fun out of both sides.

@GaffaUK: I like both.

Family guy is extremely bigotted against Conservatives. Anymore, hardly a show goes by that doesn’t bash Conservatives or display their BDS. No, family guy DOES NOT make fun of both sides. Not even close. I used to be an avid watcher of the show-not anymore. I’m sick of their hate masquerading as humor. The simpsons are just as bad. I quit watching as of the last Halloween episode in 2007. They rammed a gasoline tanker into the GOP convention leveling the building. Yeah, they’re just kidding…my ass…

I watch Southpark because besides being funny, they make fun of everyone.


Anything that pokes fun at PC – is good in my book.

@Corky Boyd:

Agreed the “word” conservative has in my mind very little place to go – with a complete lack of values following on what is perceived to be a faction of the Republican party.

Btw, we differ on reasons behind 1994… reality is the Crime Bill – was the greatest good that produced a unified front against the Libs of the time… as the NRA finally figured out which was was up. And basically went on to punish the congress for the law that Joe Biden – rammed through the Senate.

Which is why with the current out of control gun buying craze… one must wonder if 2009 is… 1994 all over again.
