Obama “talks” about “not talking” on Gaza…


Boy, I really hate delving back into this “talking” about Obama’s “not talking” business… After all, I am on record that frankly, I’m enjoying any silence from Obama I can get after a few years of Obama overload from the press.

But now, we have a few tidbits. No opinion, mind you. Just tidbits about his notable “silence” on Gaza… a direct 180 degrees from his open statements about Mumbai.

Truthfully, what llittle expounding Obama *has* done on his Gaza silence – being “deeply concerned – gives us little to go on as to what the new admin has in mind as a 21st century foreign policy. And I am also on record that, IMHO, his silence does not necessarily bode well.

Evidently, Tim Harper, the Washington Bureau Chief at The Star, might be feeling the same way I do… that Obama’s foreign policy for Israel just may not follow the traditional support of previous admins.

Why can a president-elect deal with a domestic crisis but not a foreign crisis?

According to Obama, it would not be “safe” for Americans if the world believed there were two different administrations conducting foreign policy.

“Until I take office, it would be imprudent of me to start sending out signals that somehow we are running foreign policy when I am not legally authorized to do,” he told a press conference yesterday.

Experts on transitional politics here say he is right.

“He’s not the commander-in-chief,” said David O. Jones of the Washington-based Brookings Institution. “That is different from being a president with a domestic agenda.”

Let me repeat that. Obama says it’s “safe” if the world doesn’t believe there are two different administrations conducting foreign policy.

Does that still hold true if the foreign policy between the outgoing administration remains essentially the same as the incoming administration?

In short… no.

As I’ve said many times, for Obama to repeat his campaign talking points about Israel would hardly give the impression he is “running foreign policy”. Afterall, his comments to AIPAC and statements about Israel’s right to defend herself are already public, and consistent with current US foreign policy.

And, as I’ve pointed out, the only logical reason I can see for Obama’s silence is he does *not* intend to continue the same level of support as the current policy.

If Obama plans to back down on support for the US’s largest ally in the Middle East, he is wise to stay silent. But that does not let my heart take flight with “hope” for future conflicts. Nor will this enhance his ability to act as a mediator. Obama’s attempts to “straddle the fence” as a neutral “Switzerland” between factions like Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran and Israel will result in less influence over Israeli leadership.

In keeping with the theme that Obama may just be embarking on such a diminished support for Israel, Harper again quotes Jones from Brookings Institution, citing the dangers of a POTUS speaking out during a transition period about the upcoming changes, and the events that transpired before Inauguration.

Jones recalls Bill Clinton making a comment about accepting Haitian refugees before taking office in January 1993, and having to quickly dial back his statement because Haitians were taking to their boats, believing they had a green light to head to this country.

“There is a huge anticipation outside the country on foreign issues,” Jones said.

“But there is a danger in speaking before the entire context is understood or the context is being misinterpreted.”


“Obviously, I am deeply concerned about the status of what’s been taking place in Gaza,” he [Obama] said.

“I am doing everything we have to do to make sure that the day I take office, we are prepared to engage immediately in trying to deal with the situation there, and not only the short-term situation but building a process whereby we can achieve a more lasting peace in the region.”

He rejected a question that Palestinians should interpret anything from his silence.

“The silence is not as a consequence of a lack of concern,” he said.

“In fact, it’s not silence. I’ve explained very clearly exactly what institutional constraints I’m under when it comes to this issue.”

I’m not sure how you would interpret this, but I do not consider reiterating support for the current policy of Israeli support … as per his campaign rhetoric… as a “constraint”. And interesting that when Obama was worred his silence meant lack of “concern”, he specifically addressed Hamas (aka Palestinians, as said here). Apparently he was less concerned how his silence was perceived by Israeli leadership. Otherwise why not include them in his response?

But at least he’s said *something* about saying nothing… and that is an improvement (sorta..) on the communication/transparency level. A promise that has been fraught with failure during the transition period already, exampled with his handling of Panetta as CIA pick.

Now all that remains to be seen is just what his silence translates to for Israel after Jan 20th.

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Obama is using his middle name to have an in, in the Islamic world. If he supported Israel he would give up that leverage. I think he wants to meet with the leaders of the Islamic world before he shows his hand. We have elected a guy who we have no idea what he is going to do, what his world view is, where he draws a line. But it is good for Israel to be kept off balanced because they have an election soon, if they are frightened about their survival, they might elect BeBe, and that would be good.

his not saying anything is his way of showing that he has no idea of what his stance is, this isn’t soething a handler can whisper in his ear and give him a pat answer on. knowing obama he will most likelly side with his genetics and raising and back hamas, he is afraid to piss them off. he should be afraid to piss the isreali’s off, my dad once told me that we had a strong military, but the isreali’s had a much more loyal and discriminating military. that they don’t do the “pc” thing, they go in and get the job done and “pc” be damned. even when obama speaks he really has nothing to say, he never has and he never will.

That’s a first, Obama with nothing to say. You have to think if he agreed with our current policy he would be happy to reiterate that and let people know that things are going to be consistent. Of course, he can’t be seen agreeing with W. How would that look. Though after 2 years of campaigning against the war in Iraq and then putting out a plan nearly identical to the one we are currently implementing, I guess anything is possible.

Obama has been too involved in friendship with Palestinians here in the US for me to think he will not dump the Israelis. Of course, he has dumped everybody else to win the election so it is possible he will dump the Palestinians.

Other people seem to think he will follow Bush’s policies. I doubt he will. He is far left. He has all these old Clinton retreads in his cabinet. But, never forget his church is or was black liberation theology and it had many muslim members. He has been endorsed and probably funded by all the terrorist and Islamist countries. He might not still be a muslim but I think he gravitates toward these kinds of people.

I think he will dump Israel. Deep in his heart he probably hates the Jews like most muslims do. He was brought up on this stuff like mother’s milk. He doesn’t want to say so now because he doesn’t want Iran’s nuclear facilities bombed. Not becausehe cares about Iran but he doesn’t want the blowback during his first months in office. If he says “I will not stand with Israel” and supports Hamas after inauguration we are screwed. We are already screwd with the libs in congress but this will be worse.

I know I sound pessimistic but I have no hope that the nes four years will not be a disaster for this country. The libs unleashed will detremental to this country.

OT but has anyone heard about the new law about lead in anything children up to age 13. It seems congress in all their wisdom made this law so sloppily that used clothing, books, handmade toys, etc will have to go to the landfill unless it can be proved that they contain no lead. New clothes will have to be tested. It is very expensive to test them so clothing will skyrocket. Someone on another blog mentioned that rare books from other centuries used lead ink and cannot be sold and possibly destroyed. When congress played with our light bulbs and our tvs it was bad enough but not they are trying to wreck the economy this way.


Spoken like a true Christian. I thought you weren’t supposed to judge and cast stones. lol

Can someone block TrueCristian? Again she is offtopic and rude.

There’s a rash of liberals invading conservative blogs posing as conservatives and saying vile things, (Team Sarah). Did anyone link that site to here? Just wondering because this one doesn’t speak like any of the “true Christians” I know. Or perhaps it is a member in good standing in the Fred Phelps church of hate.


Barbara, I just ran across this link while visiting QandO, bit of info regarding the new law that will fill up the landfills and bankrupt resale shops, crafters, quilters, etc. Wonder how the Salvation Army and Goodwill will continue helping the poor.

I hate to deliver bad news. now I totally understand why Obama is silent. I am SO sorry, this is our country! Please keep read on…

Harry Reid, the majority leader of senate, lead a revolution on Friday (yesterday) vote for support Israel, the bill pass 390 vs 5. Harry reid said “I don’t work for Obama, I work with him” and he is not “rubber stamp” of Obama. They want to get things done before Obama get into the office.

Obama’s silence means he does not agree with Bush, but he can not say so because the enormous pressure from senate. His refusal to listen to Israeli government’s brief anxious many. Good lord, I don’t know if Obama and live until Jan 20!

If you are American citizen, check your congressman out, hold him/her accountable for their vote. Their vote must represent America’s interest, not foreign country’s!

Fight here about who is right who is wrong is non productive, you won’t affect our foreign policy. Hold your senate and your congressman accountable is the way to go.



Sparkling breaking news… hey, hey!

Joe Wurzelbacher, alias “Joe the Plumber” has found a new job. He is now a correspondent journalist in Israel and gives his impressions on the conflict in Gaza.

Joe the Plumber is here, and he ain’t happy


“Samuel Wurzelbacher of Ohio, aka Joe the Plumber, arrived in Sderot at noon Sunday to show local and foreign reporters how to do it right. “You should be ashamed of yourself,” he told foreign reporters.”

“…He also wondered why Israel waited so long to act. “I know if I were a citizen here, I’d be damned upset.” He described himself as a “peaceloving man,” but added, “when someone hits me, I’m going to unload on the boy. And if the rest of the world doesn’t understand that, then I’m sorry.”

“…During the election campaign, Wurzelbacher (who supported McCain) warned Jewish voters in America that voting for President-elect Barack Obama would be a death blow to Israel, saying, “Obama has offered to sit down with the enemies of Israel.”

Mata, your suspicion was right. Our “one president at a time” finally speaks. On the same day that Obama calls for Israel to open the borders, the Jerusalem Post tells us that Hamas has taken control of the tunnels and is re-arming. Also note the first call Obama made to the ME was to Abbas making sure he understood that it was his first call to a ME leader and it was out of concern for the Palestinians. Then the very next day……

Open the borders Israel:

Hamas takes control of tunnels:

Forgot to mention that I found these two articles at Gateway Pundit