Obama “monitoring” Gaza events… avoiding foot in mouth? Or afraid to offend Hamas?


See Dec 29th update here

For a man who touts “judgment”, PEBO is hiding out in the islands…”monitoring”… but keeping his mouth shut on the latest warfare in Gaza between Hamas and Israel. While we’ve heard from him regularly on everything from the economy to the WH domestic pets – effectively nullifying his “only one President at a time bit – Obama is comspicuously silent on the ME events.

Axelrod, his talking head, made the rounds to the Sunday news shows. But there was little he could shed on Obama’s position.

But David Axelrod refused to offer an opinion on the fighting between Israeli Defense Forces and Hamas terrorists.

“As Hamas began its shelling, Israel responded,” Axelrod said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” Obama has been in Hawaii on vacation with his family during the holiday.


Axelrod said that Israel is the United States’ strongest ally and has to defend itself, but Obama wants “to be a constructive force in helping to bring about the peace and security that both the Israelis and the Palestinians want and deserve.”

“The president-elect was in Sderot last July, in southern Israel, a town that’s taken the brunt of the Hamas attacks. And he said then that, when bombs are raining down on your citizens, there is an urge to respond and act and try and put an end to that,” Axelrod said.

But, he added, the president-elect wants to manage Mideast relations “in a way that will promote the cause of peace, and work closely with the Israelis and the Palestinians on that — toward that objective.”

Is the Obama way to “peace” to ignore Hamas’ militant actions? Does his leadership mean saying nothing in order not to offend Hamas and other Muslim leaders? In which case, welcome back Jimmah Carter…

Or is he remaining silent in order to not to repeat his past faux pas? Coincidently, he was headed to the islands the last time he put his foot in his mouth on int’l events… this time over Georgia and Russia.

Took him three tries to get the situation correct (as opposed to McCain, who struck the right tone from the first moment). First he suggested “restraint” on both sides, chiding them like battling siblings. The second time, he placed a bit more of the responsibility on Russia, but still copped a “can’t we all just get along” attitude.

It wasn’t until the third time in public where he used sufficiently strong language, befitting the leader of the free world.

Before that, it was Obama’s foot in mouth moment speaking before the AIPAC last July…where he emphatically stated that Jerusalem would remain the capital of Israel, and undivided.

This, of course, freaked out the Palestinian Arabs who envisioned a Palestinian state, including East Jerusalem. It took 24 hours for Obama to backpaddle on that one…

But the statement itself – concocted to pander to the specific audience – contained a historic flaw… the US doesn’t recognize any part of Jerusalem as Israel’s “capital”, and consistently refuses to relocate an embassy there. My guess is that one falls in the “57 states” gaffe category. Unless, of course, Obama has plans to move the Israeli Embassy from it’s present location in Tel Aviv.

In the interim, the rest of the world *is* speaking out. As is usual, the anti-Israel types are using this moment to protest in Lebanon and Europe.

The UN and the EU have taken the Obama course of how to chide siblings…er… other nations. They simply call for a cease fire, sans specifics. Yeah… that’ll work.

The French President, Nicolas Sarkozy called Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to condemn the Hamas provocations, and urge renewal of the truce. Problem is, Abbas hasn’t got the weight to swing in Gaza since Hamas took over control of the territory in 2007.

Condie Rice, however, didn’t balk publicly – noting who broke the truce.

Rice issued a statement on Saturday condemning “the repeated rocket and mortar attacks against Israel and holds Hamas responsible for breaking the ceasefire and for the renewal of violence in Gaza.” She also said the U.S. “calls on all concerned to address the urgent humanitarian needs of the innocent people of Gaza.”

Speaking on behalf of the Bush administration, she was more blunt.

Backing Israel, the administration of President George W. Bush, in its final weeks in office, put the onus on Hamas to prevent a further escalation.

“The United States … holds Hamas responsible for breaking the ceasefire and for the renewal of violence in Gaza,” Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in a statement. “The ceasefire should be restored immediately.”

Meanwhile one Dem Senator, Sherrod Brown, has taken that Obama “hope” slogan too seriously….

I’m not sure it’s a good idea. I mean, Israel certainly has the right to self-defense, of course. Hamas has not recognized Israel’s right to exist. … But I’m hopeful that with a new president — you know, you look at President Bush is now in a petty weakened state, and countries around the world know that. I’m hopeful that as this transition comes, as we look to January, that strong presidential leadership can make a difference here,” Brown said, appearing on ABC’s “This Week” with Corker.

…”strong presidential leadership..”???

How is that? Is it strong “presidential leadership” to hide out, and refuse to offend the offensive side by recognizing their actions broke the truce?

Apparently, the foreign policy of this Bush the III is still a watered down wuss by comparison. This dancing around reality, refusing to call Hamas on the carpet, will not increase the potential for peace between Palestine and Israel. It will, however, give ample fuel to the anti-Israelis in the region… to the politically-correct, anti-Israel western media, … and to the very anti-Semite United Nations.

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Ease off folks, he’s in deep thought right now……give the man some space!

Tom in CA

“Obama in “deep thought”. (Tom)

You mean Obama is in deep shit. I can’t believe this stupid guy will be the leader of America. He has no experience whatsoever, no judgment, no morality, no integrity. You are stuck with an idiot that was elected by idiots. God help America!

My attempt at a facetious comment has failed miserably.

Tom in CA

obama isnt even in office and shit is hitting the fan, between isreal being attacked, and blago he should be in deep thought. he shouldn’t be pissed that photographers are taking his families pics. he knew that was the deal going in, he should be trying to figure out how hw intends to help this situation. you know he will end up putting his foot in his mouth, but an honest effort would be appreciated for all my tax money he is using.


You dumbasses are attacking Obama–WHO IS NOT YET PRESIDENT–for not moving on the Gaza issue, yet you seem to be giving Chimpy McBus$hitler–WHO IS THE PRESIDENT–a pass when he doesn’t move on Gaza.

Oh, did I mention that Obama IS NOT YET THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES? If he did get involved, you’d be attacking him for sticking his nose into Bush’s business.

That sucking sound you hear is your credibility swirling down the drain.

“You dumbasses are attacking Obama–WHO IS NOT YET PRESIDENT” (Dumb American)

I can see you like the word “dumb”… lol… you even voted for one.

Well go and tell this to Obama that he is not yet president. What the hell was his President elect office for?

Hey, Dumb American, watch how your troops react to Obama and Bush:

Barack Hussein Obama Visits Marines on Christmas; Met With Silence

And now watch the difference when Bush visits them:

Woah! US Troops in Iraq Give Bush a Tremendous Sendoff!

Mike in Dumbmerica,

Correction. I was not attacking Mr. Obama. I was making fun of him.

You have not seen nothing yet, Mike. We have your playbook.

Tom in CA

Has Obuma made ANY statement condeming Hamas’s repeated violations of the cease fire and then their repudiation of it altogether?

Is this just another example of him voting “present” in the Illinois State Senate?

Seems old habits, like corruption in Chicago, die hard!

Barry votes:

Can not risk losing those millions of dollars in donations from Saudi Arabia and Syria which Barry Soetoro used to buy the Presidency from rubes like Dumbarse American.


You dumbasses are attacking Obama–WHO IS NOT YET PRESIDENT–for not moving on the Gaza issue,

And yet he’s “moved in” on everything else, holding press conferences from his “president elect” podium on the domestic front.

yet you seem to be giving Chimpy McBus$hitler–WHO IS THE PRESIDENT–a pass when he doesn’t move on Gaza.

I think a significant move on the part of Bush was in dethroning Saddam’s regime 5+ years ago.

Scott notes in his book, Iraq’s Smoking Gun, that after Saddam’s regime crumbled, and hundreds of homicide bomb jackets found, the number of homicide bus bombings in Israel declined.


Word.. you’re talking to “it”??? You know Dead Weight/Dim Wit/DW5000/DW doesn’t read.

You’ll note that I did not include the typical “so-and-so wrote:” preface to the blockquote. Sometimes my address isn’t so much to “he who must not be named”, as it is for the benefit of other readers lurking out there.

Since his comment was posted and not deleted, might as well feed it some yummies.

I had a discussion with my husband about the FA blog last night. He said we were wasting time trying to reason with the anti-Bush people, they won’t read let alone believe anything. I told hubby that every time the hosts of this site write a response to those unbelievers is like a gift to me and I’m sure many who visit here also appreciate the time and effort. Even though some may ignore the contribution many in here make, it’s like music to my ears and I thank all of you for the years of time that has been put into this wonderful blog.

Mata, you mean a lot to me and you have shown more patience than I could ever show and I understand and appreciate what you are saying, but realize one thing, you have a gift that you are sharing, share it and then ban the suckers.

You dumbasses are attacking Obama–WHO IS NOT YET PRESIDENT–for not moving on the Gaza issue, yet you seem to be giving Chimpy McBus$hitler–WHO IS THE PRESIDENT–a pass when he doesn’t move on Gaza.

Yes and if this was Bush caught eating something (before he was president) during a crisis the opp. wouldn’t be all over him in the slightest. *wink*

4 years my friend, history will tell this story. (Maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll be able to say to me I told you so). Provided of course that Obamas re-education (brainwashing) isn’t too severe. Never seen so much adulation over someone whose done nothing before.

Media at its best.

From the perspective I’ve noticed while visiting relatives up north, I found the Media slant condemning Israel and painting them as the “Bad Guys” surprising. A local paper claimed it all started with the Israeli military aircraft attacks within the Gaza Strip. You had to dig deeper into the paper to find mention that those attacks came AFTER DAYS of repeated Hamas attacks on Israel. Looks suspiciously like the very same bias we saw during the general election, yet it leaves me wondering, “To what means? What are they trying to pull with these angles on the stories?”

It appears our Media has decided they don’t wish this country to support Israel any more and they prefer unrestrained terrorists and Jihadists over democracies. Why? Is it a matter of concern over sales and because misery sells more copy? To me this is a dangerous game they are playing. As if they are sanctioning lawless acts and the degradation of society as a whole. And what of the moral message this sends to our nation’s youth?

Seems to me that Pogo was right, “We have met the enemy & he is us.” Our own media IMO is intentionally endeavoring to become a threat to America’s national security:

– They offer verbal support and comfort endorsing those who act against America’s foreign interests, therefore emboldening them to further acts of outrage.
– Why are they not hounding Carter over his frequent meetings with Hamas? Or noting how unsuccessful those meetings (with no preconditions mind you) were in preventing what is happening now? Or demanding to know the details from those meetings?
– Why are the secret meetings between Obama advisors and Hamas being scrutinized more closely?
– As RenewAmerica asks, “Why would a church (Obama’s) print an article in support of Hamas? Did Obama know of this?” Why isn’t the media all over this?
– Why isn’t the Media looking more deeply into former Obama advisor (now under the bus) Robert Malley and his Hamas connections?

How many of you are aware that last week, Hamas enacted a Sharia (Islamic Law) criminal code for the Palestinian Authority which legalizes crucifying enemies of Islam?