Cheney – “Biden A Idiot”


Ok, not a real quote but it might as well have been. Here he is going after Biden today on Fox News Sunday:

Vice President Cheney mocked Vice President-elect Joe Biden’s grasp of the Constitution, defended former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and said President Bush “doesn’t have to check with anybody” before launching a nuclear attack.

In a blunt, unapologetic interview on “FOX News Sunday,” Cheney fired back at Biden for declaring in October that “Vice President Cheney has been the most dangerous vice president we’ve had probably in American history.”

“He also said that all the powers and responsibilities of the executive branch are laid out in Article I of the Constitution,” Cheney said in a interview that was conducted on Friday. “Well, they’re not. Article I of the Constitution is the one on the legislative branch.”

“Joe’s been chairman of the Judiciary Committee, a member of the Judiciary Committee in the Senate for 36 years, teaches constitutional law back in Delaware, and can’t keep straight which article of the Constitution provides for the legislature and which provides for the executive. So I think I’d write that off as campaign rhetoric. I don’t take it seriously.”

Cheney, who is often called the most powerful vice president in history, also challenged Biden’s claim that the Bush administration has amassed too much executive authority, a trend Biden reportedly plans to reverse.

“If he wants to diminish the office of the vice president, that’s obviously his call,” Cheney shrugged. “President-elect Obama will decide what he wants in a vice president and apparently, from the way they’re talking about it, he does not expect him to have as consequential a role as I have had during my time.”

Nice. Although Biden has more experience then Obama, the President-Elect would definitely be smart to reduce the authority of Biden while he is office. The man is a walking disaster.

Cheney also called the 1973 War Powers Act a violation of the Constitution saying its “a very good example of a way in which Congress has tried to limit the president’s authority and, frankly, can’t.”

More here.

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Chaney could have told us something about ‘Slow Joe’ that the world doesn’t already know. Hussein O picked Slow Joe to make Himself appear smart.

Remember that it was Biden who thought (Sept., 2001) that Iran was an Arab country!

And Obama thought that Afghanistans speaks Arab.

Obama Gets Afghanistan Language Wrong

i can’t believe these two stupid, corrupt,no-nothings have been elected to the most powerful positions in the world. only our lord can help us.

also remember, bambi thought we have 57 states.sheesh!

Bush is an idiot.

Never forgot this.

“… also remember, bambi thought we have 57 states.sheesh!” (Southernsue)

And you know WHY? He was confused with he Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is an international organisation with a permanent delegation to the United Nations. It groups 57 member states, from the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, Caucasus, Balkans, Southeast Asia, South Asia and South America. (Wikipedia)

LOL! He knows Arab States better than USA. Doesn’t it tell you something? It is like the time he made a lapse about his Muslim’s faith:

Barack Obama Slips Up – My Muslim Faith

“Bush is an idiot.” (Bob End User)

You probably didn’t realize that you made an error in your writing. I am sure that you meant: “Obama is an idiot.” I thought I would corrected for you so you don’t look like the “idiot” here.

P.S.: Or maybe I misread your intention. Maybe you meant that Obama once said that: Bush is an idiot… since you added that you never forgot that.

The post leaves out Mr. Vice President’s acknowledgement of cussing at Senator Leahy.
As is typical of the main stream media, in that they ignore religion, Mr. Wallace did not ask the vice president where in the New Testament did Jesus use that word.

Cheney is the devil incarnate– a jack ass bar none.
A true draft dodging american
A bastard

Oh dear.

Coney’s been in the KoolAid again.

Biden is a dumbass just as much as the Terrorist Obama who will run this Country in the ground