Obama’s inaugural festivities “of color” Honor? Festering racial division? Or both?


Obama thinks the discussion of race is long overdue in this country. That’s a discussion I don’t mind having. I – and I think most Americans – are appalled and embarrassed at this inequitable attitude in our history… one where we separated the value of mankind based on skin color, nationality or gender. And all are prominent in our past.

But since the middle of the 20th century, the US has made great strides towards correcting what was an undeniable wrong. As we look around and see the past and present prominent members of the Bush administration in positions of power held by those “of color”, one would think we have moved beyond race, and into competence and qualifications. Indeed, most of us thought nothing about Condi or Colin Powell being black. We thought most of, and admired them for, their competence. The same could be said for Alberto Gonzales as AG.

I have continually worried that this President-elect thinks of himself first as a hypenated “black American”, and second as an American. And that worry came not because of his mulatto skin color, but from his own words. Since his well received but (IMHO) disturbing “A More Perfect Union” speech on race, that nagging perception of mine that Obama – himself – has not risen above color increases. And if our President-elect cannot rise above race as an issue, how can we, as citizens?


[Mata Note: I say “disturbing” above because the below paragraph in Obama’s speech emphatically states that he believes the dreams of the white community has come at the expense of his own, and the black community.]

In the white community, the path to a more perfect union means acknowledging that what ails the African-American community does not just exist in the minds of black people; that the legacy of discrimination – and current incidents of discrimination, while less overt than in the past – are real and must be addressed. Not just with words, but with deeds – by investing in our schools and our communities; by enforcing our civil rights laws and ensuring fairness in our criminal justice system; by providing this generation with ladders of opportunity that were unavailable for previous generations. It requires all Americans to realize that your dreams do not have to come at the expense of my dreams; that investing in the health, welfare, and education of black and brown and white children will ultimately help all of America prosper.


So I’m going to go out on a limb here, and deliberately… and willingly… touch the forbidden subject of Obama’s administration and race.

As of this point, we have had nothing in his transition period to turn our thoughts to Obama’s race, or his thoughts about race. His appointments appear to be based on established Clintonistas rather than color. We know he’s a huge supporter of affirmative action policies with one “improvement” – and that is to widen the criteria of the affirmative action beneficiaries. I had seen no emphasis on race, as much as I see an emphasis on class (often based on race and nationality).

So we’ve not gone down the “race” road in quite a while. Why? It’s just not come up with any issue and/or appointments at this early stage.

Until… subtlely… now. While I desperately want to believe that my new President will think of himself as an American first, I am already seeing the reality that Obama still has the race bug embedded in his own heart with his inaugural plans.

First… I must say this. I absolutely revere all our military… most especially those of the WWII generation. I am the daughter of a WWII veteran and “Rosie riverter” wife. My father, now 93 (and I am so lucky to still have them both at this writing), often speaks with unbelievable clarity of that war. He may forget names and faces. But WWII? It’s as if it was yesterday.

So it comes with a sense of pride that I see Obama plans to honor the Tuskegee Airmen with an invitation to the inauguration. I’m not sure if that includes the inaugural ball, but certainly the ceremony.

For those of you who may not know, the Tuskegee Airmen were the all black 332nd Fighter Group, formed as a result of an order by Franklin D. Roosevelt to create an all black fighting unit.

Prior to World War Two, the U.S. Army Air Corps did not employ Negroes (the respectful term in that era) in any role, a policy which found its justification in a racist and inaccurate report written in the 1920’s. However in 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the Air Corps to build an all-Negro flying unit. The presidential order caused the Army to create the 99th Pursuit Squadron. To develop the Negro pilots needed for the new squadron, the Air Corps opened a new training base in central Alabama, at the Tuskegee Institute.

These American heroes didn’t get their confetti parades and the public accolades they deserved on their return because of the nation’s racial prejudice. There is no justification in my mind for this. But, today we are a different generation, and were raised with different attitudes. The bias of my parents era is unimaginable to me.

In 1948 President Harry S. Truman desegregated the military with Executive Order #9981 , and the Tuskegee Airmen troop was not only officially invited to the swearing in of Truman, but also included (today) 92-year-old Spann Watson, an airman from Westbury, N.Y., as one of the pilots honored to fly above Pennsylvania Avenue for his inauguration.

Each individual of the 332nd is fascinating… all truly trail blazers of their time. Read more of their bios here.

The honor of the fly overs, and the invitations by Truman… in that era… was timely. It was a bold and definitive statement by a President that the era of discimination that had reigned supreme should come to an end.

Is that where we are today as well? Obama, repeating Truman’s inaugural honors, makes me wonder if that is what he believes.

The Tuskegee Airmen deserve the honors awarded to every WWII veteran… and other veterans, for that matter. But why… in today’s times when race division is not, and should not be forefront… does our President-elect seek to honor a generation of men based first on color? What of the other WWII veterans of different nationalities (including Japanese) or the women?

I might have stopped there, thinking it was coincidence, had that been the only “festivity of color” planned.

Also Wednesday, Obama aides said the inauguration will be a four-day affair, replete with the traditional balls but also featuring service projects to honor Martin Luther King’s holiday.

Why does Martin Luther King now enter the inaugural festivities? Because of Obama’s “theme”…

“At this moment of great challenge and great change, renewing the promise of America begins with renewing the idea that in America, we rise or fall as one nation and one people,” Obama said in a statement released by the Presidential Inaugural Committee. “That sense of unity and shared purpose is what this inauguration will reflect.”

The event’s theme – “Renewing America’s Promise” – is the same one used for the Democratic National Convention in Denver and for the party’s national platform. It’s a nod to the optimism that Obama tapped into during a marathon campaign.

Does Obama see “America’s promises” – which apparently he believes needs “renewing” – as floundering for Americans of color? Is this what it is all about? And if it’s unity as a nation “as one” he seeks, why does he honor those of color, emphasizing our painful divisions that we so desperately try to leave in the past?

We’ve come a long way since the days of separating mankind. We are closer today to a nation of “one people” than we have ever been. Or at least I thought so. Apparently our President elect does not and believes it needs “renewing”… and does so in some very bizarre ways.

I could not agree more with celebrating WWII vets., and honoring citizens like Dr. King. But I also think they should be celebrated as examples of the best of America – all colors – that we’ve enjoyed. Not celebrated and singled out for their color.

Thru my life, my friends, and my work cohorts, are racially and culturally diverse. Even my family today – the first generation of native born Americans starting with my parents – is a potpourrie of humanity. I rarely think of race and culture… until someone reminds me, that is.

And I have to wonder, just why does Obama persist in reminding us, even in such non-descript ways, by choosing individuals or groups of black Americans to raise up as examples? Does not the very nature of this attention scream “race” … and not an American as one… in it’s very foundation?

Open discussion here… keep it civil please. But I suspect, with this President, we may find ourselves in this discussion more often than not over policies and events. And somehow – here in the 21st Century – I wonder if that’s not a step backward in progress.

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I for one am sick and tired of the party of the KKK, Jim Crow and segregation telling the rest of America they are racists.

Racism is not dead in the States. Obama and his thugs are the racist ones nowaday. Racism in America has turned upside down. It is the black community that is racist towards the white people. So much for improvement!

You think having people sit in the rear of the bus was bad? Wait until the entitlement morons believe they have a blank checkbook and the violence against whites that ensues will make all other racial events in our HISTORY pale in comparison. The melanin enhanced crowd that has been festering for years will feel entitled to take out their frustration on every white person who crosses their path. If you go forth, go forth armed and ready.

Remarkable and original essay, Mata. First rate journalism and punditry.

It requires all Americans to realize that your dreams do not have to come at the expense of my dreams

The above is a quote (from Obama’s speech on race) which you found to be disturbing.

Here’s what’s going on. No, I’m not a member of Obama’s inner circle and, unlike Mike, who has shaken a lot of political celebrity hands, or Scott, who’s actually been there/done that, I’ve never gotten anywhere close to anyone in any political circle of power. But I’ve been intrigued by Obama for two years and I’ve spent a lot of time studying the man.

Obama’s famous “speech on race” was carefully balanced. You have to remember that Obama wasn’t initially embraced by the black community. Not only was he not literally “black enough,” pigment-wise, but I heard prominent black pundits saying that it mattered that he was literally an “African-American,” the same way that my mother is a “Finnish-American,” who was not a descendant of slaves. And, in the speech, Obama was directly critical of important aspects of the black culture in America. This was a dangerous moment for him. The speech wasn’t directed simply at white people, as an explanation for his attending Reverend Wright’s church, it was also directed at black people. And Obama was taking pains to tell the black community that he, Obama, really was a part of that community, also. It’s why it was such a great speech. It was perfectly balanced and achieved several different objectives.

As for him being a strong supporter of affirmative action, well, duhh, look at his constituency at the time. Now that his constituency is the entire country, don’t look to see dramatic plans for expansion of affirmative action, generally. Look for some very token bones tossed to affirmative action supporters, in the same way that George W Bush only tossed some token bones to evangelicals. Bush got a lot of mileage out of Terry Schiavo, but that ultimately changed nothing of general political importance. Bush did nothing to extend “right to life” for anyone, other than his appointments of Alito and Roberts (whom I thought were outstanding selections, by the way).

Anyway, you’ll see that Obama will toss the occasional bone to the civil rights constituency, in general, as he obviously is as indebted to the black community as Bush was indebted to the evangelical community. But that will not include massive new welfare programs, forced school busing, and expanded affirmative action. And it will be balanced with liberal (in a good way) use of the bully pulpit to promote a Bill Cosby-style exhortation to the black community to do more to solve its own problems.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

This is what happens when you sit in Wright’s “church” for twenty years.

Larry… pleeeease! Cut the spin!

i find it annoying. i wasn’t alive during the slave trade, and as far back as i have researched my family i can find no slave owners. that said, i am half naive american and if obama wants a pissing contest about who was treated more badly, well it would be a draw. i am tired of being blamed for events and circumstances that are beyond my control and happened before i was even considered a clump of cells by the dems. i think many of the things in this nations history are sad events, but i had nothing to do with them, all i can do is make sure i teach my children right and ignore the ignorance of others. i wish we could all get away from the race and nationality bullshit, it does nobody any good, and from my experience, it seems that the real racebaiters are the ones screaming the loudest about equality. great post mata.

i have long moved past race, however I’m white. If Obama believes or knows that blacks in this country need a special platform or space to cheer one of their own, well it’s beyond my white self to judge.

I’d be a lot more impressed with Barry Dunham Soetoro’s credentials on race relations if he hadn’t had such a privileged upbringing, and if he also seemed at all concerned about Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, and other Hyphenated-American groups. What has he ever actually done to improve race relations other than to simply be born of one white parent and one black? I know of a lot of better people than him that can also make that claim.

By the way, Madelyn Dunham is actually Barry’s mom, and Frank Marshall Davis is his dad. Stanley Ann, his sister, faked her pregnancy to cover for their mom, then helped raise him off and on. So there. Prove it’s not true.

” His appointments appear to be based on established Clintonistas rather than color”
I’ve noticed this also…does it mean that people of color can’t do the job?!?!??
Does it mean obama is actually a manchurian candidate….for the clintons.
Does it mean that affirmative action is all smoke and mirrors….something to placate the masses…while the REAL deal makers continue in their nefarious ways?!!??!?!
I’m tired of all this political crap. I’m to the point were I just want to be left alone. Let me go to work, make my wage, and pay the gubernment their tithe. But just leave me alone so that I can take care of MY personal business.
Please gubernment STAY the heck out of my life!


Any quick perusal of his self-glorifying journey-of-discovery book would show one without doubt that Obama is a black racist who subconsciously resents his own half-white origin. He’s transferred his previous resentment and feelings of apartness into hatred onto all those he deems as white racists, much like Hitler transferred his feelings of inferiority and anger at others into hatred of jews. Add that to his elitist philosophy and penchant for radical-led marxist-flavored change, and you get a terrible mix for america.


I couldn’t have said it better. I think we view him exactly the same way.

I wish someome would pull out my post #54 stuck in spam in: Obama not guilty.

These are dangerous times.

I think the playing of the “race card” for this Inauguration Day, make that Inauguration Week. really has very little to do with Barrack, aside from earning him more PR points with the black community so he can point his nose even higher into the air, if that’s at all possible, and look down it to everyone else who is not “a God”. After all, Barry’s heredity has been studied & he is only 6% Black, the remainder of his lineage is White or Arab.

If you read her thesis, it’s easy to see that Michelle really believes that racism is as real and strong as it ever was in this country. Even when the overwhelming majority of those she polled told her she was wrong, she was still remained unconvinced. Instead of living her life as she would claim everyone should she “looks for racism”. I mean REALLY LOOKS for it, and if she doesn’t see it, she still convinces herself it’s there even when it’s not. That’s what happens when you buy into a hype so deeply that it rules your life.

I think this has more to do with appeasing Michelle’s own personal psychological “issues”. There is a section of the “Black Power” movement of the sixties surviving today with whom it was never about equality, it was about inequality and dishing out some payback. They demand reparations for something they were never personally a part of, affirmative action should go on forever, and they must have preferential treatment in the courts by way of so called “hate crime” legislation. It’s, “black first now baby, all you others are second, and the crackers can go away and we’ll call you in when it’s time to clean up.”

As Mata pointed out, the Democratic answer to black pilots was segregation. FDR, a Democrat and socialist, created the Tuskegee Airmen. Yet before that time and since in America typically we fought alongside brothers in arms from other races. The Democrat segregationalists of the mid 20th century attempted the same when it came to civil rights. And even today you can see something similar in play in Democrat urban districts with planned parenthood and their abortion agendas. The point has been argued here before that the Democratic Party has never been the uniters they try to present themselves to be.

Larry, you are in for a ruuuude awakening.

I base my opinion not on wishful thinking, but on a careful study of the life of the President-elect. It would be very helpful for those of you who have such certitude that Obama is going to govern as a radical leftist, and promote black power entitlement, to actually spend a little time studying his history, as well.

Here’s probably the best source I can recommend: one stop shopping for the formative life of Barack Obama:


Note that, among other things:

1. He was elected President of the Harvard Law Review by convincing Conservatives that their point of view would get a fair shake.

2. He followed through on this and his character and governance were praised by a prominent conservative classmate of his, who later served as a White House lawyer for the Bush 43 administration.

3. He angered black students by only appointing a single black to a masthead position.

4. He published a major essay which was scathingly critical of affirmative action.

There is a lot more. I hope that you’ll make the effort to read it for yourself and also to view the linked PBS election eve special, which was an extensive biography on the respective lives of Obama and McCain.

If you have the patience only to read part of it, read the comments of Bradford Berenson mid-way down the page at the following link:


– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

The problem with the study of Obama’s history Larry is the vast majority of it has been filtered, blocked, and locked up from the public eye, as has been continuously pointed out here. It is impossible to “know” him with that amount of censorship. There is nothing to go on except that which squeezes through the cracks of control on his records, or word of mouth reminiscing, which is what I found in the link you specifically point out. In addition, there is the unprecedented and intensive filtering and censorship of all information concerning Obama by the majority of media sources as well. And I’m sorry, but PBS is just as liberally biased in my book, if not more so, than the vast majority of the mainstream media. You can’t possible claim to know him and neither can anyone else here for that matter. How can anyone possibly see through all of the fluff to ascertain the “genuine article” that is the true Obama? Never has so much informational control been exerted to the benefit of any other single public figure. So I think it is only natural to be skeptical and pessimistic at this point.

There are known links to his connection with socialist Soros, and he associates with those who use the Alinsky way to corrupt the minds of children via the school systems (Ayers) in programs of an organization he was involved with, yet you continue to refuse to accept any possibility that he might go that route. Even with fellow Soros disciple Hillary and several former Clinton admin people becoming part of his own admin, many of which were part of the DSA.

I agree he doesn’t seem to me to be in part of the Black Power extreme, yet his wife is a staunch advocate of Black Power and for using militant means to achieve it if necessary, as is his associate Louis Farrakhan, and his preacher for 20 years enjoins his faithful with the sermons for black supremacy. You don’t see that as a possibility. I can’t really say yeah or nay as there just isn’t sufficient record to go by.

Granted, you do accept that he is mainly in it for only himself, his ego, and has no problem utilizing the corrupt methodology of “Chicago politics” to his advantage, to which I agree. Yet, I’m not sure if you would consider criminal means such as those practiced by the associates he rose through the ranks with and was in mutual support of, to include; Rezco and Blagojevitch to be things Obama would be capable of resorting to. I on the other hand would not put it past him.

In consideration of his constant flip-flops, I do think that his outward actions, meaning those that will make it through media filters and censorship, will show that like Clinton he will govern by the polls. But what deeply concerns me is the damage that will be done behind closed doors, in secret deals and meetings, pay by play etceteras, both foreign and domestic that might undermine our country, our economy, our sovereignty, our Constitution, our individual rights, etceteras, and that we will not be made privy to until it is too late and perhaps irreversible.

We don’t know his record, it is impossible to gauge what he might do in any given circumstance, and you need to accept that the vast majority of us simply do not trust him because we’ve caught him in numerous lies already. We don’t envision him leading us down some rosy path to a bright and shiny future. Too much information of vital importance, which we have every right to know, is being blocked from review and we don’t like the idea of the fate of this country being left up to chance. So I must respectively agree to disagree and submit that I will not go so willingly into that dark of night and partake of the Koolaid of forgetfulness. You people want to change our opinions of him? The only way that could have happened is if he had been forthright from the onset.

It’s too late now. he’s had too much time that could have been invested in rewriting his own history, falsifying records, etceteras. Even if he handed over a Hawaiian long form birth certificate and hospital records that could be proven scientifically to be printed on paper dating to 1961’s, it would not remove the shadow of doubt. Even old documents can be altered in the same manner criminals use to “wash checks”. And we already know he is party to corrupt politicians, who may well have criminal ties running deep to organizations that can supply anything one might want for a price.

Larry, I believe that no one will ever be able to make you change your mind on Obama, you are obsessisvely in love with THE ONE.

I will tell you WHO HE REALLY IS:

– A liar… so many lies it could fill up a complete book with 10 tomes.

– A flip-flopper… he changed his mind so often on so many things, that no one can keep track of it all.

– A manipulator… his skill for brainwashing a crowd and his fans is absolutely outstanding. All the money he got from Fannie May. He had the MSM shut up on every issue. He got his wife the greatest paying jobs, etc

– A white people basher… his 20 years listening to Wright’s speeches against white people, prooves it. His constant “racist calling” every time someone ask him a question.

– An America hater… chosing Wright for his spiritual guide… Wright who’s moto is “God dam America”. He wants to change this country because he hates it the way it is. His wife was never proud of America… but now she is because her husband his going for POTUS.

– An anti-Semite… his association with Louis Farrakan and Robert Manley, proves it. The fact that he is a pro-palestinians also proves it. And he wants to give Israel a nuclear shield, which means that he intends to let Iran get away with their nuclear program.

– A cheater… the way he made sure to be the only candidate for the Senate seat in Illinois and toss the other women candidate so he would have no other opponent on the ballot vote.

– A fraud… he will not present his birth certificate, neither his medical record, nor his records of Harvard and list of the donors in this past election.

– A socialist… He was once member of the Socialist Party.

– A Marxist and communist… all his past associations are either Marxists or communists.

– A radical… his association with Ayers and Odinga.

– A crook… his association with the corrupted Chicago Maffia and Resko proves it. His Acorn and fraudulent votes.

– A narcissist… that you already know… he pretends he is tossing everybody under the bus… but he is not… he will go back to them as soon as he needs them. This is all an “ego trip”, he wants to be the most famous people in the world and he will after he change this capitalist country into a communist country.

– A big spender of other’s people money… 700 million $ he spent for his campaign… one million $ for his lawyers so he won’t have to present his BC and others reports… and all the money he promised to his fans should he become POTUS.

– The most liberal politician of all time… it is well known and well documented.

– A “Ponce Pilate” … he is never responsible for nothing… he votes “present”… he always washes the mud off his hands.

– The most inexperience candidate of all time… he has accomplish nothing so far.

I could go on and on “ad vitam aeternam” till “ad nauseam”, but I think you got my point so far.

Mata, I said he published an article scathingly critical of affirmative action, not that he wrote it (which he didn’t). I’ll look up the reference again and post it.

The point is that he’s not a crusading liberal, out to bring back an expansion of affirmative action, welfare, busing, and race warfare. In 1991, while a law student at Harvard, even, he was, at most, a tepid supporter of affirmative action. He’ll continue to be, at most, a tepid supporter. Look at his cabinet picks, for e.g.

“Look at his cabinet picks, for e.g.” (Larry W.)

Larry, this is all smokescreen, how can you be so blind and naïve?


“…President-elect Barack Obama is “feigning” a centrist position on some issues so he can ultimately push through a radical agenda, including universal health care and trimming the military, according to analysis by a founder of the Weathermen terror group, Mark Rudd, who has ties to Obama mentors.”

“… Another top former Weathermen terrorist with ties to Obama mentors, Jeff Jones, concurred the president-elect will attempt major change, including “redistributing financial resources downward.” He called Obama’s “centrist” appointments a “smokescreen” to “co-opt the moderate center,” declaring, “even Lenin would be impressed!”

“…In an article on the radical leftist Rag Blog, Rudd commented, “Obama plays basketball. I’m not much of an athlete, barely know the game, but one thing I do know is that you have to be able to look like you’re doing one thing but do another. That’s why all these conservative appointments are important: the strategy is feint to the right, move left. Any other strategy invites sure defeat. It would be stupid to do otherwise in this environment.”

You want to see the racism of black people against the white people in USA? Watch this video, you will see what Obama and all his black friends have to say on this. Very scary:

It’s The Theology Stupid PART 2