Liberals voice concerns about Obama



Ya mean the man w ZERO experience is really just sizzle and no steak? Amazing! Whodathunkit?

Liberals are growing increasingly nervous – and some just flat-out angry – that President-elect Barack Obama seems to be stiffing them on Cabinet jobs and policy choices.

Obama has reversed pledges to immediately repeal tax cuts for the wealthy and take on Big Oil. He’s hedged his call for a quick drawdown in Iraq. And he’s stocking his White House with anything but stalwarts of the left.

Now some are shedding a reluctance to puncture the liberal euphoria at being rid of President George W. Bush to say, in effect, that the new boss looks like the old boss.

“He has confirmed what our suspicions were by surrounding himself with a centrist to right cabinet. But we do hope that before it’s all over we can get at least one authentic progressive appointment,” said Tim Carpenter, national director of the Progressive Democrats of America.

OpenLeft blogger Chris Bowers went so far as to issue this plaintive plea: “Isn’t there ever a point when we can get an actual Democratic administration?”

Even supporters make clear they’re on the lookout for backsliding. “There’s a concern that he keep his basic promises and people are going to watch him,” said Roger Hickey, a co-founder of Campaign for America’s Future.

Obama insists he hasn’t abandoned the goals that made him feel to some like a liberal savior. But the left’s bill of particulars against Obama is long, and growing.


color me shocked-SHOCKED I SAY!

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“Oh, what a tangled web we weave…..”
“When we first practise to deceive!” Sir Walter Raleigh

Now that the Supreme Court has refused to hear the appeal by Leo Donofrio on his suit that Obama was ineligible to run for president due to dual citizenship, we will simply have to look to Berg’s suite that Obama was born in Kenya. I did not expect Donofrio’s suit to succeed, as the legal issues of such were vague, at the least, and there is nothing to suggest having ‘dual’ citizenship, sic, would disqualify Obama.

However, the case of the bogus birth certificate, is ongoing, and this is of interest since it claims that Obama was born outside the US and is rapidly going clarity as people come forward. We will simply have to see if the actual issue is clarified by SCOTUS or will they leave it in the dark.

Bill Clinton was a pathological liar, but the MSM excused his behavior at every turn. It was explained to us that he campaigned on the left (in other words, lied to the left, then dumped them)and moved to the center, now we are told the same about Obama, in fact, come to think of it, we are told nearly all the same things about Obama by the MSM that they told us about Clinton, except for ‘that woman’.

If it is going to become business as usual for the Democratic candidate to lie to their electorate to garner their votes them cast them aside in disdain, then the very first thing we can assume of the Democratic candidate right off the bat is that he is a liar.

The great uniter at work again… 😀

FLICK the liberals

Partisans on both sides only saw Obama as they wanted him to be. Anyone paying attention to what he said from the very begining would not be surprised at all by Obama’s cabinet picks or decisions.

Give that guy a dark hat with a purple hat band, a cig hanging out of the corner of his mouth, America’s first pimp.

Is there one promise he made to his idiot voters that he still intends to keep?

Hussein O made promises he knew the lefties wanted the hear.
He’s going to the white house.

The leftie whiners are still in momma’s basement.
The biased news (sic) who got him elected are filing for bankruptcy.
The unions who gave him millions now see his backside with a kiss here sign on it.

I love the daily comedy of Hussein giving the liberals the finger.

Fit, you want to believe he was a moderate. Well that remains to be seen. Considering his past votes and associations I would not be surprised if he turned out to be as far left as we feared.

And ummm Fit, we WERE paying attention to what he was saying. That was the problem. He would say one thing to one group, and something else to another. I still think he will be a disaster for the country and blacks.

No Hard Right you were listening to Rush in order to know what to think.

Far left Liberals – Ridden hard and put away wet.

I don’t listen to Rush, Moron. And unlike you, I do think.

However, the case of the bogus birth certificate, is ongoing, and this is of interest since it claims that Obama was born outside the US and is rapidly going clarity as people come forward. We will simply have to see if the actual issue is clarified by SCOTUS or will they leave it in the dark.

Reality check: The Supreme Court doesn’t get involved with fact finding. It doesn’t adjudicate facts; it adjudicates points of law. The Supreme Court won’t get involved in determining whether or not Obama was or was not born in the USA. It will only get involved in determining things such as whether being eligible to be a British subject, by virtue of his father’s being a British subject, would mean, by itself, that Obama didn’t meet the definition of a natural born citizen (it certainly does not mean this). The Supreme Court won’t examine documents to determine if they are genuine or “bogus” and they won’t consider testimony from alleged witnesses to an alleged Kenyan birth. All of the stuff which is floating through the arch conservative blogosphere and talk radio is irrelevant to any issues which the Supreme Court may consider.

Larry Weisenthal

when one is educated…one moves to the right

Fine, you think up your own crazy sh*t. Good for you.

91 posts worth so far… maybe you should get a hobby that involves leaving the house.

Yes, facts are such crazy sh*t, huh? Post when you have joined us in the real world, unFit.

The left is screaming and I love it. He’s showing that he is beholden to only his lust for power. Now he plans to spend his way out of an oncomming recession. Too funny and sad. The libs will love more insane spending tho.

He’s doing precisely what I’d predicted immediately after the election. He’s moving as far to the right as he can get. The Left will scream; the left screamed about Clinton, too, when Clinton did the same thing (e.g. welfare reform, NAFTA, proposing the Patriot Act — in early 1996). But they won’t desert him. Where they gonna go — Sarah Palin?

It’s worthwhile considering that Clinton left office with an approval rating above 65% — even after the Lewinsky affair and impeachment proceedings. Obama does not appear to possess Clinton’s personal flaws, and I think that Obama is an even more skilled politician.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

What is it about the right that so many politicians like? It is funny that so many despise the right or so they say, but they move in that direction a lot. More often than not. Maybe there is something in that “right” direction.

Spare me the ‘reality check’. I am quite aware of the workings of the SCOTUS.
‘Arch conservative blogosphere..” then who the hell is going to bring it up since you guys are still so besotted with Obama that you are increasingly appearing as —wipes.
Fact of the matter is this will simply go out the door and no one will hear of it further.

Larry, who are his centrist picks?

Fit: Partisans on both sides only saw Obama as they wanted him to be. Anyone paying attention to what he said from the very begining would not be surprised at all by Obama’s cabinet picks or decisions.

Fit, you’ve got to be kidding me… BHO campaigned on tax cuts for some class, and tax increases on the wealthy. “Spread the wealth” from his own lips. Not gonna do it… at least not now. Funny, since they’ve been selling us the bill of goods that tax increases on the wealthy is good for the economy and the common man. Ooops…

BHO campaigned on universal healthcare. If you think the price tags for these bailouts is outrageous, just wait ’til you see what it is for socialized medicine. That’s another campaign promise that will go by the wayside because this economy can’t afford socialized medicine.

BHO campaigned on $150 bil over ten years to eliminate our need for foreign oil. Problem is these alternative energies are more expensive than oil. Nor will they go into place sans lawsuits from enviros. But if he embarks on that spending road… again in this economy… he will only succeed in making our currently inexpensive fossil fuel society more in financial jeopardy. That’ll be another campaign promise down the drain.

BHO campaigned on “change”, and charged the Clintonistas as being part of the problem of Washington and business as usual. Now he essentially says the only change is himself…. while hiring on all the “business as usual” prior “problems” in Washington.

BHO has no executive experience. His campaign retort to this fact was he had good “judgment” over experience. Now he picks “experience” over “judgment” in his cabinet.

Where will Obama’s other big spending plans go? Govt funded (meaning tax payer, of course) education for pre’school, college and adult “re’training”? Down the drain again, because the taxpayers can’t cough up the cash for Obama’s dreams.

BHO campaigned on anything-other-than-Bush for foreign policy. We now have Obama foreign policy that resembles Bush foreign policy.

Everyone wants to close Gitmo. But what do they do with the most dangerous detainees like KSM and company? Obama wants to create a new shadow court system. Bush wanted to utilize existing military tribunals. At least Bush was keeping with the Geneva Convention that states prisoners must be tried in *constituted* courts… meaning existing courts upon detention. You can’t create the court system after the fact. Fact is the detainees either have Constitutional rights, or they don’t. Period. Not a new court system inbetween that answers to whom??

Bush knew that many of these prisoners should not step foot on US soil or gain access to the US justice system. That’s why they were held on what was Cuban sovereign territory until the SCOTUS redefined the Cuban SOFA agreement with Boumediene.

Now Obama’s running up against the same legal quandaries Bush has had. What do you want to bet that Gitmo may be yet another broken campaign promise? They can’t close it until they know what to do with the prisoners. And I suspect that’s going to be a long haul, fraught with legal battles.

I paid attention to what he was saying, Fit. Were you? Doesn’t seem like it, since he’s done nothing but break major campaign promises even before inauguration.

And I, for one, am eternally grateful he has.

Well this brings other cliche’s to mind:
“You can’t get something for nothing.” & “You get what you pay for.”

People ignored all of Obama’s lies when it was the conservatives who pointed them out and put their votes behind a candidate who promised them free money they didn’t earn courtesy of big government. And now that he’s flip-flopping once again they act all surprised. Well, “Get over it.” You put this on the rest of us so you have nothing to gripe about. Unless you want to band together, protest, and demand a recall. Libs do love their ‘do-overs’. We certainly wouldn’t stop you.

I especially liked the:

“He has confirmed what our suspicions were by surrounding himself with a centrist to right cabinet. But we do hope that before it’s all over we can get at least one authentic progressive appointment,” said Tim Carpenter, national director of the Progressive Democrats of America.

Allow me to clarify the definitions by the Ultra-libs:

Right=Left of Moderate

And “Left-to-Left of Moderate” is exactly how many Conservatives now view what Bush’s administration was in comparison to Conservative standards. Although he wasn’t to the extreme as the socialist Clintons, as much as Republicans wanted Bush ideologically on their side, Dubya was pretty much a RINO in practice. Still, when balancing choices between two “evils” he was a better selection than either Gore or Kerry.

Knowing how Obama seems to goes wherever “political expediency” takes him; What we don’t know is what has suddenly motivated him to switch from “radical left” to “run-of-the-mill left”. Was he influenced by the presidential “need-to-know” information handed over to him by Bush prior to this transition? Is it candor & precautions following a review of security & intel briefings? Perhaps the guidance of a higher “Illuminati” hierarchy?

And then there’s Fit-Fit suddenly back-pedaling with:

Anyone paying attention to what he said from the very begining would not be surprised at all by Obama’s cabinet picks or decisions.

After we’ve listened to months of him here touting the pure Koolaid drinker talking points.

Scott put it best:

BWUAHAHAHAAHA!!!……………………………………………………….Merry Christmas

Will there be “clean coal” technology in the Liberal stockings this year or will even that be nixed by his running-elf Biden?

It is not over till it’s over.

On the same day SCOTUS denies Leo’s case, Justice Scalia Distributes Wrotnowski’s case for Conference of December 12, 2008.

Yet another case has maybe even the greatest chances. The Andy Martin suit in Hawaii is still active.

“Are there questions about Obama’s birth certificate? Indeed there are. I have filed my own lawsuit in the state courts in Hawai’i, the only courts that actually have jurisdiction over Obama’s document, to release the certificate. The birth certificate is no longer a private document; it is a part of American history. Whether you love or hate Obama, he is now a part of our history, a big part. I have asked the Hawai’i judge in my case not to insult the intelligence of the American people by falsely claming he is protecting Obama’s “privacy.” That’s nonsense.
Interestingly, however, I am the only investigator who has actually filed a lawsuit seeking access in the proper state under the proper court procedures seeking the proper material. That does not guarantee me a win, but it makes my lawsuit in Hawai’i a serious one.” (Andy Martin)

Plus there is also Berg and Keyes cases that hasn’t been rejected yet by SCOTUS and many more (18) in different State’s Courts. This thing is really getting big!

The Supreme Court filing (application, brief etc.) in the Connecticut Wrotnowski case is soooooo much better than that in the New Jersey Donofrio case (apparently hurredly written before the Nov 4 election) that I don’t think Team Obama should get too comfortable with the Court’s denial of the first case since the second case IS distributed for Dec 12 conference. How the heck can anyone effectively counter this (great work Leo):

So, can anyone tell who obama’s MODERATE picks are? Bueller?

“Barack Hussein OBAMA, in conjunction with the co-defendants, has reportedly spent between $800,000 to close to $1,000,000 (one million dollars), using at least three different law firms to fight these civil actions. Now, consider that each and every one of the lawsuits filed against him could be immediately dismissed by the mere production of a single piece of paper that is available to him for the paltry sum of $12.50 at a recorder’s office in Hawaii. Keep in mind that at this point, OBAMA would likely not even have to make the document public, but provide it to the applicable judge or official for verification purposes to make this controversial maelstrom disappear.
As an investigator and a rational American citizen, I have to ask myself why Barack Hussein OBAMA has chosen not to dispose of this very simple matter in the most logical and expeditious manner possible.

Hum! It makes you wonder what this guy wants to hide to the population?

“The stay of Donofrio was denied (can’t stay an election after it happened) but the writ was not. That is why it is a ‘pending’ case. The ‘procedural’ issues are important, and could serve as grounds to dismiss, but that has not happened yet.” (Dr Kate)

If it is going to become business as usual for the Democratic candidate to lie to their electorate to garner their votes them cast them aside in disdain, then the very first thing we can assume of the Democratic candidate right off the bat is that he is a liar.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh The Olde Chicago Way…… 😉

Keep in mind that at this point, OBAMA would likely not even have to make the document public, but provide it to the applicable judge or official for verification purposes to make this controversial maelstrom disappear.

BHO could find 100 judges here in Chicago that will do that for next to nothing!

These people aren’t moderates:
Rahm Emmanuel, Hillary, Bill Richardson, Cecilia Muñoz, Eric Holder. How about the other what, former Clinton administration stooges? They were leftists, but not batshit crazy leftists.

Slate has a list of current appointments and some believed to be pending. They don’t look like moderates to me for the most part. FYI, Janet Napalitano is NOT a moderate.

Moderates? You don’t mean Rahm Emmanuel, Hillary, Bill Richardson, Cecilia Muñoz, or Eric Holder? The other Clinton retreads weren’t moderates for the most part. They were leftists, just not batshit crazy ones like Kucinich for example.
If this is a re-post sorry. I tried to post and it disappeared.

Rocky B,

I’d like to see an example of one radically leftist thing I have ever said.

Hard Right,

How about you give an example of what a moderate looks like in your world. Who do you consider moderate?

You routinely spew the dem talking points like a robot. I bet you think you’re not a dem too.

Why don’t you tell me how the people I’ve listed are moderates? Probably because you know they aren’t.

“No Hard Right you were listening to Rush in order to know what to think.”

Don’t you just love it when liberals throw out that old canard? Rush Limbaugh gives us his take on current events every day. You can either agree or disagree. It’s no coincidence that Limbaugh’s listeners are the better-informed than most people on these issues. I believe it was the Pew Research group who conducted a survey. This dovetails into the Zogby study of Obama voters who could not answer 12 simple questions about the issues correctly. They could tell you about Palin’s wardrobe or her daughter’s pregnancy but they didn’t know who Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko and Berardine Dohrn are, nor did they know any of his policy positions. Howard Stern did a “man-on-the-street” interview and Obama supporters didn’t even know that Palin was NOT Obama’s VP pick. This is why competency testing should be mandatory for voter registration. Idiots elected an empty suit to be POTUS…we are truly screwed.

A similar study to Zogby’s of McCain voters showed a better grasp of the issues. So listening to Rush is probably the best thing you can do for yourself in order to keep abreast of current political events. You get the news stories from the MSM without the full truth, then you get the rest of the story from Rush, Levin, Ingraham, Hannity and the Fox Folks.

The NY Times is a horrible source for truth…All the news that Fit Fit will swallow…

Definition of a moderate – someone who waits for the wind to blow before deciding in which direction to turn. Someone with no core values that anchor them to a principled stance.

Liberal’s definition of a moderate – anyone who agrees with me.

So McCain and Kerry would be moderates per Jarhead’s definition.

Wow, the groupies at Firedoglake are losing that loving feeling:

Comment section is entertaining.

Kerry a moderate? Ummmmm, not even close.
Missy, they are just mad that the medea benjamin types aren’t being appointed.

As an investigator and a rational American citizen, I have to ask myself why Barack Hussein OBAMA has chosen not to dispose of this very simple matter in the most logical and expeditious manner possible.

I believe it was Mike who made a very intriguing suggestion. Politics is war.

The name of this blog is Flopping Aces. So let’s use a poker analogy. You are playing stud poker, holding a winning hole card. Do you call and show or do you string it out, to get more chips in the pot?

Let’s say this builds to a huge maelstrom. The whole country gets caught up in the drama. It’s on all the news shows, even in the MSM. It’s the big water cooler topic in the country. Then, at the final moment, it’s time to show the hole card. And it’s an ace, to complete the straight.

Do you know what Obama has then accomplished? He’s basically immunized himself from any and all innuendo for the rest of his term.

May be a stretch — but it was Mike’s (if memory serves) idea and he just might be correct.

– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA

It would also discredit the Conservatives when it comes out that he is a citizen. Granted it’s only a minority of Conservatives who think he’s not a citizen, but that will be used by the MSM/dems to paint the entire party as conspiracy kooks.

KOokS indeed.

That’s twice I’ve agreed with you, you must be having a rather lucid day. Have they worked out your medication?

Keep dreaming Larry! Obama is a two of spade.

Funny, I was going to ask you that myself unFit.
FYI, I go where the facts take me. You believe only what fits into your fantasy world.

I seem to recall you are unable to distingush between fact and opinion.

I got some facts that will take you places you don’t want to go.

Here’s a fact for you:

No one delivering speeches at the 2008 GOP Convention acknowledged the war in Afghanistan.

No one thanked the troops or promised victory or even mention the word Afghanistan.

Forgotastan indeed.

Maybe that’s because Afghanstan became a NATO war in the summer of 2006, Fit.

Our troops there don’t matter because it’s not unilateral? Weak arguement. Try again.

Fit, don’t misconstrue that *I* don’t think our NATO troops in Afghanistan don’t matter. *All* troops of *all* countries matter to me. And the US isn’t “in charge” of Afghanistan’s security, but must coordinate strategy with NATO leadership.

What I am saying is that the biggest beef about Iraq is the “unilateral” perception. Therefore, the onus of victory or failure falls solely on US shoulders as the leader of that theatre. Remember, most don’t have a problem with the Afghanistan theatre. Thus it’s not addressed much by either party, or the press. And when it is, it’s to blame America for NATO’s failures.