Sunday Funnies

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The problem with the left is that they ALWAYS feel like an ass……after the fact……they never learn.

I love the one with the two doors: Secretary of State and Secretary of Foreign Affairs. BWHAHAHAHAHA!

Quick FYI, we have not been in a recession since 2007. Those claiming that are doing so by changing the definition of recession.
A real resession is what we are headed into thanks to the left.

I think, Hard Right, is that they corrected the official record to say we have been in a recession since 2007.

Is it like the Great Depression? Uh… think not. Shopping still goes on for frivilous items like new IPODS. Hard to classify that up there with food and utility bills.

BTW, my favorite one is about increasing the power bills to pay for cheaper energy….

Well Mata, all I have heard is that some “not for profit” group came out with the claim that we have been a recession since December of 2007 and the MSM ran with it. I have not heard of any corrections.

Here is a link to what I am talking about.

Definition of recession

Here’s proof that they changed the rules to make their declaration–From Firedog Lake of all places.

Humm… we having a communication problem here, HR? :0)

You said:

Quick FYI, we have not been in a recession since 2007.

I came back with…

think, Hard Right, is that they corrected the official record to say we have been in a recession since 2007.

Then you said:

Well Mata, all I have heard is that some “not for profit” group came out with the claim that we have been a recession since December of 2007 and the MSM ran with it.

Uh… could it be we are saying the same thing, and you put in a “have not” instead of a “have” in the first posting????

If not… well… don’t sweat the small things. Like who the f*#k cares, eh? It is what is it.

Ooops. Yes I meant have not. I was grabbing links and in a bit of a hurry.
Well, if it started in 2007 as claimed then the left gets to blame Bush and the Reps. But to make it stick they have to fudge things. Surprise.

Thanks Pookie, that is exactly what I suspected.