Franken files lawsuit for contact list of “rejected absentee ballot” voters


Apparently Al thinks the rejected absentee voters, whose ballots were rejected for sundry reasons, need to be contacted to find out the specifics of why their ballots didn’t count… and he’s filed a lawsuit to do just that.

The latest twist in Minnesota’s U.S. Senate recount came this morning, when the Al Franken campaign hit Ramsey County with a lawsuit, seeking the names of voters whose absentee ballots were rejected.

The DFLer’s campaign hopes to force counties across the state to cough up the lists of rejected voters who, if later found eligible, could tip the balance in the closest Senate race in the country, between Fanken and incumbent Repubilcan U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman.

Marc Elias, lead recount attorney for the Franken campaign, said that both Ramsey and Hennepin counties had already rejected its request, forcing the campaign to take legal action.

His justification for such a move? It seems the Franken crowd have found a woman who’s signature doesn’t match that of her “pre-stroke” signature.

Is this guy banking on a vast amount of “strokes” in the electorate??

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Based upon Franken’s writings he’s counted a lot of ‘strokes’ to get him where he is today.

this is as bad as the “pregnant” chads, seriously, i hope they aren’t pulling what gov gregior did in washington and calling up elections and asking for them to find more votes. this is a huge waste of taxpayer money and i can’t believe what a laughingstock the dems have become. freaking whinning babies. we should get them a bunch of passifiers because they are so good at sucking.

They are even better at cheating and stealing elections.

This really is pitiful and a fine example of how the dims will use the entrenched libs in the “Judicial” branch to further their agenda…
Sad but true…

these things wouldnt happen if ID was required at the time of the vote and if same day registration wasnt done…

It just gets better. The “stroke” story apparently isn’t even true!

“Beltrami County does not have one ballot that was rejected because signatures didn’t match and the Franken campaign was clearly told that,” County Auditor-Treasurer Kay Mack said. “I don’t know where they are getting that from.”

Read the full article here

Mr Hard Right:

Just how would finding and counting legitimate votes equal stealing an election???

You are in right wing world dreamland.

Same day registration has been done for years in Minnesota. This is an absentee ballot that is being questioned. It has absolutely nothing to do with an ID or same day registration.

A liberal lying and trying to use the courts to overule the will of the people? Shocking! (heavy sarcasm)

The will of the people would be counting all legitimate votes…

and you say he is lying??? about what?? where?? Nice try Hard Right

He’s just trying to win. if it takes some cheating, it’s politics, remember?

Franken wants the names of voters. I thought one of the tenets of a democratic vote in the US is privacy, i.e. a secret ballot. Asking for rosters and voters’ names is a violation of privacy. Would you REALLY trust the Obama/Acorn Dems to not target you, your mother or dad, if they didn’t like your vote?
More sobbing: think of it: if Franken-the-Bozo wins, we’ll have Amy Klobuchar as Senior Senator??!! Haven’t we suffered enough?

RAP, you mean make every fraudulent vote count. You aren’t fooling anyone. The dems have become the party of fraudulent votes. You and your cronies in the media have to lie about what you stand for to win elections. So when even that doesn’t work you just happen to “find” votes over and over until your candidate wins.
Dream world? No. I see you and your kind for what they are–corrupt and hypocritical wannabe tyrants.

Another MN rant: once again, our Governor, Tim Pawlenty, can’t or won’t lead in this recount mess. I know the race/mess is bound by state law, but shouldn’t the Gov. say Something? You gotta admit, Jesse Ventura would’ve had SOMETHING to say.
This is what happens when voters elect a smooth pretty legislator: they don’t know how to lead. I think he missed Leadershp 101.

Hard Right… what part of legitimate votes don’t you understand???
You are telling me what I mean.. typical right wing BS… sorry you are so full of your right wing BS you can’t see reality… Calling the “democratic party the party of fraudulent votes.” That tells me you are nothing more than a bunch of sore losers. You must be still sore from getting butts kicked by Obama.

Have you had your daily dose of Hannity and Limbaugh yet today?

Sore losers? The dems are kings of being sore losers. It was you and your kind that claimed the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen when they obviously had not.
Yes the dems won this election. All it took was 8 years of lies from the dem propaganda wing-AKA the MSM and an absolute refusal to investigate and report on BHO.

No, phony American patriot, I’m refering to races such as the Coleman-Franken race and others the left have stolen with manipulated vote counts and fraudulent votes.

It’s not an accident the dems support giving illegals drivers liscenses and are against requiring ID to vote. It wasn’t a coincidence the dems have been funding ACORN. It was the dems who called in the lawyers first in 2000 and tried to get rid of as many votes for Bush as possible. You know you support fraudulent votes as long as it allows the left to win so stop pretending you care about “all votes being counted”. It’s just proof of how your kind pretends to be selfless when it’s really pure narcisissm and self aggrandizement that drives you.

Now it turns out the 32 votes found in a car and spouted about on Fox Noise by Minnesota Republican Governor Pawlenty was an URBAN LEGEND!!!

get your story straight Republicans!!!!

Real American Patriot.

This is from the Star Trib article linked at the begining of this thread.

Marc Elias, lead recount attorney for Franken, said that both Ramsey and Hennepin counties had rejected the campaign’s request, forcing it to take legal action.

Elias said that because Beltrami County had complied, the campaign had already learned of one woman, an 84-year-old stroke victim, whose absentee ballot was disqualified because her signature no longer matched that on her pre-stroke voter registration card.

I posted a link to the Bemiji paper in Beltrami County, stating that this story is not true in message #6. There was no mismatch signature due to a stroke. The story came from the Franken campaign.

So….. Maybe not just Republicans have to get the story straight? What do you think?

MN Gramma:

You’re right! It’s time to let the process in Minneosta take place and stop the finger pointing.

The idea that the democrats are trying to steal the election is BS at it’s finest.

I have noticed a lot of the BS that is being slung is from outside of Minnesota. On Fox Noise yesterday an anchor woman suggested some of the ballots were being found in ditches.. She had no basis for dropping that BS but said it at the end of a segment just to fan the flames!

Oh yes, the suddenly discoverd “errors” over and over and all in Franken’s favor are no big deal. We say they are questionable. You know full well if they were in Coleman’s favor you’d be screaming outright fraud. You just proved that you are a hypocrite and don’t care how your side cheats as long as they win.

Oh and RAP, here’s some info about the 32 ballot dispute:

“…The Coleman camp was in court this morning for the second time in two days (on unrelated issues). On Friday evening, Mr. Knaak said, they received a call saying that 32 absentee ballots had been found in Minneapolis, and that they would be counted. The campaign requested a restraining order this morning, to delay counting until the chain of possession could be verified, but they settled for a statement from a city attorney pledging that the ballots had safely been in an election official’s backseat for the last five days…”

And I noticed you didn’t mention this:

““We’re just trying to make very sure that no one’s stuffing ballot boxes,” said Mr. Knaak of the Coleman campaign. The campaign has also expressed alarm over voting machine print-outs dated before Nov. 4, and it filed on Thursday for election officials’ data from election night.”

They’re counting them now, and that is not fair, because think of all those whose votes didn’t count. The liberal illuminati may not have won.