UPDATED: OBAMA a NO SHOW!…..Obama taps into the “parrot heads” for today’s Florida rally


UPDATED: Since I have a personal inside track to the Obama Tampa rally w/Jimmy Buffett, Obama turned out to be a no-show at his own rally. Ya know… can’t find one news blip on the radar on his MIA status… But I’m sure the parrot heads had a great time! Wonder how Jimmy Buffett feels about his guy adding this concert date to the Coral Reefer schedule, then not bothering to attend.


In keeping with the Obama campaign strategy that large throngs of attendees keeps the media gushing about “that one’s” popularity, his Tampa rally added a last minute concert by *the* original parrot head, Jimmy Buffett. Excerpt from the Buffett News fan site

ABC Action News.com has learned Barack Obama is planning a last minute visit to Tampa, days before the Presidential election. Obama is expected to appear with superstar musician Jimmy Buffett.

It is another sign of Tampa Bay’s importance to the Presidential race. Obama’s scheduled visit comes just two days before election day.

A Tampa spokeswoman for the Obama campaign said she has not been informed of the visit. However, according to an email obtained by abcactionnews.com, employees at the Ford Amphitheatre have been told to prepare for the visit this coming Sunday, November 2nd.

From the original e-mail: “Hello every one I just wanted to give you a heads up there has been a new event added to the schedule at the Ampitheater, It will be on November 2nd It is the Barack Obama rally with Jimmy Buffett performing not sure of all the details just yet. But we wanted to get an e-mail out to start recruiting employees, Their are over 15,000 tickets reserved and expecting another 5,000- 7,000.”

Buffett just finished his last dates in Vegas Oct 25th for his “The Year of Still Here” tour, no doubt headed back to his Florida abode before one final gig scheduled in Connecticut Nov 8th.

Live Daily labels this a “free” concert”. As I was raised in Florida, and most immediate family relatives still live there, I can tell you nothing will stop Floridians from heading to see their favorite son, Jimmy. So the bonus of being “free” to the attendees is just icing on the cake.

But that “free” part is limited in it’s meaning. I doubt that Buffett’s donating his time, along with the Coral Reefers, PLUS the roadies & tech staff … not mention the plethora of sound and lighting equipment… for “free” during his tour. Sure would be interesting to see a breakdown of the Obama campaign expenses as to how much of the faithful’s donated funds were paid to musicians along the campaign trail in order to perpetuate the visual of a devoted “adoring fan base” in media reports.

Even more interesting… will the media even notice that a major headliner performed “free” for the rally attendees in their breathless reports of the SRO Obama campaign event?

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most of the peeps will be there to see buffet, not obambi. thats how he packs them in, gets a cool artist and then lets them all in for free, how many people ar there will vote for obama based on him giving them free access to one of their favorite singers? i am betting some will think he is such a nice guy, hopefully not many will be persuaded. god he reminds me of hitler with his crowd persuasion.

This is the only way that Obama can get a crowd nowadays… lol

Geez, is it no wonder why the One gets big crowds, he has the Boss, Jimmi Buffet and the other bands play at all his campaign stops. And I am just wondering how much it is to get them to play, I am sure that they do not play for free.

Free… a departure from the norm. I know some people who were planning to attend because they love the music so. They’re both voting for McCain.

Just wants to add to his rock-star “appeal” and wants to tell people “Hey, this guy supports me, so you should too.” Underhanded is what it is.

i loved the bands at crue fest, yet there bullshit about bush and all doesn’t make me want to support obama. i am smarter than that, you just have to wonder if your average american is though. i hate to assume that they are stupid, or easily led, but i have to wonder because of the amount of people who do support him. i would watch him just to hear the ahh, and uhh’s. then i would laugh all of the way home.

WOW! Ok now what’s wrong with having someone like Jimmy buffett at your rallys?

Are you jealous that he is not at a Mcain rally?

Looks like it to me!

And for yall to be a Pro-mcain website, why dont yall talk about MCAIN’S RALLYS?!!

I mean yall say your Mcain supporters, right?

So why not post things about Mcain rallys?

Isn’t that commen sence?

O….that’s right you re-thugs don’t have any.

Oopps my bad, I forgot.

Now, I hope you little re-thugs are not somehow implying that Barack Obama can’t get crowds, are ya?

Cuz, Obama has been getting HUGE crowds at his rallys sence the begining of the primarys.

And just a few weeks ago Obama was in St. Luis Missori were a crowd of more than !00,000 came to a rally.

More then any other rally he has done in the ENTIRE ELECTION!

And guess what?

No body had to be there to pump up crowds.

All Obama had to do was show up and that was it!

So again, like I’ve said before why don’t yall talk about MCAIN’S rallys, eh?

And not worry about wether or not Obama gets big crowds at his rallys.

Cuz belive me he does.

Obama/Biden 08!

@luva the scissors: Yes the Cruefest was fun, but I just shut out the political crap that they put up.

Like I am going to get my political views from a bunch of ex-junkies and polple that only live for the next party.

@David101: Jealous??? No Just trying to show that the Obamassiah needs some free entertainment to bring in crowds. Many of the people that went just went for the free concert, like they did in Germany and Seattle and many other places.

Have you seen the Palin rallies, she has had to move many because the place was too small to fit the crowd. One had more volunteers than the place originally held, so they had to move to a bigger venue. And guess what she did not have a free concert to bring in crowds.

Why would any of us be jealous of Obummer and his sinking campaign???

Why would we be jealous? McCain has Daddy Yankee and a member of Aerosmith supporting him. Most McCain supporters who are celebrities don’t speak out because supporting Obama is the fashion that’s “in” right now. You support Obama, you get a bigger fan-base. Simple as that.

Why would you be jealous of Obama’s campaign you ask?

Well because Obama has run one of the most brilliant and organized campaigns in American political Hisrtory.

And is 2 days away from victory.

While the Mcain camp. is still trying to find a winning arguement and message, let alone on there way to winning.

Recently Advisers of his called Mcain’s running mate Sarah palin a quote, “diva” and “wack job”.

And have been claiming Palin has been “Going rouge” on the campaign trail.

Which would to me seem as a non-disiplined campaign that not only can’t find a message and stick to it, but blame each other {even there own cannidates} for there loses.

And that’s only HALF of the reasons why you would be jealous of the Obama Campaign.

And just because Obama adds star power to his rallys, doesnt mean he needs it!!!

I belive those 100,000 + people who showed up at Obama’s rally in St. Luis Missori, didn’t come to see anybody but, Barack Obama.

And if I’m not mistaken, he didn’t have any star power there to get more then 100,000 people to his rally.

He did that all by himself.

Btw, Sarah palin has NEVER gotten more then 100,000 people to show up at her rallys at ANY event she has held.

Obama on the other hand has.

Obama/Biden 08!

David 101,

Sarah Palin is the real star of this election. She attracts huge crowds and people just adore her. She is the complete opposite of Obama. She is simple, brilliant, honest, sincere, patriotic, devoted and truthful. Compare to that bum who hangs around with terrorists, communists, Marxists, socialists, American haters, anti-Semites and crooks, she is a real breath of fresh air. She is the reason why McCain will win on Tuesday night.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Jimmy Buffet but I doubt he’ll pick up a guitar pick for less than $1 mill. I love his plane, and I haven’t read his books, though I hear they are quite good. This guy might as well be Warren when it comes to the income and books….just sayin’….

and can someone buy the trolls a spell check program?

I’m really sorry, sincerely, I am, for those like David101 who cannot see the narcissistic megalomania exhibited by Obama. I oftentimes wonder if Barry being abandoned by his deadbeat Dad when he was a toddler has something to do with his need to ‘be loved’, hopefully by adoring crowds. The whole Barackoplis thing in Denver was so right out of those newsreels showing the Nuremberg Rally. And another disturbing comparison: Hitler wrote his Mein Kampf, and pretty much laid out his plans, yet people ignored what he said and wrote. Barry has two fictional ‘autobiographies’ that put forward his self-created narrative. Many of the thoughts in those books are absolute racist rubbish (like the one about cruise ships throwing away more food than the people of Port-A-Prince eat, or something like that). He’s said he’ll redistribute the wealth, he’s said he’ll raise taxes, he’s said he’ll creat a compulsory civilian force equal in funding to the Pentagon (by redistributing the Pentagon’s budget down and redistributing his civilian force’s budget up), he’s said he’ll bankrupt the coal industry, he’s said he won’t wear that pin (and on top of that doesn’t like to wear it because he doesn’t want to ‘be seen as taking sides’), he’s created his own seal, he’s created his own anthem, he’s removed the American flag from the tail of his campaign jet, his posters are infused with socialist overtones, right out of Hitler and Stalin. Whew! And that’s just a few of his down points. While with his canned speeches he may be Telepromter Man, taking on the World one ‘magnificent’ speech at a time, when he’s off the cuff, at ease in his surroundings, you hear the real Barack Hussein Obama, and it’s not a pretty picture. Seriously, this guy has told us what he’ll do to us (because it sure as hell won’t be for us). He’s said we’re a ‘flawed’ nation with a ‘flawed’ constitution (flawed because it says nothing about legal redistributive processes). In his infomercial last week, we again saw the negativity he has for this great Nation. He’s not happy with it, so let him destroy it. That’ll make him feel better. With his ego, narcissism, arrogance and snobbery, it’s the least we can do for him.

I repeat: He’s told us what he will do to us, and everybody else as collateral damage. When it comes to Israel, he’ll give the green light to Iran and Syria to go for it. More redistributive change! This guy is one scary dude, and I say that as a student of History, trained in source materials. I’ve read lots of them, and you get an insight into the thinking at that moment, not through the prism of the present.

I always wondered how Hitler came to power. How could the Germans vote for him? Yet Hitler was voted in — once. That’s all it takes. And Hitler told the Germans (and anybody else who read his book, like Churchill, or really listened to his speeches) what he’d do. Just as Barry has many times. Why do you think a Presidential candidate who has written two biographies/political/ideological memoirs has never had a reporter question him about those books with those books ready to hand? To authenticate quotes and stuff. Why? I mean, name me a presidential candidate who has the audacity to write two biographies without having ever done anything? Kennedy’s “Profiles In Courage” was written by someone who actually did something, a cog in a monumental undertaking. Barry’s racism is well documented and marxist racism permeates those two tomes (which is basically Black Liberation Theology in a nutshell). Sitting in Reverrunatthemouth’s church for over 20 years proves this. Again, he’s telling us who he is. And too many are just not listening. This whole cult-of-personality shit surrounding Barry really scares the bejeezus outta me. Historically, I know where it leads. And isn’t good.

@David101: NIce to see that Obama is still paying people like you to spout out the cool aid


Please type your responses into a word document first and then run your spell check and your grammar check. It is impossible for me to finish reading anything you type because I get jammed up on your dreadful syntax and sentence structure.

@stix1972: And in ohio McCain had to bus in the entire Defiance Ohio school district to fill the seats. So whats that say about your candidate?

Craig, stop liying to yourself man.

Sarah palin is the biggest JOKE in this entire election.

She’s dumb, arrogant, and makes Obama look like a Rocket Scientist.

She is only adored by the right-wing nut cases.

And the the extreme right-wing Social conservatives.

Everybody including independents and reagan demorcrats are TERRIFIED by her.

And lets not even get into those DEAR IN THE HEAD LIGHTS Katie Couric interviews.

Katie Couric simply asked her what single magazine or news paper she reads and she could’nt even answer that.

So please lets not even compair Tinkerbell with a smart, intelligent man like Obama.

Who graduated at the TOP of his class at Harvard Law School.

Who was a civil rights lawyer for 9 years. And has a genuine personally and always looks at all sides of situation.

Unlike Sarah “you bectha” Palin, who’s basic logic is,”My way or the high way”

Craig said: “She is simple, brilliant, honest, sincere patriotic devoted and truthfull.”

WRONG Craig!

She’s a dumb, arrogant, lies through her teeth, full of herself, no-nothing twit.

Who is a cheerleader for the right-win nuts.

And is no dought Dick Cheney in a skirt.

Maybe even worse.

Who doesnt even know what the Vice president does.

Countless interviews she has gotten the role of the Vice president wrong.

She has said that the vice president:

“Is in charge of the Senate”

^^which is wrong!

And has also said:

“If they want to they can get in the Senate and make policies.”

^^^which is also wrong!

And at the debate with Joe biden she said, she would,

“look forward to flexing the Consitution to alow more authorite to the Vice president”

Alow more “aurthorite” to the vice president?


Vice presidnt do 2 things:

1. Be ready at any moment to be president.

2.Break a tie if needed in the Senate.


And Sarah palin can’t even get that right.

She has been the laghing stock of American politics.

And could’nt possibly be take serioulsy as ANY federal fugue let alone vice president.

And is the MAIN REASON why Mcain WILL lose tomorrow, unless the election gets stolen again.

And like I said beforem Obama has been having HUGE crowds at his rallys sence the begining of the primarys.

And unlike John Mcain, he doesn’t need his VP to get huge crowds.

The 100,000+ people who came to his rally in St Luis Missori came to see him AND ONLY him.

Not his Vp.

Obama/Biden 08!


Something just for you Jasmine.

I know that the day is young yet, but since you have no intellectual inferior I know that there won’t be any dispute about your qualification for this special award.


@voter:Kind of like all the voters thatare bussed around to votefor Obama in the Primaries. How mjany thousandsvotedin Indiana that were from Illinois.

Kindof like all of Obama’s volunteers illegally voting in states they are volunteering for. Staying in a state for a month doesnot make you a citizen of that state.

And you just haveto love all the people bussed into St Louis. You know it is right across the river from Illinois. And St Clair county is the Mini-Me of Chicago. Same Chicago style politics plays here.

Obama has got to be the most crooked candidate in the last 100 years, if not ever. ACORN, illegal voting from his volunteers, the intimidation of Hillary’s supporters. He just might steal the eletction without anyone knowng who he is thanks to the MSM propaganda machine

@stix1972: What are you talking about, you guys were talking about the crowds in rally’s and who brought the biggest crowds. I was pointing out that McCain had to get the school district, because he didn’t have the following. Also, Joe the plummer stood him up at that same rally.

@David101: Davis Ilove Palin and I am anything but a Religious Rightwing Wacko. religion has nothing to do with why I like her. And religion has nothing to do with why I vote for someone.

If you think Reagan Democrats are afraid of her, man you need to get a life. She is exactly what they are looking for.

Man I know I have typos, but I can not even get thru a paragraph and tell wahtyou are trying to say. Is English your second language or are you a little kid???? Just wondering. Run a spell check and a grammer check. I know I am not a great writer, but at least people can tell what I am saying.

She was correct in what she wassating the VP is. They are the head of the Senate and can go and take over any time.

Just ask your buddy Biden about the 1 and second Articles in the Constitution, he was on the Judicial committee for ever and still does not know the Constitution.

And Obummer wants to change the Constitution, becasue it does not give the government enough power to distribute the wealth.

Awww Aye Chihuahua

“Jack ass of the day”


I know you are but, what am I?

@voter: Joe the Plumber got the schedule mixed up. And every campaign busses in people. If you do not think that, you have got get a life and get out of the cool aid for a minute. But making it look like more Missourians are for Obummer was easy. It is right next to E St Louis, Brooklyn, Venice, Alorton and many other small communities that can bus people in with the best of them.

Why does the ONE need the Boss and The Parrot Head at his rallies now???? I heard that many people just went to see the concerts not the ONE.

Why is it that Palin gets more people except for when Obummer gets a free concert, except theones where it is easyto busspeople in???? They had to get bigger venues for many of Palin’s rallies becasue there were more volunteers that the original pace holds.

Don’t let these trolls try to engage us in a conversation: they’re sitting in a cubicle getting paid (for only 1 more day!) to waste our time.
I picture them back in their classrooms, talking about the revolution, and letting Mommy do their laundry, mediocrities for life. Whatever will they do when McCain takes the oath of office?

Get out and vote, if only to put these arrogant idiots in their place: back in the basement.

McCain/Palin ’08


I read the article about the schools, it said a school sent three busloads of kids to see the rally, it was a field trip, it wasn’t McCain setting up because he needed attendees. Also, Joe the Plumber was scheduled to attend a McCain rally in a differenct city that day. He wasn’t a no show, McCain was just mistaken about which city Joe the Plumber was scheduled for.

Today, speaking in Florida, Obama thought he was in Ohio. McCain was confused about a campaign stop, Obama a state.


Now don’t you know that busing in school kids for what may be a once in a lifetime opportunity to see a Presidential candidate speak is just the same as holding a free concert to draw crowds?

Silly you.

I’m waiting for Erika to show her consistency and point her gnarled finger at BO for not even showing up for the Parrot Head concert event.

Obama gives McCain the finger:

Where have we seen this before?

Roll the tape:

How classy.

How Presidential.

@Aye Chihuahua:

The Daily Koz was pulling the same stunt with the “bus loads of kids” thing. Didn’t happen to dawn on any of them that every single one of those students would have had to have a signed permission slip which would have gone home at least a week prior to the event. Nope, all McCain has to do is call and presto, three bus loads of kids on the doorstep. Yet, people lap it up.

Obama’s counting on the youth vote – that’s a given. They’ve turned out in big numbers at a lot of rallies. Will these young voters follow through by showing up at a polling location and standing in line for a perhaps lengthy period if there’s no free concert to get them there in the first place?

Early trends seem to say no….??