I’ve always been amazed at how effortlessly some people can lie. I guess it comes from years of practice, or maybe some kind of genetic disposition, but there are some people who can lie without batting an eye. Barack Obama is one such person. How do I know this? because I have watched him lie repeatedly without batting an eye; not just exaggerations or embellishments mind you, but absolute whoppers. Whenever I have encountered these lies, I am amazed not just at the facility with which he lies, but also at the collusion of the media in hiding the lie or spinning into something altogether different. But one thing is certain: Obama lies, and he is good at it, for he tailors his lies to each group he is courting. By examining two such lies and the groups he addressed, perhaps we can glimpse behind the false persona and into the very soul of Obama.
When speaking to members of the African-American community on March 4, 2008, at the anniversary of the Selma march, Obama told the enthusiastic crowd that:
“There was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Junior was born. So don’t tell me I don’t have a claim on Selma, Alabama.” (see notes: 1)
Since Obama was born four years before the Selma march, which ocurred on March 7, 1965. it is hard to reconcile how he could have a “claim on Selma, Alabama”. Nevertheless, his audience was swayed by his rhetoric, despite the ridiculousness of his claim. Truth was lost in the blur of the moment, leaving only the euphoria of acceptance and expectation, the benighted dreams of hope and change.
What Obama did was co-opt a seminal moment in the civil rights movement, thereby insinuating himself into the historical fabric of the African-American community, even though he actually shared none of its history of slavery and oppression. Indeed, having been raised in Indonesia and Hawaii, and later educated at Columbia and Harvard, it is hard to fathom how Barack Obama shared any life experiences with the black community in America, that is until he moved to Chicago to begin his political career and used them as his primary base of support.
There is something very Machiavellian about the way Obama lies in order to pursue his own ends, something very cold and calculating, like telling the Israelis who were fearing Iran that “his committee” had passed legislation forcing companies to divest from Iran, when he was not even on the committee, once again falsely insinuating himself into the narrative of the lives of his audience.
“Responding to an Israeli reporter’s question Wednesday on his commitment to protect the Jewish state, Barack Obama pointed to a bill “we passed” in the U.S. Senate Banking Committee that tightens sanctions and authorizes divestment from Iran. “My committee,” he called it.
Except that he isn’t a member of the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.
‘Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee – which is my committee – a bill to call for divestment from Iran as way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don’t obtain a nuclear weapon,” Obama said at a press conference in Sderot, Israel’.” (See notes: 2)
Obama does not lie just to appease his audience. He lies in order to insinuate himself into their lives, to become one of them, and thereby become their appointed and anointed leader, because he supposedly empathizes with their day to day hopes and fears, their triumphs and their struggles. He lies in order to be all things to all people in order to gain their support. If some see through the ruse, who cares?…as long as he gains the rest. Machiavelli would have been proud.
“One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived.”
Niccolo Machiavelli
Indeed, Satan would be prouder.
“You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” John 8: 44
1: Barack Obama, March 4, 2008 (Washington Post Obama Overstates Kennedys’ Role in Helping His Father By Michael Dobbs Sunday, March 30, 2008; A01)
2: CNN Political Producer Alexander Marquardt (Huffington Post- Obama Makes a Gaffe: Says He’s On the Banking Committee.July 23, 2008 02:56 PM)
Remember that his Muslim upbringing allows Obama to lie to Infidels but not to Islam believers. Obama also uses lying as a strategy. Barack Obama knows that many people either will not question his statements; or, they aren’t listening to what he’s saying at all. Lately though, Obama’s total fall from grace has been tens of millions of voters seeking information on the Internet in the blogosphere. This is where people are learning just how disgusting and repugnant Barack Hussein Obama really is.
Also, if you read Obama’s “manifesto booklet,” the Saul Alinsky text for radicals, it says that the ends justify the means. Lying under these guidelines is Obama’s modus operandi du jour. Obama is ALWAYS trying to be someone or something that he is not. Truth be know, Obama is a loser.
If you have not checked this our yet, please do:
Obamalies or Lies Obama Tells
Sources: Sarkozy views Obama stance on Iran as ‘utterly immature’
French President Nicolas Sarkozy is very critical of U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama’s positions on Iran, according to reports that have reached Israel’s government.
Sarkozy has made his criticisms only in closed forums in France. But according to a senior Israeli government source, the reports reaching Israel indicate that Sarkozy views the Democratic candidate’s stance on Iran as “utterly immature” and comprised of “formulations empty of all content.”
2008. The year The One (Barack Obama) … Lost.
He’s not lying. He so poorly researches things that he doesn’t know the truth. Pure ignorance.
Respectfully? I think tying Senator Obama to whatever Muslim schooling he received when he was very young (4 years in Indonesia living in a secular household), is a stretch, politically. And I think the concept of taqiyya, unless I’ve just been brainwashed by PC interpretation, is overblown and has become somewhat of a Muslim caricaturization and mischaracterization of what seems to be primarily a shia practice.
Congratulations! You have won forever (because no one can beat you now) the over-the-top ODS award. Obama is not simply a Muslim, or a terrorist, or a socialist, or a communist, or Hilter (thank you, Skye), or even an alien, as I satirically suggested — He is Satan Incarnate, the Father of Lies, the Epitome of Evil, the Adversary (that is what “satan” means in Hebrew), the Enemy.
Damn girl, you kick ass!!!!
If that bastard gets elected, we won’t need an Inauguration, we’re gonna need an Exorcism.
You betcha!!
Thank you for the nuanced discussion of Muslim theology. Seriously, it was refreshing. Unfortunately, following Ariel’s nuclear bombast (or is that bomb blast) it gets “lost in the sauce.”
Obama is NOT a socialist?
Come to think of it, Dave Hussein Noble is right.
Obama is far more radical than most socialists. After all, he’s rated more liberal than the Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont.
Obama is a radical whose entire life has been spent in the company of rabid America hating revolutionaries.
I think Obama is betting that at least 40 percent of his followers are illiterate because if you read the transcripts of his speeches…they make no sense at all! He’ll say one thing, then nullify it, and then say something else. On and on it goes. I was trying to make sense of one of his early speeches about Saddam Hussein from 2002. First he says that Saddam is a “butcher” who is killing the Iraqi (and other) people. Then he says that we had nothing to fear from him. And he keeps doing that style of back and forth to this day!
He also puts together lots of vapid sentences. They go like this: “I say we must cut programs and reduce taxes. But we must keep what works. I would keep the programs that we must have. But I will not increase taxes. So, I ….”
And so on !!! It’s beyond being a lie — it’s just stupid talk!
Please, if you can stand it (and if you want a laugh) read the “speeches” of B’Crock O’Blather. His way of speaking and stentorian voice, may have most of the people fooled…but not all of them…
“you read the transcripts of his speeches…they make no sense at all!”
Yeah, but it sounds good at the moment… unless the teleprompter breaks.
And what about all his lying by omission? Where is his birth certificate? His records from Harvard? His medical report? Lying by omission is worse than straight lying all the time like he does, because lying by omission means that he would not even be able to lie about these things… Think about it.
I think you’re right Mike, Obama is not “merely” a run-of-the-mill socialist, his ties to Dorn, Ayers, Wright, Farrakhan, etceteras, show him to be more. He may be something much worst, something even socialists consider an abomination, an anarchistic socialist.
John Bailo;
There is a source that reads much like an Obama speech. In that source, a chapter discusses Jews, Christians, and Muslims as all brothers and that they should be treated accordingly so that together they might combat the forces of the Infidel (i.e. Barbaric paganists). In other sections, it seems to link Jews and Christian with those Infidels. That source is the Koran. There is a technique used by some religious leaders to take segments from various portions of their religious texts out of context, a verse here and a verse there and use it to form a message to support whatever they wish it to mean. The Fundamentalist Extremist Imams who start indoctrinating children from an early age use the same method to paint America as a Satanic Empire. Obama as a child attended Islamic parochial schools in Indonesia. He claims he is Christian, but only he knows for sure. However, his speechs certainly seem to have identical liquidity. His supporters do not hear the contradictions and paradoxes he raises. But it is obvious for those outside of his cult to see.
Now I intend no insult to Christians, don’t misconstrue what I say next. But admittedly, such practices have also been used effectively in Christian churches by some preachers. I was first introduced to Biblical teachings in a Southern Baptist church and our pastor used to leap all over the place in the Bible. I remember one particular sermon in the late 1960’s where he was trying to get the message across that Rock n’Roll music was the Devil’s tool. This guy was one of those hellfire and brimstone types that saw no problem with asking parishoners to bring their LPs to the next tent revival meeting so they could throw them in the bonfire. I knew nothing of book burnings and such at that age. Sitting on the pew I read the entire chapters from whence he took his verses while the choir sang. I realized the verses he used, when viewed in context, had nothing to do with the message he was trying to convey. I refused to go back to that particular church, but did not give up on the concept of Christianity. I decided not to blindly follow anyone else just because they gave a great oration, but to become a critical listener. Our pastor was in a similar mold as Reverend Wright, though far-right extreme, as opposed to far-left. So I can accept that Obama could be either Muslim or Christian.
Barry doesn’t give “speeches”, speeches utilize facts. Obama gives sermons, sermons use concepts. That’s why his supporters follow him blindly like cultists. It is a cult, and that’s why many see him as a messianic symbol. They have ceased being supporters and have become disciples. That’s why they don’t care that he ignores facts, conceals his past, and can so easily seduce them into outrageous actions without giving it a second thought. Like the man who lost his mind and beat a woman with the stick she had a McCain-Palin sign. Why posters like David101 are such insufferable moonbats. Why his cultists will risk jail sentences engaging in voter fraud. And why they will riot after this election regardless of whether he wins or looses.
Obama doesn’t care that should he lose this election, many of his faithful will suffer mental breakdowns and require counseling. To Obama, it’s all about him. And God help us if he wins.
here ya go Dave Noble…snark all you like.
http://www.citizenslim.com/ ‘Conspiracy Theory Mix’
footage of Farrakhan scream-preaching to his followers that obama IS the messiah. The media has used too many images that reinforce this notion.
“Them that have eyes, let them see. Them that have ears, let them hear.” The REAL Messiah said that.
Throughout this whole race, Obama hasn’t stuck to any one policy. Nor has he clarified his true positions on any of them. That was a great video, Word – it highlights all the inconsistencies. Obama’s a great speaker, all right – he says what needs to be heard. But once in office, will he stick to his word? Or will he toss it aside just like his word that he would have taken public finance?