Good grief…Senator McCain has not called him “every name in the book”; has been talking extensively about the economy, as well as Obamanomics. And regarding that “I share my peanut butter and jelly sandwich” line….
This looks to be evidence to the contrary:
Today, Barack Obama’s long lost aunt has been found living in poverty somewhere far worse than the slums of Huruma on the outskirts of Nairobi.
Yes, Barack Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango is living in public housing in South Boston:
Barack Obama has lived one version of the American Dream that has taken him to the steps of the White House. But a few miles from where the Democratic presidential candidate studied at Harvard, his Kenyan aunt and uncle, immigrants living in modest circumstances in Boston, have a contrasting American story.
Zeituni Onyango, the aunt so affectionately described in Mr Obama’s best-selling memoir Dreams from My Father, lives in a disabled-access flat on a rundown public housing estate in South Boston.
His “Uncle Omar” faired even worse:
A second relative believed to be the long-lost “Uncle Omar” described in the book was beaten by armed robbers with a “sawed-off rifle” while working in a corner shop in the Dorchester area of the city. He was later evicted from his one-bedroom flat for failing to pay $2,324.20 (£1,488) arrears, according to the Boston Housing Court.
It’s up to you to feed, clothe, and house these Obamas, America.
Because when it comes to “spreading the wealth around,” Barack Obama obviously wasn’t talking about his.
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
@MataHarley: Thank you, see I was right, you give much info 🙂
@Mike’s America:
I know exactly what the cause is too.
The polls are tightening.
The tide is shifting.
What seemed to be such a sure thing is just about to slip away.
We get an influx of vermin every time The One begins to falter.
Tuesday night when McCain wins PA I predict weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.
As Mata likes to say, we’ll all need our swatters at the ready.
@Aye Chihuahua: And when you are wrong?
Mickie! What… done with battle with Chen yet? Actually, I rather like Chen. A worthy adversarial debate, which always results in learning more….
alas… cannot say the same for Jasime/David/David101. She has been consistently empty in all appearances. But she has a talent for cut/paste at least.
Is there going to be a thread to comment on during the election? Someone should create one. That way I can have some fun when Obama sweeps this thing 🙂
I think I am done for tonight on FA, Jasmine is off subject and leading everybody nowhere. I have better things to do than to read this bullshit. I will go on NO Quarter blog for tonight, less stupid leftists there, even if it is a Democrat blog.
Very seldom.
I engage my brain before engaging my mouth or my keyboard in order to prevent it.
If only everyone had the same sort of self discipline.
“I had to bring up the adultry story with Mcain.”
Mata…. Seems to me your little free moonbat love colony is on another slippery slope!!!
And as for Voter wanting to comment on any election night thread: Not one run by me that is for sure.
Mata can run a chat room for loonies if she wants but not me.
@Aye Chihuahua: I would really like to continue this conversation on tuesday. That is if we can have some friendly fun with it, and call a truce. What do you say.
Dag gum, Erika. You go with your sense of humor, girl! LOL
Actually, Mike’s A usually runs a “chat” forum on event nights. I don’t usually attend because it’s like carrying on a conversation with a mob simultaneously. Too old, I guess….
But I suspect it’s going to be a long night. I don’t see a landslide in either direction in the cards. It will be close, just like the nation’s opinions are pretty evenly split.
Which does have to make you wonder about that “unity” and “healing” stuff, eh? The day this nation “unifies” is the day democracy and free speech are gone. History. It is dissent that makes us who we are.
@MataHarley: Well, Mike A kicked me off a thread, accused me of “threatening someone”, when I was just making a point. So I won’t even look at threads he starts. I was looking forward to alittle fun tho. I like the FRIENDLY debates, and back and forths.
Craig, for the life of me, I just simply don’t understand why you get so worked up over someone whose comments amount to nothing. Simply “ignore”, and drive on. If she’s a time waster, just don’t waste your time. It’s not like she’s holding a cyber gun to your head saying, “You have to read my idiocy and allow me to push your button”.
She has the freedom to be stupid; you have the freedom to laugh at her, or ignore her.
“So I won’t even look at threads he starts. “
“I like the FRIENDLY debates, and back and forths.”
Yeah… sure you do. That’s why you wanted to threaten Aye’s employment…
Mike just gets cranky ’cause he’s on IE, fending off trolls all day long.
He seems to attract moonbats over at his blog, like fleas. I don’t know why, but they just love him.
@Wordsmith: What ever it is, he see’s stuff that is not there, I ask Aye where he worked, cuz I was wondering how he could blog at work, and he accussed me of threatening his employment. Makes me wonder what other outlandish things he cooks up and spews in his threads.
Word “da Man”… Mike just likes to attract the extreme trolls to watch you, myself, Aye, Stix and others wage battle. what a voyeur….
My older sissie is like that. Used to cause trouble, then step back and let my bro and I battle it out!
“He seems to attract moonbats over at his blog, like fleas. I don’t know why, but they just love him.”
Actually, it’s been rather quiet. It seems they all gravitated over here to be closer to you Wordsmith!
And as for Voter’s revision of reality, I’ll stand by what I said on that thread…. It was a threat.
@MataHarley: I learned my lesson, I never want a battle with you Mata 🙂
@Mike’s America: I’m glad YOUR not in the white house, we’d be in a war with in a week.
Zogby is showing McCain up 1 point.
Surging among NASCAR fans, blue collar workers and men.
That’s what has caused the ants to swarm tonight.
Don’t count the old warrior out yet ladies and gentlemen.
This is really answering some questions, tho. I can see how you come to some of the conclusions you come to now.
@Aye Chihuahua: where did you get this, I want to check out the site.
Well, Mike might be a bit sensitive to potential for abuse because he’s been victim to it, himself by a commenter or two on his blog.
@Wordsmith: Mike and his IE always makes him cranky…
@Wordsmith: Maybe, but you have some experience with me, do you see me threatening someone? I think I am a pretty reasonable person, grant it I may not agree with you guys, but so what, I am respectfull to those that are respectful to me. And I am not the threatening type.
@Aye Chihuahua: Thanks, but is that a partisan poll or non partisan? I’ve never heard of it before.
I didn’t really follow that thread; but from what I had glimpsed and what I can glean, your intentions weren’t to cause any harm to Aye.
@Wordsmith: Thanks, I value your opinion.
@voter: Good lesson to learn….Mata is not a mujer you want to go up against unprepared, on either side of the fence.
@Curt: 🙂
Zogby runs one of the biggest polling organizations out there.
Here’s a Google search and the 1.8 million hits it produced.
@Aye Chihuahua: Thanks, but I don’t see the numbers you said. Am I looking at it wrong? It looks like to me Obama 50 and McCain 43
Erika/voter… INRE your
I’m not sure there is anything that exists as a “non partisan” poll. You ask 1000 or so people… usually mostly DNC vs GOP (or whoever answers the phone and speaks back…) questions that are reformulated. Most polls’ results doesn’t give you the links to the original poll, nor the wording of the questions.
Most polls… other than the most well known like Rasmussen or Zogby, are commissioned (i.e. bought) by an interest group. Therefore they construct the questions.
See what I mean?
I hate polls. I think they are another political trick to “lead”. Most people gauge their opinions by looking around… “am I insane, or does most the rest of the world think like me”, so to speak.
If you have polls that say nothing but one guy over another all the way to election, you have a bunch of voters wondering if they have the wrong perception. You are leading the vote via shepherding.
Frankly, I wish there were no public polls… only internal campaign polls that are not released. But then… I’m always a fan of free speech. Even when I disagree with the messenger, and the message.
@voter: The poll hasn’t been released….drudge is carrying it. So the demographics of those polled are not out either but we can all be sure that as in most polls by Zogby, Dem’s polled will outnumber Rep’s polled.
Either way, this race is tightening…just as in 2004. All the Dem’s were coming to this site gloating about a sweep (sound familiar) and when the exit polls came out they were still gloating.
That went away quite quickly.
Voter: When I was in the White House we were at peace because we were strong. That’s something you libweanies will never understand. Months after I left the Berlin Wall fell down. No thanks to Democrats.
@MataHarley: I see, and last Pres election had Kerry up in double digits, and he lost. It’s really the state by state we should be looking at, right? Since its the electoral votes that count.
In reference to the Drudge link that I gave you, Matt often “teases” a story early. He’ll post a snippet of info concerning a big story that is coming.
The numbers that I cited were for one day of polling (Friday). Rolling averages will be a bit different. The full details will be released tomorrow at some point.
The last election did indeed have Kerry up by double digits. He was also up in multiple “swing” states thus leading the Media machine to call it for him early.
Carter and Dukakis were up as well. You cannot rely on polling data as an assurance of victory especially when the polls are all over the board and the internals are so out of whack. The pollsters this year are trying to calculate in assumptions that have never proven to be real historically.
The state polling is where the attention needs to be focused because, as you said, the Electoral College is what ultimately drives the victory.
Still haven’t gotten an answer from Aye, truce? Anyways, I’ll be seeing you guys, going to bed. Sweet dreams of an Obama Presidency. lol
Erika/voter… INRE your
In one way way, yes… the electoral college is the deciding factor since our Presidential elections are really 50 different state elections combined.
That, however, doesn’t mean that polls… whether prior to voting, or the “exit polls”… can’t be totally off kilter.
Now Mike’sA? He’s the resident FA poll expert here. I don’t dabble in his arena as he’s got the first hand, behind the scenes campaign experience. I know when I’m outclassed in knowledge…. :0)
After a certain time, Mike places faith in polls. But I’m not sure what his criteria is.
Me? The only poll that matters is election day. And I’m content not hang on every media report of a poll prior, but to wait until Nov 5th for the actual results. Hang, they might as well tell me to bet on red #5 at the roulette table….
well if you want to spread the wealth, and lowering income gap ,
vote for obama. he’s right person … for american value …
but if you’re rich then vote for mccain, lol
@brandon alan scofield:
Hi brandon,
Obama’s economic instincts appear to be that he would favor policies which would prevent the lower and middle class from ever rising to the level of “wealthy”.
You might be interested to know this:
Democrat fat cats have become the Party of the Ultra-wealthy.
As you say….”lol”
Wordsmith wrote :
More than three quarters of those worth $1 million to $10 million plan to vote for Sen. McCain. Only 15% plan to vote for Sen. Obama (the rest are undecided). Of those worth more than $30 million, two-thirds support Sen. Obama, while one third support Sen. McCain.
Wordsmith , I don’t know what to say, it shock me ! I think super rich vote for obama , cause they want something from him, the questionis what will Obama give to them ? gimme a reply Wordsmith 🙂
I wonder what percentage of the remaining 25% that will vote Obama are Hollywood or Rockefeller center types, media news, TV/movie actors, recording artists, and other politically clueless entertainers?
@brandon alan scofield:
They will want to be close to the president, rub elbows with the power of the presidency, in with the in crowd. Obama’s political history has shown that he can be influenced, unlike McCain. McCain wouldn’t be welcoming them into the glitz of the White House parties, he’s frugal with the people’s money, Obama is a big spender and will do the opposite.