All He Ever Needed to Know About Communism, He Learned in Kindergarten

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By way of Amanda Carpenter, Senator Obama tries to tell a funny:

Barack Obama was joking about the GOP’s negative attacks on his campaign at a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina today.

He said John McCain is “going to accuse me of being a Communist because I shared my toys in kindergarten, I shared my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.”

Nooooo…..McCain and Palin share their toys and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with others; what Obama does is share other people’s toys and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

THAT’S what you’re being accused of advocating for, good Senator.

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill., takes a bite from his cheeseburger has lunch with supporters at Ball State University in Muncie, Ind., Saturday, April 12, 2008.

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Come on now, Word… you don’t expect the Obama faithful to figure out that brilliant counterpunch of “his” sandwich actually being him stealing the rich kid’s sandwich and redistributing it, do ya?

LOL Right. I wonder if Barry was one of those guys “spreading the wealth” in grade school, by shaking down the other kids for their lunch money and promoting his healthcare plan, “If you care for your health, you’ll fess up the cash, punk.”

As usual Barack Hussein Obama is out of step with reality – Obama is deceiving only Obama.

John McCain was crystal clear when he said that Barack Obama’s socialistic tendencies were confessed by Obama himself when he told Joe the Plumber that he (Obama) wanted to “spread the wealth around,” NOT THE PEANUT BUTTER.

And, when you say you want to redistribute the earned wealth of some for the benefit of others — as a government ploy — THAT’S SOCIALISM OBAMA! But of course Obama is a JERK. He knows NOTHING. Obama is a fraud.

Throughout the United States, the election has become a COMBAT zone and the fight against communist, fascism and socialism is real. We MUST do battle with Obama and defeat Obama by electing John McCain.

Obama has utter contempt for the people, the voters, in the United States he won’t even show us his certified, verified BIRTH CERTIFICATE to prove he is a natural born citizen. But that’s only the part of his repugnant character. Obama promotes infanticide: the killing of innocent babies that are born in failed abortion attempts. What a repugnant man. Reject Barack Obama, reject communist, reject Shari.

Elect John McCain.

God bless America and our way of life. We have absolutely NO need for Barack Obama!

2008. The year The One … Lost!

Click on this for a funny Obammy pic from the above one.

Right on the mark! lol

Wasn’t “sharing toys” a line in “Why Mommy is a Democrat”..? Mommy makes us share our toys = govt makes us “share” what we earned with others..? You know, socialist govt represented by a squirrel wearing a dress?

Barack Obama, the Specter behind the Mask:

“Senator Jakarta Street Kid Wisdom”

Obama won’t be sharing his PB&J…. Remember back in April when he whined: “Just let me eat my waffle?”

And isn’t this the same Obama and his wife who gave a mere pittance to charity and NOTHING to help Obama’s half brother who lives in a shack in Kenya on less than$20 a year?

Word, how were you able to embed that image?

I’m wondering why no one has come up with a political cartoon of Obama in Robin Hood’s tights yet, except stealing from the rich AND the poor to feed to the monster that he’ll create called “government”?

And they criticize McCain for his financial background and where he came from. They say McCain doesn’t know anything about middle class.

You want to give more to the middle class? How about we spread Obama’s wealth around? All the money he spent on all his negative ads and that infomercial would have made A LOT of people happy.