Now the director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Helen Jones-Kelley (a Obama supporter who gave the maximum allowed to his campaign), has changed her story on the record check of Joe the Plumber.
She first said it was a routine check to see his status on child support payments, if any, because well….they do it for all the people who get publicity…wink wink.
Now the record checks turned out to be a bit more in depth:
Helen Jones-Kelley, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, disclosed today that computer inquiries on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher were not restricted to a child-support system.
The agency also checked Wurzelbacher in its computer systems to determine whether he was receiving welfare assistance or owed unemployment compensation taxes, she wrote.
Jones-Kelley made the revelations in a letter to Ohio Senate President Bill M. Harris, R-Ashland, who demanded answers on why state officials checked out Wurzelbacher.
Harris called the multiple records checks “questionable” and said he awaits more answers. “It’s kind of like Big Brother is looking in your pocket,” he said.
If state employees run checks on every person listed in newspaper stories as buying a business, “it must take a lot of people a lot of time to run these checks,” he said. “Where do you draw the line?”
~~~Jones-Kelley wrote that the checks were “well-meaning,” but misinterpreted amid the heated final weeks of a presidential election.
Well meaning and misinterpreted? Puhlease.
These MULTIPLE checks of MULTIPLE records done immediately after the debate were not misinterpreted. They are comparable to the passport check of Hillary and Obama which received front page news stories for days and resulted in multiple firings.
This story?
Crickets from the national media.
And I thought California was bad.
If your in Ohio and speak ill of Obama you better be prepared for some “well meaning” record checks of your past….isn’t that grand?

See author page
Why is any one surprised by anything Democrats do? They are the below cock roaches in terms of the level they will lower themselves for political expediency.
No, Chadwick, not expediency, the LUST FOR POWER.
Just like Hitler was well meaning when he placed Jews in Ghettos and lifted there stuff. Well meaning my behind. And one more reason not to vote for obama.
Or, if you are in Missouri and decide to run ads against Obama, or if you are the NRA exposing Obama’s position on gun control, or a radio station in Chicago that decides to question the Obama/Ayres connection. The end justifies the means.
What Obama and Ohio have done to Joe Wurtzelbacher should worry every single citizen of this country that believes in free speech. Why elect someone to uphold our Constitution when he is actively undermining it?
Joseph Farah calls it a characteristic of fascism:
“Another characteristic of fascism is intimidation, coercion, bullying tactics and a self-righteousness that leads its followers to believe the rules simply don’t apply to them. The end justifies the means. People working on behalf of the cause are to be excused from accountability for any excesses. In fact, they would find it hard to believe they could ever commit excesses.
We got a whiff of this kind of fascism in Missouri last week when Obama partisans in various law-enforcement capacities pledged publicly to use their official police powers to go after anyone they believed to be unfairly portraying their candidate in political advertising.
In other words, they decided to throw the First Amendment out the window.”
the dems are only out for themselves, they always ahve been and always will be. they will never change and if peopel would just opent heir eyes and see that the dems are creating a big brother society and are not above trampling our rights as citizens then we as a nation are screwed.
Makes me wonder what would have happened if a white, male bureaucrat did a background check on a black female McCain supporter.
11b40, you mean a black female, Obama supporter? Great question, but I think we all know the answer. The One would use his mind powers to instantly explode the bureaucrat, and thus usher in the Apocalypse. Because as we all know, you don’t mess with satan and his boy the anti-christ. Wait, that was really un-p.c. I better watch what i say before I get researched and thrown under the wheels of the bus.
Sorry, I do apologize. That was fairly bitter but what can I say; all I have to cling to are my guns, religion and antipathy.
The abuse of Joe the Plumber at the hands of powerful and unaccountable bureaucrats is what we can ALL expect in the coming Obama Thugocracy!
@Mike’s America:
“The abuse of Joe the Plumber at the hands of powerful and unaccountable bureaucrats is what we can ALL expect in the coming Obama Thugocracy!”
just the tip of the iceberg
I’ve been working outside for most of the day, leave the television on for my dog. When I came in Obama was doing his stump speech, again mocking plumbers, not just Joe, he was snidely doubting plumbers made any big money, the crowd cheered.
This proved to me that he has no self control, he feels that he has to belittle a working man and his entire trade because Joe the Plumber dared to ask him a question that he flubbed, he knows it and it got under his skin. I don’t recognize any level of maturity in the way the One is handling this.
So, this is a forewarning to all the Obama supporters, don’t ever question him or you will find yourself ridiculed and mocked, just like Joe the Plumber.