* The Supreme Court has failed to “break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the constitution”
* The Warren court was insufficiently radical
* The courts have failed to enforce redistributive change
* The legislature is the more effective forum for bringing about economic justice and the redistribution of wealth.
* The American Constitution is outdated and flawed
* The courts have failed to enforce politically correct thought processes and economic equalization on the populace, and that therefore the government must do so through legislation.
If that doesn’t bother you, then you are a Communist.
My analysis of the second, and IMO the most important, tape…
In THIS TAPEObama also said that the US Constitution was “DEEPLY FLAWED” because the Founding Fathers were “BLIND” and that in order to be able to achieve the “ECONOMIC JUSTICE” [a perenial Communist catch-phrase] he mentions in the other tape, then the “DEEP FLAWS” [which is what he meant when he once said that America was “BROKEN”] would have to be “FIXED.”
(I have already posted parts of this elsewhere, and will continue to. It’s too important not to know!)
My analysis of the second, and IMO the most important, tape…
In THIS TAPE Obama also said that the US Constitution was “DEEPLY FLAWED” because the Founding Fathers were “BLIND” and that in order to be able to achieve the “ECONOMIC JUSTICE” [a perenial Communist catch-phrase] he mentions in the other tape, then the “DEEP FLAWS” [which is what he meant when he once said that America was “BROKEN”] would have to be “FIXED.”
(I have already posted parts of this elsewhere, and will continue to. It’s too important not to know!)
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Obama did say somewhere that he was going to raise the 35% taxes on the wealthy businesses to 39%, didn’t he? I swear I read about that somewhere…