I thought it might be fun to provide a list of cabinet level positions (slightly expanded), and we could discuss who might hold what job in either a McCain or Obama Administration.
Who is your nominee for
Vice President of the United States
White House Chief of Staff
Attorney General
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Defense
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Homeland Security
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of State
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
United States Trade Representative
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Commissioner of the Social Security Administration
Director of National Intelligence
Director of the National Drug Control Policy
Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Vice President of the United States -Joe Biden
White House Chief of Staff –
Attorney General
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Defense -Gates
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Homeland Security -Gen. Wesley Clark?
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of State -Colin Powell?
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
United States Trade Representative
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Commissioner of the Social Security Administration
Director of National Intelligence
Director of the National Drug Control Policy
Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Amazon.com: Books
Alfonzo Rachel: White House Press Secretary, McCain Administration.
I told my wife this weekend that I wish McCain would annouce some of the names that he has already decided on and received confirmation back that they would serve.
White House Chief of Staff – Tom Ridge
Attorney General – Rudy G.
Secretary of Agriculture – Debbie Stabenour (D)
Secretary of Commerce – Kay Bailey Hutchinson
Secretary of Defense – Norman Schwarzkopf
Secretary of Education – Howard McKeon
Secretary of Energy –Bobby Rush (D)
Secretary of Health and Human Services – Bobby Jindal
Secretary of Homeland Security – Peter King
Secretary of State – Joe Lieberman
Secretary of the Interior – Bob Riley
Secretary of the Treasury – Mitt?
Secretary of Transportation – Liz Dole (after she loses)
Secretary of Veterans Affairs – James Peake
Commissioner of the Social Security Administration – Jennie Hansen(AARP)
Director of National Intelligence – Chuck Hagel
Director of the Office of Management and Budget – Tim Pawlenty
@Wordsmith: love him, he has my vote for every position. he says it like it is.
Let’s see, I won’t try to fill in all those positions, but here’s a few thoughts on Obama nominees:
Vice President of the United States -Joe Biden
White House Chief of Staff -Keith Olbermann
Attorney General -Hillary Clinton
Secretary of Defense -Gen. Wesley Clark
Secretary of Education -Michelle Obama
Secretary of Homeland Security -Bill Ayers
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development -Michael Pfleger
Secretary of State -Colin Powell
Secretary of the Treasury -Tony Rezko
Director of National Intelligence -Bernardine Dohrn
White House Press Secretary -Oprah Winfrey
White House Special Religious Advisor – Jeremiah Wright
The only position that I can think of that’s a MUST for McCain is John Bolton as SecState.
Stoutcat, do you have ANY idea how many billions of people that would piss off?
I love it.
…and it’s a very “McCain-choice”
Obama Administration
White House Chief of Staff – Reverend Wright
Attorney General John Edwards
Secretary of Defense – Dennis Kucinich
Secretary of Education William Ayers
Secretary of Energy Al Gore
Secretary of Health and Human Services Madonna
Secretary of Homeland Security – Medea Benjamin
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Barney Franks
Secretary of State – Jimmy Carter
Secretary of Transportation Al Gore
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Al Gore
Director of National Intelligence Rosie O’Donnell
Disinformation Minister- Michael Moore
“Stoutcat, do you have ANY idea how many billions of people that would piss off?”
Scott, yeah, isn’t that cool? It would piss off the entire Democratic party; the U.N., probably NATO, and a bewildering array of foreign heads of state. However, Bolton is just the man to whip the State Department into shape so that it could actually carry out the policies of the president, rather than running its own little endgame, as it has for the past handful of administrations…
I’m for Bolton all the way. If not for SecState, maybe Chief of Staff?
@Stoutcat: I would love for him to be press secretary. Man would that be fun to watch. The Stache against the MSM. It would make me want to watch the press conferences every day.
Yes – I think you make an excellent suggestion there Wordsmith!
Actually, I think McCains first executive action should be to expell the Untied Nations from U.S Territory——give them thirty days notice and watch out for the little fires in each office.
White House Chief of Staff – Tom Ridge
Attorney General – Rudy Giuliani
Secretary of Agriculture – Michael Pollan (or somebody who can bring dramatically new thinking)
Secretary of Commerce – Bill Gates
Secretary of Defense – Robert Gates
Secretary of Education – Stanley Kurtz
Secretary of Energy – Boone Pickens
Secretary of Health and Human Services – ?
Secretary of Homeland Security – Mike Huckabee
Secretary of State – Bill Richardson (D)
Secretary of the Interior – Peter Gleick (water expert)
Secretary of the Treasury – Paul Volcker
Secretary of Transportation – someone who supports trains and natural gas engines
Secretary of Veterans Affairs – ?
Commissioner of the Social Security Administration – Phil Gramm
Director of National Intelligence – veteran of War on Terrorism
Director of the Office of Management and Budget – Fred Thompson
Director of the Environmental Protection Agency – Al Gore (D)
Head of the Border Patrol – Tom Tancredo
Secretary of the Army – Duncan Hunter
Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission – Jim Cramer
Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors – Arthur Laffer
Head of the Federal Home Finance Agency – George Soros (ha ha ha)
We need truth tellers, straight-shooters, and people with proven track records of success.
Have John Snow release a report that details America’s true budget problems, including all accured liabilites, like future Social Security payments. Make this the official budget. (Translation, we’ll have to cut spending finally).
True enough….but?
It would make watching Helen Thomas ALMOST bearable.
[still joking]McCain Administration
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development – Joe the Plumber[/still joking]
I’ll go with:
Secretary of Agriculture – John Rusling Block
Secretary of Commerce – Donald John Trump
Secretary of Defense – Paul Dundes Wolfowitz
Secretary of Education – Ezola Broussard Foster
Secretary of Energy – Amy Chiang (DOE – Director of International Affairs, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy )
Secretary of Health and Human Services – Willard Mitt Romney
Secretary of Homeland Security – Joe Leiberman (My Choice=Patrick Joseph “Pat” Buchanan)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development – Samuel Joseph “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher
Secretary of Labor – James Phillip Hoffa (My Choice=Robert Fitch)
Secretary of State – General David Howell Petraeus
Secretary of the Interior – Rudolph William Louis “Rudy” Giuliani
Secretary of the Treasury – Warren Buffett or Carly Fiorina
Secretary of Transportation – Douglas Holtz-Eakin or James Burnley (My Choice=Michael Dale “Mike” Huckabee)
Secretary of Veterans Affairs – Fernando O. Rivera
United States Trade Representative – Alan Lee Keyes (My choice=Ronald Ernest “Ron” Paul)
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency – Daniel Imperato
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System – Phil Gramm
Commissioner of the Social Security Administration – Henry Ross Perot
Director of National Intelligence – General H. Norman “Stormin’ Norman” Schwarzkopf
Director of the National Drug Control Policy – James “Jim” Walter Gilchrist Jr.
Director of the Office of Management and Budget – Wayne Allyn Root
Attorney General – Robert Laurence “Bob” Barr, Jr.
Surgeon General – Ross D. Fletcher, M.D.
Supreme Court Justice Nominations – Chuck Baldwin, Robert C. “Bob” Smith
Secretary of Agriculture – Alphonso Michael Espy (Not for experience, Obama rewards his supporters)
Secretary of Commerce – Nadhami Auchi
Secretary of Defense – Rashid Khalidi
Secretary of Education – Bill Ayers
Secretary of Energy – Al Gore
Secretary of Health and Human Services – James T. Meeks (After Hillary Clinton refuses offer)
Secretary of Homeland Security – Louis Farrakhan (Administrated by Black Panthers & Public Allies)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development – Allison Davis (or Anthony Rezko pending presidential pardon)
Secretary of Labor – Abongo (Roy) Obama
Secretary of State – General Colin “the Colon” Powell (In reality, the sitting U.N. Secretary General)
Secretary of the Interior – Moussa Marzook (pending presidential pardon)
Secretary of the Treasury – Warren Buffett (or Laura Tyson)
Secretary of Transportation – Mortimer Downey or Random “Person thrown under the bus” to be named later.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs – General Wesley Clark
United States Trade Representative – Robert Shapiro (David Sirota or Cynthia K. Miller – tough choice)
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency – Ralph Nader
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System – Timothy Geithner
Commissioner of the Social Security Administration – Reverend Willie T. Barrow (Not for experience, Obama rewards his supporters)
Director of National Intelligence – Markos Moulitsas Zúñiga (Obama supporter, Administrated by A/chan)
Director of the National Drug Control Policy – Khadijah Farrakhan (Administrated by Crips & Bloods)
Director of the Office of Management and Budget – David Axelrod
Surgeon General of the United States – Jack Kevorkian (or Minnie Joycelyn Elders)
Attorney General – Alan Morton Dershowitz (Or Gerald Uelmen – Will convince Obama to Pardon OJ-LOL)
Supreme Court Justice Nominations – Reverend Wright, Reverend Michael Pfleger
Obama’s Administration
Vice President of the United States -Joe Biden
White House Chief of Staff – Rosie O’Donnell
Supreme Court Justice-Hillary Clinton
Attorney General -Brunner
Secretary of Defense -Dennis Kucinich or Cindy Sheehan
Secretary of Education -William Ayers or Jeremiah Wright
Secretary of Homeland Security -Mike Klonsky
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development -Christopher Dodd
Secretary of State -Colin Powell
Secretary of the Treasury -David Axelrod
Director of National Intelligence -Rashid Khalidi
White House Press Secretary -Oprah Winfrey
White House Special Religious Advisor – Father Pflegar
Secretary of Energy-Al Gore