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Naw, Ms. Erika. I think you and I have come to “cyber know” each other enough to cut some of the fast trigger slack on judgments. We both know we’re not completely insane on how we got to where we are. I dare say, I’d love to have you next door to engage in coffees of “wine lunches” of political opines for the heck of it.

But I need to get back to your “campaign of fear” by McCain. I need to know why you think that of him, and ignore that of Obama, and the very planned and carefully laid plot to put fear of riots into the American electorate if they do *not* vote for Obama.

Do this not, in the least, bother you?

BTW, Erika… those “skin heads” would kill me just as fast for Jewish blood in my veins… even tho I’m white.

Wackos exist on both sides. Plots to kill POTUS and candidates exists on both sides. Let’s face it. There’s a large segment of humanity that is severely screwed up. And guess what… they aren’t only GOP. Now…

Back to the FEAR CAMPAIGN! Hellooooooooooo?????


Those darn tough questions.

They get ’em every time.

I wold also be in the crosshairs. I am a Catholic, and have some Jamaican blood in me, along with every other ethnicity you can think of.

@Aye Chihuahua: Obviously, you consider yourself an intellegient person, yet you are basing a pretty damning piece of evidence on hearsay. In highschool we called that a rumor. There is no proof of a tape. Only someones word, that could or could not have an alterior motive, maybe to instill FEAR. Surprise IT WORKED.

Hey Aye, I hear they have a bridge for sale in New York for a dollar, interested?@MataHarley: I’m sorry it seems like a distraction, but it’s clear to me that the “phantom tape” the “birth certificate” the implications of Obama being a terrorist, are scary enough.

I’m just going to repeat this since “voter” ignored it:

So let me get this straight, there’s a phantom tape, that no one has seen, that supposedly has Obama saying something about Isreal, (I don’t know what because there’s no evidence of a tape).


The L.A. times admits they HAVE the tape. They have seen the tape and reported on it.


You’re right, I am an incredibly intelligent person.

Thanks for noticing.

No proof of a tape?


So you’re willing to completely disregard the reporting of a major US newspaper that there is a tape simply because you don’t think it’s so?

Is that right?

Yes, one of us is intelligent.

The other is blinded to what she doesn’t want to see.

In the words of Mata:

“Back to the FEAR CAMPAIGN! Hellooooooooooo?????”

I cannot wait to see what you pull out to try and support that position.

Erika… slow down for a minute. First of all, there is no contest that Rashid Khalidi and Obama are close neighborhood friends. That is documented in many news stories already. As I said. The big story about the tape is not that LA Times has one from Khalidi’s farewell dinner, as it’s been reported before. The big story is why they feel like they shouldn’t release it.

But that’s not a story I’m interested in. And it’s not the story you and I are discussing… in case you forgot.

I’m more interested in why you feel McCain is running a “fear” campaign.. based presumably on you disputing Obama is socialist. (which is actually pretty easy to document)

Instead, I want to know why YOU… Ms. Erika… Obama supporter… do *not* feel that Obama and his supporters, claiming that if he loses it will be because of race and riots will happen, is *not* a FEAR campaign.

Helllllllooooo….. come back on on topic PLEASE! And if you can’t. Just say so. I promise that after you say “I can’t”, I will not rub it in.

Any boys and gals here? I suggest you do the same. I’m just trying to get to a realization here, if you please.

@MataHarley: Haven’t I been saying it is on BOTH sides all along? I thought I was. I know that the skin heads would have probably hurt you too, but their target in THIS case was black people, a predominantly black school, and Obama. I’m white but white supremacists would kill me too, they would consider me a race trader, because my husband is black. @Aye Chihuahua: You are not making any sense, in #50. I didn’t say anything about race, about the Hollywood effigy’s, I SAID IT WAS NOT A HATE CRIME AGAINST CHRISTIANS AND WOMEN. And I’m not condoning any of it, on either side, I think I made that VERY clear.

Gateway Pundit is a good source for the “phantom” tape

According to Wallsten the evening not surprisingly turned into a classic Jew-bash:

“During the dinner a young Palestinian American recited a poem accusing the Israeli government of terrorism in its treatment of Palestinians and sharply criticizing U.S. support of Israel. If Palestinians cannot secure their own land, she said, “then you will never see a day of peace.”

One speaker likened “Zionist settlers on the West Bank” to Osama bin Laden, saying both had been “blinded by ideology.”

First of all, Erika, I know you said you detested this display. No argument with you there. We are “united”… in one of those celebrated rate moments… LOL

Now… I need to remind you, because I will not let you off the hook. So I am going to repeat your words, per verbatim via comment #26

McCain’s entire campaign is based on FEAR, and you are just feeding that fear, projecting frivolous arguments based on hate and fear.

Hellloooooooo? Please advise how McCain’s campaign is based on fear when Obama’s campaign… led by him, himself, with the “not like other Presidents” racial comment… and PROMISING RIOTS in the wake of his loss, is not fear???

@MataHarley: This is the first I’ve heard of Obama being close “neighborhood friends of Rashid Khalidi” and as much as McCains campaign likes to point out his acquaintances, as well as everyone here on flopping aces, I’m surprised I haven’t heard about this, before the LA times said something about this tape. I don’t believe everything I hear. I haven’t seen or heard the tape, or any proof of the tapes existence, therefore I am weary of the whole story, sounds suspect to me. I’ve also never heard OBAMA say there will be riots if he is not elected. You can’t hold him and his campaign responsible for others actions or statements. So that would not be his camp spreading that fear. I am being as “on topic” as I can be, Ive given the reason for my statement about McCain’s camp using fear tactics. #43 perfect examples of fear.

From the outside looking in, it looks like the right will believe anything negative about Obama, without any proof, just because they don’t like him or his policies. If there were a tape of some sort about McCain, that cast a negative shadow, the right would be saying, “wheres the proof?”, “wheres the facts to back this up?” Does Obama not deserve the same? If not, WHY?

@MataHarley: I can’t speak to the comment about Obama not looking like other Presidents, because I’ve never heard it, and I don’t know the context in which it was said, or any other part of the sentence or conversation it was picked from.

@voter: Because the MSM is in the tank for Obama, they are looking at history not what is best for the country. they are not giving the full story of who Obama is, but went gang busters after Palin

“If there were a tape of some sort about McCain, that cast a negative shadow, the right would be saying, “wheres the proof?”, “wheres the facts to back this up?” Does Obama not deserve the same? If not, WHY?” (Erika voter)

Hahahahaha! You really proved us that you have no judgment. If there would be such a tape on McCain, it would have been played all over, night and day. If Obama would have nothing to hide, he would himself tell the L.A. to publish the tape. Boy, you are dumb!


This is the first I’ve heard of Obama being close “neighborhood friends of Rashid Khalidi” and as much as McCains campaign likes to point out his acquaintances, as well as everyone here on flopping aces, I’m surprised I haven’t heard about this, before the LA times said something about this tape.

There’s such a tangled web of seedy characters surrounding this charlatan that you need a flow chart to keep up with all of them.

So that would not be his camp spreading that fear.

Two words:

James. Carville.

#43 perfect examples of fear.


#43 is your post.

You working for the McCain campaign?

I can’t speak to the comment about Obama not looking like other Presidents, because I’ve never heard it, and I don’t know the context in which it was said, or any other part of the sentence or conversation it was picked from.


She’s all yours.

Almost midnight here (EST) and I’m going to bed.

I have to go and create some more wealth tomorrow.

@Aye Chihuahua: You make absolutely no sense whats so ever. You have the comments mixed up.

James Carville? Whats that supposed to mean, GIVE ME THE FACTS, AYE. Or is this to tough of a question for you? You love to ask for facts so give them to me.

Just for you Erika Voter,

“In Chicago, the Khalidis founded the Arab American Action Network, and Mona Khalidi served as its president. A big farewell dinner was held in their honor by AAAN with a commemorative book filled with testimonials from their friends and political allies. These included the left wing anti-war group Not In My Name, the Electronic Intifada, and the ex-Weatherman domestic terrorists Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers. There were also testimonials from then-state Senator Barack Obama and the mayor of Chicago.”



Keep up will ya?

You noted #43 as “perfect examples of fear”.

That’s a post that YOU made.

I am not the one who is mixed up.

You can scroll up or click on the line in red above to see the comment you made.

James Carville? Whats that supposed to mean, GIVE ME THE FACTS, AYE. Or is this to tough of a question for you? You love to ask for facts so give them to me.

James Carville. Strategist and long time employee of the Clinton Administration. Currently working as an advisor for the Obama campaign hints that there would be riots if Obama didn’t win.

Thus your argument about it “his camp” not “spreading that fear” is false.

@stix1972: Thats a stretch, I didn’t see the word riots being used. I agree, it would get dramatic out there, because we are sick and tired of the elections being stolen. Am I saying I’m going to riot? NO. And thats not what that quote was saying, not to me anyways.

@Aye Chihuahua: I know, that’s why I said perfect examples of fear, I was pointing out where I answered the question, in #43, I listed three seperate things. Boy, for an intelligent person…


Obama Served On Board That Funded Pro-Palestinian Group

By: Aaron Klein
Date Posted: February 27, 2008

JERUSALEM – Democratic presidential frontrunner Sen. Barack Obama served as a paid director on the board of a nonprofit organization that granted funding to a controversial Arab group that mourns the establishment of Israel as a “catastrophe.” (Obama has also reportedly spoken at fundraisers for Palestinians living in what the United Nations terms refugee camps.)

Obama Serves with Terrorist on Anti-Israel Board

And someone HINTING at something is FAR from a fact.

How old are you voter?? just wanting to know.


First you say that I had the posts mixed up.

Then you accept the fact that you made the post in which you claim to list examples of fear tactics being used by McCain/Palin.

Fact is, that #43 doesn’t contain anything except your words.

Where are the specific examples of fear being spread by the McCain/Palin campaign?

Where are they?

I’m going to bed now.

You have all night to work on finding examples of fear mongering.

Erika, I provided hotlinks to Carville’s statement alluding to unrest, as well as Obama’s original statements about not looking like ‘other presidents’ on a dollar bill. That you haven’t heard about it doesn’t surprise me, nor will I judge it. Many cannot follow news… what little they report.

However, as I said, you will see the original starting point of Obama’s race based statement… CONFIRMED BY HIS CAMPAIGN MANAGER, AXELROD… linked in my previous posts.

Also please note I provided James Carville’s transcripts in my hotlinks.

and click on the dang hotlinks this time!

HINT: Hotlinks are in RED

Now, I have not included ALL the recent media “warnings” of race riots in the wake of an Obama loss. THIS IS A FEAR TACTIC! If you do *not* vote for Obama, you are voting for race riots.

Nice, eh? But no pressure… no FEAR…

But I will say this. You have been blind – for whatever reason – to Obama’s statement about his face being “different” on a dollar bill, his campaign manager’s statement confirming his original “dollar bill” statement was about race, and some of the many “race riot” warnings.

Now you have no excuse.

You’d disavowed knowledge as a reason for your opinion… now you can’t disavow knowledge … assuming you have the capability of clicking on a link.

So now about that “fear campaign” you stated McCain was running? Ignorance is no longer an excuse!

As to Khalidi… this account of the dinner you want to disavow is actually covered in the SAME MEDIA THAT REFUSES TO RELEASE THE VIDEO TAPE! Excuse me for shouting, but I suspect you have been blind for not noticing, or not wanting to notice. This does, after all, go back to APRIL of this year.

CHICAGO — It was a celebration of Palestinian culture — a night of music, dancing and a dash of politics. Local Arab Americans were bidding farewell to Rashid Khalidi, an internationally known scholar, critic of Israel and advocate for Palestinian rights, who was leaving town for a job in New York.

A special tribute came from Khalidi’s friend and frequent dinner companion, the young state Sen. Barack Obama. Speaking to the crowd, Obama reminisced about meals prepared by Khalidi’s wife, Mona, and conversations that had challenged his thinking.

[Mata Note: sound local “friendly” enuf now??]

His >b?many talks with the Khalidis, Obama said, had been “consistent reminders to me of my own blind spots and my own biases. . . . It’s for that reason that I’m hoping that, for many years to come, we continue that conversation — a conversation that is necessary not just around Mona and Rashid’s dinner table,” but around “this entire world.”

Today, five years later, Obama is a U.S. senator from Illinois who expresses a firmly pro-Israel view of Middle East politics, pleasing many of the Jewish leaders and advocates for Israel whom he is courting in his presidential campaign. The dinner conversations he had envisioned with his Palestinian American friend have ended. He and Khalidi have seen each other only fleetingly in recent years.

Interesting… Obama stopped frequenting Khalidi’s home in 2003? Gee.. that was not long before he started running for the US Congress Senate seat. Hummmm…. Politically motivated? Obama? No, of course not. He doesn’t throw friends under the bus for politics (yes… deservedly snarky here…)

Now that you *know*… WITHOUT HEARING THE TAPE… from the same source that REFUSES TO RELEASE THE TAPE… that Khalidi and the Obamas were “frequent dinner companions”… perhaps you will be less likely to disbelieve in the tape’s existance, and wonder why the heck the LA Times refuses to release the tape of a farewell dinner of documented friends.

Is there not one curious bone in your body???

Voter, watch this video:


I hope Ericka that you have watched this video. Because if you did not, you will convince me, that you do not want to KNOW, you just want to KEEP BELIEVING what you already wrongly believe.

@MataHarley: I may not have clicked on the hot link, sorry I was trying to answer all the posts. I know they are red.

About the “look different then other Presidents” statement.
That was taken out of context, he was explaining, McCain wants voters to FEAR Obama, because he doesn’t look like other Presidents, if anything, this helps MY argument on the whole fear tactics thing.

Again, I didn’t hear the hint of a riot, it would ANGER alot of people if there was another election that was stolen. That’s a fact. And, we can’t hold the candidates responsible for what their supporters are saying or doing.

“hinting” at race riots… So sorry…. you don’t believe that do you? Even from James Carville?

How about other stories?

The UK Telegraph 10/24/08

The Hill, 10/21/08

Huffington Post, 10/16/08

The UK Daily Mail, 10/24/08

Rep John Murtha doesn’t predict riots, but calls his own district racist INRE Obama… Gee… no pressure. If Obama’s not elected, it’s just a racist nation, eh?

…… catching on to the scam being run on your mind yet?


Again, I didn’t hear the hint of a riot, it would ANGER alot of people if there was another election that was stolen. That’s a fact. And, we can’t hold the candidates responsible for what their supporters are saying or doing.

Yes do not look at the man behind the curtain.

I have a question to all


I think we need to really look at the whole picture here. There’s something wrong, if we are allowing our children to be around and learn from these “terrorist”.

Or maybe, just maybe, this is being blown out of proportion. Don’t we kick terrorists out of our country? Then why are they not only in our country, but walking free, shaping the minds of our young?

I have to go to bed. I’ll be back in the morning.

Good night, don’t let the terrorists bugs bite. (they seem to be everywhere) 🙂

@voter: because our government does not protect the borders and our colleges are letting them come in and indoctrinate our kids

Erika… when you wake up, try to be alert and read this time.

INRE your comment:

About the “look different then other Presidents” statement.
That was taken out of context, he was explaining, McCain wants voters to FEAR Obama, because he doesn’t look like other Presidents,

I SPECIFICALLY SAID THAT AXELROD CONFIRMED OBAMA WAS TALKING ABOUT RACE WITH THAT STATEMENT! First they denied it was about race, then admitted it. The problem was, McCain never mentioned anything about Obama’s race or fear of him being black to warrant that comment.

In short, Obama started the racist fear campaign himself

Repeated here… yet one more time… FROM THE SAME MEDIA THAT REFUSES TO RELEASE THE KHALIDI TAPE (in other words, an Obama supporter)

Advisor Axelrod admits Obama was referring to race


With not much else going on in midsummer, the media pounced, and we had a full-scale flareup. On Thursday, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs denied Davis’ accusation and said Obama was simply referring to the fact that he didn’t come into the race with the history of others. “It is not about race,” Gibbs claimed.

Obama has since called the race charge “a typical pattern” of the GOP campaign.

But now Obama’s chief campaign strategist, David Axelrod, admits that the candidate was referring in part to his race when he suggested that the McCain campaign wants voters to fear Obama because he doesn’t look like other presidents.

“He’s not from central casting,” Axelrod told a national TV audience Friday, “when it comes to candidates for president of the United States. He’s new to Washington. Yes, he’s African American.”

This is an admission of Obama speaking of his race. It is NOT OUT OF CONTEXT. His campaign manager confirmed Obama was referencing his race while accusing McCain of invoking the fear of race.

McCain never had.

It all started with Obama himself playing the race card.

I said this to you once before, and this evening you have proven it. Obama could commit a murder before your very eyes, and you’d figure out a way to justify it.

He started the race baiting. He is running a campaign that includes a fear factor of NOT voting for him can start race riots.

And you go to bed and sleep quietly.

All I can say is pleasant dreams. If your guy wins, have them while you can. Because life around you is going to change faster than you can say Johnny Appleseed. And it wil not be for the better…


A speechwriter for Obama, Edwards, and Clinton on why she’s voting McCain.

Since I started writing speeches more than ten years ago, I have always believed in the Democratic Party. Not anymore. Not after the election of 2008. This transformation has been swift and complete and since I’m a woman writing in the election of 2008, “very emotional.”

Read the rest:


You ask of me and others to ignore to much information that illuminates your candidates ideology such as associating with terrorist, being a socialist (can not deny at this point), loving communist (Chavez), marrying a wife that is not proud of America, wanting to spread the wealth (socialism or Communism), reasoning for Ayers relationship with the excuse that I was ? years old when Ayers killed Americans, disbelief that Obama applauded PLO terrorist after much evidence, ignoring illegal research into Joe the plumber and his tax liability. Tell me again why McCain is so bad?

I noticed “voter” STILL hasn’t corrected the record, so I will repeat this again:

Voter: So let me get this straight, there’s a phantom tape, that no one has seen, that supposedly has Obama saying something about Isreal, (I don’t know what because there’s no evidence of a tape).


The L.A. times admits they HAVE the tape. They have seen the tape and reported on it.

Seems you can’t get “VOTER” to admit when she is wrong. She just lurches on to the next phony Dem smear job and it’s off to races once again.

What a waste of time she is.

These people are such idiots!

Obama successfully used race baiting in the primaries against Bill Clinton and Gerry Ferraro. When he attempted to use it on McCain, that was one time that the McCain campaign got out ahead of it and nipped it in the bud.

When using it in the primary, it caused many Hillary supporters to break with the Democratic party forever or until they can change it and to this day they support McCain. Visit their blogs, theyre still angry about it.

@MataHarley: Okay, Mata we are not seeing the same thing. I see something totally different. Obama is not saying, vote for me because I am black. He is addressing just a couple of the fear tactics that his opponent will use against him. It’s almost like an opening statement, of what we can expect to see in the course of the race. (he is after all an attorney) He also mentioned that “I’ve got a funny name”. You can’t deny the use of his Arabic sounding name, being used to plant a seed of fear. During the primaries McCain realized Obama was going to be the Dem Candidate, and did a preemptive strike, throwing out his middle name. (trying to tell people, you can’t trust him, he’s one of THEM) Since then people throw his middle name around like its a dirty word. When have they ever used McCains middle name? And so what, who cares, whats in a name, I knew a John, when I was a child who was a pedophile. Does that mean McCain is one too?
I’m getting off point, I think it was taken out of context, and with the “threat of riots”. Show me one thing with OBAMA’S campaign actually saying there will be RIOTS if he is not elected. If all you have is someone saying it will get dramatic out there, you’ve got nothing. I will be angered, and it will be intense in my own home if McCain wins from stealing it. That does not mean I am going to go out and riot. Now if McCain wins fair and square, I won’t be happy, but at least our system worked and the American people were heard. I think that is how the majority of Obama supporters feel. I’m not saying Obama is perfect, no one is. Has he made some questionable acquaintances? Sure, but he hasn’t been caught giving money to terrorist organizations, or supporting them in any way. This can also be seen as the ability to connect with all kinds of different minded people, and isn’t that what we need in order to build our allies abroad? We can disagree with someone and still find a common ground, that is where McCain doesn’t get it. He wants to ignore hostile countries, while Obama wants to keep the flow of communication open. If we just write off countries that we don’t agree with, for what ever reason, we will further alienate ourselves from the rest of the world. I do respect your opinion, and what you are trying to say, but it just doesn’t add up for me. It’s propaganda, just like that tape, why would someone say they have a tape,say what is on it, but not show it. Sounds to me like someone is just trying to create doubt in someones mind. That is propaganda at it’s finest.

@Missy: So how can you explain the MANY republicans coming out in support of Obama? A former speech writer, may have come out in support of McCain, but there have been plenty of McCains past supporters go to the other side.

@voter: How many 4 or 5??? Mainly because they are Washington insiders and hang out with the MSM.

Not the millions of PUMAS that will never votefor Obama.

That’s easy, the Repubs that are crossing over to support Obama want business as usual in DC, they still want their place at the trough, Obama will keep them there and can have them. They also are aware of the fact that in a McCain Admin they would more than likely get the boot, they represent the dead weight McCain/Palin are promising to remove. So, putting their fingers in the air and following the polls, they are getting out while they think the getting is good. I’ll continue to hang in there with McCain/Palin, it’s the decent thing to do.

@voter: Do you really think if we sit aroud with Iran and sing Kumbaya they will see the light and stop building Nukes. Just ask North Korea. Open to talking with rougue nations only gives them creedence. It isw no way for foreign policy. A couple weeks after JFK talked to the Russians is when we had the Cuban Missile crisis.

@stix1972: I didn’t say anything about singing Kumbaya, I said keep the flow of info. flowing. Do you really think that ignoring it will make it go away? And since you brought up North Korea, since Bush has been office, they have doubled thier nuke capability. That’s an example if you just “hope it goes away” And JFK handled the Cuban Misslile crisis splendidly, you don’t know what would have happened if he haddn’t kept open the lines of communication.

@voter: You mean Madelein Albrightthat madea deal with the North Koreans, then the Bush white House did also, they North Loreans actually blew up one of its reactors. But as this shows, you cannot trust anythingf these rougue states say and what is the use of keeping the flow of info,when all they do is lie to you.

Yes JFK handled it, but pretty much screwed the pooch to get us there. Russia never would have moved missiles into Cuba if JFK would not have stuck his head between his legs and went and saw Russian officials w/o preconditions. Big difference when Reagan went and actually left the Russians and told them to pound sand.

Does “Voter” have a reading disability or a truth phobia?

I’ll just repeat this again:

I noticed “voter” STILL hasn’t corrected the record, so I will repeat this again:

Voter: So let me get this straight, there’s a phantom tape, that no one has seen, that supposedly has Obama saying something about Isreal, (I don’t know what because there’s no evidence of a tape).


The L.A. times admits they HAVE the tape. They have seen the tape and reported on it.

Seems you can’t get “VOTER” to admit when she is wrong. She just lurches on to the next phony Dem smear job and it’s off to races once again.

What a waste of time she is.

These people are such idiots!

@Mike’s America: I think you are the one with a reading disability, anyone can say they have a tape, I can say I have a tape of McCain having an affair with a teen boy, that still doesn’t make it so. UNTILL THERE IS PROOF