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So why is it O.K. to hang Republicans

No, it’s ok to hang WHITE people. No one would care if a Biden Effigy was swinging.

Well, it is okay because she is white see, a throw back to the days when blacks were hung for being black. A part of reparations. So it is justified. That and because she hunts. She kills animals. My God, the horror. And she is Republican. This can be justified by the left from any angle you look at it.

Yeah, good luck with that equality thing. Someone should write a book, The Great Partisan Double Standard” or some such…

Keep it classy Liberals, as usual!!!

Love it when the libs endorse depictions of political violence… What hypocrites!

Good luck getting anyone to listen to your racist spew next time someone does the same to Obama.

This is the future for conservative women under a Obama totalitarian state.

Marion: Feel free to drop a link to your post of the video you are recommending.

I did find this one on You Tube:

A foreboding future indeed.

Skye has a good point: This depicts violence against women and is equally egregious as violence against blacks.

I see it as violence against Republicans in general. A party of people, regardless of their race. If a black guy was to go and yell “I am a Republican!”, I’m sure that he’d be shot on the spot on the belief that there’s something mentally wrong with him.

Obama, “The One”? Well, look what your savior has brought upon our society. You don’t have to search far and wide, just take another good look at that picture on the top of this post.


Disgusting indeed. I often wonder how people can sleep at night when they do this kind of thing. I passed a McCain sign today with a huge slash painted through it with spray paint. I am sure it happens on both sides but dang it seems pretty one sided in my neighborhood.

It just goes to prove you how POWERFUL Sarah is. She really bothers them… lol
Sarah will win this election and they know it. Go Sarah, Go!

As I have said before, Welcome to Chicago Politics.

And if it was BO (aka: hanged in Effigy, the MSM would go BERZERK!!!!

Nobody’s gonna hang anybody. That’s in the past. It was a pretty cruel thing to do to anybody. People who do this kind of thing are a bunch of chicken shits. They won’t even show their faces. But , we will all see what kind of savage lives in america on Tuesday. If people tear apart a city for a world series or a super bowl , can you imagine what some people will do if Nobama loses? In Chicago , the great liberal leaders are already preparing for this event. Move over 1960 cause 2008 is going to make you look like a water balloon fight.

It just goes to prove you how POWERFUL Sarah is. She really bothers them… lol
Sarah will win this election and they know it. Go Sarah, Go!]

I totally agree with you, Craig…you hit the nail on the head.

I wonder how many people thought this lifesize thing was a real person? Huge distraction. Crude, obnoxious… I wonder how the homeowner’s relations with his neighbors will be from now on.

Oh! I did not realize that it was art. Now I get it. Just ask Chad and Vito…


Our Constitution in effect says that all people are created equal, I think that it also includes Politicos.

Hang Sarah Palin in Effigy and It’s “Art” Hang Obama and It’s RACIST!

The media silence on this horrific act is “deafening.”

No, it validates my feeling that “everyone is created equal but in reality some people are more equal than others.”

People are not create equal. Some are healthy, beautiful, intelligent and rich. Others are sick, ugly, stupid and poor. They are only equal in rights and liberties.

So therefore, the MSM are not being fair because the do not give the same rights and liberties to Sarah and Obama.

This is just another example of how white cultures in this country are being rejected and oppressed. I’m all for respecting the culture of other people, but I’m more than a little sick of mine being subverted for the cause. For instance, my daughter’s high school changed its mascot name from Rebels to Rebel Pride (now depicted by a lion—sigh) because “Rebels” was deemed racist and shameful. The considerable in-depth economic and social considerations of the American Civil War beyond black slavery are completely ignored (including white slavery, and the fact that black men sold other black men into slavery) in the curriculum. Yet the same school holds events for Hispanic Heritage Month and Black History Month, and participates in Alcanza, a “College fair for hispanic students.”

The newsflash that the MSM and the left keep missing is that I can dislike a black person without it being racist, and that my culture is worth of respect, too.

As for Chad Michael Mysoginist—well, face it, this is a publicity stunt. A guy in LA with three names is probably trying to break into show biz.

Seeing as how the residents of this particular house seem to be seeking as much attention as they can get, perhaps they would appreciate a postcard or two letting them know exactly what the rest of America thinks of them.

That would be the residents of 1253 N Orange Grove Ave, West Hollywood, CA 90046. (Thank you, Google.)

Just FYI.

Off with her head!!!!

@McPiglin: WTF

This is a “HATE CRIME” against a CHRISTIAN.
Sarah Palin is a devout Christian woman. She also is the Republican Vice Presidential candidate. She spoke on her views “AGAINST SAME-SEX MARRIAGE”, WHICH THIS HOMOSEXUAL (GAY) COUPLE IS ANGRY ABOUT. They are retaliating in this way.

Christians need to realize this is a “HATE CRIME’ and so do the suthorities. I plan pursuing this until it is determined to be just that.

Being male gays, it could also be hatred against women.

@Ms. D. Cantrell:Is there even one piece of article that connects the Palin effigy and religion? NO, and the fact that they have a McCain effigy on the roof as well, debunks your theory about “hatred against women”. Is it a classy, or even mature act? Of course not. McCain’s entire campaign is based on FEAR, and you are just feeding that fear, projecting frivolous arguments based on hate and fear. This is just a stupid prank, done by attention seekers, nothing more nothing less. There are people doing it on the other side as well, only they are more along the lines of the lynchings black people endured, so if you want to talk hate crimes, look more en-depth. Look at the symbols that are included. I see no symbols of a hate crime in this particular incidence. The only symbol I see, is the dislike for the republican party, and what they stand for. If they are in fact gay,then I put my money on that.

I want to add, I am no way saying this is right, people need to grow up, and stop acting like children. If they want to do some good, then volunteer for the candidate they are supporting.

@voter: What are you talking about fear and hate??? Show me one instance that McCain has instigated hate??? Unlike Obama telling people to get into our faces. Please show me proof that McCain has done anything if what you have said????

And guess who did those lynchings????? It was the Democrat’s KKK.

There are people doing it on the other side as well, only they are more along the lines of the lynchings black people endured, so if you want to talk hate crimes, look more en-depth.

Sort of like this one?


Oh wait.

That display was put on by an Obama supporter.


Maybe this one?


Oh darn.

That’s President Bush’s head in the basket.

This one will support your point I’m sure:



Well, I tried.

I guess I’ll have to ask you once again to present some sort of proof or factual information to support your conclusion.

Or would that be “hateful” and “antagonistic”?


Careful there hoss.

She’ll turn on ya and start callin’ you names and stuff if you ask her to actually present facts to support her statements.

Erika, I’m glad you find it offensive. But allow me to remind you what the owner/resident of W. Hollywood, said about his display:

Morrisette conceded an image of Barack Obama being hanged by a noose wouldn’t go over well. “I know if we had done it with Obama, people would’ve probably thrown things through our windows,” Morrisette said. “The image of a hanged black man is a lot more intense than the image of a hanged white woman — for our country — in the history of our country.”

Morrisette said his display might be unacceptable any other month, but his subjects are fair game during the Halloween season.

“It should be seen as art and it should be seen within the month of October. It is Halloween. It’s time to be scary. It’s time to be spooky,” Morrisette said.

Make sure you visit my original comment I linked above to view the video of the owner.

According to him, it’s not okay for Obama to be the effigy because of history. But it *is* okay for a “hanged white woman”.

I guess the history of women’s discrimination means whit to him. And if it’s okay for you… a woman… for the same reasons, then I am sorely disappointed in you, girl.

The other fact that few want to mention, W. Hollywood is the “San Francisco” of the area (lived there, and visited many of my gay friends there in my 17 years in the area). I don’t care that this guy is gay. But in this case, he and his significant other are lying thru their teeth when they say it isn’t political. They are also not apt to care about the “gender” issue as much. Nor are the neighbors on the same video tape.

@stix1972: You’ll notice, I said the McCain campaign is based on FEAR. In this day and age the mere mention of terrorist, instills fear. McCain’s running mate, every chance she gets, tries to make the connection with Obama and terrorists. He’s a US senator, if he is a terrorist, then how many other terrorists have infiltrated our government? What does that say about our system? All that does is instill fear, and it won’t stop in 6 days whether he wins or loses, people are still going to have that in their minds, doesn’t do much for a UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Now does it? And McCain has followed in her footsteps. If you need a specific instance for your fact book, the final debate is one example.

Does it really matter who did the lynchings, to determine if it was a hate crime?

@MataHarley: I think that this a despicable act in every way. I was trying to make a point that it wasn’t a hate crime against Christians, or Women. I most definitely think it was political. Like I said there are better ways to make a statement. Volunteering for the cause you believe in, put time into something positive.

If a black dummy, Barack Obama, was lynched for Halloween,
cries of racism would be dominating the mainstream media!!!

McCain’s running mate, every chance she gets, tries to make the connection with Obama and terrorists.

Obama connected himself with terrorists.

No one had to do that for him.

more along the lines of the lynchings black people endured

I was trying to make a point that it wasn’t a hate crime against Christians, or Women.

So if this effigy represented a black man that would be a hate crime but because it’s a white woman it’s not?

@Howard: The problem is everyone is giving too much attention to single acts of stupidity or what ever you want to call it, some how ON BOTH sides, small minded people are trying to connect these acts to the campaign trail. Little ridiculous, don’t ya think? Guess we are in desperate need for an October surprise, we’ll grasp at anything we can, to make a headline.

Times running out.



You’ll notice that Erika/voter has not produced a single shred of evidence to support her position.

No substance.

Just words.

@voter: So let me get this straight. Palin and McCain saying that Obama has been friends with a Terrorists is based on fear. Did they ever say Obama was a terrorists????? They are questioning his associates. Which I think every American would want to know about. Do you want a President that worked with a man that bombed the Pentagon and wanted to bomb a Military dacne that probably would have killed more people that wer killed in Oklahoma???? DO you want a President that went to a Black Liberation Theology Church for 20 years???? Look up Black Liberation Theology. It is not a Christian religion, it is a Marxist front. Do you want to have a President that went to a going away party for a memeber of the PLO, and said that “Israel has no right to occupy Paslestine” and cheered an anti-Semite poem???

That is not fear that is information that Americans should Know before they elect someone as President.

I think that Obama will change the United States of America into something we will not recognize as the United States of America. We will turn into a EU state that has the government run every part of our lives. And do not even think anout making it, you will just get taxed to death.

Socialism has never worked and will never work. it only created poverty and despair.

And do not even tell me Obama is not a Socialist in the mold of France or any other Eurabian country. it will not work. he has said enough to me to see what he wants to do to our country, and with Pelosi and Reid, we will be in serious trouble. Our 401 ks will be used to fund welfare and other social programs. And the Global Poverty Act will send money to the UN to fork over to tyrants and thugs that wish us harm.

Does it really matter who did the lynchings, to determine if it was a hate crime?

This is always something *very* confusing to me. Does this mean other crimes are committed in the name of “love”?? How bizarre a concept. Obviously the perp isn’t a fan of the victim, no matter what the reason. But it sure sounds good on PC legislation, eh?

Now, back to your McCain campaign based on fear” comment.

Would this be an example of Obama himself saying he doesn’t look like other presidents”, as his campaign guru, David Axelrod admitted, Obama said referring to his race?

“Nobody thinks that Bush and McCain have a real answer to the challenges we face. What they’re going to try to do is make you scared of me. You know: ‘He’s not patriotic enough. He’s got a funny name. You know, he doesn’t look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills.’ ”


Immediately, John McCain’s campaign manager, Rick Davis, sharply rejected Obama’s statement, saying the Democrat had “played the race card, and he played it from the bottom of the deck.” Davis called Obama’s remarks “divisive, negative, shameful and wrong.”

But of course, despite the denials ensuing for weeks, the Obama camp came clean on their intention. The statement was about “race” now afterall, per Obama’s chief campaign strategist, David Axelrod,.

So I guess you can say that Obama himself first brought the hesitancy of the American voter based on race…. or, in more popular terms… HE PLAYED THE RACE CARD HIMSELF!

“He’s not from central casting,” Axelrod told a national TV audience Friday, “when it comes to candidates for president of the United States. He’s new to Washington. Yes, he’s African American.”

Since Obama “brung” it up… is it any surprise we now have the “fear” tactic of race riots if an Obama is *not* elected?

Let’s say, i.e., James Carville, now an Obama supporter, saying:

“Let me be clear, I said you can call the dogs and light the fire and leave the house. I think it sounds over .

Now let me be clear here, if Obama goes in this race with a 5- point lead and losing this election, the consequences are — bull, man. I mean I don’t think that’s going to happen, but I think David it’s a point to bring up.

But you stop and contemplate this country if Obama goes in and he has a consistent five point lead and loses the election, it would be very, very, very dramatic out there.

Or maybe Huffpo suggesting the riots?

Here’s a pro Obama site that not only suggests that, but says they *should* if the election is “stolen”. Ironic in itself as the high numbers of voter fraud are focused on Obama’s ally, ACORN.

Then we have The Hill “steeling themselves for unrest” on election day.

Now you tell me, Erika. Will the common citizen fear a nation wide Watts riot if Obama loses? And just whom do you think is responsible for spreading that notion?

@Aye Chihuahua: Nice trick only highlighting a portion of my argument, but if you had read on, the fact that McCain was also displayed, kills that theory.

You sure you don’t work for the McCain campaign? Picking apart someones sentence to make it sound the way you want it to.


McCain is not the one dangling at the end of the rope.

Furthermore, what does the presence or absence of that figure have to do with it?

You miss the larger point, Erika. You said it was McCain basing a campaign on fear….

Yet you can see that people feel free to hang anyone BUT a black man in effigy for entertainment. You can see Obama himself played the race card with his “doesn’t look like other Presidents”.

Now we have warnings of riots if we *don’t* vote in Obama…

I guess the fact I can’t stand the guy is I hate socialism… silly me. I must be a racist, eh?

And you accuse McCain of the FEAR FACTOR!

Explain, please.

So let me get this straight, there’s a phantom tape, that no one has seen, that supposedly has Obama saying something about Isreal, (I don’t know what because there’s no evidence of a tape), if that’s not propaganda, what is. But there’s more…

A mole has infiltrated some of the highest political offices in the United States of America…

The CIA and the FBI, either forgot or are too incompetent to run a back ground check for a Presidential Candidate, let alone be able to verify his place of birth…


Sounds like a mix of movies, such as…
No Way Out, Manchurian Candidate, and the like. I think you guys have missed your calling, you need to get into the movie business, so you can make all the big bucks, and share the wealth. 🙂


Don’t go asking Erika any tough questions now Mata.

You’ll get her apple cart all upset and she’ll tell you that you’re being “hateful” and “antagonistic” or some such drivel, and even if you aren’t doing those things, she’ll lie and say that you are.

Then, the best part is, she’ll want you to apologize for doing something that you didn’t do that she lied and said you did.

Naw, Aye Chi. I think Erika can and will answer. We may disagree. But she’s a bold little number. And frankly, a credit to some of the other Obama devotee/supporters that don’t seek out other opines.

I actually like her cajones. Too bad her candidate isn’t equipped with the same honesty and directness.


Let’s look at this a little bit:

So let me get this straight, there’s a phantom tape,

The tape exists. The LA Times admits they have it, thus it’s not a “phantom”.

that no one has seen,

Again, the LA Times has it. Multiple people there have viewed it.

that supposedly has Obama saying something about Isreal,

Those who have seen it have confirmed what is on the tape and have given the damning contents as the reason for the LA Times to embargo it’s release.

(I don’t know what because there’s no evidence of a tape),

Again, the LA Times says that they have it.

if that’s not propaganda, what is.

What makes it propaganda?

So let me get this straight, there’s a phantom tape, that no one has seen, that supposedly has Obama saying something about Isreal, (I don’t know what because there’s no evidence of a tape).


The L.A. times admits they HAVE the tape. They have seen the tape and reported on it.

Now, to you, my friend, Erika. Your #43. Is this what’s called a “distraction”? Were we not discussing the “fear” campaign tactics??

BTW, the LA Times tape you are discussing is sorta semantics at this point. Obama has already been on record in past instances as saying he enjoyed many a dinner at the Khalidi’s… another “hood” dude. Makes me wonder if I should be looking twice in my rural ‘hood for those bizarre types.

So the tape of him proving he is close friends with an anti-Zionist is really just icing on the cake. The fact the tape exists is not interesting

The fact the tape exists, and the LA Times *won’t* release is is far more interesting….

Now… back to the fear campaign and away from your “distractions” please?

@MataHarley: First, I NEVER said you were a racist, you are the last person on this blog I would call a racist. I understand why you don’t like Obama, you have that right. I don’t think any of these displays are right. I’m just making a point. There is racism every where on both sides. Look at the two skin heads that got arrested for ploting to kill dozens of black people,and go for Obama. Why are we focusing on these silly antics when there is REAL hate, that should be addressed. (From all sides) We need to stop trying to make a connection with people acting out on their own, and the candidates.

@Aye Chihuahua: The mere fact that it displays BOTH McCain, and Palin, would point to a political statement, then one of hate against women. You can’t see that? Need to turn off the tunnel vision, and open your mind.


Now I see where your logic is going.

If I were to go out tomorrow and put up a display of a black man (Obama) hanging from a noose with a white man (Biden) sitting on the roof that would be a “political statement” and would have nothing to do with race?


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