Time for a Little Straight Rant

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I had the station on CNN with Larry King Live! tonight, and between him and his guests (which started out with Joy Behar), it was like an Obama Lovefest. A regular Halloween horror.

Alfonzo Rachel should be hired by the McCain campaign and Republican Party as the official spokesperson; and later, as White House Press Secretary for a McCain Administration. As one YouTube commenter suggested, he should be given 5 minutes of airtime right after Obama’s 30 minute infomercial on the networks.

Rant on!

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Hey! Zo was a guest on Pat Dollard’s Jihadi Killer Hour at Blog Talk Radio tonight and it was a great show! Lots of honest questions and Zo is as good live as he is in his You Tube vids.

You can follow a link in there to listen to the archive but remember, Dollard is always raw so … NC-17 y’all!!

Here is a powerful spot you don’t want to miss:
God bless the unborn and God bless America!

Alfonzo is a good guy. All his videos are full of truth and common sense, and this guy gets his share of haters. We definitely need more people like him.

Padre Steve,

That was a very powerful video. Obama has no heart, no soul, no value and if hell exist, I hope one day he will go there and burn for eternity. I have no respect for this asshole.