Nanny Mata: I realize you are just trying to get back in the lead on the monthly comment tally (no one will ever beat Craig so we’re really just vying for second).
But that’s ok. The Berg story was an interesting footnote, but I doubted it would ever go anywhere.
@Curt: She needs some serious help. She deos not have all the cards for a complete deck of cards.
She got kicked of a the Paulbots, that is something
16 years ago
Looks like she tried a similar stunt with the Ron Paul campaign. That time it was her tires being slashed because of a Ron Paul sticker. She’s really got some personal problems and needs some serious mental health help.
I was Executive Director of the Ohio College Republicans years ago (never got paid a cent). We had our fair share of people who got a bit carried away but NOTHING like this.
This poor girl is clearly not the brightest bulb in the shed and it would appear she should get some professional help.
The question still remains in my mind. From Curt’s hotlink:
In March, Ms. Todd was asked to leave a grass-roots group of Ron Paul supporters in Brazos County, Texas, group leader Dustan Costine said. He said Ms. Todd posed as a supporter of former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and called the local Republican committee seeking information about its campaign strategies.
“She would call the opposing campaign and pretend she was on their campaign to get information,” Mr. Costine said last night. “We had to remove her because of the tactics she displayed. After that we had nothing to do with her.”
About a month earlier, he said, Ms. Todd sent an e-mail to the Ron Paul group saying her tires were slashed and that campaign paraphernalia had been stolen from her car because she supported Mr. Paul.
“She’s the type of person who wants to be recognized,” Mr. Costine said.
So, assuming she is doing the same thing now, is the “opposing campaign” now McCain to her choice of Obama?
Unfortunately, we may never know. For who can believe a pathelogical liar.
16 years ago
“For who can believe a pathelogical liar.” (Mata)
Right! And that also goes for Obama… a pathelogical liar… lol
P.S.: O my God, Mike, I guess you’re right. 361 comments this month… I must have become addicted to this blog… lol
I have gotten lost in the comments to this thread, but the suit was thrown out Friday – wasn’t it?
16 years ago
It was dismissed by the Judge who passed the buck saying it was something Congress should decide, Berg is already appealing to the a higher court. At this point looks like nothing will happen to this until after the election.
Nanny Mata: I realize you are just trying to get back in the lead on the monthly comment tally (no one will ever beat Craig so we’re really just vying for second).
But that’s ok. The Berg story was an interesting footnote, but I doubted it would ever go anywhere.
Turns out she is a Paulbot
@Curt: She needs some serious help. She deos not have all the cards for a complete deck of cards.
She got kicked of a the Paulbots, that is something
Looks like she tried a similar stunt with the Ron Paul campaign. That time it was her tires being slashed because of a Ron Paul sticker. She’s really got some personal problems and needs some serious mental health help.
I was Executive Director of the Ohio College Republicans years ago (never got paid a cent). We had our fair share of people who got a bit carried away but NOTHING like this.
This poor girl is clearly not the brightest bulb in the shed and it would appear she should get some professional help.
The question still remains in my mind. From Curt’s hotlink:
So, assuming she is doing the same thing now, is the “opposing campaign” now McCain to her choice of Obama?
Unfortunately, we may never know. For who can believe a pathelogical liar.
“For who can believe a pathelogical liar.” (Mata)
Right! And that also goes for Obama… a pathelogical liar… lol
P.S.: O my God, Mike, I guess you’re right. 361 comments this month… I must have become addicted to this blog… lol
I have gotten lost in the comments to this thread, but the suit was thrown out Friday – wasn’t it?
It was dismissed by the Judge who passed the buck saying it was something Congress should decide, Berg is already appealing to the a higher court. At this point looks like nothing will happen to this until after the election.