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You guys were so quick to jump on this. Just like the Susan Smith crap… blame it on a black man. Our history is littered with the lynching of black men accused of attacking white women… it’s glad to see that in this day and age, the police are not quick to jump to conclusions.

She is probably a disturbed woman in need of some help. Not sure if it is worth any jail time. Maybe probation and counseling is in order.

And there is probably no doubt that people from the left have done some stupid things but the fact is that stupidity knows no boundaries, race, political affiliation or ethnicity.

But the big story is that the GOP is looking for ANYTHING to get McCain’s campaign on track. Face it, he ran one of the worst campaigns I have ever witnessed.

James: Where are you seeing the “the Susan Smith crap” on this page?

Are you not generalizing and is that not the same racism you are accusing others of?

And while I am not going to disagree with you about McCain’s campaign, perhaps you can explain to me while every criticism or question about Obama goes unanswered and is turned away with the same racist deflection you are now complaining about here?

Why are the American people being denied the knowledge about WHO and WHAT Obama REALLY IS?

Well sadly, it only takes 1 thing to completely undermine the Republican party. We need to remain spotless. Any mole hill we give they will turn to mountains. As they do the opposite for their faction ie: Acorn and everything you listed here should have been an avalanching mountain, but they made it a mole hill.

The media is against us, and through it can control a vast majorities thought process. Be clean, be smart, be rational brothers and sisters. Cause remember, whats good for there goose, isnt good for the gander.

This wasa dispicable act and should be condemned. I always thought something was fishy with her story.
Also the Berg and Martin nut cases should be ignored. they are both nuttier than fruit cakes.

we need to go after Obama on his Socialist policies, not the BS like this story. Obama can easily be defeated if more people knew him. heis a Chicago politician with ties to many Marxist figures.

@james manning:

it’s glad to see that in this day and age, the police are not quick to jump to conclusions.

Too bad that the Duke Lacrosse players didn’t get that courtesy as well.

Face it, he ran one of the worst campaigns I have ever witnessed.

That’s a judgment that is best reserved for Wednesday, November 5th.

Considering McCain has been forced to run against not only Obama’s highly financed campaign machine (illegal money included) but also the biased media machine that selected from the outset who they wanted to win he’s done rather well don’t you think?

James, you disappoint me. You’re normally more reasoned. INRE your

You guys were so quick to jump on this. Just like the Susan Smith crap… blame it on a black man. Our history is littered with the lynching of black men accused of attacking white women… it’s glad to see that in this day and age, the police are not quick to jump to conclusions.

May I remind you it was the local Pittsburg media who were quick to jump upon the story? As is usual, stuff get’s passed along as breaking news.

Quite frankly when I first heard this news report, and read what her story was, the only person talking about the race of the supposed attacker was the lying daughter of a b#*tch herself. Most of the story lines were not about race. They were about party and candidate tensions.

And that includes Mike’s original post, which focused on the “scarlet letter” branding of democrat… not race. There was not one snippet by Mike himself that addressed the race of the attacker. It was only included as part of the story he excerpted, without comment.

That you take this leap to “lynching” demeans your normal appearance here.

And as far as the “glad to see in this day and age, the police are not quick to jump to conclusions…” Horse manure. Two words to you…. Duke LaCrosse.

Stix… discount wacky Missouri Martin, yes. Berg? No.

Martin’s case is based in punitive damages for herself based on her own paranoia.

Berg’s case is based on immigration law, and the document standards needed to prove eligibility for POTUS. A big difference in the substance and subject.

But the big story is that the GOP is looking for ANYTHING to get McCain’s campaign on track. Face it, he ran one of the worst campaigns I have ever witnessed.

How in the world do you draw the GOP into this poor woman’s plea for help?

The party didn’t have anything to do with her lie. And if they rushed to console her because she misled them, then how is the party to blame for that?

This girl doesn’t deserve jail either in my opinion. She needs help. But she did not implicate any actual people, she was just used by some as a tragic event to validate a position that they already had. Be mad at those that used her.

This was about race, which is why she said a black man did it. As for the Duke case, heck, I thought it was a fishy story to begin with. I also thought the black community over blew the Jena 6 case but that’s just me. We can go tit-for-tat all day about the justice system… Amadou Diallo shot 40 times pulling out his wallet. Abner Louima sodomized by the NYC police with a toilet plunger. Latanya Haggerty shot by the police when she reached for a cell phone.

As for criticizing Obama, I see nothing wrong with it. If it’s about the issues at hand, but mostly the conversation comes down to calling him a socialist, Muslim terrorist, blah blah blah. It’s not even possible to discuss the real issues in this race.

Aye: Why not admit that besides money, Obama has a stronger organization. McCain is running a bad campaign. They’re trying to say Palin is a drag…. NO… McCain is a drag. In the last month he has set out to stir up enough hatred, fear and racial tension in hopes that will get him over the top.

Think about it, people are losing their retirement savings, their homes and their jobs. And you guys are discussing ACORN (an organization that most people don’t know about and don’t car) – Bill Ayers – a man many of us wouldn’t recognize if he stood next to us in the grocery store.

I still haven’t seen a post outlining how McCain tax plan or his healthcare plan would work. They guy called for buying mortgages at current value when 30% of all home are valued at least 20% less than the mortgage. But he goes from accusing Obama of: teaching sex to kindergarteners, being a terrorist, a socialist, calling Palin a pig, calling him a celebrity and none of it stuck. Because people lives are being turned upside down. Now he’s on a “Joe the Plumber” tour. C’mon. I’ll bet he blames Sara Palin for his failed campaign but if he doesn’t win – It’s ALL McCain’s fault.

And this story is will go away because in the end, it’s a just a sick young woman in need of some counseling.

CentFla: I don’t attach her to McCain’s campaign. I’m talking about the blogosphere that was hoping for a scandal to latch onto that would carry them over the next 11 days. The only strategy McCain has left is to turn Obama into the boogeyman. This girl is just a sad side-show.

I put this in the category of Barak Obama’s birth certificate scandal, Michelle Obama’s “whitey tape” scandal, the terrorist fist bump, he was schooled in a madrasah, he’s an arab, he’s part of a terrorist cell, he’s not a christian and all the other “stuff” floating around.

I am seriously hoping that the Republican Party cleanses itself after this election and get back to making intellectual arguments for their philosophy because I happen to agree with some of it – but this side of the GOP is sad. And I’m not talking about you guys in particular: Karl Rove, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Jerome Corsi, Sean Hannity and the rest of that crop. They have nothing but hatred in their heart and they are now the voices of the GOP. And I think the David Frum and George Will types make a much better argument for conservatism the aforementioned nutcases.

Tawana Brawley, where are you when we need the voice of truth?

@james manning:

It’s not even possible to discuss the real issues in this race.

We have dozens of threads and hundreds of posts discussing the “real” issues in this race.

Personally I find Obama’s alliances with Ayers, et al to be very relevant issues.

I also find Obama’s membership in socialist organizations such as the New Party to be relevant as well.

Think about it, people are losing their retirement savings, their homes and their jobs. And you guys are discussing ACORN (an organization that most people don’t know about and don’t car)

Scroll through the archives and read up on ACORN. Once you do that you’ll see how they fit into the current financial situation and how they contributed to people “losing their retirement savings, their homes and their jobs.”

In the last month he [McCain] has set out to stir up enough hatred, fear and racial tension in hopes that will get him over the top.

What in the world are you talking about?

@james manning: I want to know how Obama’s taxplan will not ruin the ecnomyworse than it is now???? Please elaborate how taxing businesses and capital gains will create jobs and get the economy going again. I really would like to know. Because almost every economists say that doing any of these is the worst thing you can do in a down tun in the economy. Obama wants to do all of them, along with taking away the tax deduction for 401ks.

And calling a Soacilist a Socialist is not a bad thing. It is what Obama truly is. And his associations with Ayers and other like Ayers prooves it. it is sad thatntmore peope know who and what Ayers did. He is a domestic terrorists that wanted to kill and maim our soldiers.

James Manning really doesn’t get it. Well, some don’t. Intelligence was not given equally at birth. He is a lost case. No use trying to explain him the issues, he can’t understand them. Give a break to this poor guy. His IQ is to low.

@james manning: Are you serious. Where has Hannity, Rush or any of them spread hate like the Left has. Pointing out differences in political Philosophies is not hate, and sayingit in an entertaining way is not hate either.

And I think the David Frum and George Will types make a much better argument for conservatism the aforementioned nutcases.

Are you kidding. The pointy head weasles from Washington. They are not part of the Conservative cause, they hinder it more than they help.

I respect Krauthammer more than David From and George will combined

Here’s Obama’s tax plan: He would raise the top income tax rate to 39% from 35%. This is the rate under Clinton (more jobs created under Clinton than Bush). Now, people always say that it would hurt small businesses, but we are talking gross net income. Most small business owners do not gross more than $250,000. The higher tax rate would only apply to the amount over $250,000. So if someone’s income went from $250,000 to $300,000, their additional tax would amount to $1500. So Joe the Plumber would not have a tax increase because if his business made $278,000 he would then subtract the cost of doing business which would take him under $250,000 where he would then get a tax cut.

Obama is also calling for tax breaks for employers who hire workers in the US. Obama is going to leave the corporate tax rate at 35%.

If you compare that to McCain who is basically giving tax cuts to corporations, I think its a better deal for Americans. Plus, McCain $5000 tax credit for healthcare is crap. Most coverage cost $9000. If an employer maintains that coverage, he will treat that like income and tax it. That means your income tax will go up…plus the employer now has the pay the 6.6% on social security, the 1.5% on FICA and unemployment insurance. Now, they could drop you, then you have $5000 to get healh coverage. Last year healthcare cost increased 35%. Most employers took the hit. Imagine trying keep up with that cost especially if the tax break is not adjusted on an annual basis.

This alone is a good enough reason for me to support Obama

James, I don’t know how you can speak for this crazy lady. Perhaps she made her assailant black to emphasize race. However if it were “all about race”, she wouldn’t have to bring the election campaigns into it at all. She’d just say she was assaulted by a black man.

Too big a leap. This was about the battling election campaigns first and foremost. And personally, considering that one of Alinsky’s tactics is fraud and blackmail against “the enemy”, as he likes to call his opposition, I’m still on the fence as to whether she is genuinely a McCain supporter. Since she’s an admitted liar for entertainment, she could be lying about who she supports just as easily. So I think I’ll wait until I find out whether she’s just a complete loon, or a subversive operator. At this point, I discount nothing.

For many of us, taking this country *further* into socialism is unacceptable. And I don’t know what the heck you call taxpayer paid college education, taxpayer funded universal health care, taxpayer funded energy plans, “spreading the wealth”, and the government deciding what is a “wind fall profit” BUT socialism.

If a candidate has socialist policies, and a socialist philosphy, *this is a campaign issue*.

Instead of examining what scant information we have on Obama, you blindly accept him at his words. In additional to the above policy proposals I mentioned, you avoid his New Party past, his Alinsky campaign tactics of intimidation, his designs on education from preschool on up founded on “social and economic justice”. Elaborations of these are found on sundry posts and comments, most especially these past few days. Start with this category of posts.

Think about it, people are losing their retirement savings, their homes and their jobs. And you guys are discussing ACORN (an organization that most people don’t know about and don’t car) – Bill Ayers – a man many of us wouldn’t recognize if he stood next to us in the grocery store.

They are being discussed because ACORN is instrumental in the economic collapse, and also under investigation for massive voter fraud. Williams Ayers is insight into Obama’s political philosophy of social and economic justice.

These are not an issue? Because people don’t know about this *is* the very reason we’re discussing it. But then there are those, like you, who are saying “pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”, demeaning it’s import. You actively work to subvert voter knowledge by misrepresenting why these are issues by calling them “distractions”.

And to top it all off, you use the Alinsky rules yourself… when you don’t want to deal with the issue, you “ridicule” the messengers in order to avoid discussion. Did you also happen to take Obama’s 4 day intensive training classes in Alinsky tactics to become a campaign worker?

Ain’t gonna work, James Manning. At least, not here. You can be offended all you like. But what this man believes, what he proposes for this country, and his economic policies are absolutely issues every voter should be concerned with. That you aren’t the slightest bit interested makes my blood run cold.

And as far as that “cleansing” remark… I’m going to feel the need for a hot bath if I have to live under an Obama/Pelosi/Reid leadership. I suggest you start cleaning up your own back yard, first.

James Manning you are so wrong about this. I know it is hopless for me to try to make you understand Obama’s plan, but lets give it a try anyway, what the heck!

A specialist of social security will explain it to you very clearly on this video. Please make an effort to try to understand it. Mata, maybe you could embed this video for me, it is worth watching by everybody.

Done, Craig…


@james manning:
From the Tax Foundation:

The Effect of the Presidential Candidates’ Tax Plans on Flow-Through Businesses

by Robert Carroll

Fiscal Fact No. 152

The Presidential candidates’ tax plans would take the country in two very different directions. One aspect of their plans is how they would affect the entrepreneurial sector. This sector, which tends to be comprised of small businesses, is particularly important to the U.S. economy. It is an important source of innovation and risk-taking, it creates between 60 and 80 percent of net new jobs, it employs over half the labor force, and it generates more than one half of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP).

Entrepreneurs and small business invent new products, try out new technologies and experiment with new internal forms of organization. Others often follow their example, leading to increases in productivity, or learn from their mistakes and failures. By one count, patents by small firms were cited in subsequent patent applications 28 percent more frequently than those held by larger firms.

The entrepreneurial sector in the United States is proportionately larger than in the private sector economies of its major trading partners. This advantage allows new ideas in the U.S. to be developed and tested more rapidly in the marketplace and adds to the innovation and the dynamism of the U.S. economy.

An often underappreciated feature of the U.S. tax system is that most small businesses are not required to pay the corporate income tax. Instead, small business income “flows through” to the owners who report it on their individual income tax returns and pay taxes due. Indeed, about 35 percent of business taxes are paid in this manner by the owners of “flow-through” businesses—sole proprietorships, partnerships and S corporations.

The top individual tax rates are particularly important because a disproportionate share of the flow-through income reported by small business owners is taxed at those rates. Among the small share of tax returns that are subject to the top two tax rates, most receive small business income.

Consider the fraction of taxpayers with small business income. Roughly 25 percent of all taxpayers report small business income, but as shown in Table 1, this percentage rises steadily with income. When adjusted gross income (AGI) reaches $200,000 or more, 67 percent of taxpayers report small business income. Indeed, high-income taxpayers are over two and one-half times more likely to have small business income than the average taxpayer (i.e., 67 percent for those with incomes at $200,000 or over versus roughly 25 percent for all taxpayers).

More businesses would go out of businesswith Obama than with McCain’s plan.

And youdo not put into account that we arein a downturn in the economythanks to Dems and ACORN making banks loan to those thatshould havenevergotten loans. And then we had Greenspan slcrewing wiht the natural flow of the Free Market and making it even worse. The eocnomy is not anywhere near what Clinton had when hecame into power. Obama’s plna would slowdown the economy more that it is now.

Read the whole thing by the Tax Foundation

I forgot to mention how Barack Obama sued CitiBank on behalf of ACORN forcing the bank to give more loans to people who were not qualified for the loans.

In addition to his actions, or lack of, in the Senate, Obama played an active, pivotal role in the current financial situation as well.

In addition to some of the above comments, the flaw in your thinking, James Manning, is assuming that these income tax proposals is the entire Obama economic approach in a nutshell. You might as well see one cockroach, and say you found “the nest”.

Start with the basic premise that Obama has decided what the threshhold for wealthy is at $250K… offensive enough on it’s own. The tax refund credits that he’s not including as a “tax cut” is available to everyone… whether they pay income taxes or not. And 42% of Americans pay no income tax (see various numbers, but all hovering around that range). These Americans will pay no taxes, but still receive a check annually for their tx refund credits.

In the meantime, the sole proprietor and partner small business S corps – approx 2/3 of them – would end up about 50%.

Now, add in the DNC and Obama’s potential program of the government buying everyone’s 401Ks. These accounts now belong to the government, and people lose their tax write offs for these accounts.. which can bump a lot of people into that over $250K range. Congrats…

Now let’s add in the figures we *don’t* know…. i.e. Obama’s proposals for health care, for college education, for the job training programs, for his energy plan, for the pre school plans…. Where’s that cash going to come from? You and I, of course.

If, indeed, he even gave a tax cut… which he will not be doing… he will turn around and raise taxes to support these other programs. And you must remember, Obama has been asked many times what he’d give up in these economic times. He responds by telling you what he will *not* give up, and never “cuts” anything in particular. These are the most expensive programs.

You can believe the “tax cut” BS all you want. But do not be surprised if, under Obama/Pelosi/Reid, you find between 50-60% of your earnings gone to support one government or another.

I have reviewed this woman’s Facebook page, Twitter page and Youtube video. Something stinks about this and the implication is that she is a plant.

An Obama supporter, successful at pulling a stunt like this off with racial overtones would create the perfect storm for the Obama campaign. Days before the election, an African-American assailant, in a swing state, just when McCain was making progress in those states.

I don’t buy it. I don’t believe that she is a Republican or a legitimate McCain supporter. I believe she was a plant working with the Obama campaign or at the very least, an Obama sympathizer. The momentum this story is picking up and what I am reading on many national websites would reflect that this was well-conceived. I have seen hundreds of new anti-Republican, anti-McCain comments. The press will run with this between now and Election Day.

Obama, conveniently is in Hawaii, distancing himself from this whole episode. He can return triumphant. (and with all records of his birth permanently destroyed).

As a black ex dem female i can tell you this has NOTHING to do with race. If obama supporters weren’t so damn gun hoe to attack people, like someone actually did and struck a person in the face, or shoot in to McCain tour bus then maybe just maybe, people wouldn’t believe, you were fruitcakes. Obama supporters are about some of the nastiest individuals i have ever seen in my life! I have never seen a candidate bring out so much ugly in people, I didn’t see this consternation when a democrat Sandra Bernhart said that Palin would go to new york and be raped by BLACK GUY’s, nor did i hear anything when obama told his supporters to “get in people’s face”, oh yeah and how about all the “democrats” who say blacks will riot if obama doesn’t win. It’s amazing how selective criticism of stereotyping and race baiting some people are. I find it insulting, that no matter who says what. And i will not vote for someone who encourages and creates as much ugliness as i have seen in this election candidate just because he’s a black man that is going to ride the short bus all the way to white house, cause he’s a liar and a cheat and his supporters dont’ know how to act. There is only 1 obama supporter in this country i can still stand and that Morgan Friedman and maybe travis smiley on a good day. the rest of you have lost your damn minds and THAT is why we believe dirty things about you. It has nothing to do with your race, and ever thing to do with the media propaganda and nastiness.

Before i was black I was a woman, so i find it highly offensive the screwed up things said about Sarah Palin, the day obama supporters apologize for the Sarah Pailn is c*nt t-shirts is the day I might think about trusting or believing one word that come out of an obama supporters mouths. until that day, kiss my behind. Amazing how all of you are whining acting like victims when throughout this entire election Obama supporters have been cruel and out of control, first to hillary clinton and her supporters and now to McCain. Republicans sink these bastards NOW! I can’t stand them! It’s a amazing to wake up one day and realize you have absolutely nothing in common with the people in your party, and it will be cold day in hell before i vote for another democrat. Waste obama, reid, dean, and brazille and maybe we can talk until then, screw you! I sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Obama is going to do nothing but waste this country and get all of us killed, and yet these idiots are about to crown him king and king and lord of lords. And it’s so obvious black people have forgotten everything MLK said. Content of character, stand for nothing, fall for anything. My parents taught me values obama has none and neither do any of his followers. Republicans are not my cup a tea, but at least they believe in this country enough to fight for it. Modern americans believe in nothing and that’s why you fall so hard for anyone and anything that comes you way. Then you sit around and compose songs in three part harmony for am an who allowed black children and elderly black people in his own district to freeze so he and Michelle could live in a big house. He gave Rezko 14 million dollars of tax payer money when he knew good and well that Rezko was a slum lord, Just like he took money from freddie mac and fanny mae and if that doesn’t tell you who and what obama is then you are stupid and deserve what you get. One obviously disturbed white chick does not negate the wall to wall insanity coming off of the Koolaid gang.

@Truthteller: The Right Perspective has a little bit more of the plant theory

And do not forget the Global Poverty Act that Obama wants to push thru CONgress

Hello Ex dem from Hell,
I for one appreciate your honesty and strong passion about this election. I worked the other day at a McCain volunteer office with a women who’d been previously working on Hillary’s campaign, and expressed similar feelings as yours about Mr. Obama. She said she was not alone either, but were many others (Democrats for Hillary) that felt this way. I so admire people like her, and yourself, who have decided to truly put their country and it’s values first, and be willing to say the truth. She said she’d lost a couple friends over her decision, but still knew she was making the right decision. As I said to her, I will say to you, thank you.

@Ex dem from hell:


I really like you.

Please make yourself a regular here.

@Ex dem from hell: Welcome aboard.

@james manning: take a look at the $ 4 trillion Obama needs to tax out of us for all his spending.

This is a fun one:
Obama, no merci beaucoup!


I keep reading how McCain is inciting racial tensions but I have yet to see one specific example! Show me one place where he made a racial attack! One! You can’t, because he hasn’t.

Obama is the only candidate in this race that has drawn attention to his race. In fact he has pointed it out over and over and over in his speeches, and done his best to incite racial tensions himself. His campaign has made a priority out of turning every political attack against him into a racial red herring.

The tone of this election set by the “Great Uniter” will set race relations in our country backward 30 years, regardless who wins.

@Ex dem from hell

Wow! Ok Lets get a couple things straight.

This case… IS ABOUT RACE!

Why would this women LIE about a Black Man attacking her if it wasn’t about race?

And are you really a black women?

I don’t belive that!

But, if so….


I mean you don’t have to agree with Obama’s views but, damn calm down babe.

You sound more like an angry white man, then an angry black women.

Anyways as for your LIE about Obama supporters…. we are NOT naisty.

How DARE YOU say were naisty when people in the Mcain campaign rallys SHOUT things like:

“Terroist” “Kill him” “treason” and “Off with his head” ect. Ect.

….when ever Obama’s name is mentioned.

And us Obama supporters are naisty?

Are you serious?

I don’t even belive you are a REAL dem.

O and as for saying, quote:

“Obama is going to do nothing but waste this country and get us all killed”

O naw sweetie, I think you can thank good ole George W. Bush for that!

Such as……

Getting us in 2 wars and in TRILLIONS dollars in debt with China and the rest of the world.

Weakening our millartary….Getting us in the WORST Economic crisis sence the Great Depression.

And above all we STILL have YET to cacth Osama Bin Laden and Alqeda, who are still ploting for ANOTHER terroist attack on the United States.

O yeah, If anything goes wrong between now and 2012 BLAME OBAMA!

:rolls eyes:

Give me a break!

But It doesn’t even matter!

Your fellow republicans are linning up for Obama!

Such as Collen Powell and other republicans endorsing Obama!

So it doesn’t even matter about ONE dumb ass dem.

Going ga, ga, over Mcain

So its all good babe!

If you cheack the poll numbers it doesn’t even matter anymore!

Obama’s gonna win!

Obama/Biden 08!

Thanks for that information. I was unaware of that group, but I hope this gets vetted more thoroughly than some other things we all know about. I did an extensive search, including archives, and all information on this girl has been completely scrubbed. I am convinced that this disgusting charade can be traced back to the Obama campaign. I wrote to one of the reporters in Pittsburgh who wrote the original story, and asked them to please follow-up on this angle. They may be in the tank for Obama like all of the rest of the press, so I may be wasting my time. I have found thousands of references to this story throughout the internet and the all blame the Republicans and McCain. It appears that the goal of the Obama campaign and this operative was successful. If the judge could rule favorably in the Philip Berg lawsuit, we could see a real October surprise. My guess is that BO is off in Hawaii tending to any evidence.

Ex dem from hell,
I love honest people. You go girl.

@David101: Man Jasmine, you have a thousand different names don’t ya?

Obama’s Support For Our Troops….

@David101: Huh What are you talking about. That thing with people saying “kill” him and “terrorist” was debunked last week. Man you need to read some more stuff other than the Daily Kos or Democrat Underground.

Man, these talking points are old, you need to get a hold of Obama’s campeign office for some new talking points.

It may be over anyway, the court found Obama not a US citizen


And, ya know, with all the name changes, the bulb doesn’t get any brighter!

Personally, I thought it was nice of you to respond at all. I just detected that “familiar odor”….

BTW, “ex Dem”… respond if you want. Venting is always good for the soul. I know, when I read your original post, I felt like there was a fresh breath of air around me.

But Jasmine/David, and occasionally known as Anonymous when she’s really bold, is one of the token gnats at FA that checks in when she figures out what a computer is.

Have a ball… and take it all with a grain of salt. All in all, slapping amoebae can only give one so much pleasure.

Did my post get caught in limbo again. It looks like the courts are saying OPbama is not a US citizen and can not run for President. he never produces anything for the courts

Is this real??? Mata I knoe you can get to the bottom of this.

David—You are wrong. You sound like the master of disaster Rick Davis.
It’s the economy. How Davis forgot about that, who knows? Just hope the GOP brings him back for an encore in 2012.

Would you like to live in a country filled with people like David 101? What a stupid asshole that guy. Now we know what kind of people supports THE ONE. But this is not surprising. Like attracts like.

Sorry Stix… been grappling with my latest post. Almost done.

INRE Berg. No end game. Heard talk radio, and Berg was on Mark Levin yesterday. He filed a motion for Summary Judgment.

In not-so-legalese, the defendant (in this case, Obama as the subject, but not the only defendant) has not responded to Berg’s request for admissions (the documents with proof of birth) with in the 30 day time deadline. Instead, they filed for a stay of discovery, ignoring the request for the docs, pending the judge’s response to their motion to dismiss.

The judge has neither granted the dismissal, nor granted a protective order to stay the request for docs. This is what Berg is seizing on.

This lack of legal response/action is, to Berg, tandamount to an admission of guilt. i.e., by not responding, they obviously can’t respond.

Per Berg’s latest filing, his request for Summary Judgment (demanding Obama’s name be removed as a candidate, among other things…) is below. According to the latest news reports, he thought he might know something by Monday. Perhaps. On legal points, he could be correct. But I’m no attorney. Waiting for the judicial system is like watching grass grow…

Here’s the briefs embedded.

Sheesh!! Here is a likely scenario: The Obama organization or some supporting organization hired the bimbo to do the dirty, knowing exactly what the results would be. How do we know for certain she IS a McCain supporter? Is this really about race or is it simply one campaign attempting to get additional leverage?

To David 101

You know one thing i hate is when people to define who and what you are. But honestly, i’m a more of democrat than you will ever be. because i acutally believe in all the things that i say i do. i believe that the poor should be taken care of and when someone screws their constituents over the way obama did, i’m suppose to speak out against it not promote them. But since you gave me no choice by screwing the best candidate for the job, then you will have to live with when I vote against your sorry excuse for a candidate. John McCain and Cindy have done a great amount of charity work. Cindy brought home their daughter from Bangladesh so that she could get proper treatment and she didn’t even have to ask John because she knew he would excepted it. Barak obama won’t even take a telephone call from a friend who taught him “blackness” and has fallen on bad times. He also let’s his step brother live in squalor. LOL to barrow from jesus, what ever obama did to the least of these, he will do to me.

also you don’t have the right to use the race card, it’s maxed out. If i hear the word racist coming out of an obama supporters mouth, i will slap them. See, if obama supporters weren’t running around committing fraud, jumping on their neighbors backs and attacking people in restaurants then maybe just maybe you could use race as an issue, but when you fall down on your end you don’t get to uses catch all excuses for why things didn’t work out, because you didn’t do your part, so know one will ever know if it was racially motivated. I think many people would have felt a white obama supporter was capable of it, beauese 90% of you are nutty as hell. Composing a song like ” were going to spred love were gonna spred happiness. Obama gonna change it obama’s gona lead. ” and then teach it to their child is not sane.

Also Any one who would place “sarah palin is c*nt” is a nasty individual. If obama had been call a n*****. You would be all over them but they can degrade sarah palin, place her son trig on ebay as a prop, accuse her daughter of being trigs mother instead of palin, or take placard and hit someone in the face in the face with it, will still a vote from a mentally ill patient who wanted to vote mccain yet had them steal his vote for obama, who will shoot into McCains bus is not a nice person. Neither is someone who says that hillary clinton needs to be taken into a room and only one person come out.

As for Powel endorsing obama (sorry Reps but i must), every democrat knows Powel is big fat liar. this man set before the uN and lied for Bush so they could blow up iraq ohh and he could give volumns of reason why based on faulty intel. My father is voting for Obama the same reason Powell, because they never thought they would see a day a black person becomes president, and while it grieves me not to want to do the same with this inexperienced cheating nit wit but I have a future to think about, I will not begrudge them their vote or their reason, but i’m not going to support bull. Just so you know, Powell in his supposed superior judgment supported George W Bush and we all know how thatone ended up.. so i don’t care what powell says he’s lying and he is a man who evidently knows how to lie in great detail. but what really made his support so transparent was when he commented on Sarah Palin, Palin has just as much experience as obama, and democrats have him on the top of the ticket. and obama can act just as clueless and dizty as she is accused of being, and had no foreign policy save helping Odinga bamboosal Kenya and the grandiose magical mystical tour. So John McCain’s choice of a vp is about as stupid as his and you support for obama. the difference is actually in mccain favor because palin has executive experience, she knows how to cut spending she knows about energy independence. all barak obama knows is how to swindle people and uses them and then by a nice house. Funny however one is worried about Palns wardrobe when they say nothing about the one hundred thousand dollar raise michelle obama got after her husband earmarked sever million dollars for them. So to call Palin a poor choice while voting for obama as president is dumb as H***

Concerning bush screwing up our country and economy I agree, however that’s my point, when you let an inexperienced hack talk the helm of this country all ready in trouble, it is about as smart as giving a three year old a chainsaw. See the problem with everyone in this county is that you don’t think you can fail. You ‘ve always had clothes on your back and food in you belly and you think it will always be that way. Money is the countries life blood you have no money you have no country. and just because i’m a black democrat i’m not so enamored with my political leaders that i can’t see who they are and what they are capable of. Republicans screwed up the economy but not without help from your friendly neighbor good democrats. and with obama’s new “taxes” and his supposed only taxing the rich isn to mess up the economy it’s going to put you out of a job. when he and the democrats have supported a system that cheated people out of their homes.

Obama is dangerous, end of story, any one who is dumb enough to place his feet under the table of an inidividual who he knows supports and organization like Hamos and chews the fat with him and his wife, is moron. Every time you open your mouth people can read you, the reason obama has so many foreign supporters is because they know he is weak, naive, or worse and will be just the man to make all of their destruction of america dreams come true. I know everything i need to know about obama just from his speeches and debates, the man hates to be pushed, he does not react well to conflict. Infact according to insiders it was obama not McCain who blew up the bale out plan. and if that arrogent fool can not get along with republicans without stirring up something then how will he do with one of our enemies. Right now obama is winning about what people say about him and yet sarah palin has had hideous things done to her and not once has she whined about how unfair it is or how people are being sexist towards her. She stares straight ahead and stays her course and she and john mccain are exactly what this country needs. If i have to vote for a republican to save my countries from obvious fools in the democrat party i will. Obama has no wood, he is a weed that will run everywhere and choke the life out of this country, and just like you would not let someone crack your chest open and do a bypass who didn’t know what they are doing I’m not going to either. A person may eat themselves into cornary artery disease but they are not going to pick an inexperienced surgeon with no successes and no bedside manner. I don’t care what George W. Bush did, it does not justify your stupid decision. Therefor i have to do what i have to do to make sure i have a future, somethings aren’t about party or race, somethings have to do with survival.

It would be very unified for John McCain & Sarah Palin to call the Hudson family – a real tradegy at this time!!! Show some real support to the american people.

Welcome aboard Ex Dem and watch out for the angry trolls in the closets. They like to pop out, call us names, and scream Obama talking points. We know race has nothing to do with it.

On the Berg case, I’m sure Obama’s lawyers will just stall more by appealing the case to a higher court. I’m sure this will eventually go to the Supreme Court and Obama is hoping he can stack it before that happens.

I’m not sure how this got back to taxes again for a bit, but a little info on taxes for ye. The Constitution specifically laid out that as all of us are created equal, so must any taxes and it specifically sets forth that all taxes are to be established equally:

Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.
Section 8. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
Section 9. No capitation, or other direct, tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken.

Nobody paid federal Income taxes prior to 1913, Our government was self sufficient and existed solely on tarriffs, import/export, and excise taxes. That stood all fine and good with everyone until the socialists rolled into town:

February 3, 1913, 16th Amendment:

The Socialist Labor Party advocated for a graduated income tax in 1887.
The Populist Party “demanded a graduated income tax” in their 1892 platform.
The Democratic Party, led by William Jennings Bryan, advocated the income tax law passed in 1894
The Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act of 1894 attempted to impose a federal tax of 2% on incomes over $4,000. Derided as “un-Democratic, inquisitorial, and wrong in principle,” it was challenged in federal court. Until that time, direct taxes had been deemed to include only capitations, or poll taxes (taxes directly on persons) and taxes imposed on property by reason of its ownership (generally, ordinary ad valorem taxes on property). Until 1895, all income taxes — regardless of the sources of the incomes — had been considered indirect taxes (“excises”).
Prior to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Pollock v. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Co.,157 U.S. 429 (1895), aff’d on reh’g, 158 U.S. 601 (1895) all income taxes had been considered to be excises (indirect taxes) required to be imposed with geographical uniformity; such taxes were not required to be apportioned by state according to population (as are direct taxes).

What I found particularly interesting is that throughout those years (1887-1913) nobody in Congress bothered to question whether a graduated Federal Income tax was Constitutional. It’s not, because the taxation is supposed to be uniform. And the basis for the uniformity, according to our Constitution is according to the Census, I quote, “Unless in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken”. That’s important. “HereIn before” was an instruction to Congress that they were not free to tax anything they wanted or might think up. There were strict limitations. It also means if Congress creates a tax, every person pays the same amount. The words could feasibly be stretched to allow for a flat tax, where everyone pays the same percentage, yet it is un-Constitutional to force one group of people pay more than their fair share. Our Founding Fathers were quite specific. It is also un-Constitutional to take property from a person without due compensation. Property is anything a person possesses, including their money, because they could have spent that money on more property. That’s about as anti-socialism as you can get. Don’t like it? catch a boat to another country.

The only “welfare” allowed by the Constitution is for general welfare the United States as a country. Not for lazy individual citizens who didn’t want to work for it and desired a free ride.

@MataHarley: Thanks

I saw that last night from Curmudgeon & Skeptical and was wondering. I saw that it did not have a signature on it, so it is not official. If the judge does sign it though.

Maybe that is the reason why the Obummer is in Hawaii, to look for his Birth certificate, along with visiting his sick grandma.

[Maybe that is the reason why the Obummer is in Hawaii, to look for his Birth certificate, along with visiting his sick grandma.]

That’s exactly what we were discussing at home last night! Our version was that he was in Hawaii to have another shady character/criminal type help him fabricate a birth certificate in a dark alley somewhere in Honolulu.

Steve #39, at this point we don’t know if she is a genuine McCain supporter.

A few days ago, and by using some of Michelle Malkin’s links, I found her blog, but she only was only doing conservatives posts starting Sept. And I see today that site has been scrubbed…. oops, no screen shot. But I did go thru the very few posts she had there, and they only go back one month.

One of the links on that blog was to the College Republicans, which according to a news article I saw today, said she worked for in NY. At the time that her blog page was still visible, I used the link, and got to The CR Voice… the blog.

There is an author poster calling herself “Ashley”. On the assumption it was the same “Ashley”, I went thru the archives, and her posts on the CR Voice. Her participation only go back to early July.

Thus I can only see McCain “support” since July 2008. Hillary suspended her campaign in June, and BHO became the presumptive nominee. Interesting timing? Yes. McCain was the nominee almost six months before that. She only decided to work for McCain in July?

Now, as Stix#24 linked, there is a blog that seems to suspect she’s part of the “Anonymous” hacker/troublemakers. Have no clue. But what may, or may not be possible is that she infiltrated the McCain camp by acting as a supporter to try and pull a stunt, such as this, as an October surprise. It doesn’t matter if it were successful. In fact, the goal would *be* to get found out, and portray the GOP as racist loons. It’s all speculation and wild guesses.

Then again, the girl could just plain be wacko too…

But one would think that *if* she was a die hard McCain supporter, somebody who knows her could vouch for the fact she was a McCain supporter prior to July of this year. Because that’s as far back as I could find records of her partisan preferences.

Timing? Certainly suspect. The method of blackmail/fraud/accusations and outrageously bold stunts? Right out of the Obama/Alinsky campaign play book.

So it will be up to the pros to decide.

Me? Don’t care. As far as I’m concerned, she’s damaged goods, and a waste of perfectly good air.

UPDATE on my post #45 above.

This on The CR Voice as of Friday INRE Ashley Todd

CRNC Statement on Ashley Todd
October 24th, 2008

When Ms. Todd initially contacted us claiming to have been attacked our first reaction was obviously to be concerned for her safety. We are as upset as anyone to learn of her deceit, Ashley must take full responsibility for her actions.

We have terminated her effective today.

Posted by: Ashley

Note this is the “posted by “Ashley” I was referring to. This means there are two Ashley’s in the CRNC there, and the posts I mentioned above were not of Ashley Todd.

This means the only proof we have of her being a McCain supporter is the date she started working for the CRNC (which I haven’t seen published), or her blog that only goes back to Sept.

Again, it would behoove someone who knows her to confirm she was actually a McCain supporter all along… unless, of course, they do not want to confirm she was really an Obama supporter.

@MataHarley: I agree. It really does not matter. She needs help whatever she is. And she has already damaged the McCain supporters and the MSM will not look into who she is anyway, just that she was a McCain supporter.

@Rocky_B: I agree Rocky B. We have a guy here that has not paid his taxes saying their illegal for 30 years. Amazing he has never been arrested yet, especially in Democrat heaven here. The Flat Tax is the best way to go, since no one pays more than anyone else, it is the only fair solution to taxes. Class warfare should never play a part in taxation.

RockyB, INRE your comment:

On the Berg case, I’m sure Obama’s lawyers will just stall more by appealing the case to a higher court. I’m sure this will eventually go to the Supreme Court and Obama is hoping he can stack it before that happens.

It’s a long way from that point from today. Obama and the FEC have filed motions for dismissal, which the judge has not granted. If he does dismiss the case, it would be Berg who would file in appellate court.

If the judge does *not* dismiss, that means he sees enough in Berg’s briefs and evidence for this to go forward with a jury trial… which Berg requested in his original brief.

The mere act of this going to trial would be damaging… probably not enough for the Obama faithful, who will just cry foul, mind you. But there would have to be a ruling from a trial by jury before either party could appeal to the next highest court.

Hang… Obama could probably serve a term or two before this got resolved in the judicial system. LOL

@MataHarley: The Berg case was dismissed on Friday.
Via Faultline via America’s Right.

The Judge did not think that Berg had enough evidence:

Various accounts, details and ambiguities from Obama’s childhood form the basis of Plaintiff’s allegation that Obama is not a natural born citizen of the United States. To support his contention, Plaintiff cites sources as varied as the Rainbow Edition News Letter … and the television news tabloid Inside Edition. These sources and others lead Plaintiff to conclude that Obama is either a citizen of his father’s native Kenya, by birth there or through operation of U.S. law; or that Obama became a citizen of Indonesia by relinquishing his prior citizenship (American or Kenyan) when he moved there with his mother in 1967. Either way, in Plaintiff’s opinion, Obama does not have the requisite qualifications for the Presidency that the Natural Born Citizen Clause mandates. The Amended Complaint alleges that Obama has actively covered up this information and that the other named Defendants are complicit in Obama’s cover-up.

And that Berg had no “standing” the case. So the American Public has no “stand” in finding out if a candidate is a “Natural Born” citizen.:

If, through the political process, Congress determines that citizens, voters, or party members should police the Constitution’s eligibility requirements for the Presidency, then it is free to pass laws conferring standing on individuals like Plaintiff. Until that time, voters do not have standing to bring the sort of challenge that Plaintiff attempts to bring in the Amended Complaint.

it is up to CONgress to determine who has “standing”

And the judge said that the ineligibility of a candidate does not harm the US Public:

…regardless of questions of causation, the grievance remains too generalized to establish the existence of an injury in fact. To reiterate: a candidate’s ineligibility under the Natural Born Citizen Clause does not result in an injury in fact to voters. By extension, the theoretical constitutional harm experienced by voters does not change as the candidacy of an allegedly ineligible candidate progresses from the primaries to the general election.

Berg’s statement

“This is a question of who has standing to stand up for our Constitution,” Berg said. “If I don’t have standing, if you don’t have standing, if your neighbor doesn’t have standing to ask whether or not the likely next president of the United States–the most powerful man in the entire world–is eligible to be in that office in the first place, then who does?”

Looks like this will go to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and then to the United States Supreme Court.

Boyo… my “thread nanny” credibility is all shot to heck here, what with all this Berg stuff. My apologies, Mr. Mike…. :0)

But truth is, other than my original post back in… what was it, June??… I haven’t wanted to bother with this Berg story much. To me it’s only news if he actually gets a judgment against Obama, FEC etal.

But since you “brung it up”, Stix… LOL… Per the Obama Crimes website Berg is appealing immediately to the US Supreme Court.

Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania – 10/25/08) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States, announced today that he is immediately appealing the dismissal of his case to the United States Supreme Court. The case is Berg v. Obama, No. 08-cv-04083.

Berg said, “I am totally disappointed by Judge Surrick’s decision and, for all citizens of the United States, I am immediately appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court.

This is a question of who has standing to uphold our Constitution. If I don’t have standing, if you don’t have standing, if your neighbor doesn’t have standing to question the eligibility of an individual to be President of the United States – the Commander-in-Chief, the most powerful person in the world – then who does?

So, anyone can just claim to be eligible for congress or the presidency without having their legal status, age or citizenship questioned.

According to Judge Surrick, we the people have no right to police the eligibility requirements under the U.S. Constitution.

SCOTUS has a heck of a waiting list… The Heller caes was there for what, six years before a decision?? Then again, with the make up of the court, and especially if Obama does take the helm and replaces some retirees, he’ll have no problem in getting it kicked out. If if there were sufficient substance to review, the coup d’etat will be complete from a partisan standpoint.

BTW, per the AmericasRight link, the audio tape of the maternal grandmother was not included as evidence in this case. Nor is it clear it could be successfully attached to any appellate review.

But Berg plans to release it to the public post translation

While the evidence presented by Berg was largely circumstantial, the attorney says that he is learning more about this narrative–and about the Democratic Party nominee for president–with each passing day. For example, regardless of whether it could be attached to the proceeding as it goes through the appellate process, Berg said, he is in possession of a native-language audiotape of Sarah Obama, Barack Obama’s paternal grandmother, stating on the day of the last presidential debate that her famous grandson was indeed born in Kenya, and that she was present in the hospital for his birth.

“The tape is in the native language there,” Berg said. “I will release it as soon as translation is confirmed by affidavit, and we are waiting on affidavits from contacts over here and in Kenya.”

Again my apologies for this thread getting intruded on, Mr. Mike. But I guess we’re lumping all the loons… except Ms. Martin from Missouri so far… on this single thread! LOL