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Thats not what Obama meant at all. All he was saying is that he was going to take the money, spread it around (because people like him and mcCain have plenty) and everyone will end up equal! How is that communism? If one man has the skills and another man has the need, then why not use that as a system of balances? It is like the republican party is completely oblivious to the issues or real politics. My first year at community college really opened my eyes to how blind the right-wing is. Obama is out for the /people/ not for money, get it straight. He won’t take your money, his commercials specifically promise /less/ taxes. How do you argue with that? I dare anyone to refute this logic. McCain is the one that is all about big government and high taxes, didn’t you see the debate when obama brought that up? I refuse to be a sheep and you should too. Don’t believe everything your church tells you, hypocrites. Try free-thinking, it will set you free.

“and everyone will end up equal! How is that communism?”

U lose meritocracy first and foremost. You stop getting what you deserve and worked hard to obtain. Tell me, is it fair if you put in 10 times the work and hrs and make alot of money, to suddenly make far less but still have to that level of work. People will stop trying and settle into mediocrity. Clearly you dont expect much from your life if you want equalized wages.

Its actually socialism which is hand in hand with communism. Name me one socialist country that worked my man?

Socialism and Communism on paper is the ideal way to live… But it can’t be applied and work in reality. History and the world has shown us that much at the very least.

“I refuse to be a sheep”

Dude you’re backing the guy the mainstream media wants to win. Your following the message sent to the masses. Which might I add has been black-outing a lot of serious news which would have most likely changed A LOT of votes.

All he was saying is that he was going to take the money, spread it around (because people like him and mcCain have plenty) and everyone will end up equal! How is that communism? If one man has the skills and another man has the need, then why not use that as a system of balances?


Taking from the haves and giving to the have-nots is a basic tenet of Communism.

It is like the republican party is completely oblivious to the issues or real politics.

Be careful, your projection is showing.

Obama is out for the /people/ not for money, get it straight. He won’t take your money, his commercials specifically promise /less/ taxes.

You believe his commercials?


Have you read his plan?

Have you seen the analysis of his plan and how it will affect the country.

Come on liam, you’re going to have to better than that.

Did you hear his answer to “Joe the Plumber”?

McCain is the one that is all about big government and high taxes

You based this thought on what?

Where are your facts?

I dare anyone to refute this logic.

I just did.

Just because you say something doesn’t make it true.

Especially in light of the overwhelming evidence and facts to the contrary.

I refuse to be a sheep

Too late.

We can lead you out of the darkness though if you are interested in making the journey.

“If one man has the skills and another man has the need, then why not use that as a system of balances?”

You paraphrase Marx’s “from each by to their means to each by his needs” line and ask “How is that communism?”????

It looks like your first year of college has not opened your eyes, just indoctrinated you. I went through college in the 90s while earning my commission in the Army. College does not “open eyes”, it force feeds the left’s view down your throat and silences all dissent. Life after college may open your eyes.

You say you “refuse to be a sheep” but in the truest sense of “Animal Farm”, you are just that.

“Try free-thinking, it will set you free.” Yes it will. It will make you a conservative and dump the idiocy of socialism and the draconian, totalitarian government it always produces. Question your leftist professors and indoctrinators and see how far you get. THAT should open your eyes.

And Obama is not out for the “people”, unless you count his associations and shadow fundraising. Obama is out for Obama. Your spoon fed propaghanda is just that. Don’t believe everything your “messiah” and the media tells you.

Liam has to be pushing thick sarcasm, right? He really doesn’t believe that, does he (or she, I guess)?

To quote the great John McEnroe: “You CAN’T be SERIOUS!!!”

lol, before you all get too fired up. Read my past posts.. I am a staunch conservative. Read into the sarcasm…

I thought lines like:
“If one man has the skills and another man has the need, then why not use that as a system of balances” (recognize that from Communist Manifesto?)


“My first year at community college really opened my eyes to how blind the right-wing is”


“Obama is out for the /people/ not for money, get it straight. He won’t take your money, his commercials specifically promise /less/ taxes. How do you argue with that?”

would ooze sarcasm and irony. However it just goes to show that for the left this would be a legitimate argument. Funny how people see this kind of rhetoric as a true thread that people believe in throughout our country. Maybe goes to show that communism, living within capitalism is alive and well. Now, we.. just…need…the…right…leader….


You know I sort of thought that you were kidding.

Then I thought “This may not be the liam we thought we knew.”

I then proceeded with a response.

sorry, horrible grammar in that last post…

Lol… Good one Liam… you got me. Owww the pain.

I should have seen it though when my jaw it the floor on the Marx paraphrase and the community college statement.

The sad part is that your sarcasm rings of A LOT of leftist brainwashed talking points. I passed by TVs during lunch here and it was wall to wall Obama-gasms on CNN. You could take what you wrote, put it on Obama’s blog (next to the “Death to Isreal” and “silence conservatives” sections) and his followers would agree without blinking and even encourage you.

Kudos Sponge.

Aye, I’m fairly new to this blog and you just see too much of this site to detract any sense of sarcasm from what I posted. People like fit etc.. put their rhetoric on the table and it doesn’t fall far from what I posted. Nice retorts though. You showed my liberal self what is up.

Chris, I think you hit the nail on the head and wherever you are, I pray for you my friend. I was curious how loudly my rhetoric would ring true with what the left believes, as well as what the right sees as a typical or valid leftist response. It was more or less, a personal experiment:

Go to far off the deep end, people will know your an idiot and will let you sit in your own puddle of stupidity. However, back it off just a little, add some Communist Manifesto ideologies, try to establish credibility (could be community college or Princeton), and support Obama on his talking points, you create the typical liberal. I also noticed that no one commented on:

I refuse to be a sheep and you should too. Don’t believe everything your church tells you, hypocrites. Try free-thinking, it will set you free.

The hypocrisy in the left pointing to the right, that we are all ‘sheeple’, is the funniest (to me at least). In their arguments for evolution, their fundamental belief is that you cannot truly be a free thinker. You are too predestined through your genetics and environment to be able to do so. No offense to those that believe in evolution, but there is more than meets the eye with everything. I admit this is even true in what I believe.

Sorry Liam, with the amount of trolls we been getting im in defense mode. I believe other sites are entitled to their belief structure without the need of being criticized. So, I’ve been pissed at the amount of @$$hats that have been coming here simply to fight.

Vote McCain’08

Fiscal conservative/ social moderate- independent for Obama here. Does anyone at all here have a reason to vote for McCain that is not based on something you believe about Obama, and is not based on something you believe about your religion or religion in general? If so, could you articulate it?


Back home for a few more weeks but thank you. Great post BTW.

I did hit that part of your post you mentioned though, just to toot my horn, but saved the last line for a reflective point (using the other’s word back at them).

Have fun and I look forward to more enjoyment!!

I thought you were pulling our legs. You must have been channeling some “college educated” kid when you wrote that. You are scary good.


Yes. I am not a big McCain fan and am voting more against socialism, leftist lies, the media, their allies, and their idiology. Palin as a VP helps in my support of McCain. However, McCain runs on a pledge of smaller government than Obama’s. Less pork (and is on record going against it… Obama HAS no records.. or at least ones that are not sealed). MCain has no ties to radicals who bombed US facilities and want to overthrow the US government. McCain demands no surrender in the GWOT. McCain was right on the war, the surge, Russia’s threat to Gerogia, Fanny and Freddy’s destructive path which opened the way to the credit crunch (both Freddy and Fanny former COEs work for Obama). McCain can actually get a security clearance while Obama would fail. No Chicago political machine with McCain. No reverend Wrights. No Ayers. No ANSWER/Move-on/ACT/Soros buffoons with McCain. Lower taxes for everyone under McCain (and yes, giving companies tax incentives to return to the US and creat jobs is a good thing). Hugo Chavez does not like McCain, nor does Castro, nor do dictators in Africa. I do not support the mis-labeled “fairness doctrine” and the censorship it will bring. I do not support Socialsim which molded Obama, nor do I supprt his all too familiar sounding “Civilian National Security force”. Finally, after seeing all the media lies against President Bush and the US Miltiary for 8 years, I really do not want to vote for Obama, the man the media shill for and do their best not to investigate.


Does anyone at all here have a reason to vote for McCain that is not based on something you believe about Obama, and is not based on something you believe about your religion or religion in general? If so, could you articulate it?

How about three things:

1) Unflinchingly, unapologetically pro-life.

2) Strong on national defense.

3) Advocate for small gov’t, low taxes.

@LeadBalloonsThatBangAndCrushYourFeet: Try McCain’s entire policy, as compared to what Obama has to offer. Go and read on your own – it’ll rock your world.

Liam, like many others said, that was good. Colleges are so liberal, it’s sickening. The day I’ll let an environmentalist professor call Reagan “the worst president ever” and get away with it is the day I die.

Rocky has even more reasons to vote against Obama and for McCain.

The Lasting Damage An Obama Presidency Could Do

Great video!

And, Liam, glad to have you “back”! 😉

Lead Balloons, John McCain shares my views on abortion and a baby’s right to life. At one time, I was pro-choice AND pro-life, but have since seen how radical the left is on this issue and militant they are about the “choice” to destroy a life, so I do now support overturning Roe V. Wade and not to federally fund abortions but return the decision back to the states; John McCain shares my views about the war and the implicit need to insure victory in Iraq and Afghanistan, someone who COMPLETELY supports the military, and understands their sacrifices; John McCain shares my views on national security and understands what it takes to protect America from loonies like Ahmadinejad; John McCain shares my views about the need to be a capitalistic society, a [free-market economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit]. It is this kind of society that, to me, represents what the United States stands for, and why so many people come here to succeed in a free society versus one that is void of freedom of choice but has their government telling them what they can and can’t do. Well, I could go on about healthcare, energy (drilling here and now), and 2nd Amendment rights, and education, but you could go to http://www.johnmccain.com and click on the issues and read for yourself as well. Hope you change your vote to McCain! 🙂

No Lead, lets see you do that same, not based on something you believe about McCain 🙂

After reading Liam’s comment, I have one task for McCain/Palin when they will be in the White House.

The first thing they should do is to clean up the educational system and get rid of all the leftist teachers that promote socialism. Socialism and communism has to be removed from schools and colleges immediately. This is how they indoctrinate a whole generation of youth, like they did with Liam. That has got to stop right now. It is the first step to take, even before fixing the economy. Get rid of teachers like Ayers and Obama who are out there to ruin your country and turn it to communism by contaminating student vulnerable minds. If this is not done right away… forget about America, it will die and become Cuba. I am not kidding. Go get these criminal teachers, kick them out of schools and colleges.

I feel so sorry for you Liam. You are just another victim of leftist teachers. Too bad you can not think by yourself. Just to think that there are so many others Liam out there, is really frightening and freeking.

ChrisG, reading back, I just saw you caught the Marxist line. Well, done. There are some extremely smart people on this blog. I can’t really name anyone that regularly posts here that would be considered a dummy. Minus the @$$hats as Custer mentions (and no, not people that disagree with me). The reason why I subscribed to this blog is because of the great articles and amazing insight everyone comes with.

🙂 I hate trolls. Sorry for the use of words like “@$$hat” my early posts compared to my new ones are very different. Just starting to get angry. I’ll refrain from vulgar language from now on.

I agree, the articles here are amazing. I offer a cheer to our authors and dedicated posters for the comments and ideas they bring, even if i myself do over simplify things a bit 🙂


Liam’s first post was sarcasm. Do not worry, it got all of us because it was so close to true leftist positions and diatrabe.

@Craig: Heh…Craig, liam was joking. It’s all good.

@Custer: Hear hear? =)

I second that Custer!

I hate to post again and be annoying, but ChrisG, man I have to give you some real credit for your original post. For some reason I missed most of it when I replied. I was going to let the comments go for a while, but then I saw everyone starting to light the torches and sharpening the pitch forks. I too got my B.S. through a state school and hated how liberal it was. Hard to believe that most Universities started as Christian institutions…


That is why I am not looking forward to the “education” my kids will get in public schools. The “we are the children” song and the “thought criminal” accusations of the child from “1984” looks disturbingly like Obama’s and Ayer’s views of education’s ‘true’ purpose acording to the left.

If left to the “care” of the leftists, my kids will not be able to read and write, but they will be able to spout leftist ideas and spew leftist hate. Now I know why my Vietnam Vet parents litteraly debriefed me every night after school in the 70s-80s. “Education” (indoctrination) by the pseudo-“intellectuals” of the left has only gotten worse.

Sorry Liam,

I had just read your first comment when I wrote mine. Then the phone rang, and I forgot to send it. When I finally posted it, I didn’t read the rest of the comments after yours. Sorry!

P.S.: But I guess my comment is still good. All you have to do is change the name LIAM to Fit Fit, Real American Hater or Doug… lol

Lead said… (oooo… I made a rhyme! That should give me a BA at any local higher educational facility, eh?)

Fiscal conservative/ social moderate- independent for Obama here.

And a fiscal conservative/social moderate-independent-registered-as-a GOP-to-have-*some*-say-in-a-primary for *McCain* here. I reiterate this to note that we are not all that far apart as a start, Lead.

Does anyone at all here have a reason to vote for McCain that is not based on “something you believe about Obama, “and is not based on something you believe about your religion or religion in general? If so, could you articulate it?

So is that the “out” your looking for? the “something you believe about Obama” bit? And is that a set up that what *you* believe about Obama is somehow gospel over what I believe about Obama?

Ok… got that out of the way. You wanted articulation.

First of all, nothing about any candidate has to do with religion for me. Nuff said there. I will also add race…. Obama could be the fair skinned, red-headed step child of Reagan, for all I care. My opinion of him would remain the same.

Now let’s move on to the “articulation”. And I will clarify right from the start my vote is not as much for McCain as it is against Obama. More on that later.

Obama’s own articulated policies are too government intensive/dominated/fueled/implemented/funded for my personal tastes. If you’ll notice, Obama’s every solution for every problem has to do with “government”. Since I am a federal minimalist, the proposals he campaigns on turns my blood to ice.

I am not for universal health care.

I was not, and still am not, for the government “bailouts”

I am not not for an educational policy for preschoolers on up that revolve around “social and economic justice”

I am not for an energy policy with no crossover bridge to alternatives. Oil will always be a necessity for US exports, as they are petroleum based. Obama’s promise to be oil independent is but a pipe dream if he will not supply what we need for our manufacturing needs. He speaks in platitudes and simplicity… but what he means is fuel indepence only. And even that, I see tech improbabilities.

His proposed “job creation” is predominately government jobs.

He refuses to cut back spending on any of his campaign agenda of energy, education, health care whatever.

The man has proven to me that he can raise and spend money with the best of them. However his large expenditures produce medicocre results and failed endeavors… i.e. CAC. Add to that his own campaign. For outspending McCain 4:1, he’s still just a couple of points away. At least McCain campaigns on a more efficient budget. Musta been expensive Greek columns… dunno.

The man’s record and his words bear no relation to reality.

He can say he’s not a socialist from here to forever. However he surrounds himself with affirmative action/Black Theology fundamentalists… then discards them when they become a drag.

Ayers is an overt socialist/Marxist using education to accomplish “change” in the US. The newbie, Obama, was drafted specifically to help Ayers distribute the CAC cash towards that very agenda. BTW only $50K went to schools, and the rest of the $160K went to political campaigns for agenda friendly candidates. Kewl…. NOT He, like other pols, is nothing more than an opportunist, spending more cash for political reasons than the “cause” of common man.

His economic plans from energy to education will drive up the nat’l debt worse than McCains. Under an Obama, I fully see the dollar devaluation… which will hit us hard on that oil he doesn’t want to extract, raising brl prices and domino’ing into every daily need for Joe/Jo citizen.

Obama’s rise to power and campaign methods thru his brief history are highly suspect. No local offices… straight to the IL Senate (not even House…). How? Lawyers systematically did a “hit job” on every competitor. Interesting…. But then, it’s Chicago.

From the IL Senate to the US Senate… not even House. Based on a palty record in IL to boot. The boy has got to be seriously bankrolled behind the scenes for this to happen.

143 days in the Senate, and he’s off, campaigning for leader of the free world. Based on what… another notable record? Nope. Uh uh… We’re talking a market job with a bow here. Talk about a pig without lipstick, disguised as a pedigree dog….

There is nothing in this man’s background that gives me an iota of confidence in his executive administration experience. He’s never run his own business. he doesn’t run his own campaign. But then… I’m not a fan of electing Congressional representatives to the WH. Nor is the rest of the country historically… but then, we don’t have anything but to choose from in the top of the ticket choices. Bummer.


Dang…. I could do this all day. But let’s turn to McCain.

Truth is, he’s not conservative enough in domestic policy for me. But then, he’s more conservative than Obama. To paraphrase Rummie…. we go to the ballot with the candidates we have, not the candidates we *wished* we had. If both candidates were equally repulsive to me, I’d vote 3rd party and my conscience, and ta hell with it.

But both are *not* equally reprehensive, IMHO.

Foreign policy. As a Commander in Chief, I have far more faith in McCain than Obama. if there is a place he is miles ahead of Obama, it’s the understanding of military strategy of a theatre, and not a battle ground. If there are men McCain to relate to, it is the military. “Mark my words”…. what Biden is telling you about your guy, Lead, is that within 6 months, Obama will behave just as Bush in the world battle against Islamic jihad. Or Obama will be worse, and instigate war with quasi-allies Pakistan or Russia. He’s already promising to escalate Afghanistan… a fact lost on the Obama faithful.

So you are warned. What you are buying is a cheap Lenin’esque version of Bush. And slowly, Obama is realizing reality thru Presidential briefings. But he will not tell you this before he cinches the vote. Pocket that reality. It will come back to haunt your daytime nightmares. McCain? He already knows. Because he’s an ol’ dude with scars to prove it.

To me, the federal governments *prime* purpose is the secure our shores and manage our military. Obama has been, IMHO, wrong on every… and yes I mean *every*… foreign policy assessment since his IL and fed Congressional days…. even tho he doesn’t think so. And oh, BTW… he’s more arrogant that Bush could dream to be. Can you say “surge”?

McCain’s not a “Miss Congeniality” kind of guy. Obama, like Clinton, is a finger in the wind kind-o-guy. He threw over his pastor and sundry contacts because of a backlash in polls and support. “Spine of steel”?? Only in Biden’s dreams. He will be a puppet to Pelos/Reid for the duration because… frankly… he’s nothing more than a shooting star mouthpiece.

I *like* Palin. And I especially like that Palin and McCain do *not* agree on many issues. I believe she will be a healthy influence.

McCain’s economics are a slight improvement over Obama’s. Not much, mind you. But again, I believe McCain demonstrates less arrogance, and more ability to consider alternatives. Obama sways from nothing because it reflects badly on him. And both need some significant swaying on their economic policies. Also, McCain’s “cures” are not all founded in “government”… Obama’s answer to everything.

Lastly, I’ll take Palin as 2nd in command over Biden any day of the week, minute of the day. The thought of ol’ slow Joe in the Oval Office makes me think Carter and Ford might step up out of their competition for the bottom slot of useless POTUS’s in history.