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Any disgruntled conservatives who think an Obama win would “teach the GOP a lesson” should think again!

Didn’t disgruntled conservatives try this two years ago by handing over control of the senate and congress to the Democrats? Look where we are now after that resounding success! /sarcasm

Isn’t it wonderful that Obama has so many supporters that simply adore him? (Rocky said, tongue planted deeply in cheek) Here’s a new one:


See! What a great man BHO must be, why even the people that brought us the Al Quada decapitation videos would dearly love to see him in office. And Kaufmann, one of their reporters likes good ol’ Barry enough he’s even given a $500 donation to his campaign. What a guy! With friends like that he don’t need enemas.

Of course, I’m sure our hard-core, anything goes Dem fly-byers would see nothing of concern here. I’m sure they would just say, “See! Obama’s not even in office yet and he has the ‘whole world in his hands’.”

And hey what jolly good chaps his supporters are. The other day an Obama man tears up a McCain-Palin support’s sign and beats her with the stick. Let’s look in on what these newest supporters have been up to:

In July of this year, Pearl notes, Al-Jazeera threw a birthday party for Samir Kuntar, a released terrorist who had smashed the head of a four-year-old girl with his rifle butt in 1979 after killing her father before her eyes. Kuntar had been released by Israel in exchange for the bodies of two Israeli soldiers, who were kidnapped by Hezbollah in 2006.

My a birthday party how thoughtful. See! They like it when murderers are released from prison instead of being executed just as much as our liberal friends do.

Now the terrorist channel has turned its sights on the American presidential election, intervening in an effort to make those in the U.S. opposed to Obama appear to the outside world as white Christian racists.

Sound like anybody we know? Hmmmm?

“All the people in the Arab and Islamic world and in Africa applauded this man [Obama]… [and] may have even been involved in legitimate contribution campaigns” to his campaign, said Gadhafi.

Legitimate contributions? Let’s suppose MSNBC reporters turn to Nancy Pelosi for comment; Would she give a ‘thumbs up?’ or ‘thumbs down?’. Magic 8-ball says, “Yes, definitely”. And why not? Barry still has more money left to spend on advertising than McCain had for his entire campaigne. What difference would it make. Why turn down charity?

i am terrified. i really hope the bradly effect is true in force and obama loses.

Medved forgot to mention the “Fairness” Doctrine and the other likely changes to free speech which will immediately follow an Obama coronation. I’m sure the web isn’t immune to regulation either. This election may very well be the last one in which a conservative has a significant vote in America.

Republicans hoping for some future “true conservative” may never be allowed to see one emerge from obscurity. A fully devoted leftist monolithic media could ridicule that person into irrelevance with no conservative voices in opposition.

This is an article of endorsement of John McCain by the Daily Press in Virginia. I thought it was a good article as it objectively states what the differences are between an Obama and McCain administration. (I don’t agree with the assessment of the decision to pick Sarah Palin, although I understand the argument being made):


“Obama has promised profound systemic changes that will be irreversible—absolutely permanent alterations of our economy and government where there is no chance at all that Republican office-holders of the future could in any way repair the damage.”

He is absolutely right. Here in Québec, we had the stupid leftist/separatist party PQ (Parti Québécois) in power for 10 straight years (1993-2003)

They have ruined the province with all sorts of welfare programs. Since then, no other government has been able to reform Quebec. That is why we are the poorest province of all the 10 provinces in Canada. We have become a welfare province, receiving “perequation” from the rich Western provinces. Last year alone, we have received $8 billions from Alberta, British Colombia, Ontario and Saskatchewan, so we could survive.

And the stupid leftists, still wants to separate from Canada… lol

Another factor not mentioned by Medved… The new State to be admitted to the Union. Washington D.C. will finally get statehood. The flag will get a fifty-first (fifty-eighth to you Obamaniacs) star. And the democrats get two more Senators permanently on their side.

Won’t the new supermajority be wonderful!! Unless McCain connects with a hail Mary pass or Biden surfaces again before the 11/5, my vote will be meaningless for the rest of my life. Kinda makes me wish I were a drinker.

Scary thought DaNang! If that happens we are truly screwed.

Quite Right Craig;
Republicans cannot just sit by thinking that once these policies are initiated they can always go back four years from now and work to get them overturned. Socialist policies grow like a cancer. Let’s look back to our last socialist Democrat president and how he changed the landscape of our government irreversably:


In 1932, Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected president as the nation was heading into a severe recession. The stock market had crashed in 1929, the world’s economy was slowing down, and all economic indicators in the U.S. showed signs of trouble.

The new president’s response was to restructure the economy with the New Deal — an expansion of the role of government once unimaginable in America. We now know that FDR’s policies likely prolonged the Great Depression because the economy never fully recovered in the 1930s, and actually got worse in the latter half of the decade. And we know that FDR got away with it (winning election four times) by blaming his predecessor, Herbert Hoover, for crashing the economy in the first place.

Of course, FDR’s New Deal was un-Constitutional, but that didn’t stop him from initiating it and nobody has done a thing to reverse it. The general populous was fooled into thinking that his reforms would improve their lives. FDR also assumed for himself unheretofore greater powers in his Imperial Presidency. Term limit were set aside for him so that he could run for two more terms.


Imperial Presidency:
The quantum leap in the president’s power came with Franklin D. Roosevelt. He ushered in what historian’s call “the imperial presidency.” But the years from 1933 to 1945 were no ordinary time. When FDR took office and declared the Great Depression a “national emergency,” few would disagree. In his first inaugural address, he announced that he would treat the Depression like a war. If Congress did not approve his policies for fixing the economy, he would take the same powers that presidents had previously assumed only in wartime. By the 1940s, he was a presiding over a nation literally at war. His powers became even greater. The emergencies of his day allowed him to take all that power with the blessing of most Americans.


For much of the 20th century, American conservatives saw themselves as opponents of the imperial presidency, as embodied by Wilson and, later, FDR (as discussed at length by Gene Healy at Cato’s blog ). In 1964, for instance, Barry Goldwater cast himself as the candidate against strongman government (and, revealingly, lost badly). But conservatives began to change their tune when the New Deal/Great Society consensus started to unravel and they discovered that the presidency could be theirs if they made peace with it.

In fact, some conservatives viewed Richard Nixon’s downfall as the product of an unfair double standard because Democratic presidents had gotten away with metaphorical murder for years. Liberals who traditionally had seen nothing wrong with strongman presidencies (liberal-hero journalist Walter Lippmann urged FDR to assume “dictatorial powers”) changed their tune under Nixon as well.

“Those who tried to warn us back at the beginning of the New Deal of the dangers of one-man rule that lay ahead on the path we were taking toward strong, centralized government may not have been so wrong,” then-California Sen. Alan Cranston conceded at the height of Watergate in 1973.
For eight years, the right screamed bloody murder about Clinton’s overreaching. He minted new executive privileges, “accidentally” rummaged through the FBI files of political opponents and sought electronic wiretapping powers — during peacetime — that today are denounced. Some on the right feared we were on a slippery slope to tyranny. Liberals often chortled about such right-wing paranoia.

Obama and Democrats love to paint Republicans as “in the pocket of big business” and having a passion for war profiteering. But when you look back historically, it was FDR that really got big business their boost into monopolies, particuarly during WWII. Remember Little Orphan Annie and Daddy Warbucks? Daddy Warbucks built his fortune on war. The two became the poster-childs of Democratic propaganda in that era.

What we have in this election is a battle between two Roosevelts. “Talk softly and carry a big stick,” Teddy with McCain and Obama who has been likened to FDR for very good reasons the media will not discuss. Obama is using the combines the seductive speaking skills and political dogma of FDR with the socialist doctrines of Marx and Lenin.

Like Social Security, Welfare, and Medicare/Medicaid, Obama’s new entitlement taxing and spending will be irreversable once initiated. Republicans do not have the luxury of sitting back and ignoring this election. This is the single, most important election in the last 60 years. If Republicans submit to apathy all is lost. And this is coming from not a fellow Republican, but one of many Independents who are crossing party lines to try to help save this country. If you won’t do it for your party beause you don’t care for McCain, then do it for your children. Some of whom might have been swayed by the seductive lies of the Obama socialist machine.

Oh, God. Thinking of Obama as FDR makes me think of Obama for the next 16 years…God forbid! I’d move to Antarctica for the rest of my life.

But if Obama were to get into the White House and the Pakistanis decided to come after us, I swear I’ll be pointing at the Democrats and laughing my ass off. “You elected this bozo, now go fight for your nation!”

Leah said: ““You elected this bozo, now go fight for your nation!”

If only they would. But fighting enemies isn’t what these people do best. They can scratch and claw their way in ACORN rallies to steal an election but when the REAL bullets start flying they scream like the spoiled children they are for the adults in the U.S. military to come and save them.

Then, after the U.S. military wins and peace is restored they claim the military is a bunch of baby killers.


You’re right. All they know is how to manipulate and how to talk. We need a president who’s all action and less talk. And Obama doesn’t quite fit the part.

Like the man in the focus group on fox said “I thought Obama spoke better, but I’m still voting McCain. I’m not here to vote for a better speaker. I’m here to vote for a president” as best i remember it anyway.