Sarah Palin On Biden’s Gaffe & The MSM Giving Him A Pass On That Gaffe

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Man o’ man, why can’t John be more like this girl eh?

Here she is telling the CNN interviewer that if she had said what Biden had said she would have been hung and quartered…..but Biden get’s a pass, and the interviewer agrees:

John Bolton then cut into Obama about one of those crisis points Sarah was talking about….Iran:

Meanwhile the AP is aghast that Sarah would bring her kids to functions…..too bad they couldn’t do this kind of digging on Obama huh?

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There will be a test no matter who becomes president. There always is… this is no surprise…

BTW as of today… real clear politics has Obama up 7.2…

Electoral map with NO toss up states… 364 to 174…


Hey Real American Hater, nobody will try to mess around with McCain. But with Obama, they will, because he has no experience. And forget the polls, they are all wrong. No way this great nation will elect a stupid arrogant socialist President that hangs around with terrorists, crooks and American haters like you. NO WAY!

Sorry Craig… I am NOT a hater… where did that come from??
and yes, they will mess around with McCain. We are always tested in some form when a new president is elected.

hangs around with terrorists?? give me a break.

oh btw is your name Craig McCarthy??? Is your crowd into McCarthyism now??

Seems like Michelle Bachman is:

I want to thank her for saying such stupid things on national TV….

Her opponent has raised over $800,000 since she shot off her big mouth last week!!

Where did that come from, Real American Hater? It comes from everyone of your comment. I guess your just to bumb to realize it. You know who Obama is really, and you still want to vote for him? You got to hate your country to want to see it’s downfall with that idiot stupid arrogant socialist Presidential candidate that hangs around with terrorists, crooks and American haters like yourself.

Why don’t you go on leftist blogs and try to cheer them up a bit. They need you, because Obama will lose this election.

AP is too funny. Where were all their comments when Chelsea Clinton accompanied her mother and father on trips that we the public paid for? The one I remember distinctly was Hillary’s trip to Africa. Chelsea along with a huge entourage accompanied Hillary to the tune of millions of dollars. And what did she accomplish? Nada. AP hopes the public has forgotten the actions and money spent by the democrats in the past but I’ve got news for them. Some of us don’t forget anything and will bring these things up time and again to refute their nonsense.

Leaders around the world see The One as soft, untested, and weak. Change we do not need and cannot afford at any price.

“No way this great nation will elect a stupid arrogant socialist President that hangs around with terrorists, crooks and American haters like you. NO WAY!”

@ Craig: Sadly Craig I am starting to wonder. I love this great nation, enough that i fought for it, and when i got back all i recieved was a fk you and socialism. When i started back at my College, i noticed on the way there and back everyone on the train seemed to be reading “The Daily Socialist”, I figured eh, that’s weird. Then i started seeing signs in my college for socialist clubs and meetings. That’s when I said to myself that this is the end. We need another great generation, cause sadly the current one is failing miserably.

McCains got my vote, but as for the majority of what I’m seeing… I am completely let down. No one wants to think for themselves anymore. They all suddenly want the government to think for them.

Don’t be pessimist Custer. The youth generation is failing miserably with teachers like Ayers, Obama and alike. I agree with you. But you have to realize that the States have more senior citizens than young ones. And they won’t let this country go down the drain. All the “Joe the plumber” in the U.S. will prevent that from happening. Keep the faith alive!

And when they are gone and we are the older ones…. The liberal machine has been brainwashing my gen. since elementary school. Only reason i was spared was because my father is exactly like bill o’rielly, i was taught to see bullshit for what it is/was. Keep in mind craig im from NYC its like another planet here.

Ive had teachers single me out due to my papers seeming more “Right” then they would like, and refuse to grade my work.. As well as lost a few friends over the fact. People seem to be way to caught up on this shit. Its actually quite depressing. But, as you say i will keep the faith, and the fight alive. I refuse to back down over stupidity.

“And when they are gone and we are the older ones” (Custer)

You will cross that bridge when you get there.
Meanwhile, McCain and Palin will clean the shit out of this country. Keep the faith alive!


my state is considered a dem strong hold, yet my county is very republican, and i am hearing even some strong dems question obama and his policies and behavior. our governor was in my town today campaigning, she is a dem and i have never liked her. her rally thing was very close to my place of work and you should have seen all of the obama stickers. the rally attendees were taking up all of the timed parking, and even some of the paid spots that our customers use. we were very tempted to call parking enforcement but were told by a city employee that nothing would be done because it was the governor. she is behind in the polls and is only hitting our small town to try and turn us ion her favor. she has the same attitude as obama, they are above the law and above civil behaviors. the elitest bullshit they spew makes me sick. how can they hate their country so much? btw…why are most democratic women office holders so ugly and have bad teeth? i know it sounds shallow, but really they are ugly and not just in spirit.


You calling me a hater is totally uncalled for and a lie… I love my country as much as anybody.
I am a veteran that flies the flag on the front of my house often.. not just on Holidays.
For you to have a litmus test saying anyone that votes for Obama is a hater (meaning hater of country) is outrageous. It smacks of McCarthyism. What you are saying is also similar to Hitler and his 12th Commandment.
What is useful to the Movement, and thus to Germany, your country, is right!

So for you it should be worded as follows:
What is useful to the Conservative Movement, and thus to the USA, your country, is right!

sorry I am not buying your BS…

btw the Opponent of Michelle Bachmann a democrat as of 10 tonight has now raised a Million Dollars since she shot off her mouth. Also the republican that ran against her in the primary
is now calling for republicans to put him on the ballot as a write in.
This makes her seat in a republican district a possible turn over to the democrats.

Real American Hater,

Do yourself a favour and go play in the mud puddle on leftist blogs. I’m done with you. You are not smart enough to realize that one must hate it’s country to give it to a stupid arrogant socialist/communist candidate who hangs around with terrorists, crooks and Americans haters.


Good question Craig, sometimes I think of that “you shoulda had a V-8” ad where they bop the person on the head. Seems like we need to do a lot of boppin to loosen up that brain block.

This is the story behind the Bachmann issue brought to you by Minnesota bloggers:

There were also a number of write ups in the blogs yesterday about the polling analysis being off by, what do you know, 7 points in Obama’s favor. Polsters are mixing likely voters, leaners and registered voters, over polling democrats and independants by larger margins than ever, and are over relying on youthful voters.

But, I will give them this, with all the bogus registrations and cross-over registering in the primary elections, it would be difficult to gauge this year anyway. Still, the polling is off, don’t rely on polls this year.

Two things —

Socialism is a code word for stoopid.

The global tests are only for the naive waif.

It seems that CNN pulled the video of one of their correspondents agreeing with Sarah Palin.

Real American Socialist, did Joseph Goebbels…err I mean David Axelrod order them to pull this? Considering how the Obamassiah campaign and his media sycophants have been acting to stamp out and punish free speech, you have some gall accusing conservatives of acting like Nazis. Also, you might want to consider taking your flag down before your fellow Obamatrons decide that that is “racist”. Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright would be glad to help you, so they can stomp on it.

Strange crowd you hang out with for someone who “loves their country”.

Man o’ man, why can’t John be more like this girl eh?

Because John does not have such expensive taste in clothing.

RAP: McCarthyism? Hitler? Dude, I don’t care how old you are, you need to live in the present.

Also, you need to pull your head out of Obama’s rear end and wipe the (bull)shit from your eyes. What policy of Obama’s are you supporting?

BTW, Michelle Bachman said that she takes back her words. It’s just like the MSM to flame a Republican over a tiny little phrase that she says and make her look like an animal. They did the same with McCain before, after all.

@CentFla: You mean Barbara Walters (and luva would agree when I say that there’s another ugly Democrat) and her claim that $150K has been spent on Palin’s outfit? Not only is the focus on that extremely sexist, but it’s also neglecting the nearly $200 million that Obama’s spent solely on negative ads in September alone.


History is being repeated live onstage in the conservative movement….
Apparently history is only important to conservatives when it supports their viewpoint…

Yes blame everything about Bachmann on the MSM.. typical right wing nut thing to do…

Real American Hater, you are completely out of order. Move along and go join your leftists American haters on their blogs.

@Real American Patriot:

How about that AP poll there Sky55110?

44 / 43

One point baby. Statistical tie.

Trending advantage? McCain.

How about the Gallup Daily?

Five points. Just slightly outside the MOE.

Trending advantage? McCain.

How about the GWU/Battleground poll?

Two points baby. Whaddaya know….another statistical tie.

Trending advantage? McCain.

What’s happenin’ in Ohio?

Funny you should ask.

McCain is now ahead.

Two points here. One point here.

Trending advantage? McCain.

How about Pennsylvania?

Remember when you were crowing about PA and I pointed out that Obie was vigorously campaigning there? You disputed that but a simple Google search made a fool of you once again.

How are things now? Well, let’s look.

Seems that “Fast Eddy” Rendell has some concerns about the state:

Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell has sent two separate memos to the Obama campaign in the past five days requesting that the Democratic Presidential candidate—as well as Hillary and Bill Clinton—return to campaign in Pennsylvania, Rendell told CNN’s Gloria Borger.

Rendell said the McCain campaign is clearly making a push to win Pennsylvania, given the recent visits by the Arizona senator, his wife and his running mate. As a result, he wants Obama to appear in western Pennsylvania, Harrisburg and one more “large rally” in Philadelphia. Democrats generally worry that the race is significantly closer than what recent polls have suggested. According to Rendell, there is also worry among Democrats the McCain campaign has successfully raised the enthusiasm level among Republicans in the state.

Considering the left leaning bias that is omnipresent in the polling numbers that’s gotta give you Libs a little “pucker factor” eh?



Doctors say that if you learn to laugh you will live longer.

Was it also sexist when McCain’s $600 Fergammo shoes were pointed out? How about John Edwards famous $400 hair cut?

Who would not think the hockey mom imagine clashes with the $75,000 Neiman Marcus shopping spree? Or the $50,000 Saks shopping?

If you are claiming that only the Liberal Media is carrying the story you should probably tell McCain to stop talking about it to Fox News. That confuses your position.

Aye, you are hilarious!!!

I like how you pick and chose your polls to make your point.

Real Clear Politics Poll AVERAGES is now showing Obama +7.

but if I were to cherry pick them as you have it would look like this:

Fox News… Obama +9

Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby… Obama +10

ABC News…. Obama +11

NBC News/Wall Street Journal… Obama +10

Pew Research…. Obama +14

My popcorn tastes real good tonight… I think I’ll have a beer with mine.

Real American HATER,

I think you will choke on your popcorn on election day. Make sure you have enough Cool aid beside you, so you don’t die while chocking on your popcorn.

You want to see the stupid leftists in action? Watch this:

CNN anchor distorts National Review quote in interview with Sarah Palin.


“I’m watching Sarah Palin address a campaign rally in Scranton, Pennsylvania, live on Fox News, and I can’t recall ever seeing a GOP rally like this. The crowd is genuinely pumped, which is rare enough. But what’s particularly amazing is watching and listening to Gov. Palin. I can’t recall ever seeing a politician who so clearly relishes campaigning. She’s animated and enthused.

She is simply infused with joy. And it flows off the stage, and it’s picked up quite powerfully by the TV cameras.

On his best occasions, Reagan had this same quality, but it was more muted, more of a twinkle from behind his carefully maintained stage presence. With Gov. Palin, it’s nearly continuous and much more obvious. And I think that’s a big part of why she inspires the same harsh counter-reactions from political opponents that Reagan did — the same desperate need to ridicule and belittle, to delegitimize. (You’ll see it in the comments to this post within minutes after it goes up, of course.) She has to be shouted down and scorned, because if people are allowed to listen to her, that damned joy might turn out to be … contagious!”

Does anyone else have a problem with the CNN video above not being downloaded? Mine is just a blank white screen. I see the MSNBC and Fox video, just not the CNN one. Thanks for any input!

Thanks Curt! I wasn’t sure what the name of the video was on You Tube, so I appreciate your assistance. That works like a charm.


I’m saying it’s sexist because they focus on her heels, her hairdo, or on her wardrobe. How many times did they make any remarks on McCain’s shoes or John Edwards’s haircut? Not as much as they focused on Palin, or even on Hillary. That’s what I call sexist.


I’m sorry, I’m missing something here. Are we living in the times of someone ordering the mass murder of a single race here in America? Are we accusing people left and right of being communists as if we’re on a witchhunt? And you’re not referring to our history or what’s going on in our nation currently, but you’re making attacks at Craig and calling him these things.

Typical right wing nut job thing to do to blame the MSM? Yeah, how careless of me. Esp. when that’s all they focus on and considering how unforgiving they are even when she tries to reclaim herself. And esp. when they’re all controlled by the Democratic party. Silly me!

…anyone else feel like we’re arguing with kids here?

Okay, I think someone finally went after Biden instead of letting him get a pass. She wasn’t mainstream media but she was local media. It annoyed the crap out of me how Biden was acting.