Senator Obama Obfuscating the Relationship Issue

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Last night, Senator Obama casually dismissed Bill Ayers as “a professor of education in Chicago.” and someone who “40 years ago” (when Barry was 8, he likes to remind us), committed terrorist acts.


Mr. Ayers is not involved in my campaign. He has never been involved in this campaign. And he will not advise me in the White House. So that’s Mr. Ayers.

Again, like his constant piping about what Ayers did when he was 8 years old, Senator Obama shifts the goalposts on what matters and why we’re concerned.

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That is a great word, obfuscating, which is so true. Notice how he emphasizes certain distinctions to try to cover his rear end? Like, “is not involved in my campaign”, with emphasis being on the word “is”, as in currently and officially. And, “He has never been involved in this campaign,” with emphasis being on “this presidential campaign” (forget that Ayers is who helped him launch “this” campaign). And, “And he will not advise me in the White House”. Who ever said anything about Ayers becoming an officially nominated advisor after, God forbid, Obama became POTUS? So, why mention it? Maybe it was a Freudian slip? Of course, anything could happen with regards to BHO.

Here’s a video I hadn’t seen yet discussing this very thing:

I love the obamabots parrot the 8 year old line.

he thinks ayers is awesome and we all know it. if he keeps throwing ayers under the bus ayers may get mad, he did say he didn’t do enough didn’t he?

“Well all these Republicans were on the board too”

Obama: Followership You Can Believe In.

You can’t pick your blood relatives but you can pick your friends and business associates. Being born to a radical anti-american white woman and an radical Islamic Arab must have resulted in some really bad blood in Hussein O. Not only is a greedy (multi-millionaire) POS who won’t help his own family but he will help himself to your money. His hate for the white race in his own words should make you scared of him in a position of power. The type friends and associates he has tells all a sane person would need to know. That leaves out the self proclaimed elitest democrats and proves what I’ve said for years, a piece of paper from any college doesn’t guarntee an education, knowledge, or intel of any type. Only in an elitest college like Harvard and Yale could a person spend 4-5 years and come out more stupid than they entered. This was proven by a test given at the beginning of college and at completion of the non-education years.

Presidential candidates square off on controversial grass roots organisation ACORN

He wasn’t eight years old when he launched his political career in the living room of Bill Ayers and Bernie Dohrn.

He was NOT eight years old when he co-chaired the Chicago Annenberg Challenge for five years with Ayers

He was not eight years old when he worked with Bernie Dohrn, wife of Bill Ayers, at Sidley & Austin

Who is barack trying to fool?

@Skye: The uninformed and lazy Democrats. Oh, and the black community. =D