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McCain is an idiot for saying he doesn’t care about Bill Ayers, a washed up terrorist. Some of us DO care!

That’s one of the many reasons why he’s going to lose.

Obama may lose this thing in spite of himself. Details here.

@thebronze: at least he pointed out that he is washed up, its more than he had done thus far. makes me happy he is washed up, i wish he was washed out.


Michelle Obama just got angry and gave the African Press International a piece of her mind, which turns out to be the “Whitey Tape” equivalent…

Thank you, API, for being one heck of a lot more honest than the vast majority of American media.

Oh, yeah, America. If you are dumb enough to put those vultures in the White House, youi can kiss America good bye!

She admitted Obama was adopted? And said, “So What, No law is going to stop my husband from being president.”? She blames Whites? Perfect. Just what Philip Berg needs. Thanks for the link yonason. That’s beautiful. LOL

Mike or somebody please add the video yonason provided to this thread. It’s a must hear. LOL

Loose lips sink ships. Barry’s going to be pissed when he gets home from the debates and hears what she did. First McCain whoops his butt in the debate and then this. A banner day.


Can you say October Surprise?

The reason people dont know who these people are is because the Media does not report accurate news. The biggest problem that we have in this counrty is the lack of honest reporting of the facts without judgement.

That is the reason people don’t know, according to the MSM they are not supposed to know!

@yonason: Unfortunately, I think that the API was Baba Booied

that video was amazing, mrs. obama has shown her true colors, it must really rankle her to be kissing white peoples asses to get her husband elected. she is the racist, she really is. i hope this gets alot of attention, it deserves to get attention. wonder what her hubbys reaction was when he found out she went off like that? i went off on my husbands boss and i was sure a divorce was coming, but actually my honey was on my side. wow, just wow.