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You are so clueless.

Hahaha! Isn’t it amazing how close to reality that is what 40 years later? 😉

Fit Fit the Nit Wit!

Fit Fit is projecting again. Not surprised.

fioit fit fits their name, he he he

Latest McCain ad on Obama and tax plan:

check ace of spades, they are now trying to run joe the plumber out of work. very nice of obama to try and destroy the life of a man who is exposing his real agenda.

@luva the scissors: Yes, I’ve been reading some info on the dirt digging. American Thinker has a few decent write-ups. What screws all of their dirt digging up is the fact that Obama went walking through Joe’s neighborhood and approached Joe. So, the guy is behind on his taxes and Obama wants to tax him more. Charlie Rangel evaded his taxes and he writes the tax laws!

There’s rumors he’s a relative of Keating. Well, if true, Karl Rove used the force to attract Obama to Joe.

The MSM will do anything to destroy him. He, like Palin, scare the hell out of them.

@Uddercha0s: this shit pisses me off. i just hate this, i am so sick of this. the seattle 24,000 voter thing, its ugly in washington. people are spewing such hateful things, hoping mccain has a stroke, making nasty words out of sarh palin and ann coulters names. and if you tell them they are acting like 5 year olds they turn on you and get so spit spewing nasty. holy hell this is making me sick to my stomache.

What is truly telling, the MSM has dug up and reported on Joe, more info in 24 hours than they have on Obama in 2 years.

yep they have, i love joe the plumber, leave the guy alone. hell i really hate the msm.

Good one Mike, I hadn’t seen that clip for years, how apprapro

@luva the scissors: What I’ve noticed is every single Democrat that I’ve come across just wants their instant gratification. “Gimme more now, screw the rest of the country.” While the Republicans are looking for what’s best for the nation overall; they’re even willing to put away their own comfort as long as it means that they’ll be safe and comfortable later on down the road. And Democrats get to attacking with the stupidest and most immature arguments that I’ve ever heard…it makes me wonder if it’s really safe to mix these people in with the rest of society.

The character assasination they are directing at Joe the Plumber is just a taste of what is in store for ALL of us if Obama is elected. Only it won’t just be the media doing this dirty work. Obama will be using the power of the state to destroy the reputation of anyone who dares to criticize him.

That story about the Secret Service visiting a home where the people were rude to the Obama phone caller is just a taste of what they will do.