Can anyone here say, “wealth redistribution”? I knew you could.
“My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s gonna be good for everybody. If you’ve got a plumbing business, you’re gonna be better off if you’re gonna be better off if you’ve got a whole bunch of customers who can afford to hire you, and right now everybody’s so pinched that business is bad for everybody and I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” -Senator Barack Obama
Barack Obama’s Stealth Socialism
Obama’s 95% Illusion
What is wrong with Obamanomics?
Why Obama’s Socialism Matters
Obamanomics is a Recipe for a Recession
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
More fraud. Houseful of out-of-state Obama activists registered as Ohio voters, received absentee ballots http://michellemalkin.com/2008/10/15/voter-fraud-alert-houseful-of-out-of-state-obama-activists-registered-as-ohio-voters-received-absentee-ballots/
Speak into this ACORN! Does anyone thats voting for Obambi even understand the implications of this statement? I think not! We are in for a tough tough ride! My personal contention is that Obambi will fraud his way as he has his whole life, and his voters will not care until it’s too late. I blame Bush for not fighting back to the attacks that were leveled against him for 7 years, by not fighting back it allowed all the smears to (many) take the aura of truth making CHANGE preferable. Obambi stands for nothing and yet everything.
Hopefully the American people, who are so angry about the government taking their money in this bailout, will make the mental connection that if they are tired of the government robbing them, Obama is not their guy. This is total “RobinHood” economics gone crazy and hopefully people will wake up to it before we all have to deal with the consequences.
While redistribution of wealth may be a goal of socialism, embracing the idea does not make one a socialist.
Just because giraffes are tall animals that does not mean all tall animals are giraffes.
@Nancy: Unforunately, I feel that most of the sheep listen to the message and think, “I can use relief and more money in my pocket”. Most don’t think through the effects of these “credits”.
When small businesses and self-employed see their profits shrink due to increased taxes, they are going to do one or more things; Pass the cost of the tax on to the consumer in the form of a price increase. If that is not possible then they will look to their largest cost, payroll. They will cut their employee costs by eliminating personel. They will also be less likely to expand their businesses.
The other thing that is going to happen, these people that risked their capital to become successful will be spending less of their capital. Luxury car dealerships, tighten your belts. Boat dealerships, hang on for a bumpy ride. Waiters and waitresses won’t be seeing as much of these people. I guess they can change employers to McDonalds. With all the credits given out, more people might be eating there. They are also going to find ways to invest their profits in tax free or reduced accounts. So, who is going to pick up the tax difference that this 5% group is expected to pick up?
Larger employers are just going to take their ball and go elsewhere, just look at the steel and auto industries. There are plenty of emerging markets that are much friendlier to them doing business. These industries had the added benefit of being squeezed from both sides, the government and the unions.
Interesting figures on businesses size here:
Not to be a conspiracy theorist or anything, but does anyone else notice that there seems to be a homeless person in the background of every picture? The couple walks by with a newspaper that seems to say ‘tax relief’. Looks like the real message is that they share their toys and free speech only with each other.
@Fit fit: I agree, why does there have to be an extreme? Anything too extreme is bad, can’t we find a happy medium? Or at least explore new ideas, obviously what we have been doing, hasn’t worked so far.
Oh look!
Erika’s back.
Same empty-headed no-fact nonsense.
Only this time she’s wearing a sock.
@Fit fit:
@voter(and Erika too):
Well the three of you decided to wade into this subject so I’ll ask you a question.
Since you both feel that “spreading the wealth” is such a great idea, tell me how much extra you have sent in to the IRS over the last, oh, eight years or so.
How much extra have you contributed?
You Libs love to whine, squawk, screech, and caterwaul about the tax cuts for the “rich” which, in truth, EVERY taxpayer received.
So, tell me.
Have you put your money where your mouth is?
Have you sent in even ONE extra dollar to help “spread the wealth”?
Didn’t think so.
Apparently, conservatives understand how to spread wealth, as well as what it takes to actually create more wealth. Welfare distribution only ensures that everyone becomes impoverished.
That’s a terrible analogy.
@Aye Chihuahua: I don’t understand the hostility, are you that scared of people expressing an opinion that you don’t share? I didn’t say I like the idea of socialism, I simply said, we should explore new ideas, now when has that ever hurt anybody? I think we should be able to express our ideas in a mature manner, without name calling. Or we (as a country)will never change, and history will just keep repeating itself over and over again. People are going to have thoughts that are not the same as yours, get used to it. That’s what makes the world go round.
@Wordsmith: I agree welfare is a crutch, so what should we do? How do we get out from under it? Clinton tried, what else is there to do.
Was I hostile?
Really? Show me where.
I think you simply found the questions uncomfortable because I didn’t sugar-coat my point.
Maybe in the “world of Erika” things are a little more fuzzy and soft around the edges.
Sorry, here in reality things aren’t like that.
The only names I called you were “voter” & “Erika”, both of which you assigned to yourself.
The problem with that is?
You’re right.
There are lots of ideas out there and lots of people to espouse them.
You have every right to be wrong and I have every right to call you on it.
You never answered my questions.
Vote Republican? 😉
Actually, Republicans have not been doing too well on this; perhaps I should say “vote conservative”?
He doesn’t hate you, he hates himself. The self loathing that conservatives often attribute to liberals is actually just a projection of their own deficiencies of self worth. Or maybe he’s just giving you a hard time for the heck of it…
@Fit fit:
You didn’t answer the questions either.
Artful dodge though.
The judge gives you a:
Obama is nothing but a hypocrite. If he really believe we need to spread the wealth around then why did he only start giving anything approaching a generous amount to charity when he started to run for President. Like his running mate Joe Biden, they BOTH have taken in millions and given only thousands at best.
And since charity starts at home, why does Obama not help his half brother who lives in a shack in Kenya and survives on less than $20 A YEAR?
P.S. As for Nit Wit’s remark: “Just because giraffes are tall animals that does not mean all tall animals are giraffes.”
Hey Nit Wit, just because you don’t have hooves and a tail doesn’t mean you’re not an ASS!
You owe me a keyboard Mike
Oh but ask Obama’s supporters… As soon as OBAMA learned that his donations to charity were abysmal he changed his ways. Why he gave Acorn over $800K for their charitable work in getting out the vote so that they could bury voter registration offices in millions of fake registrations to distract them from the thousands of illegal alien and multiple voter registrations doing same-day absentee votes. Why he and the Trinity cChurch even support other religious leaders who aren’t Christians like they are. Farrakhan for example. Why Obama is practically a saint to the ignorant masses. okay excuse me now while I go barf.
I see you’ve answered my question to you on another thread, Fit. You are just obviously blinded by the Armani suits and rock star stages….
But just out of curiosity… since you are so willingly blinded to the truth about Obama’s socialist political beliefs, do you support the US becoming a socialist nation?
INRE your attempt to paint Greenspan as a “redistribution of wealth” kind of guy. If you actually read the article you, yourself, linked, you would see that no where in that article did Greenspan advocate the government seizing wealth, and redistributing it, ala Obama/socialist style.
Greenspan felt that there was a dearth of proper education for the high paying jobs. (Note, he didn’t suggest the government pay for everyone’s education, like Obama does…)
However that article also goes on to point out that if education were “the cure”, then
DOH… so much for the brilliant Greenspan there. But then, frankly, I always thought he was over rated.
Another little ditty from what you linked to:
Strike two on his education argument as “the cure”. In fact, in the nation of opportunity, even those sans that college education can become one of the hated wealthy.
And again, no where did Greenspan advocate “free” education provided by the government.
No where did Greenspan advocate free health care. No where did Greenspan suggest that $250K is the magic income line between middle America and “wealthy”. No where did Greenspan advocate that 62% of those that do not pay income taxes should receive refund tax credits… thereby not only never paying in, but getting cash out from the nation’s taxpayer annually.
This difference between that tall giraffe (Obama), and the tall animal (Greenspan) is quite notable.
Voter/Erika… it’s good to hear you don’t like the idea of socialism.
Now, if you knew that Obama was a socialist, would that change your opinion of his policies that you so support now?
Socialism may not be the answer, but its obvious the trickle down effect has hit a drought. Maybe there are positives from all the “ism’s” (capitalism, liberalism,etc.) All I’m saying is why can’t we explore other ideas. What we are doing is obviously not working, look at our economy,speaking of which the biggest deficit in history, shouldn’t fall on the backs of the already struggling middle class. I doubt that a candidate so heavily entrenched in the good ‘ol boy network, has a new direction to lead us out of the darkness.
Study socialism historically. In a socialist society there is no Middle-class. Only the very rich elite class, the government, and the Lower-class. That’s exactly what happens with redistribution of wealth. The very rich elite will still have their loop-holes and writeoffs to avoid paying any taxes. Obama’s tax plan will do nothing to the oil companies. That position is an outright lie and he knows it. Granted all options may not have been considered, but McCain is saying he will not take any options off the table, not Obama.
I can only add to Rocky that, in a socialist society, that very elite rich are considerably smaller that the “elite” in our capitalism society. That leaves the government as the fat head bunny, and a small contingent of fat cats in favor with the government. If you’d like a modern working example of this, see Chavez’s Venezuela on some of my old posts here and here.
But… Erika… wow, girl. Break thru after our previous “education” battle.
And let me say that I believe we start from actually a common ground. The “status quo” sucks. I’d say both Obama and McCain supporters start from this premise.
But, as the world of politics doesn’t give us much in the way of choices, what this year is coming down to is drastic “change” to socialism under Obama… aided very conveniently by Bush with this dang bail out….
… or something not socialism, and not Bush but more centrist with McCain.
I’m more conservative. So my problems with McCain is he’s too liberal. But Obama’s so far Marxist/socialist in his beliefs, I know McCain is my only choice.
For you? You have two questions of yourself. Do you want to go full fledged socialist? Or somewhere in the middle? Simple as that.
Pssstt….You still haven’t answered the questions I posed to you in #9.
Then you went on to whine and cry about me being “hostile” and accused me of “name calling” in #12.
I asked you in #14 to back up your claims with some facts or proof.
Oddly enough, your facts and proof are still missing.
Imagine that.
Should I be expecting your apology to be forthcoming or will you attempt to show me the validity of your claims?
Don’t worry about it too much though, voter/Erika, Fit fit didn’t want to beclown himself by answering the questions either.
Tough questions require a spine of steel not linguine.
Socialism/Marxism is NOT what America is all about. No, we don’t need to try it to find out for sure.
Can you show me one example where socialism has worked successfully?
Capitalism works just fine if the gov’t will just keep its’ fingers out of it. The FannieMae / FreddieMac situation is the perfect example of what happens when the gov’t involves itself in the private market.
Another prime example of gov’t interference in the free market is the ban on off shore drilling and drilling in ANWR.
We don’t need to ditch the system.
We need to get the gov’t out of it so that it can work.
You are very antagonistic. It’s all you can do to fill your time. You think that you are getting your point across by being as aggressive as you can and the fact is as soon as you post, nobody really pays attn. You like to say that facts are missing, and fail to mention any yourself, all you can state are untruths and propaganda, and as for the off shore drilling, I think Pres. oh I mean Sen. Obama handled that question last night, utilize 68 million acres they have now, or lose it. I answered your question very clearly when I explained that I wasn’t a socialist. Although, you have to agree what has been happening, clearly has not worked. I believe we can (as a country), be more open minded and utilize the programs that work, not all socialist programs are bad, and not all aspects of capitalism work. Obama may have a more socialist view. I think that we need to have some of those more socialist programs implemented. That being said, Obama is not going to turn our country into a socialist country. I believe he will take the best out of all “ways” and move our country forward. Until we as a country can stop being so extreme left or right like you, and finding more common ground, like people like me, we are going to continue to run our great country into the ground. I know you won’t agree with me, but I don’t care. I came on this site to speak my mind and listen to other people, and debate. When you are in attack mode, you are not going to change any minds, or even have your thoughts heard, goes in one ear and out the other. You act like a high school bully. So don’t post to me anymore, when I see your name, I am not going to read it. No, its not because I can’t handle the “truth” ( I can only imagine what you are thinking in your closed little mind) I just don’t wish to subject myself to the abuse. Your trying to hand out homework assignments like you are some kind of professor, when in actuality, this is a friendly debate, a forum for people to express their views.
McCains own past supporters, are slowly moving away and not supporting his policies, and going across the aisle to Obama’s policies, which are more solid.
I’m going to come out “in defense” of Erika, and say that she has been pretty reasonable in how she’s been expressing herself here. “Reasonable” in terms of not pretending like she has all the answers and is only here to argue; she seems like she is willing to also listen and learn. But when we go into unrelenting attack mode, it can only alienate, and force a person to push back, or withdraw completely.
I think Erika’s one of those who, if you speak to her respectfully, is open to listening to ideas she might not instinctively agree with.
@Wordsmith: Thank you wordsmith, I appreciate that. You are a very intelligent man, and although I don’t agree with some of your views, I definitely respect them.
@MataHarley: You are absolutely right, the current politics don’t give us much to choose from, but I truly believe that Obama is the best of the two “evils”. I think he is much more open minded than McCain, and will utilize EVERYONE around him. He could have went the easy route and picked Hillary to be his running mate, he would have had it all but in the bag. But, he picked someone he thought would better suit the country, who has experience where he might lack, someone who doesn’t agree with him all the time. Someone that will challenge him. That says to me he has our country’s best interest in mind, at least more than McCain. You have to admit McCain picking Palin, was a ploy to get Hillarys supporters votes, and not on Palins merits. It just looks to me that the McCain campaign is run with smoke screens, and that is how he would run the white house. The same old fear tactics, the same old BUSH tactics to further his agenda.
By golly, I thought you were the one who was complaining about “name calling” and commenting in a “mature” fashion just a few posts up.
Now you’re calling me names?
Well, that’s another interesting “world of Erika” theory but the facts, once again, don’t support your conclusion.
Here’s how debating works.
1) You present your points.
2) You present your facts.
3) I present my response.
4) I present my offsetting facts.
You see what is missing in that sequence there?
Hint: It’s number 2.
You present your views sans facts and I challenge you to fill in the missing information.
That’s how this works.
When I present my points they will be supported by facts, always.
So, I’m a liar now?
Is that what you are saying?
Show me what I presented that was an “untruth”.
Show me the “propoganda”.
If I did what you say then it should be easy for you to prove it.
Just scroll up, copy, and paste.
Talk to me about those 68 million acres Erika.
Do you know why that acreage is not being drilled?
I do.
The oil companies are not drilling in that acreage because of two reasons. One, there is not enough oil there to make it cost effective and two, there some areas within that acreage that have NO oil at all.
The current situation is a prime example of what happens when the gov’t get involved in the free market.
Just think, if the gov’t had not FORCED the banks to loan money to people who DID NOT QUALIFY then those mortgages would not have gone bad and you and I would not be paying for it.
Frist you say this:
Then you follow it up with this:
You’re arguing both sides and it makes no sense.
You cannot believe everything that you said there.
Socialism DOES NOT work. At least not for the long term.
Again, provide an example to prove me wrong.
Capitalism ALWAYS works as long as the free market is left alone and allowed to function freely. When you inject the gov’t into it, you get FannieMae/FreddieMac.
How do you know what he is going to do?
We have nothing but his record to judge him and that record indicates his intention to do precisely that.
So, what you’re telling me is that in order to keep from running the “country into the ground” we need to elect the most liberal Senator with the least experience of any candidate to EVER be nominated for the Presidency.
We should elect BO because he is going to govern from the middle?
This man with ties to Marxism and the Socialist Party is going to govern from the middle?
Again with the opposing arguments.
Again with the name calling.
Imagine that.
Most likely, it’s because you don’t have a firm command of the truth and the facts.
Not once have I subjected you to “abuse”.
Not once.
Erika, I ask questions.
Lots of questions.
Questions that I already know the answers to.
If you are indeed interested in learning and expanding your intellect then you should research and post something other than your pre-programmed talking points.
Of course if your point of view was firmly seated in a knowledge and grasp of the facts then you would have no problem answering.
Who are they, what are they moving away from, and what policies of Obama do they find to be more attractive?
(You’ll notice that you made a statement, but presented no facts. You’ll also notice that I’m simply asking your for the facts.)
By the way Erika, the questions I posed to you in #9 remain unanswered.
Word, I used the reasoned, even-handed approach with Erika when she first arrived.
She turned out to be not interested in informed civil debate.
She resorted instead to spewing forth talking points and lefty nonsense and then name calling and insult toward anyone who would deign to challenge her assertions or ask her to back up her points with actual facts.
Okay, voter/Erika. Sorta veered off to the left from the original question. So I’m going to rephrase that one, then go to the rest of your thoughts.
If Obama… presenting the exact same policies today… was running on the DSA/New Party ticket (that’s Democratic Socialists of America), would you still vote for him?
And, let’s add one more question. After the massive growth of welfare safety nets our federal government has instilled since the New Deal over decades, do you believe we can have only “a little bit” of socialism in government?
Now… some of your other comments.
Actually, he picked a guy that doesn’t contest him one iota. ‘ol Joe’s a real pushover. He had virtually no support for his own campaign… coming in 5th in the IA primary and immediately dropped out. His most notable foreign policy experience is his suggestion they recarve Iraq into three countries… something that truly rankled the Iraqis. They are no fan of slow Joe.
Joe battle against Obama? Right… I was bowled over by his commanding presence in the primary debates. Really, Erika. Where did you get the notion that Joe is capable of convincing Obama to do anything except perhaps change the color of his tie that day?
In contrast, Hillary would have been a formidable and dynamic force in his admin, perhaps stronger than Obama himself. He did not want such a conflict, nor to share spotlight and power. Neither did Pelosi.
Thus, BHO picked Joe because it was in the best interests of Obama, not the country, and most certainly not in uniting the DNC party. Rather obnoxious since Obama did not win the primaries via delegates. He only won when superdelegates voted at the convention. And you’ll notice they made sure they did not have a full roll call vote. Then it would have been blatantly obvious that his win (if it ended up still in his favor) was by the slimmest of margins at best.
Why do you think that Hillary voters feel robbed? How can Hillary win Texas, and Obama walk away with more delegates from that state? Their weird rules. They have been disenfranchised. And I don’t blame them one bit.
Perhaps you feel you must “admit” that. However I happen to know a great deal about Palin and her political record. So please do not impose your mistaken analysis upon me.
Picking Palin would never get the Hillary voters. To the PUMAs, there is no substitute for Hillary. It was never about gender. If you’d think for just one moment, you’d realize that they could have run a parrot instead of a pit bull with McCain, and he was still going to get many Hillary voters. They prefer McCain wins so that Hillary can run in 2012. The DNC never reruns losers. If Obama wins, she can’t run until 2016. Think, girl, think.
McCain’s “easy” way (to use your method of thought) would be to have picked Romney. Some still regret that he didn’t. I personally feel Palin is the ultimate match. Unlike your suggestion that Biden will somehow challenge Obama (which he won’t), Palin not only will challenge McCain, she’ll be working on him to alter some of his policies where they differ… ANWR most noticably.
Palin also has a history of cleaning house, regardless of party. Together, they truly accentuate the “maverick” philosophy that party isn’t important… what is best for the country is. This is the very foundation of McCain…. the man who never wins “Miss Congeniality” in the GOP.
Smoke screens? Fear tactics??? LOL I suppose the economic “fear” that Obama espouses of doom and gloom daily don’t qualify, right? I guess the class warfare Obama perpetuates isn’t divisive.
And if you want to talk smoke screens, McCain’s past is an open book. Obama? His IL Senate personal records… destroyed and unavailable. They held up the CAC records. There is still the issue of his birth certificate, medical records. He was editor of the Harvard Law Review, and never wrote one article. With no writing experience, he gets big $ book deals. However he gets writers block… only after a second advance with another publisher does he magically pull out a “well written book”, with a writing style that has a serious DNA stylistic match with a ghost writer named William Ayers.
Obama’s not been up front about his relationships with Rev Wright, Rezko, Khalid Rashad, Emil Jones, William Ayers, ACORN, his legal defense for those suing banks for redlining, and sundry other unsavory characters/events. Instead, whenever they scandals surface, he tosses them aside and pleads “not the man I knew” , or “distraction” BS.
And you say McCain is dealing in smoke screens?
Obama’s tried to paint McCain as Bush thru the entire general campaign. But historically that don’t fly. Fact is, Obama’s voted with Bush almost as much as McCain. That’s because most of the legislation that’s ever made it to the floor was not the largely contested issues. Instead, most were things like resolutions to honor someone (football teams to holocaust heroines), or record a Congressional opinion (Darfur).
Campaign soundbytes are generally made up of half-truths. That’s because the attention span and current history knowledge of the voters isn’t much to speak of. So they drive home that “Obama will cut taxes for 95% of Americans” (which is interesting since only 62% of Americans even pay income taxes), or that McCain will stay in Iraq 100 years.
As a voter and responsible citizen, it is your duty to learn more… to get to the truths behind the ad campaigns.
And in this election, it is particularly important. As this one is a fork in the roads between capitalism and socialism. And that’s something you haven’t really run thru your mind yet. For you are either one who wants to go socialist, or not.
Obama has been revealed as a socialist in his political and personal alliances, his former political party membership, his past business dealaings, his educational policies, and his health and taxation policies. The only thing missing is the DSA behind his name on the ticket.
Now you either like this, or you don’t. But it’s time to have a good heart to heart with yourself, and find out just how much of a socialist in your political beliefs you are. Because this entire election needs to revolve around how you feel about that “change” for our country.
They’re digging for votes however they can get them. I suspect these states are much closer than we think.
Seattle is issuing 24,000 ballots to felons which can’t vote and some already have:
ACORN has turned illegal registrations into illegal votes in New Mexico primary and it can be proved.
Read the rest here:
(h/t Ace) http://minx.cc/?post=275845
This election is going to make 2000 look like a party. Have your popcorn ready.
Just remember what Fit fit has told us all.
There may be fraud but it won’t be enough to matter.
Uh huh….
@Aye Chihuahua: One fradulent vote for either candidate is enough to matter. It may not have an effect on the election but it undermines the election process.
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”
We couldn’t possibly agree more.
I distinctly remember all the screaming, screeching, squawking, and belly-aching about FL during the 2000 election and OH during 2004.
Remember “Hanging Chads” and “Pregnant Chads” and “Butterfly Ballots” and “Selected not Elected” and “Diebold” et al?
All of those claims were proven false in the end.
Yet, the same party who lit their hair on fire about what DIDN’T happen is very lackadaisical about what is REALLY happening.
These are the same folks who truly disenfranchised their voters through a convoluted delegate allocation process as well as an outright failure to count all the votes in FL and MI during the primaries.
The Supreme Court overturned the Ohio ballot ruling.
I think this is the key and we’ll see another lawsuit
Truly amazing.
I agree; it wouldn’t be that hard for a “non-private entity” to file the same suit instead, However, it is a perfect demonstration as to how liberal our Supreme Court Justices are and why we have to vote for someone who is not going to appoint people to the bench who will not use their position to legislate.. Does this mean Acorn will get a pass and that ALL fraudulent ballots will now be honored? unlikely. This isn’t over yet folks.
@MataHarley: great post. I am surprised that no one commented back on it. You know your stuff.
As far as I am concerned, I think everyone knows ‘that person’ who will cry, moan, complain, /argue/ anything, yell, and straight up lie to get their way or to be heard. At some point you can only stop responding to them because it ends up going no where. They take that action as a victory, and continue in ignorant bliss thinking that they are the greatest thing since obamas waffle. I think we can also call them democrats.
Given that I constantly see bumper stickers that say, “He’s not my president”, says to me that there are people that really believe in only being a patriot, if it means they get their way. They are probably the same people that remove signs from peoples yards. I can’t wait until this brilliant bunch takes over the wheel. G.E.D’s may get you into burger king, but that doesn’t mean you should be flying planes. Oh but I can hear it now, “but my community college teacher said that communism is the way to go; I have been enlightened to the real ways of this world since high school. Che all the way!”. shhhheeezzzeee…