The ACORN Doesn’t Fall Far from the Tree, Does It?

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Irony of ironies, huh?

The page is from the children’s indoctrination book, Why Mommy is a Democrat. They have a new one that is so unimaginative, it looks like it was written by a 5 year old.

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Very good Wordsmith…. And what do SQUIRRELS gather this time of year? ACORNS!

Wordsmith, you are right. And Obama agrees – indeed, the ACORN doesn’t fall far from the tree.

And the Obamanation doesn’t fall far from the ACORN.

What a miserable little book that is. It probably got funded by the Chicago Annenberg Challenge or the TIDES Foundation.

Dems play by the rules, that has got to be the laugher of the month.

I guess if mommy sells herself at night to any stranger on the street, the dems would certainly be playing by that rule book. And Mike, if squirrels are gathering acorns now, you better hold onto your nuts.

They do play by the rules.

There’s one set for them, and another for the peasants they plan to rule over.

“They have a new one that is so unimaginative, it looks like it was written by a 5 year old.”

Come on, the 5 year olds I know are way more imaginative than that!

As Goucho Marx (not Karl) said: “A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.”

More Groucho:

The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.
– Groucho Marx

There is one way to find out if a man is honest; ask him! If he says yes you know he’s crooked.
– Groucho Marx

There are certainly a few ways to look at this.

It is sickening to behold that both parties are using propaganda on our children. If you follow the links given, Republicans are playing at this too, The “Mommy There Are Liberals Under My Bed.” book is certainly as distasteful and just as morally wrong. LEAVE THE CHILDREN OUT OF IT. Let them grow, thrive, and be children. What’s next a, “Daddy, a (Democrat/Republican) Killed Santa!” as a stocking stuffer or “Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney Shot The Easter Bunny?” in their basket? They actually did a Youtube video like that with Cheney and I hope Dems didn’t show it to their kids. Granted, the Dems started this by encouraging teachers to bring socialism into the classroom, abused politically correctness by using it as censorship, did a Grinch and banned the words Christmas and Easter from our school systems, then allowed that it’s perfectly okay to teach and celebrate Kwanza, a made-up Black exclusionary/seperatist concept which was created by Maulana Karenga in the mid-1960’s (See: and Cinco de Mayo so the Hispanic children don’t get offended.

But folks, this is not the way to do this. Yes it’s brainwashing and when performed on a child without parental consent, not only reprehensible, but immoral. Ayers and his evil ilk were able to do this because parents were not getting involved with the schools. If parents would sit in classes, see and hear what was being taught, offering alternate viewpoints or complaining if teachers refused to allow them, attend PTA meetings, protesting the school boards; THAT was the way to stop the ultra-left idealologies from corrupting innocent children. Don’t be hesitant to be outraged. It is AS evil, as Ayers telling children they should follow him in committing acts of terror then go home and kill their parents. He and Obama don’t want to educate your children. They don’t give a shit about them. Their only goal is to indoctrinate “good little socialists”.

Look at the actual results. The Chicago Annenberg Challange did nothing to help “No Child Left Behind”. All that money did not improve test scores in any of the schools they got their hands on. That wasn’t part of their plan. We have kids coming out of schools everyday saying, “green this, and green that,” and they don’t have a clue what they are talking about and are loosing touch with reality because nobody is willing to take the time to counter far left environmentalism it with truth. Once the homework is done, kids get sent to go play video games to keep them out of Mommy & Daddy’s hair. If you can’t make it into the classrooms because of work you don’t have to. But at least read through their homework, hand outs, and text books so you can get some idea what’s going on. As an uncle to my sibling’s children I frequently get the opportunity to help them with their homework and when I spot the propaganda, we take a time-out while I explain the alternate view points so they can make an educated decision for themselves.