A storm is approaching. It will arrive on November 4th, and last for years. Just as there are unknowns with any weather forecast, there are varying degrees of certainty for the 4th. No one is writing off Sen. John McCain’s chances, but even if he were to win…the storm will still be here. Half of the American people are going to be very upset before midnight on 4Nov.
At the moment, almost all of the current trend lines point to an Obama Presidency. He is ahead in national polls, in state polls, in electoral vote count, and his lead is expanding. At this moment, it looks like Senator Obama will win the election, but…there are problems.
In the past, Democrats have complained about electonic voting machines, and they’ve cried foul when they lost. Legitimate or not in the 2008 election there is already very clear evidence of election fraud. The growing number of investigations into ACORN and other voter registration illegalities make it very unlikely that an expected close election in many of the swing states can go without challenge or automatic recount.
It is very possible that Senator McCain’s supporters might surge toward the polls at the last minute and change the direction of his future. If they succeed, Democrats will be furious. If McCain supporters do not, however, it is very possible that both Senators McCain and Obama might tie with 269 electoral votes each. Unfortunately for Senator McCain, if that happens then the decision on who will be the next President and Vice President is taken from the hands of the American voter and tossed to the Democratic Party controlled Congress.
While that’s a real possibility, what is an even more likely scenario is that one or several states might not have their electoral votes validated because of the spreading voter fraud. In Florida (the state that decided the 2000 election by less than 1000 votes) as many as 40,000 felons have illegally registered to vote. In the battleground/toss-up state of Ohio (where same day absentee voting has already occurred) hundreds if not thousands have been illegally registered, and an unknown number have voted. In fact, an Ohio judge has already determined that the state’s Secretary of State-who is responsible for ensuring that voting is compliant with Ohio laws- was not only not doing her job, but was taking actions preventing other election officials from complying with Ohio election laws. ACORN and other election fraud investigations are taking place in almost a dozen more states. If the votes in a handful of these states are too close to call on election night, and recounts ensue, it is very possible that several states might not have their electoral college votes validated as a result of the fraud. Neither candidate might have the required 270 electoral votes to become President. Again, the choice of President/Vice President would be taken from the American people and tossed to the Democratic Party controlled Congress.
Herein lies the really amazing part. In the House of Representatives, Democrats control a majority and would almost certainly choose Senator Obama as the next President. However, the Senate determines who will be the next vice President. Senator Joe Lieberman is a close friend of Senator McCain’s, and if he voted in support of the McCain/Palin ticket, then the vote in the Senate would be a tie…with Vice President Cheney Constitutionally mandated as the tie breaking vote. No doubt he would vote for the Republican candidate, Governor Sarah Palin, and the result would be…
…an Obama/Palin Administration
Additionally, if the election is too close to call on the night of November 4th, and if claims of voter fraud make the outcome of elections and electoral count questionable, then Vice President Cheney very well might not validate the electoral college votes from some states. It is his job to do so in the Senate, and if he chooses not to he can (for example) refuse to validate the electoral votes from Ohio due to rampant election fraud and the state’s already determined non-compliance with its own election laws (the Constitution only requires that states follow their own election laws, and if they do not, then the state’s electoral votes are not Constitutionally valid). Again, Senator Obama would be President (either by electoral vote or by House of Representatives appointment), but the Senate would choose the Vice President, and that would most likely be Governor Sarah Palin.
What’s the net effect?
First and formost, confusion. The American people would be confused as many think the United States is a Democracy and do not understand that it is a Republic.
Secondly, anger. Those states where electoral votes might not be validated because of election fraud would have literally tens of millions of Americans feeling as if they were not part of the electoral process; as if their right to vote had been taken from them, and it if it happens that is exactly what those who have committed election fraud will have done. Of course, anger is a tough thing to manage, and an easy thing to manipulate so most of it will likely be directed at people who did not commit the election fraud and instead at those people who follow the Constitution’s mandates (like Vice President Cheney, but…he clearly doesn’t care about approval ratings or popularity).
Lastly, unity. Senator Obama is very charismatic and has strong appeal to Democrats. Governor Palin is very charismatic and has strong appeal to Republicans. Both the McCain/Palin and the Obama/Biden tickets have the same positions on gay marriage, same sex couple rights, foreign policy, and only really differ on the economy and medical reform. With this combination, it is very possible that the executive branch could see approval ratings soar.
…and so it approaches, the great storm, but only after the strongest of storms can we see the brightest of rainbows, have the largest harvests, and the most beautiful of flowers. Until then, prepare yourselves for there are certainly dark clouds and strong winds approaching on the horizon.
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Amazon.com: Books
My understanding is that the selection would be made by the incoming Congress, not the current one. It looks like the Dems should pick up at minimum four Senate seats.
I thought so too, but in the past when it’s gone to the Congress, it was to the Congress at the time-not the incoming, but in fairness, I haven’t checked all the occasions that it’s happened yet.
i think if this happens it will be insanity. palin would be obama’s shadow and she would try and make sure that he wasn’t pulling any tricky shit. i think the bradley effect will play into this, i really do, how much though i don’t know. i know several people who say they will vote obama, but then in the next sentence they don’t want a “black” president. we will see, this could be a hell of an election night.
I checked again, and it does look like it’s the current Congress that picks the Pres/VP (that has been the case in the past; ie, precedent vs no precedent).
With so many close, toss-up states
With so many cries of DIEBOLD!
With so many cries of ACORN!
With so many automatic recount laws
With the polling trends going one way
With Dick Cheney not caring one iota about popularity
…I gotta say, it looks like no winner on 4Nov unless McCain concedes, and I can’t see Maverick quitting. I mean, if he didn’t give up to the NVA when they tortured him, I think he’ll stand tall and wait for recounts, validations, courts, etc.
Oh how absolutely GLORIOUS(!!!!!) it would be to have (of all people) Vice President Cheney choose Governor Palin to be President.
OMG, the left would go purely insane!
…but it would also be the greatest of compromises and alliances as well. Perhaps we can see another “corrupt bargain” in the making.
Listen to these Harlem voters, pulling for Obama/Palin:
They’d vote for a Obama/John Wayne Gacy ticket.
Hank Williams, Jr. pulling for McCain/Palin
The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states (and DC).
Every vote would be politically relevant and equal in presidential elections.
The bill would take effect only when enacted, in identical form, by states possessing a majority of the electoral votes-that is, enough electoral votes to elect a President (270 of 538). When the bill comes into effect, all the electoral votes from those states would be awarded to the presidential candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states (and DC).
So there would never be a tie in the electoral vote, because the compact always represents a bloc consisting of a majority of the electoral votes. Thus, an election for President would never be thrown into the House of Representatives (with each state casting one vote) and an election for Vice President would never be thrown into the Senate (with each Senator casting one vote).
The National Popular Vote bill has passed 21 state legislative chambers, including one house in Arkansas, Colorado, Maine, North Carolina, and Washington, and both houses in California, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont. The bill has been enacted by Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, and Maryland. These four states possess 50 electoral votes – 19% of the 270 necessary to bring the law into effect.
See http://www.NationalPopularVote.com
Susan, interesting way to turn Republic into a Democracy. I see that none of the 19% you mention are tossup states or states w high voter fraud issues right now. That kinda makes your entire post irrelevent to the piece. No?
There no state where it’s close enough for the alleged registration fraud to make a difference even if it were possible. Maybe NC but I don’t think that would be the one to put Obama over 270.
OT- I like the idea of states like Maine and Nebraska that split their Electoral College vote by district. It’s pretty outrageous that a state like CA is 55 automatic Democratic votes even though there are millions of Republicans there.
OHIO-Where voting has already begun
FLORIDA-Where 40-60,000 convicted felons are registered to vote
and so on…
Ok maybe Ohio. Florida’s not going to be that close and most felons are allowed to vote there.
They weren’t allowed to register there either, and yet…..tens of thousands did.
ACORN+DIEBOLD=an election that will be highly contested by the Right and Left