@Erika: I think that before you come on this site and accuse ANY of the members of being racists and not choosing Obama because he’s black, you should better check the facts yourself. None of us on this site have EVER disagreed with Obama because of his race. We disagree with him on policy issues, his horrid judgements of the past, his never-ending flip-flops, and his connections that he’s CONSTANTLY trying to downplay 24/7. I don’t know what you take us for, but none of us here at FA are stupid enough to not vote for someone because of his race. We’re informed, conservative voters from varying ages and backgrounds who look deeply at the facts and not some petty factor like race to come to the right decision. So for you to come in to this post accusing us of being racists for not voting for Obama is downright shameful.
I would really like to know why you’re voting for Obama, though. Feel free to share with us, please.
If not, then do us all a favor and stay out of our boards until you take a real, hard look at the candidate that you’re (foolishly) choosing and until you form a firm, educated candidate decision. If you find Obama to be the right guy for our country after your research, then so be it. But if you’re going to bring race into this, then just go back into your own, purple-skied world.
And honestly, I have never heard a mother, an adult, use the term of “I’m going back into the world of Erika.” I’m not exactly convinced you are who you say you are.
16 years ago
Erika has not a clue of what she is talking about. Forget her, she is a lost case. She’s part of the dummies that will vote for ObamArafat even if he would rape one of their kid. That’s how blind they are. I can’t stand those bimbos.
It’s not propaganda, when McCain has voted with Bush 90 percent of the time.
So has Obama. Most bills that have come up for vote have been not the contested issues… anything from resolutions that honor some football team or person, to whatever.
It’s a cute trick in the number game, but doesn’t wash in reality.
You might want to find out how many times Obama has voted to cross the aisle and try to unite parties on a contested issue. Won’t take you long… I’ll help you out… zero.
Don’t be fooled by sound bytes. And both parties use them. The two have something in common…. they are both politicians, they are both running for office, and they try to abbreviate facts in a shortened version that leaves the impression one is better than the other.
Genuinely one *is* better than the other. But you won’t find it in these trick sound bytes.
Hopefully you’re not a parent of a school age child. If you are, you may want to read up on Obama’s educational beliefs… which happen to mirror that “chicago intelligentsia”, William Ayers. Now, if Rosa Luxemburg and Saul Alinsky represent your personal beliefs of what you want for this nation, and how you want your children or grandchildren taught… you are in the right campaign camp.
If, however, you are not. You may want to do a bit of snooping as to the things Obama denounces as “distractions”.
BTW…. Mike’sA is absolutely no racist. Sometimes, to interject yourself into a community of regulars, you might want to do some background reading of other posts by that author before “reading between the lines”. Jus’ a suggestion…
16 years ago
@MataHarley: Oh, William Ayers, William Ayers, I am so sick of hearing his name. Why is obama being singled out, when Republicans and Democrats BOTH sit on a board with him, and work with him. Obama isn’t any closer to him than any one else. That must be one of those trick sound bytes, you were talking about.
Let’s talk education. I live in Ohio, so I am going to talk about Ohio. Tell me, why is it Ohio has the BEST schools in the nation, and in districts 20 minutes away, they have the WORST schools in the nation? (Just so happens-best in the predominately white areas, and worst in the urban areas.) It’s a fact that in 2006 the average teacher salary was $74,000 in the “good” districts, and $28,000 in the “bad” districts. If you were a teacher, where would you fill out applications? I understand that a parents role is crucial in a childs education, I am fortunate that my husband can support our family so I can be home to give my children that extra help and attention. (my children get straight A’s) But in the city, you have households that are relying on the school to give their kids an adequate education, since most, are households with two parents that have to work, sometimes 2 jobs to keep them afloat. Let alone the households with a single parent, trying to do the job of both parents, and keep the lights on. And why is it, when they do a budget cut, they cut from the inner city schools first (who already don’t get the funding the “GOOD” school districts get)? When you cut out after school activities, that kept kids busy and out of trouble, what do you expect them to do with their time, when they don’t have the supervision, because, remember the parents most likely are at work ALL the time.
Busing, they started cutting out busing in those districts, so now those parents who are working so much, have to transport to, sometimes 2 and 3 different schools. I live in the “good” district and my children live across the street from the school, and a bus comes to pick them up! That’s ludicrous, and by the way my children walk to school.
I listen, and I listen, I don’t hear McCain say anything about what he’s going to do for education.
I do hear some flip flop though. The debate a couple of nights ago, he said in one answer, he wanted to buy up all the bad mortgage, renegotiate those mortgages to the value of the house, so home owners can stay in their homes. That is the first and only thing I have heard him say that I agree with and I like it. But 2 minutes later he said he wanted to implement a spending freeze. Where does he think the money is going to come from to buy up all the bad mortgage? Sounds to me, he’s saying what sounds good in the moment. Not what he intends to do. He said two weeks before the bail out that our economy was strong, (he must have been talking about his economics.) That alone, proves to me, he’s out of touch, the man is 72 years old, there’s no way he can be in touch with the issues of the younger generation. I understand that Obama might be a little green, but I think that could be a plus, he has not been jaded by the politics.
Obama has been consistent about the tax cuts he wants to implement, he lays it out for you and does not falter. At least in his tax cut, 90% of the people will receive that extra money, and in turn filter it into our economy. And not just look out for big business and CEOs. He lays out his health plan, which by the way resembles those of Germany and Canada, and have worked out pretty well there. McCain wants to give a $5000.00 refundable tax credit, but then tax us on that, as earned income. Does anybody really know how much is costs for good health care? For a family, much more than you would end up with, by the end of the day after you are taxed on the “refundable tax credit”. That’s his way of back dooring us. Then he wants to open more free clinics. I’m guessing, probably majority of the people responding to this site, have never been to a free clinic, and felt how degrating it is. The fact remains McCain is part of the old Political machine. Obama has fresh ideas, and the years left to see them through. This is the last post I am leaving I can see that the majority of the people who post here are not open for new ideas. So pick apart everything I have said, all you want. Let me finish with this. The heading for this post was, What does Osama Bin Laden and Obama have in common? When people say in their little polite circles, they can’t vote for Obama, because of his Arab or Muslim ties-which is totally untrue he is neither Arab or Muslim. That’s a smoke screen for the people that can’t vote for the best candidate on this ticket, because of his color. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig. Rasism is Racism. Speaking of pigs, if something did happen to your 72 year old candidate, would you really want Palin to run our country?
The heading for this post was, What does Osama Bin Laden and Obama have in common?
I think it’s Mike’s way of intentionally pushing buttons. I wouldn’t take this post THAT seriously, to heart.
When people say in their little polite circles, they can’t vote for Obama, because of his Arab or Muslim ties-which is totally untrue he is neither Arab or Muslim.
I think it’s deplorable when I come across people on right-wing blogs who make those statements. It gives validity to the liberal charge of racism, bigotry, prejudice, and I think hurts our side, politically with those in the center mainstream.
What some of the pitbulls here jumped all over, as far as I can see, is the sense that you were branding them as “racist”, without really knowing them; or misunderstanding what they were trying to say.
My feeling is, people shouldn’t get so worked up. Quit jumping down each others’ throats.
Oh, William Ayers, William Ayers, I am so sick of hearing his name.
Do you know what William Ayers is all about?
Do you know?
If so, then you’ll know why Obama’s association and friendship with him is bothersome to those who are smart enough to pay attention.
Would you vote for someone who was a friend of Eric Rudolph or Tim McVeigh or Ted Kazynski?
I wouldn’t.
Why is obama being singled out, when Republicans and Democrats BOTH sit on a board with him, and work with him.
Name the Republicans and Democrats who sit on the board with him.
Name them.
Then name for me the ones who are running for President.
Obama isn’t any closer to him than any one else.
Obama’s IL political career was launched from a living room. Do you know whose house it was?
Where does he think the money is going to come from to buy up all the bad mortgage?
Have you read the “rescue bill” that Congress passed last week?
That alone, proves to me, he’s out of touch, the man is 72 years old, there’s no way he can be in touch with the issues of the younger generation.
Ageism much?
He lays out his health plan, which by the way resembles those of Germany and Canada, and have worked out pretty well there.
You might want to read up on the Canadian health care system.
Heck, just ask Craig who comments here. He’s Canadian.
Your eyes will be opened if you let them be.
When people say in their little polite circles, they can’t vote for Obama, because of his Arab or Muslim ties-which is totally untrue he is neither Arab or Muslim.
Outside of the fact that he is 46.25% Arab, and was born into Islam and raised as a Muslim child you’re correct.
Craig said that Obama was born Muslim.
Are you saying that is untrue?
Who said that they wouldn’t vote for Obama based on his ethnic or religious background?
Who said that?
This is the last post I am leaving I can see that the majority of the people who post here are not open for new ideas. So pick apart everything I have said, all you want.
We aren’t “picking apart” anything Erika.
We are challenging your mental acuity.
We are disassembling your ideas and evaluating what you have presented.
If your ideas were valid and supported by facts then you would have no problem being able to defend them.
Perhaps in the “world of Erika” your ideas go unchallenged.
Here in the realm of truth and factual accuracy you won’t enjoy that same indulgence.
Erick says: “Oh, William Ayers, William Ayers, I am so sick of hearing his name.”
Get used to it honey! If Obama can’t be honest about his associations with this America hating monster how can we trust him to be honest in dealing with education or health care?
And as for those bad schools in Ohio, it’s all because white people hate black people isn’t it!
Remind me once again what party the Governor of Ohio belongs to? Or do you Dems absolve other Dems of any responsiblity to actually DO SOMETHING?
Yeah, we know the answer to that and that’s another reason we don’t trust Obama and that’s another reason you are going to hear MORE AND MORE AND MORE ABOUT AYERS!!!!
Fit fit
16 years ago
I’d like to hear more Ayers. Nothing shows how out of touch the McCain campaign is more than when our country’s bank are getting ready to be nationalized and they’re obsessed with something no one outside of their base gives a rat’s ass about. Bank of America is going to have a whole new meaning soon. By all means, please go 24-7 on Ayers.
Oh, William Ayers, William Ayers, I am so sick of hearing his name. Why is obama being singled out, when Republicans and Democrats BOTH sit on a board with him, and work with him. Obama isn’t any closer to him than any one else….
Let’s talk education.
Okay, Erika. It’s obvious you didn’t read anything. William Ayers is *all* about education. The Boards under scrutiny would be the Woods Fund and Chicago Annenberg Challenge… not Congressional boards… which are called committees.
INRE your lengthy schpiel on schools, I think the difference between you and I is you believe the federal government should be in charge of curriculums and involvement with our schools. I believe that is a local issue for local communities and the state. Your answer is to throw more money at what you perceive to be a problem. My solution is to go thru administrative waste and cut it.
Examples that money won’t work: Here in Oregon, we pay near the top amount per student in education taxes. Yet scores are low in the national average. Money is not the answer.
And most importantly, your boy, Obama, along with his buddy, William Ayers (who you are sick of hearing about), controlled $160 mil of funds for the Annenberg challenge. They spent $50 mil in the school experiment, and over $100 mil of that supporting political campaigns and officials by sifting the money thru ACORN (and others). At the end of the “experiment”, none of the “reforms” they tried to implement were successful. There was no difference between those who got t the grant money and those who didn’t participate.
But they sure had lots of friendly politicians in place for their shared view on indoctrination politics into our schools at a very young age. This is a common vision for Obama and Ayers… what they intend to do with our children’s minds.
You may be tired of hearing about Ayers. But you have a responsibility to know what you are voting into our WH. This isn’t some one day rock concert event. The changes that have begun in this country already with this bailout are easily perpetuated with a government taking over our schools with a political agenda.
Like I said, if Ayers/Obama’s socialist agenda for political indoctrination of children in schools is what you believe; if you believe in the idea that when you make too much money, it will be taken away to redistribute; if you believe the government is the answer to health care, the economy, and every other facet of your life… then you are voting for the person who suits your beliefs.
But then you must also admit – if to no one else but yourself – that you favor socialism over capitalism. Because Obama is about as transparent a socialist as it comes. You either see it and embrace it, or you vote against it…. which is what many of us here are doing. Because we are conservative, and we don’t like these giant steps of government intrusion.
Mata: Erika doesn’t care if Obama and Ayers took millions from Annenberg and squandered it on teaching children to be good little brownshirt socialists. So what if they didn’t learn to read, write or do math as long as they become good little Democrats.
Fit, you miss the large picture. You concern yourself with a snapshot of an immediate fix of America’s economic status. Something that will take quite a bit of time to correct (especially now since the bail out), and will require that consumers reprogram themselves to live within their means and not above it.
The Ayers-Obama educational vision is all about the “change” of America. If you do not understand Ayers and his anti-capitalist designs, all structured to be done thru the US public school system, then you do not see the change in tack for a large vessel turning hard left.
Some have said they don’t believe Obama is some stealth radical. I don’t either… there’s no “stealth” in it.
I can only believe two things…
1: You, personally Fit Fit, either choose to not see, not explore, not research, not face facts that Obama is deeply rooted in socialism (proven by his background and relationships) because you distrust the sources.
2: … of, you, personally Fit Fit, support a change to socialism in America.
Ya know, I don’t mind intelligent dissent. But sometimes I just get frustrated when people just refuse to state their beliefs, and their trend towards more government control. If we start from this basic premise, we could all start with a more solid foundation of debate.
What’s missing from your extensive research is a credible linkage from Obama to Ayers when it comes to their outlook on education. It’s a jump that occurs in your mind. Sitting together on a board doesn’t cut it.
There were several Republicans who worked have worked with Ayers in Chicago. He was consider a Distinguished Scholar at the University of South Carolina (I saw the webpages before they got scrubbed). Was everyone Ayers ever came into contact with infected too?
“What’s missing from your extensive research is a credible linkage from Obama to Ayers when it comes to their outlook on education. It’s a jump that occurs in your mind. Sitting together on a board doesn’t cut it. “
Yeah… no doubt Obama and Ayers, who worked on multiple projects together held totally differernt viewpoints!
Give me a break. What kind of bilge are you pumping these days FF?
What’s missing from your extensive research is a credible linkage from Obama to Ayers when it comes to their outlook on education. It’s a jump that occurs in your mind. Sitting together on a board doesn’t cut it.
You must be kidding.
These two yahoos served together for years on these boards.
They distributed MILLIONS of dollars to their pet projects.
Ayers hired Obama.
Yet you want us to believe that they don’t share the same “outlook on education.”
The only person convinced by your nonsense is you.
Fit fit
16 years ago
Mike, you never sent me the plans for your special tinfoil hat like you promised.
Nit Wit: It’s pretty clear your design for tin foil hats is superior to any I might recommend.
Fit fit
16 years ago
I’m not the one pimping outlandish conspiracies while the world economy is imploding. John McCain proposes using your money to buy up individual mortgages and not a single FA author comments on it? You guys are way off the deep end these days.
What’s missing from your extensive research is a credible linkage from Obama to Ayers when it comes to their outlook on education. It’s a jump that occurs in your mind. Sitting together on a board doesn’t cut it.
Fit, this is so elemental, I’m surprised you haven’t gotten to this on your own. But I’m happy to help out.
I walked out of jail and into my first teaching position—and from that day until this I’ve thought of myself as a teacher, but I’ve also understood teaching as a project intimately connected with social justice. After all, the fundamental message of the teacher is this: you can change your life—whoever you are, wherever you’ve been, whatever you’ve done, another world is possible. As students and teachers begin to see themselves as linked to one another, as tied to history and capable of collective action, the fundamental message of teaching shifts slightly, and becomes broader, more generous: we must change ourselves as we come together to change the world. Teaching invites transformations, it urges revolutions small and large. La educacion es revolucion!
Fight for social & economic justice begins in the classroom
We’ll make sure that every child in this country gets a world-class education from the day they’re born until the day they graduate from college. What McCain is offering amounts to little more than the same tired rhetoric about vouchers. We need to move beyond the same debate we’ve been having for the past 30 years when we haven’t gotten anything done. We need to fix & improve our public schools, not throw our hands up and walk away from them. We need to uphold the ideal of public education, but we also need reform. That’s why I’ve introduced a comprehensive strategy to recruit an army of new quality teachers to our communities–and to pay them more & give them more support. We’ll invest in early childhood education programs so that our kids don’t begin the race of life behind the starting line and offer a $4,000 tax credit to make college affordable for anyone who wants to go. Because as the NAACP knows better than anyone, the fight for social justice and economic justice begins in the classroom.
The signature of modern leftist rhetoric is the deployment of terminology that simply cannot fail to command assent. As Orwell himself recognized, even slavery could be sold if labeled “freedom.” In this vein, who could ever conscientiously oppose the pursuit of “social justice,” — i.e., a just society?
To understand “social justice,” we must contrast it with the earlier view of justice against which it was conceived — one that arose as a revolt against political absolutism. With a government (e.g., a monarchy) that is granted absolute power, it is impossible to speak of any injustice on its part. If it can do anything, it can’t do anything “wrong.” Justice as a political/legal term can begin only when limitations are placed upon the sovereign, i.e., when men define what is unjust for government to do. The historical realization traces from the Roman senate to Magna Carta to the U.S. Constitution to the 19th century. It was now a matter of “justice” that government not arrest citizens arbitrarily, sanction their bondage by others, persecute them for their religion or speech, seize their property, or prevent their travel.
Today the terms have broadened to mean essentially income brackets. If Smith can make a nice living from his writing, he’s a bourgeois; if Jones is reciting poetry for coins in a subway terminal, he’s a proletarian. But the freedoms of speech and enterprise that they share equally are “nothing but lies and falsehoods so long as” their differences in affluence and influence persist (Luxemburg). The unbroken line from The Communist Manifesto to its contemporary adherents is that economic inequality is the monstrous injustice of the capitalist system, which must be replaced by an ideal of “social justice” — a “classless” society created by the elimination of all differences in wealth and “power.”
Give Marx his due: He was absolutely correct in identifying the political freedom of liberalism — the right of each man to do as he wishes with his own resources — as the origin of income disparity under capitalism. If Smith is now earning a fortune while Jones is still stuck in that subway, it’s not because of the “class” into which each was born, to say nothing of royal patronage. They are where they are because of how the common man spends his money. That’s why some writers sell books in the millions, some sell them in the thousands, and still others can’t even get published. It is the choices of the masses (“the market”) that create the inequalities of fortune and fame — and the only way to correct those “injustices” is to control those choices.
So what do we have? “Social Justice”, rooted in Karl Marx, broadened to include class warfare. And class warfare is what Obama espouses at every campaign speech.
We have Obama’s own words that “Economic and Social justice” begins in the classroom.
We have Ayers entire educational theory built around “social justice”.
You have to be dumber than a box or rocks to miss this one…..
I’m not the one pimping outlandish conspiracies while the world economy is imploding. John McCain proposes using your money to buy up individual mortgages and not a single FA author comments on it? You guys are way off the deep end these days.
The place for dealing with mortgages with with an HOLC type organization within the original bail out agreement, in conjunction with preferred stocks, etal. But I’ve already been thru this on sundry posts of mine over this time.
Do I think McCain could get that thru? Who knows. Frankly this trillions of debt that is the reality of the bail out passed might end up morphing to do something. Obama hasn’t been specific on his “cure”, but I can guarantee you, it won’t be any less expensive.
So yes… I’m disgusted with that possibility by McCain. However I am more disgusted by Obama’s entire concept of what America should be.
Therefore my vote still goes to the lesser of two evils.
@Erika: I think that before you come on this site and accuse ANY of the members of being racists and not choosing Obama because he’s black, you should better check the facts yourself. None of us on this site have EVER disagreed with Obama because of his race. We disagree with him on policy issues, his horrid judgements of the past, his never-ending flip-flops, and his connections that he’s CONSTANTLY trying to downplay 24/7. I don’t know what you take us for, but none of us here at FA are stupid enough to not vote for someone because of his race. We’re informed, conservative voters from varying ages and backgrounds who look deeply at the facts and not some petty factor like race to come to the right decision. So for you to come in to this post accusing us of being racists for not voting for Obama is downright shameful.
I would really like to know why you’re voting for Obama, though. Feel free to share with us, please.
If not, then do us all a favor and stay out of our boards until you take a real, hard look at the candidate that you’re (foolishly) choosing and until you form a firm, educated candidate decision. If you find Obama to be the right guy for our country after your research, then so be it. But if you’re going to bring race into this, then just go back into your own, purple-skied world.
And honestly, I have never heard a mother, an adult, use the term of “I’m going back into the world of Erika.” I’m not exactly convinced you are who you say you are.
Erika has not a clue of what she is talking about. Forget her, she is a lost case. She’s part of the dummies that will vote for ObamArafat even if he would rape one of their kid. That’s how blind they are. I can’t stand those bimbos.
Erika… INRE your comment:
So has Obama. Most bills that have come up for vote have been not the contested issues… anything from resolutions that honor some football team or person, to whatever.
It’s a cute trick in the number game, but doesn’t wash in reality.
You might want to find out how many times Obama has voted to cross the aisle and try to unite parties on a contested issue. Won’t take you long… I’ll help you out… zero.
Don’t be fooled by sound bytes. And both parties use them. The two have something in common…. they are both politicians, they are both running for office, and they try to abbreviate facts in a shortened version that leaves the impression one is better than the other.
Genuinely one *is* better than the other. But you won’t find it in these trick sound bytes.
Hopefully you’re not a parent of a school age child. If you are, you may want to read up on Obama’s educational beliefs… which happen to mirror that “chicago intelligentsia”, William Ayers. Now, if Rosa Luxemburg and Saul Alinsky represent your personal beliefs of what you want for this nation, and how you want your children or grandchildren taught… you are in the right campaign camp.
If, however, you are not. You may want to do a bit of snooping as to the things Obama denounces as “distractions”.
BTW…. Mike’sA is absolutely no racist. Sometimes, to interject yourself into a community of regulars, you might want to do some background reading of other posts by that author before “reading between the lines”. Jus’ a suggestion…
@MataHarley: Oh, William Ayers, William Ayers, I am so sick of hearing his name. Why is obama being singled out, when Republicans and Democrats BOTH sit on a board with him, and work with him. Obama isn’t any closer to him than any one else. That must be one of those trick sound bytes, you were talking about.
Let’s talk education. I live in Ohio, so I am going to talk about Ohio. Tell me, why is it Ohio has the BEST schools in the nation, and in districts 20 minutes away, they have the WORST schools in the nation? (Just so happens-best in the predominately white areas, and worst in the urban areas.) It’s a fact that in 2006 the average teacher salary was $74,000 in the “good” districts, and $28,000 in the “bad” districts. If you were a teacher, where would you fill out applications? I understand that a parents role is crucial in a childs education, I am fortunate that my husband can support our family so I can be home to give my children that extra help and attention. (my children get straight A’s) But in the city, you have households that are relying on the school to give their kids an adequate education, since most, are households with two parents that have to work, sometimes 2 jobs to keep them afloat. Let alone the households with a single parent, trying to do the job of both parents, and keep the lights on. And why is it, when they do a budget cut, they cut from the inner city schools first (who already don’t get the funding the “GOOD” school districts get)? When you cut out after school activities, that kept kids busy and out of trouble, what do you expect them to do with their time, when they don’t have the supervision, because, remember the parents most likely are at work ALL the time.
Busing, they started cutting out busing in those districts, so now those parents who are working so much, have to transport to, sometimes 2 and 3 different schools. I live in the “good” district and my children live across the street from the school, and a bus comes to pick them up! That’s ludicrous, and by the way my children walk to school.
I listen, and I listen, I don’t hear McCain say anything about what he’s going to do for education.
I do hear some flip flop though. The debate a couple of nights ago, he said in one answer, he wanted to buy up all the bad mortgage, renegotiate those mortgages to the value of the house, so home owners can stay in their homes. That is the first and only thing I have heard him say that I agree with and I like it. But 2 minutes later he said he wanted to implement a spending freeze. Where does he think the money is going to come from to buy up all the bad mortgage? Sounds to me, he’s saying what sounds good in the moment. Not what he intends to do. He said two weeks before the bail out that our economy was strong, (he must have been talking about his economics.) That alone, proves to me, he’s out of touch, the man is 72 years old, there’s no way he can be in touch with the issues of the younger generation. I understand that Obama might be a little green, but I think that could be a plus, he has not been jaded by the politics.
Obama has been consistent about the tax cuts he wants to implement, he lays it out for you and does not falter. At least in his tax cut, 90% of the people will receive that extra money, and in turn filter it into our economy. And not just look out for big business and CEOs. He lays out his health plan, which by the way resembles those of Germany and Canada, and have worked out pretty well there. McCain wants to give a $5000.00 refundable tax credit, but then tax us on that, as earned income. Does anybody really know how much is costs for good health care? For a family, much more than you would end up with, by the end of the day after you are taxed on the “refundable tax credit”. That’s his way of back dooring us. Then he wants to open more free clinics. I’m guessing, probably majority of the people responding to this site, have never been to a free clinic, and felt how degrating it is. The fact remains McCain is part of the old Political machine. Obama has fresh ideas, and the years left to see them through. This is the last post I am leaving I can see that the majority of the people who post here are not open for new ideas. So pick apart everything I have said, all you want. Let me finish with this. The heading for this post was, What does Osama Bin Laden and Obama have in common? When people say in their little polite circles, they can’t vote for Obama, because of his Arab or Muslim ties-which is totally untrue he is neither Arab or Muslim. That’s a smoke screen for the people that can’t vote for the best candidate on this ticket, because of his color. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig. Rasism is Racism. Speaking of pigs, if something did happen to your 72 year old candidate, would you really want Palin to run our country?
I think it’s Mike’s way of intentionally pushing buttons. I wouldn’t take this post THAT seriously, to heart.
I think it’s deplorable when I come across people on right-wing blogs who make those statements. It gives validity to the liberal charge of racism, bigotry, prejudice, and I think hurts our side, politically with those in the center mainstream.
What some of the pitbulls here jumped all over, as far as I can see, is the sense that you were branding them as “racist”, without really knowing them; or misunderstanding what they were trying to say.
My feeling is, people shouldn’t get so worked up. Quit jumping down each others’ throats.
Do you know what William Ayers is all about?
Do you know?
If so, then you’ll know why Obama’s association and friendship with him is bothersome to those who are smart enough to pay attention.
Would you vote for someone who was a friend of Eric Rudolph or Tim McVeigh or Ted Kazynski?
I wouldn’t.
Name the Republicans and Democrats who sit on the board with him.
Name them.
Then name for me the ones who are running for President.
Obama’s IL political career was launched from a living room. Do you know whose house it was?
Have you read the “rescue bill” that Congress passed last week?
Ageism much?
You might want to read up on the Canadian health care system.
Heck, just ask Craig who comments here. He’s Canadian.
Your eyes will be opened if you let them be.
Outside of the fact that he is 46.25% Arab, and was born into Islam and raised as a Muslim child you’re correct.
Craig said that Obama was born Muslim.
Are you saying that is untrue?
Who said that they wouldn’t vote for Obama based on his ethnic or religious background?
Who said that?
We aren’t “picking apart” anything Erika.
We are challenging your mental acuity.
We are disassembling your ideas and evaluating what you have presented.
If your ideas were valid and supported by facts then you would have no problem being able to defend them.
Perhaps in the “world of Erika” your ideas go unchallenged.
Here in the realm of truth and factual accuracy you won’t enjoy that same indulgence.
Erick says: “Oh, William Ayers, William Ayers, I am so sick of hearing his name.”
Get used to it honey! If Obama can’t be honest about his associations with this America hating monster how can we trust him to be honest in dealing with education or health care?
And as for those bad schools in Ohio, it’s all because white people hate black people isn’t it!
Remind me once again what party the Governor of Ohio belongs to? Or do you Dems absolve other Dems of any responsiblity to actually DO SOMETHING?
Yeah, we know the answer to that and that’s another reason we don’t trust Obama and that’s another reason you are going to hear MORE AND MORE AND MORE ABOUT AYERS!!!!
I’d like to hear more Ayers. Nothing shows how out of touch the McCain campaign is more than when our country’s bank are getting ready to be nationalized and they’re obsessed with something no one outside of their base gives a rat’s ass about. Bank of America is going to have a whole new meaning soon. By all means, please go 24-7 on Ayers.
Erika said:
Okay, Erika. It’s obvious you didn’t read anything. William Ayers is *all* about education. The Boards under scrutiny would be the Woods Fund and Chicago Annenberg Challenge… not Congressional boards… which are called committees.
INRE your lengthy schpiel on schools, I think the difference between you and I is you believe the federal government should be in charge of curriculums and involvement with our schools. I believe that is a local issue for local communities and the state. Your answer is to throw more money at what you perceive to be a problem. My solution is to go thru administrative waste and cut it.
Examples that money won’t work: Here in Oregon, we pay near the top amount per student in education taxes. Yet scores are low in the national average. Money is not the answer.
And most importantly, your boy, Obama, along with his buddy, William Ayers (who you are sick of hearing about), controlled $160 mil of funds for the Annenberg challenge. They spent $50 mil in the school experiment, and over $100 mil of that supporting political campaigns and officials by sifting the money thru ACORN (and others). At the end of the “experiment”, none of the “reforms” they tried to implement were successful. There was no difference between those who got t the grant money and those who didn’t participate.
But they sure had lots of friendly politicians in place for their shared view on indoctrination politics into our schools at a very young age. This is a common vision for Obama and Ayers… what they intend to do with our children’s minds.
You may be tired of hearing about Ayers. But you have a responsibility to know what you are voting into our WH. This isn’t some one day rock concert event. The changes that have begun in this country already with this bailout are easily perpetuated with a government taking over our schools with a political agenda.
Like I said, if Ayers/Obama’s socialist agenda for political indoctrination of children in schools is what you believe; if you believe in the idea that when you make too much money, it will be taken away to redistribute; if you believe the government is the answer to health care, the economy, and every other facet of your life… then you are voting for the person who suits your beliefs.
But then you must also admit – if to no one else but yourself – that you favor socialism over capitalism. Because Obama is about as transparent a socialist as it comes. You either see it and embrace it, or you vote against it…. which is what many of us here are doing. Because we are conservative, and we don’t like these giant steps of government intrusion.
Mata: Erika doesn’t care if Obama and Ayers took millions from Annenberg and squandered it on teaching children to be good little brownshirt socialists. So what if they didn’t learn to read, write or do math as long as they become good little Democrats.
Fit, you miss the large picture. You concern yourself with a snapshot of an immediate fix of America’s economic status. Something that will take quite a bit of time to correct (especially now since the bail out), and will require that consumers reprogram themselves to live within their means and not above it.
The Ayers-Obama educational vision is all about the “change” of America. If you do not understand Ayers and his anti-capitalist designs, all structured to be done thru the US public school system, then you do not see the change in tack for a large vessel turning hard left.
Some have said they don’t believe Obama is some stealth radical. I don’t either… there’s no “stealth” in it.
I can only believe two things…
1: You, personally Fit Fit, either choose to not see, not explore, not research, not face facts that Obama is deeply rooted in socialism (proven by his background and relationships) because you distrust the sources.
2: … of, you, personally Fit Fit, support a change to socialism in America.
Ya know, I don’t mind intelligent dissent. But sometimes I just get frustrated when people just refuse to state their beliefs, and their trend towards more government control. If we start from this basic premise, we could all start with a more solid foundation of debate.
You’ve got mail.
What’s missing from your extensive research is a credible linkage from Obama to Ayers when it comes to their outlook on education. It’s a jump that occurs in your mind. Sitting together on a board doesn’t cut it.
There were several Republicans who worked have worked with Ayers in Chicago. He was consider a Distinguished Scholar at the University of South Carolina (I saw the webpages before they got scrubbed). Was everyone Ayers ever came into contact with infected too?
Fit Fit says:
Yeah… no doubt Obama and Ayers, who worked on multiple projects together held totally differernt viewpoints!
Give me a break. What kind of bilge are you pumping these days FF?
Do you even BELIEVE what you SAY?
@Fit fit:
You must be kidding.
These two yahoos served together for years on these boards.
They distributed MILLIONS of dollars to their pet projects.
Ayers hired Obama.
Yet you want us to believe that they don’t share the same “outlook on education.”
The only person convinced by your nonsense is you.
Mike, you never sent me the plans for your special tinfoil hat like you promised.
Maybe that would help.
Nit Wit: It’s pretty clear your design for tin foil hats is superior to any I might recommend.
I’m not the one pimping outlandish conspiracies while the world economy is imploding. John McCain proposes using your money to buy up individual mortgages and not a single FA author comments on it? You guys are way off the deep end these days.
What are you referring to as an outlandish conspiracy?
Fit said:
Fit, this is so elemental, I’m surprised you haven’t gotten to this on your own. But I’m happy to help out.
From a speech by William Ayers in Nov 2006 at the World Education Forum in Venezuela.
From Obama’s website on education:
The words “social justice” is a term rooted in communism/socialism/marxism. From a Front Page Magazine article in Feb 2004:
So what do we have? “Social Justice”, rooted in Karl Marx, broadened to include class warfare. And class warfare is what Obama espouses at every campaign speech.
We have Obama’s own words that “Economic and Social justice” begins in the classroom.
We have Ayers entire educational theory built around “social justice”.
You have to be dumber than a box or rocks to miss this one…..
Fit, INRE your…
Not correct. I commented on that in another thread, agreeing with Richard that I found it appalling.
The place for dealing with mortgages with with an HOLC type organization within the original bail out agreement, in conjunction with preferred stocks, etal. But I’ve already been thru this on sundry posts of mine over this time.
Do I think McCain could get that thru? Who knows. Frankly this trillions of debt that is the reality of the bail out passed might end up morphing to do something. Obama hasn’t been specific on his “cure”, but I can guarantee you, it won’t be any less expensive.
So yes… I’m disgusted with that possibility by McCain. However I am more disgusted by Obama’s entire concept of what America should be.
Therefore my vote still goes to the lesser of two evils.
Obama and Biden
Osama Bin Laden
thats pretty similair to me