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Must share. Outstanding. HAHAHAHAHA

Yes! And, I love it when the question is asked of the average American citizen, “how many people do you personally know who has bombed the Pentagon, and choose to have associations with them anyway?” Me? None!!

Oh, but I forgot, Obama is now saying he didn’t know ANYTHING about Ayers past…or, knows nothing about Rev. Wright’s racism, or Tony Rezko’s criminal acts, ect., ect. It seems if Obummer has such a bad memory or lack of knowledge of HUGELY SIGNIFICANT problems with his associations, maybe he lacks what it takes to be president? Do you think? Then again, he could just be, well, lying.

They also share the same name in common. “Obama” is Swahili for “Osama”.

That’s a wicked burn.

Dude, at least give some credit to Rush for saying it.

Dude, I heard Rush say it, but also others as well, I’m pretty sure.

Rush? Who’s Rush? Isn’t that, like, some 80’s rock band?


Get it right when you steal: “…they both have friends…”

Dude Man/Casca: Rush isn’t the first to say it:

“Did you know that Barack Obama was a member of the leading socialist party? In a small omission, Barack Obama apparently forgot to include in his resume, he entered politics as a socialist. This just keeps getting better and better. Barack Obama was active participant in the 1990s of the Chicago New Party and, importantly, the Chicago DSA, a group of socialists affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America.”

1- Barack Obama attended and participated in meetings the Chicago New Party and the Chicago DSA, the local affiliate of the Democratic Socialists of America.

2- Barack Obama sought the endorsement of the Chicago DSA.

3- Barack Obama actively used the endorsement from the Chicago DSA.

4- Barack Obama won his DSA-endorsed and backed campaign to secure his seat in the Illinois State Senate.

5- Barack Obama continued his involvement with the Chicago DSA and received their endorsements in subsequent campaigns.

Read the rest:

I don’t care who said it first…it’s still elicits a gut-pounding, wind-knocked-out-of-ya kinda grown…in a good way.

couldn’t comment on this from work, would be frowned on you know, but there was almost a latte on the keyboard. too funny.

They both love Dotritos? No wait, that’s Bill Clinton and Saddam Hussein.

They both favor book bannings? No wait, that’s Sarah Palin and Adolf Hitler.

(I know she only asked about banning books, but she didn’t ask because she wanted to protect them)

They’re both addicted to painkillers? No wait, that’s Cindy McCain and Rush Limbaugh.

They both lost to Barack Obama? No wait, that’s Hilary Clinton and (soon to be) John McCain.

fit seems a bit pissed, your pansydate was bested by mccain, are your panties in a wad?

Nit Wit’s filibustering again…..

Fit Fit,

Question: What Do Obama and Osama bin Laden Have in Common?

The’re both MUSLIMS.

Here is one for you Fit Fit:

Question: What Do Obama and Osama bin Laden Have in Common?

They were both borned MUSLIMS.

Obama and Palin – both celebrate Juneteenth – 🙂

Republican Clears Obama On Ayers

Uh-Oh…Ayers won’t work anymore…Some republicans from Chicago are saying what most of us knew all along. Bill Ayers was a commonly acceptable figure in Chicago by everyone–Democrats, Independents, and even Republicans. Are they all America hating, terrorist loving traitors to America?!

In fact, this NPR link below speaks to the Republican funded cause that Obama and Ayers worked on together. And that:

“It was never a concern by any of us in the Chicago school reform movement that he had led a fugitive life years earlier,” said former Illinois state Republican Rep. Diana Nelson, who worked with both Obama and Ayers over the years. “It’s ridiculous. There is no reason at all to smear Barack Obama with this association. It’s nonsensical, and it just makes me crazy. It’s so silly.”

Yesterday, in a rehash of the mainstream media acknowledged issues of the day, NPR did a short piece on Obama and Ayers. Fortunately for many, they made news.

First, Obama began working with Ayers and others (Republicans, Independents, and Democrats) at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Well, what is the Anneberg Challenge? Who is Annenberg? Well according to NPR:

The Obama campaign says he first met Ayers in 1995, when Obama became chair of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a $50 million fund that awarded grants to groups trying to implement new programs to improve inner city education in Chicago.

Walter Annenberg, a lifelong Republican and former ambassador who was appointed by Presidents Nixon and Reagan, funded an ambitious program to reform urban education in many cities in the mid 1990s. Ayers was an important member of the group that developed and wrote the grant proposal to the Annenberg Foundation.

(Walter Annenberg also started TV Guide and Seventeen magazine; His wife and Nancy Reagan were best friends–some terrorist link.)

Second, there were people of all political persuasions working on this effort with this “terrorist” Ayers and who saw him as acceptable and Obama was no closer than any of the others.

…no one on the board or on the Annenberg Challenge staff remembers Obama being any closer to Ayers than to any other member of the board. The Annenberg board also included several civic, business and education leaders, many of them Republicans…

In fact one person close to the issue states:

“I don’t remember ever hearing anyone raise concerns or questions or concerns about [Ayers’] background,” says Anne Hallett, who has worked closely with Ayers on the Annenberg Challenge grant and with Obama on education and other community and legislative matters. “And that included everybody I was engaged with,” including prominent Republicans, and corporate and civic leaders in Chicago, Hallett adds.

Oh, really?!

So not only was Obama working on a Republican funded initiative, but prominent Republicans were involved on the board with Ayers. Do they all hate America so much that they are “palling” around with terrorist? He had been in their midst for years, why did not the republican’s run him out of town.

Obama was new to Chicago. He hadn’t been elected to anything. He really did even know where the bodies where truly buried in Chicago (evidenced by the thumping he received when he ran for the congress against Bobby Rush). He just wanted to serve the community and do good work. However, Ayers had been there for years, building a reputation that was so mainstream that a life long Republican, who was a former Ambassador appointed by Nixon and Regan, allowed the release of $50 Million to let him, prominent Republicans, corporate, civic leaders, form a board and select this a Harvard trained community organizer to oversee the disbursement of these funds related to school reform.

And finally, the author notes:

Hallett calls this attack on Obama’s association with Ayers and the Annenberg Challenge by further association, “a smear campaign. It’s a political diatribe that has no basis in fact. The Chicago Annenberg Challenge was an extremely positive initiative. It was well-vetted, thorough, and the fact that it is now is being used for political purposes is, in my opinion, outrageous.”

And as noted earlier a former Illinois Republican state representative states:

“It was never a concern by any of us in the Chicago school reform movement that he had led a fugitive life years earlier,” said former Illinois state Republican Rep. Diana Nelson, who worked with both Obama and Ayers over the years. “It’s ridiculous. There is no reason at all to smear Barack Obama with this association. It’s nonsensical, and it just makes me crazy. It’s so silly.”

I don’t have a transcript. However the article provides the link to the audio.

My purpose hear is to have the people spread the word, because most of the right leaning center and many independents don’t even listen to NPR. I know that many far right Republicans will not be swayed. But it looks likely that Obama may be president and we need to get some real perspective. We have too many problems facing this nation to foment subversion by claiming treason and terrorist. It’s wrong and has to stop.

Many Chicago republicans are now starting to stand up and be counted. They recognize the potential outcome, if this unpatriotic untrue diatribe continues. Frankly, I don’t think that they were saying Osama when they said “Kill Him” at the Palin rally yesterday.

Email this to everyone you know, and get it in the hands of more in the main stream media, so that they can fight this attempt to destroy Obama and make him unacceptable as president and literally put his life in danger.

Digg the story. (

Not only is this William Ayers issue unfair from an emotional and logical appeal of the unfairness of guilt by association, but its wrong on the facts. No one including Obama (Democrats, Republicans, or Independents) who all love this country like Obama does, saw Ayers based on his acts 20 plus years earlier, but as another person trying to do God’s work to better the future of children from some of the toughest meanest areas of Chicago.

In fact, as a right leaning independent, what is even more compelling, is that as the head of this initiative, even then Obama was working with people of all sides (Republicans, Independents, and Democrats) to get something done. That should make American’s happy–even then he was willing to work with everybody. I am so tired of far right and far left…really really tired…they just won’t stop fighting and we all suffer.

@SoCal Chris: Makes you wonder just who in this race is supposed to have the bad memory, huh?

And I just have to add my own “whodunit” to this:

@Fit, who was addicted to crack?

Who has a communist flag hanging up on one of his offices?

Who has a vice president who disagrees with his running mate and keeps shooting himself in the foot?

Who cannot keep his damn stories straight?

Who knows just the right way to run the country into the ground?

One guess who.

@Just For The Record: Nice attempt to try and shut down and shout down free speech. “We have too many problems facing this nation to foment subversion by claiming treason and terrorist. It’s wrong and has to stop.”

You’re not going to intimidate any of us with that white wash job.

Every piece of the Obama puzzle doesn’t mean all that much on it’s own. However, taken together, Ayers, Wright, Rezko, Frank Marshall Davis, they all create a picture of a man whose entire life has been in close contact to Marxists and America haters.

Though I doubt this would make too much impact on NPR listeners as most of them are fellow travelers anyway.

Obama is the great con job of ALL TIME and only a FOOL would get sucked into that lie.

And “just for the record” guess what that makes you?

@Craig: That just shows how much you take your head out of the ground. Obama is not a muslim, he is christian. Typical, judging someone by their name, bet you judge people by the color of thier skin too.

@Mike’s America:

Mike, the lefty blogs have flooded the net with this garbage. It *doesn’t matter* who is supporting Bill Ayers, Republican, Independant or democrat, it shows that some in all walks of life are *using the same extremely bad judgement* as Obama.

Anyone that would make an effort to white wash and forgive an “UNREPENTENT” domestic terrorist who orchestrated bombings on our soil that did kill people and set out to kill even more—-Fort Dix, has mental problems that need to be addressed. Anyone that would forgive either Ayers or his wife Bernadine Dorhn for their vile behavior that stretched from the 70’s to this day, as she is also “UNREPENTENT” is obviously someone who is either ignorant of what these people and their associates(Obama) are about to unleash on this country, or they simply do not care. They might be out of the bombing business, but they are still plotting to wreak havoc on this country.

And don’t tell me about Chicago Republicans, they are as crooked as the dems. I live here, Obama is my Senator and he is in the tank with these people and their screwed up marxist educational agenda. Chicago pols will sell their souls for money and power.

Note, how the excuses by Obama’s campaign keep changing daily. They shouldn’t have lied in the first place.

Missy: It’s true that the Obamatons don’t care if Ayers bombed buildings and killed people and it’s true that they don’t care that he said in an article on Sept. 11th 2001 that he wished he had bombed MORE.

The Obamatons don’t care that Rev. Wright says “God damn America, U.S. of K.K.K. A.”

They don’t care that another close associate of Obama is the convicted slum lord Rezko and they don’t care that Obama’s first mentor, Frank Marshall Davis was a Marxist.

They don’t care about WHO and WHAT the real Obama is because, like Obama, all they want is power.

The people who DO care are the Indepdendents and moderates who don’t know about any of this because they don’t spend as much time reading and learning about Obama. All they see are his fancy speeches and the whitewash that’s put before them by lying propagandists like “just for the record.”

We have 27 days to reach those people who do care and it’s going to be an uphill struggle.

Erika: Sorry to break it to you, but according to Islamic law, Obama was born a Muslim. That he is now a Chrisitan simply means he is an apostate accoring to Islam. Do you know what they do to apostates?

This is what I find disturbing about all of this:

Whatever type of person Obama’s “friends” are – substitute rapist, child molester, or child pornographer and see heads spin. That actually might be funny on some of the sock puppets…….

The Dems would drop Obama like a sack of potatoes……

Mike –

No offense friend – but apostasy under Islam is even confusing to some in Islam and can be controversial. Wikipedia isn’t always a good source but much in this link appears accurate to my knowledge:

Of course the funny thing about all this is what we are hearing out of our Islamic friends around the world about Obama – that alone provides some clues – but no concrete evidence.

@Mike’s America:I understand that the real reason you don’t want to vote for Obama, is he’s (dare I say it) BLACK. Don’t get too scared though, he’s only half black, and he was raised by his WHITE christian mother and grandparents. And I bet you probally don’t take much stock in the sinners prayer. You probally believe that people, that are born into a certain race can help it to. Anyways, we can argue this for years. If that’s all you can come up with, to not vote for the best candidate we’ve had in years, more power to you.



If you’re going to post here you need to get yourself up to speed very quickly.

So far your posts have been absent a critical component: FACTS.

Do you know anything AT ALL about Islam? Anything?

Didn’t think so.

Do your research, and stop talking about things you know nothing about.

By the way Obama is NOT half black. He’s half Arab.

I understand that the real reason you want to vote for Obama is because, dare I say it, you’re stupid.

Wanna talk about why I’m not going to vote for Obama?

Wanna talk about the “Born Alive Infant Protection Act”?

Wanna talk about Rev. Jeremiah Wright and 20 plus years of hate?

Wanna talk about Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground, bombs at the Pentagon and the US Capitol?

Wanna talk about ACORN?

Wanna talk about FreddieMac and FannieMae?

Probably not.


Stop slinging the race thing around like a weapon of mass destruction. Who cares what race Obama belongs to? I don’t.

Now – if your strong enough to listen……

Check these out – then come back and post something else…..

@Aye Chihuahua: First of all, what “FACTS” are you talking about? You didn’t mention any. All you said is something that is totally not true. Obama’s father is from Kenya, not Egypt or Algeria or one of those Arabian countries in Africa. Therefore he is half BLACK. Take your own advice, get yourself up to speed very quickly.


The FACTS I refer to are the ones that you have left out of every post you have created here thus far.

Care to try again?

Obama’s father is from Kenya, not Egypt or Algeria or one of those Arabian countries in Africa. Therefore he is half BLACK.

Don’t look now but you ignorance is showing again.

Do a little more research about Obama’s heritage.

It’s not nearly what you think it is.


Having spent an extensive amount of time in the horn of Africa as well as other parts 🙂

Them Arabs are everywhere 🙂 and have been for centuries…….

But to be fair – So have the African/Blacks, Europeans, Indians, etc……. THINK TRADE – not just slave trade

Obama’s father is from Kenya, not Egypt or Algeria or one of those Arabian countries in Africa. Therefore he is half BLACK. Take your own advice, get yourself up to speed very quickly.


Obama’s grandfather is an Arab black practicing Muslim. “Arab”, in terms of culture. His father, according to Obama, was agnostic.

Kenya’s history is steeped in Arab culture. You can easily find information from a non-political travel site:

The Arabic culture has had the greatest influence in shaping Swahili traditions. One major legacy of this Arab culture is the dominance of Islamic religion among the Swahili people. Islamic traditions govern almost every cultural aspect of the Swahili tribe including food, way of dressing, and social ceremonies. Swahili children for example, must attend Madrassa, religious classes in which they study the Koran and learn the Arabic language from an early age.

While I acknowledge that Obama is Christian and not Muslim, he does have Muslim roots.

@BukerStreet: Strong enough to listen to what, some clever photoshop ameteurs. I agree with alot of conservative views. I don’t agree with gay marriage, or abortion. I just don’t want our country getting worse than it already is, thx to the Bush Administration, and a vote for McCain is a vote for Bush #3. It makes me sick that people are so susceptible to propaganda. Trying to make a connection with Obama and Arab terrorists, simply because his name is Barack Obama. There’s so much more to a person than their name. For instance that moran Aye Chihuahua, perfect example. Thinks Obama is arab because of his name. He is NOT ARAB.

I just don’t want our country getting worse than it already is, thx to the Bush Administration,

I think the country would be in worse shape today, had it been President Gore or President Kerry. Some criticism is warranted; but much of it is over-the-top from partisans out of power and those feeling politically disenfranchised for 8 years (or 6, considering the 2006 midterm elections- where’s the culpability for the last 2 years for Democratic leadership?). I think Bush has done more things right, than wrong.

and a vote for McCain is a vote for Bush #3.

I was hoping for better; but I’ll take more of the “McSame” if I can’t get “further to the right than Bush” over steering the country hard to the left, any year.

It makes me sick that people are so susceptible to propaganda.

Do you ever feel susceptible to it, coming from liberals? After all, there’s a lot of criticism of Bush that I consider false propaganda.

Trying to make a connection with Obama and Arab terrorists, simply because his name is Barack Obama. There’s so much more to a person than their name.

Very true. Although it is interesting to examine the reason why (and when) he went from “Barry” to “Barack”.

Don’t worry, I don’t believe Obama is a terrorist. I think liberals are missing the arguments and criticism, here.


Kinda ironic that you spout propaganda.
Do you know what a lemming is?

@Wordsmith: And what are your roots before your ancestors came to America, everybody in this country has varying degrees of roots. Just because his grandfather practices muslim, whats that got to do with Obama? There may be arabs in Kenya, theres some here too. Does that make you Arab? That does not take away from the fact that his father was black and not Arab. I can’t believe it has come to this. Arguing about what is better, being black or Arab. I am done I have to get back to the world of Erika. Good luck to all, hope nobody’s feelings got hurt, all in good fun. After all that’s what is so great about our Country, we can all have a difference in opinion, and voice them. Peace to All



I just don’t want our country getting worse than it already is, thx to the Bush Administration

Elucidate please.

Trying to make a connection with Obama and Arab terrorists, simply because his name is Barack Obama.


Who is doing that?

For instance that moran Aye Chihuahua, perfect example.

Now that right there is some funny stuff.

I’m a “moran”?

What is that exactly?

Or did the person who sees herself as the smartest person in the room mean to say “moron” instead?

Thinks Obama is arab because of his name.

I think Obama is Arab because of his name?


Where did I say that?


Truthfully I know that Obama is half Arab because I have researched his family tree.

Have you?

I know for a fact that he is only 6.25% black.

@Wordsmith: And what are your roots before your ancestors came to America, everybody in this country has varying degrees of roots.

I’m more than happy to plug my background for you. Thanks, Erika.

Just because his grandfather practices muslim, whats that got to do with Obama?

You’re in a defensive, fighting mode. Relax. My point wasn’t to accuse Obama of being a closet Muslim because of his grandfather, or to believe that there is anything wrong with being Muslim. I was addressing your earlier point of argument:

Obama’s father is from Kenya, not Egypt or Algeria or one of those Arabian countries in Africa. Therefore he is half BLACK.

I thought I’d clarify for you why Aye Chihuahua said “he’s not half black. He’s half Arab.”

There may be arabs in Kenya, theres some here too. Does that make you Arab? That does not take away from the fact that his father was black and not Arab. I can’t believe it has come to this. Arguing about what is better, being black or Arab.

You might have a point there. I just wanted to dispell the notion that there wasn’t Arab culture in Kenya, when the influence of Islam from the days of Islamic slave trading was extensive.

I am done I have to get back to the world of Erika.

Did you ever leave that world? 😉

Good luck to all, hope nobody’s feelings got hurt, all in good fun.


After all that’s what is so great about our Country, we can all have a difference in opinion, and voice them. Peace to All

Very downright civil and decent of you…

…for a liberal. 😉


Yes….go back to Kenya.

I kid, I kid…. 😉

My first retirement choice was a beach home in Mombasa…

I just don’t want our country getting worse than it already is, thx to the Bush Administration, and a vote for McCain is a vote for Bush #3.

Congrats for buying into false campaign propaganda yourself, Erika. So much for what makes you “sick” about others….

I am done I have to get back to the world of Erika.

And we have flameout folks.

She cannot take the pressure of the truth.

She cannot handle the weight of the facts.

So off she goes back to her own little fantasy world.

What color is the sky in your world, Erika?

Erika you racist hatemonger:
If Condi Rice was running for President I would vote for her.

if Justice Thomas was running for President I would vote for him.

If Michael Steele was running for President I would vote for him.

If J.C. Watts was running for President I would vote for him.

I could go on and on and on and on….

And these are the same people who have been denigrated in racist terms by your bunch who called them “house slaves” “oreo cookies” or Condi “Aunt Jemima.”

YOU ARE A RACIST. You see everything by the color of someone’s skin and apparently have such a deep self hatred that only by groveling through the gutter of racial politics can you redeem yourself.

What a sorry, pathetic excuse for a human being you are.

Despicable doesn’t even begin to describe the hateful divisive nature of your demagogic idiocy!

@Mike’s America: Okay, so I just got home and on my screen, I see you calling me a racist. I find that strange, do you know what race I am? I was responding to the “between the lines” crap you were writing. How presumptuous of you to call me a “self hating racist” and who is my “bunch” that would call anyone a “house slave, or Aunt Jemima” I would not associate with anyone who would use such derogatory terms, about ANY race. To quote a shirt that I have “There is only one race, and it is human, anything else is just culture”.

To MataHarley

It’s not propaganda, when McCain has voted with Bush 90 percent of the time.

@Wordsmith: Just wanted to say it was nice debating with you, thank you for not taking anything to heart. And now I really do have to go, I have children coming home from school, and a husband coming home from work. Have a very conservative day;)



Two more posts by Erika and still no FACTS.

Not surprising.

Not surprising at all.

Crawl back under the rock Erika.

What a RACIST GOOFBALL you are!