Dems’ Palin Panic

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My first instinct, I’m ashamed to say, was to laugh. It’s wrong to laugh at other people’s suffering-PERIOD, and it’s even more wrong to do so when people are suffering because they’ve been misled about simple ideas. I mean, if someone loses a family member you don’t laugh at em (even if it was during a freak dynamite fishing incident gone bad or something similarly stupid). We’re supposed to feel empathy for each other. We’re supposed to take care of each other. So it is that I’m trying hard to feel sympathy for those who have been SO SO SO misled about McCain/Palin that they’re losing sleep, can’t think, can’t eat, and are actually seeking therapy over their fears; their misled paranoia.

Remember, these people are Americans. They are our brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers. They are our friends. They are Americans, and they are in pain. As funny as it might be to laugh at someone for being afraid of Sarah Palin, it is wrong to laugh at their pain. A more appropriate response is to try and comfort them, and that can only be done by informing them that their fears, paranoia, panic, and obsession is based on political propaganda rather than reality.

Never before in the course of American history, has a pair of high heels caused so much terror.

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Never before in the course of American history, has a pair of (red) high heels caused so much terror….
(singing… guys are lucky you can’t hear this :))
… somewhere over the rainbow..
You aint in the majority in Congress Democrats….
(more singing…you guys are real lucky you can’t hear this :))
“We’ve put a boot in your a$$ its the American way.
I’m optimistic about tonight’s debate, I’m looking forward to lots of ‘…er… from “the big ‘O’ (O = zero)

If I ever decide to do an armored car robbery I’ll select all democrats to help me. You can talk them into anything in ten minutes. They’ll help even knowing it’s wrong just like they’ll vote for Hussein O knowing he poses the greatest danger to freedom and the American lifestyle of any candidate in the history of the country. I look forward to Hussein’s selection of Ayers as Secretary of Defense and Revrund Wright to replace Condi Rice. Cold cash Jefferson will head the treasury department. It has to be that way because he’s never associated with anyone other than criminals and America hater. Will Rezko be his appointment to the SCOTUS?

Rezko for Housing and Urban Development

“They are Americans”??? Perhaps, but only by accident of birth. For these are the people who consider US military personnel to be rapists, torturers and murderers; who have aided and supported our enemies during wartime and who have nothing but contempt for the nation and the actual American people…you know, the inhabitants of flyover country.

Spot-on OPM!

I gather it was classic, but the link failed. 404-error.
What was it?

WOW! In this 51 seconds video, you gotta see what Palin answered to a protester who interrupt her speech today in Florida on the Irak issue.

Sarah Palin Leaves Protester Speechless in Florida!!

Here’s Byron York informing us:

David Brooks: Palin Represents a “Fatal Cancer” to GOP.


Good job, Bryon. Some things are better left unsaid, and I guess, undefended.

Here’s the story:

David Brooks, the New York Times columnist (and my pal from PBS’s NewsHour) said during a forum on Monday that Palin was a “fatal cancer to the Republican Party.” He rues what he sees as her pandering populist streak and says she “scorns ideas entirely,” much as George Bush has done as President.