Alec Baldwin Blames Dems For Economic Crisis

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Sorry to make you have to clean your monitor as I’m sure that title made many a reader snarf all over. Yes, you read that correctly, but (sit down, swallow hard, and prepare…) Alec Baldwin blamed the Democrats like Barney Frank for the financial crisis while he was on the Bill Maher show.

Ok, there’s someone out there who just snarfed again. Clean it up, and check this out…


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What is it with all this media leakage lately? CNN, SNL (good God, that’s even NBC!), and now even the occasional drip of common sense from Hollywood?

If one were big on conspiracies one would almost think Patrick Fitzgerald’s got something big on Obama and he’s suggested to the Obama campaign that if golden boy quietly loses the election he can have a nice career in the legislative branch instead of spending a few years with the judicial branch…

(and no, I’m not seriously proposing that’s true.)

Here’s what’s amazing about this segment… if you can sit thru it all (zzzzzz).

Baldwin’s actually echoing GOP comments left and right here. As Scott pointed out, he leveled “the finger” at the DNC and Barney Frank.

But about 3’11’ in, he then states the same thing that McCain was trying to state before the media distorted it all to hell… and that is what makes America great (ala the fundamentals of our economy) is our trained labor (one fundamental), our resources or access to resources (the second fundamental), and our capital (the third fundamental).

Wall St represented this third fundamental, and that is what has failed. Never has McCain’s point been made better… and done so by the opposition.

But then… just to show you how disconnected Baldwin is to his own principles, he calls those who’d vote for McCain “chumps”… huh?

I’d say the “chumps” are the ones who continue to vote for those that have the bulk of responsibility for this financial mess (the DNC/Obama/ACORN etal).

Oh, BTW… Christian ought to stay to stay the war wench. She was embarrassingly ill-informed on anything but talking point headlines.

When they starting saying Americans should pay higher taxes without a whimper I cut it off. Probably the thing is that all of these panelists lost a lot of money in this crisis and they are angry. They want someone to blame and they would like to blame the actual culprits. They are not just looking at this debacle from a partison view but a personal. Even with this evidence they will still vote democrat like lemmings.


Gotta love that Amanapour. She says she doesn’t know economics and then she keeps on prattling.