Money quote at 2:45. Even better stuff at 2:23 in which he says he would not seek advice on telling the truth from a Chicago politician.
There is plenty more in that speech but not caught by MSNBC. Like this for example: (much more of the speech on this youtube video and the full speech here at liveleak)
Our current economic crisis is a good case in point. What was his actual record in the years before the great economic crisis of our lifetimes?
This crisis started in our housing market in the form of subprime loans that were pushed on people who could not afford them. Bad mortgages were being backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and it was only a matter of time before a contagion of unsustainable debt began to spread. This corruption was encouraged by Democrats in Congress, and abetted by Senator Obama.
Senator Obama has accused me of opposing regulation to avert this crisis. I guess he believes if a lie is big enough and repeated often enough it will be believed. But the truth is I was the one who called at the time for tighter restrictions on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that could have helped prevent this crisis from happening in the first place.
Senator Obama was silent on the regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and his Democratic allies in Congress opposed every effort to rein them in. As recently as September of last year he said that subprime loans had been, quote, “a good idea.” Well, Senator Obama, that “good idea” has now plunged this country into the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
To hear him talk now, you’d think he’d always opposed the dangerous practices at these institutions. But there is absolutely nothing in his record to suggest he did. He was surely familiar with the people who were creating this problem. The executives of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have advised him, and he has taken their money for his campaign. He has received more money from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac than any other senator in history, with the exception of the chairman of the committee overseeing them. Did he ever talk to the executives at Fannie and Freddie about these reckless loans? Did he ever discuss with them the stronger oversight I proposed? If Senator Obama is such a champion of financial regulation, why didn’t he support these regulations that could have prevented this crisis in the first place? He won’t tell you, but you deserve an answer

See author page
Thing is, did HE really author them or not, and if not who was his ghost-writer??
We all know now that JFK (with whom Obama likes to compare himself) didn’t write “Profiles in Courage” – he was a lousy writer – Jackie did.
What if Ayers wrote Obama’s books? No wonder he wants to keep his distance (and keep his royalty checks)…
McCain’s a better lookin’ dude sans gloves…. LOL
I do look forward to tomorrow’s debates. I will be watching for his wisdom in the “attack”.
Can you say Chicago Annenberg Challenge, wasted funds, socialist public education agenda, and failure of executive administration???
@DirtCrashr: i read that elsewhere, and it makes one wonder. he hasn’t done anything else, why should we believe he wrote those books? the left is in a frenzy about palin saying anything against “the one”. makes me want to vomit. they are running around sighting olbermannquotes and declaring it the trueth. the trueth is that he can’t be trusted.
“Oh look….shiny” in 3,2,1……
Jackie didn’t write PiC, it was Ted Sorensen. Papa Joe paid him $5k for the job: Sorensen admitted it a few years ago.
IF McCain wants to win this, he’d better start saying stuff like this 24/7.
There’s only three things that McCain needs to keep saying:
1) The Economy – How he’s going to fix it and who got us into this mess to begin with.
2) O’Bama’s character – Who he associates with (terrorists and crooks).
3) What he’s going to do to make things better.
If he fails to hammer this during every speech, appearance, debate, etc., he’s going to lose and lose big. He’d damned-well better get serious about this or he’s toast.
Maverick is finally getting serious or should I say his campaign is finally getting serious. This is a great speech. Tomorrow’s debate will be make or break for McCain. If he bruises Obama the way Clinton did in the primaries, Obama will be in trouble. The momentum will turn Maverick’s way going into the final debate. If he does not bruise Obama then obama will just play rope a dope in the last debate.
McCain has to hit very hard on Fannie Mae….very hard. What makes Obama so special as to receive $125,000 in donations from the firm? Why did Obama think subprime lending was a good idea at one time? Where was he when McCain was trying to reform Fannie Mae? Did Obama reach across the aisle then? McCain and Hagel were looking for anybody to reach across the aisle.
If Scheifert wants to stay clear of certain topics, McCain should pull a Palin and steer the conversation to where he wants it to go.
Now is the time for McCain:
“Do not yield. Do not flinch. Stand up…..we’ll never surrender.”
“Maverick is finally getting serious or should I say his campaign is finally getting serious. ”
Yeah, let’s see if he can keep up with Obama. this version has fannie mae-freddie mac blame
Anchors away to use a Navy term…
Go John Go, pound that America hating, socialist, Sharia loving interloper into the fucking ground!!!
Mark Schlosser have given us the link to the full video of McCain speech that you have on this thread (18min)… it is FANTASTIC! Maybe you should embeded here:
Thanks Mark for that great video. I sure liked it when he said: “After all… I just didn’t show-out of nowhere”… (or something like this), everybody should watch the full video. McCain at it’s best. If he keeps it up till the 4th of November, Obama will become NObama.
Pete Bondurant,
Yeah, wasn’t that a great line: “Do not yield. Do not flinch. Stand up…..we’ll never surrender.”
I had goose pimples when I heard him say that.
AND the Left loves to have their own poetry and prose published – including even such well known Nobel Laureate-frauds as Rigoberto Menchu’s faked autobiography, and scientific ignoramus Algore. Not to mention Socialist Dictators from Tajikistan to North Korea who use the State to fund their literary efforts that everybody has to watch while sung or danced on TV and taught in school.
Education remember, Ayers is an Edu-guy.
The Publishing Left is also happy to fund advance after futile advance for Lefty writers who flounder and flail (Pelosi’s book, among others) as they seek to advance the narrative, while ignoring proven sellers among Conservatives…
Love the quote about the two books 🙂
Go get ’em, John!!! 😉
This crisis started in our housing market in the form of subprime loans that were pushed on people who could not afford them.
Why do they keep saying this? It doesn’t make sense. The crisis started because of the subprime loans all right but they were never pushed on people. These people wanted to game the system. They regarded it as another hand-out. Another democrat freebie. If you could buy a house and never pay on the loan you could still stay in the house for months and up to a year never paying the loan. When you were evicted all you had to do was go to another lender and start the same process all over again. There was no credit search, no job search and 100% loan. A deadbeat paradise. And we are paying for it. This is what the democrats have brought us.
This is all great, but (following the new American way) it’s completely unrealistic.
This country is in a big hole, and it’s not going to get out for at least the next 5-6 years.
Any candidate talking about balancing the budget in four years is going to be lying to the public.
OUPST! This comment should have been on another thread… sorry. I just re-posted it at the right place.
David, you are so wrong. People do not want a crook and a friend of terrorists to handle their money, do they? So they have to know who is the REAL Obama and when they will know, they will kick Obama out. That’s the game, my friend.
Go see this video that came out today, McCain tells you what he will do for economy.
Just a word of thanks to all you guys. Since I am in the 4th and final stage of congestive heart failure, the election won’t matter to me, but it will for my kids and grand kids.
God Bless You.
Marion Valentine, our thoughts are with you.
Marion, I’m sorry to hear that.
This is what we need. Obama needs to get out and answer these questions. His problem is, that the only true answers won’t get him elected. Maybe he should just cover it all up with a good speech. Have Biden go out and find one. I hear he’s good at getting them.
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think there is anything major that McCain hasn’t answered to. There isn’t anything that McCain is trying to downplay from his past. At least, nothing that I can think of. If the best Obama can come up with is “he doesn’t know how many houses he owns” or “he admits to not being able to use the computer”, then I don’t think McCain’s got anything to hide like Obama does.
Did any of you catch this speech on CNN? It was on in the background while I was at lunch. I didn’t pay close attention to it, but did notice that during the speech they were urging people to text in their thoughts, and were scrolling the text messages across the bottom of the screen. Quite a clever way to air partisan rants DURING a speech while still able to disclaim responsibility for the content.
But at one point, they cut in to read an email that “just came in”. And put a shot of the text on the computer screen while they read it. The thing is, I swear they actually interrupted the speech to do this. Was I not paying enough attention, or did they really do that? Tell me someone else saw it. And if they did, what part of the speech did they cut away from?
John Mcain’s Economic Adviser says, john Mcains plans to CUT Medicare and Medicade to pay for his health care plan.
The Obama Campaign is planing on taking this issue to florida and let seniors know that John Mcain is planing on CUTTING their source of income.
Obama’s camp. is also making ads about this across the battle ground states including Florida.
Just wait….Come Nov.4th states like flordia WILL BE BLUE!
But seriously why would John Mcain do this?
Why is he trying to cut Seniors medicare and medicade which is their source of income?
Doesn’t that say something about his character?
This Bill Ayers crap MEANS NOTHING!!!!!!
Once these seniors find out john Mcains plans to cut the MAIN source of thier income.
Like Medicare and Mediacade.
AND that he voted SEVERAL TIMES for George W. Bushes plan to privitize Social Security.
Basicly leting Seniors Social Security be gambled in THE STOCK MARKET!
They will FLOCK to Obama!
Its funny how he wants to cut medicare and medicade but, yet wants to give TAX CUTS to Big Oil Compainies and the very rich and weathy.
Oh yeah…..that’s a good idea to get the economy back on the right track!
In other words…..MCAIN IS DONE!
Obama/Biden 08-16!
The preceding announcement was sponsored by the U.S.S.A (United Socialist States of America).Paid for by George Soros.
I wish you all the very best and will remember you in my prayers.
Aye –
Air Force Times:
Just making McCain’s life an ‘open book’.
If those are the facts then so be it.
However, at one time, I checked out the ownership and editorship of the various military Times publications and found them to be solidly Democrat. In fact, at that time, the editor in chief had at least one commendation for his work in Vietnam, which was anti-military, anti-US.
So, heads up. Check it out. Maybe all has changed.
Wow… I just caught up with this thread, and I’m very saddened to hear your news, Marion.
You shall not only be missed here on FA, and on this earth. But you have made it brighter and more beautiful for your presence.
With my prayers and wishes that every day brings you joy.
@Marion Valentine: Just caught up as well….my prayers are with you Marion
McCain, “due to his absence on several key votes”, got a D.
Obama “missed four of the key votes” and got a B.
Biden “missed three” and got a B.
Unless there’s more to the story that you left out, that math don’t work.
Dave, look here to see the math of the Vets. congressional scorecard:
More here from Newsweek:
It should also be noted that the Veterans group assigned 2 points to the Post 9/11 GI Bill– due to its importance: McCain voted against it, thus losing 2 points.
Marion, thoughts and prayers for you and your family. I will remember your children and grandchildren when I vote this year.
All the military Times magazines are owned by Gannett. I don’t know if any of our past and present military members are going to comment on it, it would be interesting to hear what they think. I’ve seen postings in the past from troops that don’t care for the magazine. They like it for military news, but often disagree with the editorial content.
Interesting that McCain should get a D and still enjoy the majority of troop support:
Military Times poll: Troops backing McCain
By Brendan McGarry – Staff writer
Posted : Tuesday Oct 7, 2008 9:21:32 EDT
Sen. John McCain enjoys overwhelming support from the military’s professional core, though race appears to be a decisive factor for career-oriented black service members, a Military Times survey of nearly 4,300 readers indicates.
McCain, R-Ariz., handily defeated Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., 68 percent to 23 percent in a voluntary survey of 4,293 active-duty, National Guard and reserve subscribers and former subscribers to Army Times, Navy Times, Marine Corps Times and Air Force Times.
Well, that’s not really surprising, Missy; yet, the Veterans group grading McCain with a D is.
Here’s is a piece many are looking at, as it is a behind the scenes take on why the press turned on McCain:
Does the tooth fairy still visit? Easter Bunny? I hope not to many waste time on that article, wish I hadn’t.
AFT mag:
You mean the veterans that bothered to take part in that specific reader poll, just like the one I posted, they aren’t scientific, they are done to shape news for people like you. Many military members out in the field don’t have a chance to see the magazines, many military members ignore them and those that do read them, don’t all participate. You have a handful of participants that do not represent the military as a whole.
@doug1: I’m sorry, but didn’t those “key votes” regarding troop funding include lots and lots of “goodies” (ie pork)? If you have the links to the actual bills, I think you should post them. Then let us make the judgement whether those groups are right or wrong, or whether McCain is true to his word on voting no on legislation that includes pork.
Let’s look a little more closely at the organization that did this “report card” shall we?
Here’s the press release that was sent out by e-mail from the Obama Campaign:
The press release was sent by Phil Carter, Veterans Director, Obama for America.
Phil Carter.
Remember that name.
Here’s some more info about Phil Carter:
Where did that come from you ask?
Why, right here at the IAVA website under “Staff”.
So, not only does Mr. Carter serve as an adviser for Obama’s campaign, he also is a founding member of the “non-partisan” IAVA which has just released a “report card” critical of Senator McCain.
Here’s a BONUS PRIZE for you.
doug1, doug1, where are you?
Cool site Aye, bookmarked it!