Setting a New Tone in Washington?

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What Senator Obama and Senator McCain failed to do in their debate:

Democratic vice presidential nominee Senator Joe Biden and Republican vice presidential nominee Alaska Governor Sarah Palin smile as they chat onstage at the end of their vice presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, October 2, 2008.
REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Democratic vice presidential nominee Senator Joe Biden rests his hands on Piper Palin, daughter of Republican vice presidential nominee Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, after the U.S. vice presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, October 2, 2008.

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Piper rocks. I love how she positioned herself between Biden and her Mom. She was looking for cameras, too. That little girl is going to be a force to be reckoned with if she goes into politics. She instinctively knows what to do, just like her Mom.

She’s just adorable!!

I hope she had previously been prepped with biden-repellant…..

God help us, the bailout passed. Pleasse tell me they stripped out the carbon tax. PLEASE!

I liked Biden’s Jesse Helms story. If the bipartisanship we need ever going to happen, Amercians have got to stop demonizing other Americans who happen to have a different view…

So tell me, what the hell do republicans think they are doing endorsing this woman? She is as ignorant as she is ridiculous. She winks for christ sake! this isn’t a goddamn beauty pageant! She COULD BE PRESIDENT. McCain is one year away from being the age median of death for American men. He pulled a publicity stunt picking her and that was an irresponsible conniving awful thing to do. and mark my words IT WILL NOT WORK.


The accomplishments of Gov. Palin:

with futures posts (parts II & III) to follow, per the author.

Both debaters did a good job in setting the new tone. They spoke to each other emphatically, but without animosity. Biden in particular did well by beaming a warm smile/amusement whenever Sarah made a good attack. This had the effect of distracting from Palin’s point, which I think worked in Joe’s favor. Alternatively, when Biden spoke, Palin did a lot of looking up, then down, then smile, then down again, etc. it made her look less assured I thought.

The dynamic was so different when the Pres. candidates debated, it was clear they despised each other, also, McCain seemed to fidget allot and spoke looking at the moderator, not the camera, fortunately Palin spoke directly to the camera. If McCain could learn from this and adopt a more Reaganesqu sense of relaxed and smiling confidence when dealing with Obama he would do much better.

Overall, it was hard to say who “won,” Palin really won just by not bombing as the MSM had everyone anticipating. What I thought she did wrong was to not directly answer some of Biden’s most strident criticisms, she just let those pass, also, it often seemed after Biden made a good hit, the moderator would happily end the topic and move to the next, some definite bias there, but, Palin could have also spoken up and insisted on replying.

Overall, I like the change of tone and it is a credit to both candidates.

However… Piper once again stole the show! America really needs to know more about this little girl who will be a heartbeat away from her mothers heartbeat… or something like that. Here are some prior warning signs!


Breaking – New Palin Scandal!

Impacting Hard

The political world was thrown into chaos Tuesday night as a possible devastating scandal involving Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and one of her children emerged. The New York Times is set to report in five front page articles on Wednesday morning that Piper, the Palin’s 6-year-old daughter, has been a very naughty girl, raising questions about Gov. Palin’s governing abilities.

Among other shocking details, the Times is revealing that Piper once stayed up past bedtime and refused to eat her vegetables. Bernice Satanica, the head of Humorless Alliance for Grrls! (HAG), responded to the revelations by asking, “If she can’t get her 6-year-old to eat broccoli, can we really trust her to negotiate with Ahmadinejad? What kind of mother has ever had a child that disobeyed them?”

Campbell Brown, a CNN anchor who also works as a spokesman for the Obama campaign, asked a McCain staffer about the damaging information during her most recent newscast. ”This makes one wonder if Palin was really vetted at all. Why didn’t the McCain campaign hire a private investigator to follow Piper around so they could have avoided this embarrassment from the start?” Campbell then went on to say that Gen. Petraeus was in charge of putting kids to bed, not parents, before turning things over to Anderson Cooper, who had just returned from a day of antique shopping and Appletinis with his girlfriend, Anita Beard.


Breaking – New Palin Scandal!

Sorry NJOY, the left has no room to talk of inexperience just as Fit has no room to talk of “Amercians have got to stop demonizing other Americans who happen to have a different view”. What Fit really means “conservatives need to shut up and do exactly what the leftists tell them to” and “any attack you make or complaint you level at a leftist will be called ‘racist’, ‘bigoted’ and leftists will call you a “NAZI”; and in the next sentence, the leftist will spout national socialist garbage and not even blink”.

However, when the leftist calls conservatives all sorts of crap, makes up lies, and recites leftist garbage shouting points verbatim, that is ok as the leftist is not being partisan (as only conservatives can be partisan according to the left), just demonstrating how “enlightened” and “intelligent” said leftist is….. Pardon me while I reject your double standards. If Obama is elected, I fully expect the left to tell everyone to “shut up or else” as they did in 92 and wanted to in 2000. In the 80s I saw a bumper sticker popular with leftists which stated “Question Authority”. Under Clinton, I learned there was a rider to that statement: “Unless a leftist is in power”. I believe the same holds for “Dissent is Patriotic” according to the power lusting left.

Palin is intelligent and FAR more experienced than Obama. She is also not an arrogant elitist. With Obama we get the big wigs of Fanny Mea/Freddy Mac (millions donated to Dems and they are on his campaign) in charge, Bill Ayers, Resco, Sorros, ACRON, the fake “anti-war” groups, the use of threats/intimidation and the FCC against media outlets daring to question Obama, violence and calls for disrupting the McCain/Palin campaign incited on Obama’s website (repeatedly), lies about US troops and our efforts (which I take personally), support from our enemies (even financially until non-MSM sources discovered it), attacks by “brownshirts” on conservatives (media calls the “anarchists”), and the list goes on and on to sickening lengths.

Then we get the “vast” experience of Biden and wanting to placate the Arabs after 9-11 by sending money to the Persians. We get gaff after gaff. Lie after lie. If Obama or Biden were republicans, they would never have advanced past the first vote in the primaries as the media would have skewered them on their pasts, present financial links, and actually force them to articulate what they intend to do to America.

But then I am still wondering what will be the emblem on the red armbands of Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”. But don’t worry leftists, Congress and the President (sadly) just passed the “Let’s give the US Treasury to leftist funders” Bill. Citibank, Bank of America, Country Wide, Fanny/Freddy and other leftist funders should be squealing in joy…. The Stock market, however, is not.

I was just going to vote against Obama’s desire for totalitarian socialism and racial hatred as I do not like McCain much, but I find now that I have someone to vote FOR in Gov Palin.


Senator Biden kept his hands on Piper Palin’s shoulders so she wouldn’t fix his hair.

great new video

So tell me, what the hell do republicans think they are doing endorsing this woman? She is as ignorant as she is ridiculous. She winks for christ sake! this isn’t a goddamn beauty pageant! She COULD BE PRESIDENT.

Wow… a litmus test for no winking…. Who woulda thunk it? LOL

That you measure intelligence and efficiency with personal delivery doesn’t give you many points on brain power either, NJOY. So I’ll just repeat something from those in Alaska who made the error of thinking like you.

“The landscape is littered with the bodies of those who crossed Sarah,” says pollster Dave Dittman, who worked for her gubernatorial campaign. It includes Ruedrich, Renkes, Murkowski, gubernatorial contenders John Binkley and Andrew Halcro, the three big oil companies in Alaska, and a section of the Daily News called “Voice of the Times,” which was highly critical of Palin and is now defunct.

The last laugh is on you, NJOY… right along with the others quoted above.


Now we can picture little Piper giving Biden’s plugs a spit bath. Now that’s funny, thanks for the chuckle 11B40.


You came very close to owing me a new keyboard.

Very, very close.

I’m sure it’s not what is meant, but I read the user name NJOY as NO JOY, which is exactly what we’ll all feel if Obama is elected, and what I pray is what NJOY will feel on Nov 5, along with all those adoring crowds in Europe. I forgot that Europeans got a vote on Nov 4, or is that where Obama’s 57 or 58 or just HOW many states there are came from. Sorry, NJOY, I think you’ll be remembering Casey at the Bat on the morning of Nov 5, after Mighty Obama bin Biden strikes out.

Every time you or, even more importantly, the in-the-bag media attack McCain, Palin or conservatives in general, you rack up more votes for McCain/Palin. Keep up the good work, NO JOY, you and your ilk are more effective than donating time and/or money to the McCain/Palin campaign, not that I’m stopping doing either, you understand .

Walter M. Clark

I liked Biden’s Jesse Helms story.

Probably another lie but it can’t be proved as Jesse Helms is dead. So he’s safe there. But it sounds like one of his folksy tall tales.

In the first picture Biden looks like he just struck gold. Dirty old man. I used to have these old geezers try to hit on me when I was younger. Barf. He’s so stupid he probably thinks he has a chance with her. I wonder how much she has to put up with with her looks. A lot, I’ll bet. Don’t get too friendly, Joe, Todd is on the stage too. And you are standing entirely too close. Notice how she kept Piper between them and then went and picked up the baby far away from Joe.